Xcode storyboard is masking uitabbarcontroller elements with blue colour - ios

When I launched my project, all the uitabbarcontroller views are covered in blue. I didn't set the background to blue in code or by using the storyboard. And all of the elements that I add onto the storyboard go behind this mask.
Here is what it looks like. What could I be doing wrong?
Using Xcode 10 and Swift 3.

This is a bug in Xcode 8, when you add an image to your tabbar item the blue area will be removed for that specific viewController. So add an image to the tabbar item and the blue mask will disappear.


iOS: the background of the home indicator(area below toolbar) grayed for a while during push

The toolbar's translucent is false. The color of the toolbar and the area below toolbar is white. When pushing a new view controller of the same class(both have toolbar in the bottom), the color of the area below toolbar will be changed to gray and then back to white at the end.
If I set the background color for the navigation controller or the key window to red, the red color will also be darkened a little bit during transition.
This problem occurs in iOS 13, 14, 15, and maybe present from the beginning since the introduction of iPhone X.
Any help is welcome, thanks in advance.
It seems during push transition, the old tableview are also grayed, which make the area below toolbar become gray.
My final solution is to make the toolbar extend to outside safe area by setting clip bounds to false.

Gray bar visible on iPhoneXS throughout app

Header image with gray bar on top
I am converting our app to fit correctly on newer iOS devices. We are using xib files for the UI. I added a launch screen storyboard to start off the new formatting. I noticed a gray bar across the top of every screen. It is not part of the view controller and I've tried removing the status bar but that only makes the text and icons disappear. I don't think it's the navigation bar either since we have that hidden as well. I have checked the Safe Area Layouts.
Any ideas on what this is and how I can remove it to extend my view all the way to the top? The blue in the image is the color I currently set the background of my view controller and we have a custom header view below that.
Using the View Hierarchy, as suggested, I was able to see the view behind my main view. I inspected the code for that initial view and found the previous developers had offset the Navigation Controller by 20. That is what created the bar on all the views. I have adjusted to remove the offset and it looks perfect now.

Xcode 8 storyboard view controllers all blue background

When I first created my storyboard all the elements on each UIViewController showed up just fine; however, after opening up my storyboard again the view controllers have turned all blue.
Is this some kind of issue with Xcode or is there a setting that turns my view controllers blue?
I have checked each subview's (UIViews, UIImageViews, etc.) tint color and background color.
I think you have to tap each of them to give them the tabbar icon, then it will become normal
Rashwan here says that having to add an image, while a good thing, is also a Xcode 8.0 bug that it turns your entire screen blue.
I added an image to the tab bar and it make my screen visible. However, the area where I added an image in the tab bar is now blue and it doesn't display properly when run on the simulator.
I think the solution is to upgrade Xcode past 8.0.

Gradient appears behind navigation bar after app launch

When my app is launching, as soon as the launch image is replaced by the initial view, a white gradient appears behind the navigation bar for one second (1st image) then disappears (2nd image).
I've tried to change the initial view to a different one to check if it's adding that gradient but it's still being added even with a plain UITableViewController.
Any clue or ideas on what might be causing this gradient during the transition from the launch image to the initial view?
update the viewwillappear method to set the navigation bar translucent
navigationbar.translucent = NO
Apparently this was a bug in iOS and has been fixed in 7.1

Creating a custom UINavigationbar for iPad in iOS 5 with ARC

I am creating an iPad application for ios 5 using arc and storyboard in xcode 4.3. I need to customize the UInavigationbar to make it broader than its usual size (almost double sized) and add to it some custom logos (images) and buttons. Can anyone pls point me in the correct direction on how this can be acheived? any third party libraries are also welcome if required.
Thanks in advance for your help on this one.
To start, you'll want to subclass UINavigationBar. While it is possible to change the height, the UINavigationBar background isn't going to play nicely, so you'll probably want to use your own background image.
Here's some information about resizing the navigation bar
Change the height of NavigationBar and UIBarButtonItem elements inside it in Cocoa Touch
iPhone - How set uinavigationbar height?
And another article on how to add the images and buttons as subviews.
I don′t know how you would change the size of the UINavigation bar.
To add custom buttons you can outlet your navigationItem in the storyboard to the interface of your view controller. Then use setLeftBarButtonItems: and setRightBarButtonItems: to put multiple buttons you previously created.
To add custom black and white logos to the buttons you can use [navigationButtonItem setBackgroundImage: yourImage].
If you want your logos in color you can create a UIButton with the colored logo ([newButton setImage: yourImage]) and then init your navigation button item with : initWithCustomView: newButton.
