SSZipArchive "failed to open zip file" -- url.path is not the solution - ios

Edit 2:
I tried Zip from marmelroy ( and it failed on the zip-file created witch ZipArchive too.
Then I created another zip-file with Zip and this one worked fine for unzipping.
There seems to be a problem with ZipArchive for me. I will use Zip instead and thats it for me ...
Thx for the answers !!
End edit 2.
I need to unzip certain files so I manually installed SSZipArchive.
Copied all 3 folders (SSZipArchive, minizip, aes) to project, added #import "ZipArchive.h" in my bridging.h and all builds nicely.
Used Carthage as recommended, but same behavior.
End edit.
I use Xcode 8 / Swift 3
After a few tests with no unzipping any file, I created my own zip using SSZipArchive.
let file = "file.txt"
let text = "some text" //just a text
let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first
let path = dir?.appendingPathComponent(file)
do {
try text.write(to: path!, atomically: false, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
catch {
print("Failed writing")
Here I print() the Documentsdirectory: ["file.txt"]
let zipPath = tempZipPath() //tempZipPath is taken from the SSZipArchiveExample except it uses DocumentDirectory instead of Cache...
print("zipPath: \(zipPath)")
print zipPath: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EB439A61-07B9-4910-BF28-03E85C50B292/Documents/
let success = SSZipArchive.createZipFile(atPath: zipPath, withContentsOfDirectory: (dir?.absoluteString)!)
if success {
} else {
print(" NOT zipped")
Again the Documentsdirectories entries: ["", "file.txt"]
// this is again taken from the original Example
guard let unzipPath = tempUnzipPath() else {
print("unzipPath: \(unzipPath)")
print unzipPath: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EB439A61-07B9-4910-BF28-03E85C50B292/Documents/E4FC7DE6-F21B-46D8-9953-DCBF86E2268E
Reading the entries of this new directory: []
let filePath = zipPath
var fileSize : UInt64 = 0
do {
let attr : NSDictionary? = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: filePath) as NSDictionary?
if let _attr = attr {
fileSize = _attr.fileSize();
print("fileSize: \(fileSize)")
} catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
this writes 22. I also tried to read the zip-file which works fine
From this part on I was desperate what to do
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: zipPath)
print("url: \(url)")
print("url.path: \(url.path)")
print("url.absoluteString: \(url.absoluteString)")
print("url.absoluteURL: \(url.absoluteURL)")
print("url.absoluteURL.absoluteString: \(url.absoluteURL.absoluteString)")
The output of these lines look all good for me:
And then I tried them all (Strings of course. No url allowed)
var success2 = SSZipArchive.unzipFile(atPath: zipPath, toDestination: unzipPath)
if !success2 {
success2 = SSZipArchive.unzipFile(atPath: url.path, toDestination: unzipPath)
if !success2 {
success2 = SSZipArchive.unzipFile(atPath: url.absoluteString, toDestination: unzipPath)
if !success2 {
success2 = SSZipArchive.unzipFile(atPath: url.absoluteURL.path, toDestination: unzipPath)
if !success2 {
And it prints every line, so they all failed. At the end here comes the "long" way with unipFileAtPath. I tried this one too with zipPath, ...
All the same results.
do {
success2 = try SSZipArchive.unzipFileAtPath(url.path, toDestination: unzipPath, overwrite: true, password: nil, delegate: nil)
if !success2 {
} catch {
print("error \(error)")
print("error \(error.localizedDescription)")
error Error Domain=SSZipArchiveErrorDomain Code=-1 "failed to open zip
file" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=failed to open zip file} error
failed to open zip file
Here the to func to get the path-strings. btw. I modified tempZipPath so returns an URL or an URL.path
but hey: I was desperate
func tempZipPath() -> String {
var path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0]
path += "/\(UUID().uuidString).zip"
return path
func tempUnzipPath() -> String? {
var path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0]
path += "/\(UUID().uuidString)"
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: url, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
return nil
return url.path
Any suggestions? Is there something to consider manually installing SSZipArchive?
The tip "use .path instead of .absoluteString" didn't work for me as u can see above.
a desperate tartsigam

I had the problem, too. If you use url.path instead of url.absolutString, it works.
Thanks to vadian for the hint!

Before zip don't extract file and return false.
After put this in Build Settings / Apple CLang Prepocessing / Preprocessor Macros Debug e Release works here

In my case, using ObjC and manual installation, I forgot to Add the following GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS:
After adding these GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS it worked as expected.


iOS file path is changing at every launch/rerun the application

I have an issues in changing the file path at every launch of the app.
I have a file("AppConstant.json") in application bundle, and this file I need to copy into application document directory. I am successfully saving "AppConstant.json" file inside the created user folder "MyFolder" on Document directory.
But the problem is when I relaunch the application second time, it's not showing the same path. Also I am using relativepath, but still it not getting.
here is the code
// calling the directory
let stringAppConstant = copyFileFromBundleToDocumentDirectory(resourceFile: "AppConstant", resourceExtension: "json")
// saving or get exit file path
func copyFileFromBundleToDocumentDirectory(resourceFile: String, resourceExtension: String) -> String
var stringURLPath = "Error_URLPath"
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let docURL = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first!
let destFolderPath = URL(string:docURL)?.appendingPathComponent("MyFolder")
let fileName = "\(resourceFile).\(resourceExtension)"
guard let newDestPath = destFolderPath, let sourcePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: resourceFile, ofType: ".\(resourceExtension)"), let fullDestPath = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: newDestPath.absoluteString).appendingPathComponent(fileName) else {
return stringURLPath
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: newDestPath.path) {
do {
try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: newDestPath.path,withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
print("Created folder successfully in :::", newDestPath.path)
} catch {
print("Error in creating folder :::",error.localizedDescription);
else {
print("Folder is already exist!")
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: fullDestPath.path) {
print("File is exist in ::: \(fullDestPath.path)")
stringURLPath = fullDestPath.path
else {
do {
try fileManager.copyItem(atPath: sourcePath, toPath: fullDestPath.path)
print("Saved file successfully in :::", fullDestPath.path)
stringURLPath = fullDestPath.path
} catch {
print("Error in creating file ::: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return stringURLPath
Please help me, where I need to save the path in Sandbox. Is this right way what I implemented.
I am running in device and simulator, both path are different while relaunch
this is the path for first time launch:
relaunch the application I am getting new path:
NOTE: I create a sample project and I use this same code and it's working. But in existing project it's not working. I am using the same bundle id and profile only for both sample and project. Checked the file added reference, settings, version all are same.
Any idea?
The behavior that the container path changes periodically is normal.
These lines
let destFolderPath = URL(string:docURL)?.appendingPathComponent("MyFolder")
let fileName = "\(resourceFile).\(resourceExtension)"
guard let newDestPath = destFolderPath, let sourcePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: resourceFile, ofType: ".\(resourceExtension)"), let fullDestPath = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: newDestPath.absoluteString).appendingPathComponent(fileName) else {
return stringURLPath
contain a lot of mistakes
URL(string is the wrong API for file paths, it's URL(fileURLWithPath).
The second parameter of path(forResource:ofType:) must not have a leading dot.
The API absoluteString is wrong as parameter of URL(fileURLWithPath
Not a real mistake but don't use NSURL in Swift.
It's highly recommended to use always the URL related API to concatenate paths and get the documents folder from FileManager. Further it's good practice to make the method throw the real error rather than returning a meaningless literal string. And NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains is outdated and should not be used in Swift.
func copyFileFromBundleToDocumentDirectory(resourceFile: String, resourceExtension: String) throws -> URL
let sourceURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: resourceFile, withExtension: resourceExtension)!
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let destFolderURL = try fileManager.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false).appendingPathComponent("MyFolder")
let fullDestURL = destFolderURL.appendingPathComponent(resourceFile).appendingPathExtension(resourceExtension)
if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: destFolderURL.path) {
try fileManager.createDirectory(at: destFolderURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
print("Created folder successfully in :::", destFolderURL.path)
try fileManager.copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: fullDestURL)
print("Saved file successfully in :::", fullDestURL.path)
} else {
print("Folder already exists!")
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: fullDestURL.path) {
print("File exists in ::: \(fullDestURL.path)")
} else {
try fileManager.copyItem(at: sourceURL, to: fullDestURL)
print("Saved file successfully in :::", fullDestURL.path)
return fullDestURL
Edit 1:
Hi I created the new project and use the same code I posted in main, and it's working. But in the real project it not working.
Not sure what exactly going on in your project, try to debug it. It's part of development as well. :)
If you are in hurry to fix this issue in this weekend try to use the following code snippet.
// collect data from bundle
let constFileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "AppConst", withExtension: "json")!
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: constFileURL)
// try to write data in document directory
do {
let constFileURL = try saveFileInDocumentDirectory(filePath: "MyFolder/AppConst.json", data: data)
// use your `constFileURL`
} catch (let error as FileOperationError) {
switch error {
case .fileAlreadyExists(let url):
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8))
case .IOError(let error):
print("IO Error \(error)")
} catch {
print("Unknown Error \(error)")
// Helpers
enum FileOperationError: Error {
case fileAlreadyExists(url: URL)
case IOError(Error)
func saveFileInDocumentDirectory(filePath: String, data: Data) throws -> URL {
// final destination path
let destURLPath = fullURLPathOf(filePath, relativeTo: .documentDirectory)
// check for file's existance and throw error if found
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: destURLPath.path) == false else {
throw FileOperationError.fileAlreadyExists(url: destURLPath)
// Create Intermidiate Folders
let intermidiateDicPath = destURLPath.deletingLastPathComponent()
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: intermidiateDicPath.path) == false {
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: intermidiateDicPath, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
throw FileOperationError.IOError(error)
// File Writing
do {
try data.write(to: destURLPath, options: .atomic)
} catch {
throw FileOperationError.IOError(error)
return destURLPath
func fullURLPathOf(_ relativePath: String, relativeTo dic:FileManager.SearchPathDirectory ) -> URL {
return FileManager.default.urls(for: dic, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent(relativePath)
Original Answer
Why don't you just return "MyFolder/\(fileName)" on successful file operation? If you need to access the path later you can always do that using FileManager APIs.
let docDir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
let constFilePath = docDir.appendingPathComponent("MyFolder/\(fileName)")
// Access const file data
do {
let fileData = try Data(contentsOf: constFilePath)
// Use you data for any further checking
} catch {
// Error in reading file data
print("Error in file data access : \(error)")

Where is the file saved with the path .documentDirectory

As the titel rleaves. I'm facing the issue, that I have no clue how to save the csv file to the document of the devices so I can get accesse outside my app. Can any body help?
So far I tried this code.
func creatCSV() -> Void {
let fileName = "Tasks.csv"
do {
guard let path = try? FileManager.default.url(
for: .documentDirectory,
in: .allDomainsMask,
appropriateFor: nil,
create: false
).appendingPathComponent(fileName) as NSURL else {
var csvText = "Date,Task Name,Time Started,Time Ended\n"
for task in taskArr {
let newLine = "\(,\(,\(task.startTime),\(task.endTime)\n"
try csvText.write(to: path as URL, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
} catch {
print("Failed to create file")
print("not found")
But I have no clue where I finde the file after I called the funtion.
Long story short: You have to set in "info.plist" "Application supports iTunes file sharing" to "YES"

Swift 3 Creating a folder throws error "file does not exist" [duplicate]

I have this function to save an image inside the tmp folder
private func saveImageToTempFolder(image: UIImage, withName name: String) {
if let data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1) {
let tempDirectoryURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSTemporaryDirectory(), isDirectory: true)
let targetURL = tempDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("\(name).jpg").absoluteString
print("target: \(targetURL)")
data.writeToFile(targetURL, atomically: true)
But when I open the temp folder of my app, it is empty. What am I doing wrong to save the image inside the temp folder?
absoluteString is not the correct method to get a file path of
an NSURL, use path instead:
let targetPath = tempDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("\(name).jpg").path!
data.writeToFile(targetPath, atomically: true)
Or better, work with URLs only:
let targetURL = tempDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent("\(name).jpg")
data.writeToURL(targetURL, atomically: true)
Even better, use writeToURL(url: options) throws
and check for success or failure:
do {
try data.writeToURL(targetURL, options: [])
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Could not write file", error.localizedDescription)
Swift 3/4 update:
let targetURL = tempDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("\(name).jpg")
do {
try data.write(to: targetURL)
} catch {
print("Could not write file", error.localizedDescription)
A solution is to try to write directly to the complete FileManager() file path like so :
let filePath = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("\(id).mp4")
//You can choose a specific directory with FileManager.default.urls(for:in:)
before doing
DispatchQueue.main.async {
do {
try data?.write(to: filePath)
//Write is a success
} catch {
//Error while trying to write

Why are deleted files coming back after a new write to file? Swift 2.0

I am writing an app in swift that logs sensor data to a txt file. When I have an event occur that needs to be logged I create the filename
func createNewLogFile (){
// Create a new file name
currentFileName = "log\(NSDate()).txt"
//get the path
let paths = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)
//create the file
_ = paths[0].URLByAppendingPathComponent(currentFileName)
After the file is created I write data to the new file like this:
func writeData (data: String){
// get the path to document directory
let paths = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)
let filePath = paths[0].URLByAppendingPathComponent(currentFileName)
//get the data to be logged
let stringLocation = data
let stringData = stringLocation.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false)!
//look to see if the file exist
if NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(filePath.path!) {
do {
//seek to the end of the file to append data
let fileHandle = try NSFileHandle(forWritingToURL: filePath)
} catch {
print("Can't open fileHandle \(error)")
} else {
do {
// write to new file
try stringData.writeToURL(filePath, options: .DataWritingAtomic)
} catch {
print("Can't write to new file \(error)")
When I delete the files (from a different ViewController or the same, I tried both)
I am calling this DeleteAllFiles
func deleteAllFiles (Extension: String){
let dirs = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)
let dir = dirs[0]
do {
let fileList = try NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtURL(dir, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions())
//return fileList as [String]
for elements in fileList{
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtURL(elements)
print("old Files has been removed")
} catch let error as NSError {
}catch let error as NSError {
I then refresh the list and the files seem to be gone.(even when I go back and forth between views) However, when I write a new file and refresh the list the files are back with the new file.
This even happens when I delete them from iTunes using the shared files feature.
Any ideas on why this is happening? I am not getting any helpful error messages.
I found the fix for the problem.
When I was creating the file I actually only meant to create the file name. There was no reason to actually create the file at this time. I am creating the actual file when I write to it.
func createNewLogFile (){
// Create a new file name
currentFileName = "log\(NSDate()).txt"
//Removed creating actual file code

Read file in swift, iOS playground

Having searched through the many (many!) swift playground questions to even craft this code, I'm still struggling.
I've placed a text file in the Resources folder of package contents, and it appears as an alias (link) in the running temp files generated by the playground (/var/folders/ ...).
import UIKit
let bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
let myFilePath = bundle.pathForResource("dict1", ofType: "txt")
println(myFilePath) // <-- this is correct, there is a shortcut to the Resource file at this location
var error:NSError?
var content = String(contentsOfFile:myFilePath!, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: &error)
println(content!) // <-- this is *NOT* the file contents [EDIT: see later note]
// Demonstrate there's no error
if let theError = error {
} else {
print("No error")
The problem being, that content is shown in the playground output as being Some "apple\ngame\nhow\nswift\ntoken", rather than the file contents as expected.
It's finding the file, because if I change the filename, it errors. Any advice on getting the file contents?
Xcode 6.1
So, the actual problem was that I wasn't expecting the playground output (including, println) to be escaped. That, combined with fatigue and other stupidities led me to believe there was a problem, when none existed.
Interestingly, not everything seems to be escaped in playground:
println("foo\nbar") // Outputs "foo\nbar", escaped
println("\\n") // Outputs "\n", unescaped
You can try creating a class for opening and saving your files:
edit/update: Swift 5 or later
class File {
class func open(
_ path: String,
encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8
) throws -> String {
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path) else {
throw NSError(
domain: "NSCocoaErrorDomain",
code: 260,
userInfo: [
"NSUnderlyingError": #"Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory""#,
"NSFilePath": path
) as Error
return try String(
contentsOfFile: path,
encoding: encoding
class func save(
_ path: String,
_ content: String,
encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8
) throws {
try content.write(
toFile: path,
atomically: true,
encoding: encoding
let stringToSave: String = "Your text"
if let fileURL = FileManager.default.urls(
for: .desktopDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask
).first?.appendingPathComponent("file.txt") {
do {
try, stringToSave)
print("file saved")
} catch {
print("Error saving file:", error)
if let fileURL = FileManager.default.urls(
for: .desktopDirectory,
in: .userDomainMask
).first?.appendingPathComponent("file.txt") {
do {
let loadedText = try
print("Loaded text:", loadedText)
} catch {
print("Error reading file:", error)
Or if you prefer extending StringProtocol:
extension StringProtocol {
func open(from directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory = .documentDirectory,
in domain: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask,
encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> String {
let directory = try FileManager.default.url(
for: directory,
in: domain,
appropriateFor: nil,
create: true
return try String(
contentsOf: directory.appendingPathComponent(.init(self)),
encoding: encoding
func save(as fileName: String,
to directory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory = .documentDirectory,
in domain: FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask = .userDomainMask,
encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws {
let directory = try FileManager.default.url(
for: directory,
in: domain,
appropriateFor: nil,
create: true
try write(to: directory.appendingPathComponent(fileName),
atomically: true,
encoding: encoding)
Usage iOS (saving/loading from documents directory):
let stringToSave: String = "Your text"
let fileName = "file.txt"
do {
try fileName)
print("Text saved!!!")
let loadedText = try
print("Text loaded:", loadedText)
} catch {
print("Error:", error)
Usage macOS (saving/loading from desktop directory):
let string = "Your text"
let fileName = "file.txt"
do {
try fileName, to: .desktopDirectory)
print("Text saved!!!")
let loadedText = try .desktopDirectory)
print("Text loaded:", loadedText)
} catch {
print("Error:", error)
I have seen this problem with .txt files created from .rtf files using TextEdit.
I loaded a text.txt file in the resources folder of my playground using similar code to you. The file contents was "hello there" and was made by converting an .rtf file to .txt by changing the extension.
let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("text", ofType: "txt")//or rtf for an rtf file
var text = String(contentsOfFile: path!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil)!
The output was:
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 hello there}
So the "hello there" is embedded. This is the problem with all the layout information in a .rtf file.
I went back to TextEdit and created a true .txt file. After opening a file - Format|Make Plain Text
Now this same code gave the console output "hello there".
