How to add text to the textfield inside dataChangedListener in codename one? - textbox

I am using TextField and on addDataChangedListener I am trying to add some character to the text field if length of the text field is 2 but it is not working for me.can you please help me how to achieve my requirement.
For this thing i use below mention code,
text.addDataChangedListener(new DataChangedListener() {
public void dataChanged(int type, int index) {
if(text.getText().length() == 2)
text.setText(text.getText() + "/");

Instead of DataChangedListener use ActionListener which got triggered when the TextField lost focus.
You can't modify the content of a TextField while typing because of its Async state.
text.addActionListener(evt -> {
if(text.getText().length() == 2)
text.setText(text.getText() + "/");


MVVM Light TextView two-way binding in Xamarin (Android)

Has anyone successfully implemented a two-way binding on a TextView with MVVM Light? Two-way works perfectly fine with EditView, but the moment I try two-way binding with TextView - only one way binding works. Does anyone have any insight as to why, please?
View Model:
private string _someField;
public string SomeField
get { return _someField; }
set { Set(ref _someField, value); }
private EditText _editableText;
public EditText EditableText;
get { return _editableTex ?? (_editableTex = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.editText1)); }
private TextView _simpleText
public TextView SimpleText
get { return _simpleText ?? (_simpleText = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textDateDisplay)); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
bindings.Add(this.SetBinding(() => vm.SomeField, () => EditableText.Text, BindingMode.TwoWay));
bindings.Add(this.SetBinding(() => vm.SomeField, () => SimpleText.Text, BindingMode.TwoWay));
No errors are thrown. But when I change (in code) of the View the text of the EditableText (EditableText.Text="asdf";) the corresponding set { Set(ref _someField, value); } triggers in the VewModel. It also triggers, naturally, if I just type in the EditText widget.
However, when I change (in code) the text property of the SimpleText (SimpleText.Text="2145";) it does not trigger the corresponding set.
Does anyone know why?
Thank you very much for help,
You can't set a two-way binding with TextViews, because they doesn't allow input by user.
When you are using MVVM pattern you should never update the view. You should update the bound model property. So you should replace SimpleText.Text = "2145"; with vm.SomeField = "2145";.

How does the Vaadin table work with Navigator?

I'm writing a view which navigates to a table entry's page displayed on the left side when a table entry (on the right) is chosen. This is similar to the addressbook tutorial on Vaadin's site, only I make use of the Navigator and views.
While I got the navigation to work (clicking on entry with id #12 navigates to localhost:8080/test/12) and a test label in the view's enter() gets changed to match the id, testTable.getItem(event.getParameters()) returns null for some reason so I can't access the entry.
The ValueChangeListener and enter() for the view are shown below.
class ValueChangeListener implements Property.ValueChangeListener {
Object testId;
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
// Navigate to a chosen table entry
this.testId = event.getProperty().getValue();
navigator.navigateTo("test/" + testId);
public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) {
Object tmp = event.getParameters();
testName.setValue((String) tmp); // is set to the id
System.out.println(testTable.getItem(tmp) == null); // DEBUG: always returns true
I think you should change this:
System.out.println(testTable.getItem(tmp) == null);
to this:
String str = (String) tmp;
if (str != null && !str.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(testTable.getItem(Integer.parseInt(str)) == null);
I think there's something wrong in how you manage you Navigator.
Firstly when you change view with Navigator you who should add a proper "URL fragment" with "#".
For example the Vaadin sampler uses:
If in your URL there's no "#" ViewChangeEvent.getParameters() gives you null or isEmpty().

jQuery disable submit button if text box contains these variables

How I can strip out the variables listed below from within a textbox (input) that if a user tries to type a URL i.e these variables:
If any of the variables above exist in the textbox on keyup the submit button gets disabled or/and it removes/strips out the variables above.
Is this possible? I've tried doing it using Charcodes, but I face the problem that I would like the user to still use '.; (full-stops) etc
Can somebody help?
Here you go!
var a = ["http://", "www.", ".com", ""]; //Add the substrings
if($("#myinput").attr("value").indexOf(k) > -1)
alert('Found!'); //Do something
return true;
return false;
Every time the user types a char, it checks for the string in array a. If the substring is found, it popups an alert message.
Using blur it will check for the string only when the user go outs of the input box (its more efficient using blur, but you can use this way if you want to check few strings and the input value is not too long).
Try this,
$("#textboxId").blur(function (event) {
var text =;
if(text.contains("www")) {
$("submitBtnId").prop('disabled', true);

smartgwt listgrid set cursor to hand over an icon field

I've been working on this problem for quite a while but have not been able to solve it.
I have a listgrid with a field type icon. I would like to change the cursor to "hand" over the icon.
I've been searching the web and saw that a couple of solutions existed.
One of them is using addCellOverHandler for the list grid. But I don't understand how you can change the cursor for the specified field of the listgrid.
this.addCellOverHandler(new CellOverHandler() {
public void onCellOver(CellOverEvent event) {
// not able to get the field and setCursor()
My field in the listgrid is defined as:
ListGridField iconField = new ListGridField("icon");
Like someone pointed out on the forum, a setCursor() method exist for the listgrid, but not for the field only...
If anybody has a clue...
After some more (a lot more...) googling, I found this:
The thing is to Override the getCellStyle method in the listgrid.
Here is the code I use:
protected String getCellStyle(ListGridRecord record, int rowNum, int colNum) {
if (colNum==6){
return "EC_pointer";
return super.getCellStyle(record, rowNum, colNum);
and in my CSS file:
.EC_pointer {
cursor: pointer;
The major fallout is that you have to know in advance the column number of the field.
Further to my comment and adding information from here I tested the following code which works with SmartGwt2.4 under Firefox 5.0.
demandesGrid.addCellHoverHandler(new CellHoverHandler() {
public void onCellHover(CellHoverEvent event) {
if (event.getColNum() == demandesGrid.getFieldNum("icon")) {
// SC.say(demandesGrid.getChildren()[3].toString());
} else {
I don't know if the index of the ListGridBody is constant; I found it with the SC.say line.
How about
grid.addCellOverHandler(new CellOverHandler() {
public void onCellOver(CellOverEvent event) {
//cellOver event to get field and refresh the cell
//grid.refreshCell(i, j);
The best approach is fully demonstrated here (take a look at how "comments/stats" field is being initialized).
In short, u have to extend ListGrid and override createRecordComponent method. In this method you can make any custom component you like and it will be show in grid cell.
Also ListGrid should be initialized with:

How to add tooltip for a item or cell of a vaadin table

I noticed that vaadin 6.7.0 beta1 supports to add tooltip for row/cell of a table. However, I did not find any example how to add it.
Is there anybody who can provide some sample?
Use code as below:
table.setItemDescriptionGenerator(new ItemDescriptionGenerator() {
public String generateDescription(Component source, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
if(propertyId == null){
return "Row description "+ itemId;
} else if(propertyId == COLUMN1_PROPERTY_ID) {
return "Cell description " + itemId +","+propertyId;
return null;
You could accomplish this by setting a formfieldfactory. Here you could return a button that only loooks like text with styling CSS. This will let you set a caption on the button. This is obviously a ugly hack. More info about buttons and links in vaadin.
table.setTableFieldFactory(new TableFieldFactory() {
// container is the datasource
// item is the row
// property is the column
public Field createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, Component uiContext) {
You can't add tooltpis (setDescription) to a row/cell nativly - not yet!
It is already in there issue tracker but don't know when they will implement this feature
