So I'm sitting with this problem that I can't seem to get my head around in a sensible way. What I'm trying to achieve here is that I have a function descriptionOf os t that takes an Outcome list, os, and a Tree, which ist, and returns a Description using the helper function descriptionOf'. That works quite alright and feeding it with the Outcome list: let outcomeTest = [F;S] and the tree:
let testTree = Branch(">2",0.67, Branch(">3",0.5, Leaf "A", Leaf "B"),Branch(">3",2.5, Leaf "C", Leaf "D")) gives me the following result:
([(F, ">2"); (S, ">3")], 0.825, "C").
Now, as you can see, I've begun making allDescriptions which should take a Tree and return a Set<Description> but I can't the for love of me figure out how to make this set. I've been fiddling with the idea of reusing descriptionOf but the problem the way I see it, is that I don't have an os to give it, but only a tree t. I'm imagining the expected outcome by making the Set<Description> on testTree would be something like this:
set: [([(S,">2");(S,">3")], 0.335, "A"); ([(S,">2");(F,">3")], 0.335, "B");
([(F,">2");(S,">3")], 0.165, "C"); ([(F,">2");(F,">3")], 0.165, "D")].
I hope my question makes sense! Any hints greatly appreciated.
type Outcome = | S | F
type Sample = Outcome list
type Tree = | Branch of string * float * Tree * Tree
| Leaf of string
type Description = ((Sample * string) list * float * string)
let rec descriptionOf' = function
| (os, Branch(ds, p, tl, tr), (dsl, dp, s)) when List.length os > 1 && os.Head = F -> descriptionOf' (os.Tail, tr, (dsl # [(os.Head, ds)], dp * (1.0 - p), ""))
| (os, Branch(ds, p, tl, tr), (dsl, dp, s)) when List.length os > 1 && os.Head = S -> descriptionOf' (os.Tail, tl, (dsl # [(os.Head, ds)], dp * (p), ""))
| (os, Branch(ds, p, Leaf l1, Leaf l2), (dsl, dp, s)) when List.length os = 1 && os.Head = F -> (dsl # [(os.Head, ds)], dp * (1.0 - p), l2)
| (os, Branch(ds, p, Leaf l1, Leaf l2), (dsl, dp, s)) when List.length os = 1 && os.Head = S -> (dsl # [(os.Head, ds)], dp * (p), l1)
| _ -> failwith "Not a correct sample"
let descriptionOf os t =
if isSample(os, t) = false then failwith "Not a correct sample" else
descriptionOf'(os, t, ([], 1.0, ""))
let allDescriptions = Set.empty.Add() // What should this do?
I am wondering if there is a way to write this line without piping h to calcVol function twice?
| h :: t when (h |> calcVol) > maxVol -> maxLoop t (h |> calcVol)
Where h is a tuple containing three dimensions, and calcVol returns a float value.
I know that I could explicitly define a vol value as:
| h :: t ->
let vol = calcVol h
if vol > maxVol then...
I am wondering if there is a way to do this nicely in one line?
If all the uses of vol were before the arrow, you could do this:
| h :: t when let vol = (h |> calcVol) in vol > maxVol -> // Something
But let assignments in the when clause left of the arrow do not carry over to the right-hand side. Demonstration:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> "Six"
| _ -> "Other"
This works, and returns "Six". But:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> sprintf "Six = %d" y
| _ -> "Other"
This does not work, producing the error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'y' is not defined.
So unfortunately, you can't have the one-line version you want and you'll have to go with the longer approach (with a let followed by an if, as you demonstrate in the second half of your answer).
Using active patterns a solution could look like this:
let calcVol v = v
let (|MaxVol|) maxVol = function
| [] -> (maxVol, [])
| h :: t -> ((max (calcVol h) maxVol), t)
let rec maxLoop list m =
match list with
| [] -> m
| MaxVol m (c, t) -> maxLoop t c
let vs = [ -1; 42; 3 ]
maxLoop vs System.Int32.MinValue // 42
Another possibility with better readability might be to first calculate the volumes (e.g. by mapping) and then find the maximum. Difficult to tell without the complete code...
I tried to create a function that takes two integers a,b as input and return 5 if a=1 b=2 and 6 otherwise, Here is what I did:
let examplef (a:int), (b:int)=
match a,b with
|1,2 -> 5
It gives this error: "The pattern discriminator 'examplef' is not defined."
I ask this question because of the error in this code:
type Team = string
type Goals = Goals of int
type Points = Points of int
type Fixture = Team * Team
type Result = (Team * Goals) * (Team * Goals)
type Table = Map<Team,Points>
let league =["Chelsea"; "Spurs"; "Liverpool"; "ManCity"; "ManUnited"; "Arsenal"; "Everton"; "Leicester"]
let pointsMade (a: Result)=
match a with
|((b,Goals bg),(c,Goals cg))-> if b<c then ((b,Points 0),(c, Points 3))
elif b=c then ((b,Points 1),(c,Points 1))
else ((b, Points 3),(c, Points 0))
I get an error when trying to define the following function:
let updateTable (t:Table, r: Result)=
let pointmade = pointsMade r
match pointmade with
|((f,Points s),(f1,Points s1))-> match Map.tryFind f t Map.tryFind f1 t with
|None, None -> t
|Some Points x, Some Points y ->t .Add (f, Points s+x1) .Add(f1, Points s1+y1)
When I hover the mouse over the first "Map.tryFind f t" It says "This value is not a function and cannot be applied. Also, there is an error with t .Add (f, Points s+x1) .Add(f1, Points s1+y1) it says: "Successive arguments should be separated by space and tuples and arguments involving functions or method applications should be parenthesized".
Please help
It looks like you're confusing tuple and curried arguments.
Examples with a single tuple argument (parenthesis are requiered).
signature: int * int -> int
//let example1 (a: int, b:int) =
let example1 (a, b) =
match a, b with
| 1, 2 -> 5
| _ -> 6
//let example2 (t: int * int) =
let example2 t =
match t with
| 1, 2 -> 5
| _ -> 6
Example with two curried arguments:
signature: int-> int -> int
//let example3 (a: int) (b: int) =
let example3 a b =
match a, b with
| 1, 2 -> 5
| _ -> 6
Anyway, The code that work looks like this:
open System.Security.Cryptography
open System.Threading
type Team = string
type Goals = Goals of int
type Points = Points of int
type Fixture = Team * Team
type Result = (Team * Goals) * (Team * Goals)
type Table = Map<Team,Points>
let league =["Chelsea"; "Spurs"; "Liverpool"; "ManCity"; "ManUnited"; "Arsenal"; "Everton"; "Leicester"]
let pointsMade (a: Result)=
match a with
|((b,Goals bg),(c,Goals cg))-> if bg<cg then ((b,Points 0),(c, Points 3))
elif bg=cg then ((b,Points 1),(c,Points 1))
else ((b, Points 3),(c, Points 0))
let initEntry (name:Team)=(name, Points 0)
let initializeTable l = Map.ofList ( initEntry l)
let updateTable (t:Table, r: Result)=
let pointmade = pointsMade r
match pointmade with
|((f,Points s),(f1,Points s1))-> match Map.tryFind f t, Map.tryFind f1 t with
|None, None -> t
|Some x, Some y-> match x,y with
| Points x1 , Points y1 -> t |> Map.add f (Points(x1+s)) |> Map.add f1 (Points (y1+s1))
|None, Some y -> match y with
| Points y1 -> t.Add(f,Points s) .Add(f1, Points (s1+y1))
|Some x, None -> match x with
| Points x1 -> t.Add(f,Points (s+x1)) .Add(f1, Points s1)
let rec weekendUpdate (t:Table , rl:Result list)=
match rl with
|ai::at-> weekendUpdate(updateTable(t,ai),at)
let rec seasonUpdate (t:Table, sll: Result list list)=
match sll with
|ah::at-> seasonUpdate(weekendUpdate(t,ah),at)
let less((s1,n1):Team * Points, (s2,n2):Team * Points) =
match n1,n2 with
|Points m1,Points m2 ->if m1<m2 then true
else false
let rec myinsert item lst =
match lst with
| [] -> [item]
| x::xs -> if less(item,x) then x::(myinsert item xs) else item::lst
let rec isort lst =
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> myinsert x (isort xs)
let showStandings (t:Table) = isort (Map.toList t)
In your "working code", in the pointsMade function you do not need to use pattern matching, you can simply use a let binding.
let pointsMade (r: Result) =
let (t1, Goals g1), (t2, Goals g2) = r
if g1 < g2 then (t1, Points 0), (t2, Points 3)
elif g1 = g2 then (t1, Points 1), (t2, Points 1)
else (t1, Points 3), (t2, Points 0)
The updateTable function also can be re-written in more concise way by using some addPoints function to avoid repeating the same thing for each team.
let addPoints (team: Team, Points points) (table: Table) =
match Map.tryFind team table with
| None -> table
| Some (Points p) -> Map.add team (Points (points + p)) table
let updateTable (table: Table, result: Result) =
let pts1, pts2 = pointsMade result
table |> addPoints pts1 |> addPoints pts2
F#'s pattern matching is very powerful so it felt natural to write:
match (tuple1, tuple2) with
| ((a, a), (a, a)) -> "all values are the same"
| ((a, b), (a, b)) -> "tuples are the same"
| ((a, b), (a, c)) -> "first values are the same"
// etc
However, the first pattern match gives a compiler error:
'a' is bound twice in this pattern
Is there a cleaner way to do it than the following?
match (tuple1, tuple2) with
| ((a, b), (c, d)) when a = b && b = c && c = d -> "all values are the same"
| ((a, b), (c, d)) when a = c && b = d -> "tuples are the same"
| ((a, b), (c, d)) when a = c -> "first values are the same"
// etc
This is a perfect use case for F#'s "active patterns". You can define a couple of them like this:
let (|Same|_|) (a, b) =
if a = b then Some a else None
let (|FstEqual|_|) ((a, _), (c, _)) =
if a = c then Some a else None
And then clean up your pattern matching with them; note how the first case (where all values are equal) uses the nested Same pattern to check that the first and second elements of the tuple are equal:
match tuple1, tuple2 with
| Same (Same x) ->
"all values are the same"
| Same (x, y) ->
"tuples are the same"
| FstEqual a ->
"first values are the same"
| _ ->
failwith "TODO"
Performance tip: I like to mark simple active patterns like these with inline -- since the logic within the active patterns is simple (just a few IL instructions), it makes sense to inline them and avoid the overhead of a function call.
You can use parameterized active patterns to remedy the issue.
let (|TuplePairPattern|_|) ((p1, p2), (p3, p4)) ((a, b), (c, d)) =
let matched =
[(p1, a); (p2, b); (p3, c); (p4, d)]
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> (snd >> Set.ofSeq)
|> Seq.forall (fun s -> Set.count s = 1)
if matched then Some () else None
Particularly, you should define a pattern in a form of literals (chars, strings, etc).
match tuple1, tuple2 with
| TuplePairPattern(('a', 'a'), ('a', 'a')) -> "all values are the same"
| TuplePairPattern(('a', 'b'), ('a', 'b')) -> "tuples are the same"
| TuplePairPattern(("a", "b"), ("a", "c")) -> "first values are the same"
// etc
I think, the most elegant way can be accomplished by combining two excellent answers provided by #Stephen Swensen and #pad.
The first idea is that the structure (a tuple containing two tuples) can be unpacked once, instead of doing it in every match case.
The second idea is working with sequences of values, all of which must be equal to each other.
Here's the code:
let comparer ((a,b),(c,d)) =
let same = Set.ofSeq >> Set.count >> ((=) 1)
if same[a; b; c; d] then "all values are the same"
elif same[a; c] && same[b; d] then "tuples are the same"
elif same[a; c] then "first values are the same"
else "none of above"
You may change elif's into a match, but does not seem feasible to me.
In practice, I would probably unpack the tuples up-front and then do a series of if / then / else expressions:
let a,b = tuple1
let c,d = tuple2
if a = b && b = c && c = d then "all values are the same"
elif a = c && b = d then "tuples are the same"
elif a = c then "first values are the same"
If you find yourself doing this frequently, an active pattern might be warranted (and in the case of 2-tuples, a complete active pattern would be doable and likely preferable - exhaustive matches are "safer" than non-exhaustive matches). Or, perhaps you need a more sophisticated data structure.
let rec f n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 -> 1
| _ -> f (n - 2) + f (n - 3)
Without CPS or Memoization, how could it be made tail recursive?
let f n = Seq.unfold (fun (x, y, z) -> Some(x, (y, z, x + y))) (1I, 1I, 1I)
|> Seq.nth n
Or even nicer:
let lambda (x, y, z) = x, (y, z, x + y)
let combinator = Seq.unfold (lambda >> Some) (1I, 1I, 1I)
let f n = combinator |> Seq.nth n
To get what's going on here, refer this snippet. It defines Fibonacci algorithm, and yours is very similar.
UPD There are three components here:
The lambda which gets i-th element;
The combinator which runs recursion over i; and
The wrapper that initiates the whole run and then picks up the value (from a triple, like in #Tomas' code).
You have asked for a tail-recursive code, and there are actually two ways for that: make your own combinator, like #Tomas did, or utilize the existing one, Seq.unfold, which is certainly tail-recursive. I preferred the second approach as I can split the entire code into a group of let statements.
The solution by #bytebuster is nice, but he does not explain how he created it, so it will only help if you're solving this specific problem. By the way, your formula looks a bit like Fibonacci (but not quite) which can be calculated analytically without any looping (even without looping hidden in Seq.unfold).
You started with the following function:
let rec f0 n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 -> 1
| _ -> f0 (n - 2) + f0 (n - 3)
The function calls f0 for arguments n - 2 and n - 3, so we need to know these values. The trick is to use dynamic programming (which can be done using memoization), but since you did not want to use memoization, we can write that by hand.
We can write f1 n which returns a three-element tuple with the current and two past values values of f0. This means f1 n = (f0 (n - 2), f0 (n - 1), f0 n):
let rec f1 n =
match n with
| 0 -> (0, 0, 1)
| 1 -> (0, 1, 1)
| 2 -> (1, 1, 1)
| _ ->
// Here we call `f1 (n - 1)` so we get values
// f0 (n - 3), f0 (n - 2), f0 (n - 1)
let fm3, fm2, fm1 = (f1 (n - 1))
(fm2, fm1, fm2 + fm3)
This function is not tail recurisve, but it only calls itself recursively once, which means that we can use the accumulator parameter pattern:
let f2 n =
let rec loop (fm3, fm2, fm1) n =
match n with
| 2 -> (fm3, fm2, fm1)
| _ -> loop (fm2, fm1, fm2 + fm3) (n - 1)
match n with
| 0 -> (0, 0, 1)
| 1 -> (0, 1, 1)
| n -> loop (1, 1, 1) n
We need to handle arguments 0 and 1 specially in the body of fc. For any other input, we start with initial three values (that is (f0 0, f0 1, f0 2) = (1, 1, 1)) and then loop n-times performing the given recursive step until we reach 2. The recursive loop function is what #bytebuster's solution implements using Seq.unfold.
So, there is a tail-recursive version of your function, but only because we could simply keep the past three values in a tuple. In general, this might not be possible if the code that calculates which previous values you need does something more complicated.
Better even than a tail recursive approach, you can take advantage of matrix multiplication to reduce any recurrence like that to a solution that uses O(log n) operations. I leave the proof of correctness as an exercise for the reader.
module NumericLiteralG =
let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
// these operators keep the inferred types from getting out of hand
let inline ( + ) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x + y
let inline ( * ) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x * y
let inline dot (a,b,c) (d,e,f) = a*d+b*e+c*f
let trans ((a,b,c),(d,e,f),(g,h,i)) = (a,d,g),(b,e,h),(c,f,i)
let map f (x,y,z) = f x, f y, f z
type 'a triple = 'a * 'a * 'a
// 3x3 matrix type
type 'a Mat3 = Mat3 of 'a triple triple with
static member inline ( * )(Mat3 M, Mat3 N) =
let N' = trans N
map (fun x -> map (dot x) N') M
|> Mat3
static member inline get_One() = Mat3((1G,0G,0G),(0G,1G,0G),(0G,0G,1G))
static member (/)(Mat3 M, Mat3 N) = failwith "Needed for pown, but not supported"
let inline f n =
// use pown to get O(log n) time
let (Mat3((a,b,c),(_,_,_),(_,_,_))) = pown (Mat3 ((0G,1G,0G),(0G,0G,1G),(1G,1G,0G))) n
a + b + c
// this will take a while...
let bigResult : bigint = f 1000000
I'm new to functional world and appreciate help on this one.
I want to SUPERCEDE ugly imperative code from this simple function, but don't know how to do it.
What I want is to randomly pick some element from IEnumerable (seq in F#) with a respect to probability value - second item in tuple (so item with "probability" 0.7 will be picked more often than with 0.1).
/// seq<string * float>
let probabilitySeq = seq [ ("a", 0.7); ("b", 0.6); ("c", 0.5); ("d", 0.1) ]
/// seq<'a * float> -> 'a
let randomPick probSeq =
let sum = Seq.fold (fun s dir -> s + snd dir) 0.0 probSeq
let random = (new Random()).NextDouble() * sum
// vvvvvv UGLY vvvvvv
let mutable count = random
let mutable ret = fst (Seq.hd probSeq )
let mutable found = false
for item in probSeq do
count <- count - snd item
if (not found && (count < 0.0)) then
ret <- fst item //return ret; //in C#
found <- true
// ^^^^^^ UGLY ^^^^^^
////////// at FSI: //////////
> randomPick probabilitySeq;;
val it : string = "a"
> randomPick probabilitySeq;;
val it : string = "c"
> randomPick probabilitySeq;;
val it : string = "a"
> randomPick probabilitySeq;;
val it : string = "b"
I think that randomPick is pretty straightforward to implement imperatively, but functionally?
This is functional, but take list not seq (wanted).
//('a * float) list -> 'a
let randomPick probList =
let sum = Seq.fold (fun s dir -> s + snd dir) 0.0 probList
let random = (new Random()).NextDouble() * sum
let rec pick_aux p list =
match p, list with
| gt, h::t when gt >= snd h -> pick_aux (p - snd h) t
| lt, h::t when lt < snd h -> fst h
| _, _ -> failwith "Some error"
pick_aux random probList
An F# solution using the principle suggested by Matajon:
let randomPick probList =
let ps = Seq.skip 1 (Seq.scan (+) 0.0 ( snd probList))
let random = (new Random()).NextDouble() * (Seq.fold (fun acc e -> e) 0.0 ps)
Seq.find (fun (p, e) -> p >= random)
( ps ( fst probList))
|> snd
But I would probably also use a list-based approach in this case since the sum of the probability values needs to be precalculated anyhow...
I will provide only Haskell version since I don't have F# present on my notebook, it should be similar. The principle is to convert your sequence to sequence like
where each first element in the tuple is representing not probablity but something like range. Then it is easy, pick one random number from 0 to last number (1.9) and check in which range it belongs to. For example if 0.5 is chosen, it will be "a" because 0.5 is lower than 0.7.
Haskell code -
probabilitySeq = [("a", 0.7), ("b", 0.6), ("c", 0.5), ("d", 0.1)]
modifySeq :: [(String, Double)] -> [(Double, String)]
modifySeq seq = modifyFunction 0 seq where
modifyFunction (_) [] = []
modifyFunction (acc) ((a, b):xs) = (acc + b, a) : modifyFunction (acc + b) xs
pickOne :: [(Double, String)] -> IO String
pickOne seq = let max = (fst . last) seq in
random <- randomRIO (0, max)
return $ snd $ head $ dropWhile (\(a, b) -> a < random) seq
result :: [(String, Double)] -> IO String
result = pickOne . modifySeq
Example -
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
*Main> result probabilitySeq
The way I understand it, you're logic works like this:
Sum all the weights, then select a random double somewhere between 0 and the sum of all the weights. Find the item which corresponds to your probability.
In other words, you want to map your list as follows:
Item Val Offset Max (Val + Offset)
---- --- ------ ------------------
a 0.7 0.0 0.7
b 0.6 0.7 1.3
c 0.5 1.3 1.8
d 0.1 1.8 1.9
Transforming a list of (item, probability) to (item, max) is straightforward:
let probabilityMapped prob =
let offset = ref 0.0
for (item, probability) in prob do
yield (item, probability + !offset)
offset := !offset + probability
Although this falls back on mutables, its pure, deterministic, and in the spirit of readable code. If you insist on avoiding mutable state, you can use this (not tail-recursive):
let probabilityMapped prob =
let rec loop offset = function
| [] -> []
| (item, prob)::xs -> (item, prob + offset)::loop (prob + offset) xs
loop 0.0 prob
Although we're threading state through the list, we're performing a map, not a fold operation, so we shouldn't use the Seq.fold or Seq.scan methods. I started writing code using Seq.scan, and it looked hacky and strange.
Whatever method you choose, once you get your list mapped, its very easy to select a randomly weighted item in linear time:
let rnd = new System.Random()
let randomPick probSeq =
let probMap =
let offset = ref 0.0
for (item, probability) in probSeq do
yield (item, probability + !offset)
offset := !offset + probability
let max = Seq.maxBy snd probMap |> snd
let rndNumber = rnd.NextDouble() * max
Seq.pick (fun (item, prob) -> if rndNumber <= prob then Some(item) else None) probMap
I would use Seq.to_list to transform the input sequence into a list and then use the list based approach. The list quoted is short enough that it shouldn't be an unreasonable overhead.
The simplest solution is to use ref to store state between calls to iterator for any suitable function from Seq module:
let probabilitySeq = seq [ ("a", 0.7); ("b", 0.6); ("c", 0.5); ("d", 0.1) ]
let randomPick probSeq =
let sum = Seq.fold (fun s (_,v) -> s + v) 0.0 probSeq
let random = ref (System.Random().NextDouble() * sum)
let aux = function
| _,v when !random >= v ->
random := !random - v
| s,_ -> Some s
match Seq.first aux probSeq with
| Some r -> r
| _ -> fst (Seq.hd probSeq)
I would use your functional, list-based version, but adapt it to use LazyList from the F# PowerPack. Using LazyList.of_seq will give you the moral equivalent of a list, but without evaluating the whole thing at once. You can even pattern match on LazyLists with the LazyList.(|Cons|Nil|) pattern.
I think that cfern's suggestion is actually simplest (?= best) solution to this.
Entire input needs to be evaluated, so seq's advantage of yield-on-demand is lost anyway. Easiest seems to take sequence as input and convert it to a list and total sum at the same time. Then use the list for the list-based portion of the algorithm (list will be in reverse order, but that doesn't matter for the calculation).
let randomPick moveList =
let sum, L = moveList
|> Seq.fold (fun (sum, L) dir -> sum + snd dir, dir::L) (0.0, [])
let rec pick_aux p list =
match p, list with
| gt, h::t when gt >= snd h -> pick_aux (p - snd h) t
| lt, h::t when lt < snd h -> fst h
| _, _ -> failwith "Some error"
pick_aux (rand.NextDouble() * sum) L
Thanks for Yours solutions, especially Juliet and Johan (I've to read it few times to actually get it).