How do I put a docker container in an error state? - docker

I'd love a consistent way to drop a docker container into an error state to do some testing around container errors.
I was hopeful when I saw bantl23/error on the docker hub, but it happily starts with no error.

I like the idea of a container that you can cause to fail on demand from outside - R0MANARMY's point is valid though - Docker monitors the process it starts, and if the process exits then the container goes to the Exited status, there isn't really a concept of an error state.
Having said that, if you want to test an Exited container then the image you mentioned does work, but it's limited - it runs, waits for 10 seconds and then exits:
docker run -d bantl23/error
If you want something you can control from the outside, I've put a very simple image together for that - sixeyed/bad-server. It's an HTTP server that you can force into an error state by hitting http://ip:8080/err:
> docker run -d -p 80:8080 sixeyed/bad-server
> docker logs -f 8b4
+ exec app
Listening on port 8080
Responding to path:
> docker ps --all
8b4bd7ffd96d sixeyed/bad-server "go-wrapper run" 37 seconds ago Exited (1) 10 seconds ago fervent_hawking
While the logs were running, I hit http://localhost/test and then http://localhost/err - which caused the container to exit.


How to make docker container restart when stuck automatically? [duplicate]

I am using Docker version 17.09.0-ce, and I see that containers are marked as unhealthy. Is there an option to get the container restart instead of keeping the container as unhealthy?
Restarting of unhealty container feature was in the original PR (, but was removed after a discussion and considered to be done later as enhancement of RestartPolicy.
At this moment you can use this workaround to automatically restarting unhealty containers:
Here is a sample compose file:
version: '2'
restart: always
image: willfarrell/autoheal
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Simply execute docker-compose up -d on this
You can restart automatically an unhealthy container by setting a smart HEALTHCHECK and a proper restart policy.
The Docker restart policy should be one of always or unless-stopped.
The HEALTHCHECK instead should implement a logic that kills the container when it's unhealthy.
In the following example I used curl with its internal retry mechanism and piped it (in case of failure/service unhealthy) to the kill command.
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=2m --start-period=45s \
CMD curl -f --retry 6 --max-time 5 --retry-delay 10 --retry-max-time 60 "http://localhost:8080/health" || bash -c 'kill -s 15 -1 && (sleep 10; kill -s 9 -1)'
The important step to understand here is that the retry logic is self-contained in the curl command, the Docker retry here actually is mandatory but useless. Then if the curl HTTP request fails 3 times, then kill is executed. First it sends a SIGTERM to all the processes in the container, to allow them to gracefully stop, then after 10 seconds it sends a SIGKILL to completely kill all the processes in the container. It must be noted that when the PID1 of a container dies, then the container itself dies and the restart policy is invoked.
kill docs:
curl docs:
docker restart docs:
Gotchas: kill behaves differently in bash than in sh. In bash you can use -1 to signal all the processes with PID greater than 1 to die.
For standalone containers, Docker does not have native integration to restart the container on health check failure though we can achieve the same using Docker events and a script. Health check is better integrated with Swarm. With health check integrated to Swarm, when a container in a service is unhealthy, Swarm automatically shuts down the unhealthy container and starts a new container to maintain the container count as specified in the replica count of a service.
You can try put in your Dockerfile something like this:
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=2s CMD curl --fail http://localhost || kill 1
Don't forget --restart always option.
kill 1 will kill process with pid 1 in container and force container exit. Usually the process started by CMD or ENTRYPOINT has pid 1.
Unfortunally, this method likely don't change container's state to unhealthy, so be careful with it.
Unhealthy docker containers may be restarted with simple crontab rule:
* * * * * docker ps -f health=unhealthy --format "docker restart {{.ID}}" | sh
Docker has a couple of ways to get details on container health. You can configure health checks and how often they run. Also, health checks can be run on applications running inside a container, like http (this would use curl --fail option.) You can view the health_status event to get details.
For detailed information on an unhealthy container the inspect command comes in handy, docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health}}' container-name (see for more details.)
You should resolve the error condition causing the "unhealthy" tag (anytime the health check command runs and gets an exit code of 1) first. This may or may not require that Docker restart the container, depending on the error. If you are starting/restarting your containers automatically, then either trapping the start errors or logging them and the health check status can help address errors quickly. Check the link if you are interested in auto start.
According to
Create container and add " restart: always".
In the use of healthcheck, pay attention to the following points:
For standalone containers, Docker does not have native integration to restart the container on health check failure though we can achieve the same using Docker events and a script. Health check is better integrated with Swarm. With health check integrated to Swarm, when a container in a service is unhealthy, Swarm automatically shuts down the unhealthy container and starts a new container to maintain the container count as specified in the replica count of a service.

Docker container keeps stopping after 'docker start'

I'm fairly new to Docker. I have a long Dockerfile that I inherited from a previous developer, which has many errors and I'm trying to get it back to a working point. I commented out most of the file except for just the first line:
FROM ubuntu:14.04
I did the following:
docker build -t pm . to build the image - this works because I can see the image when I execute docker images
docker run <image-id> returns without error or any message. Now I'm expecting the container to be created from the image and started. But when I do a docker ps -a it shows the container exited:
b05f9727f516 f216cfb59484 "/bin/bash" About a
minute ago Exited (0) About a minute ago
Not sure why can't I get a running container and why does it keep stopping after the docker run command.
executing docker logs <container_id> displays nothing - it just returns without any output.
Your Docker image doesn’t actually do anything, container stop when finish its job. Since here no foreground process running it will start and then immediately stop.
To confirm your container have no issues, try to put below code into a docker-compose.yml(in same folder as the Dockerfile) and run docker-compose up, now you will see your container is running without exiting.
version: '3'
build: .
tty: true
Please have a look here Docker official tutorial it will guide you to how to work with docker.
docker run -it <image> /bin/bash
to run a shell inside the container.
That won't do much for you, but that'll show you what is happening: as soon as you exit the shell, it will exit the container too.
Your container basically doesn't do anything: it has an image of Ubuntu but doesn't have an ENTRYPOINT or a CMD command to run 'something'
Containers are ephemeral when ran: they run a single command and exit when the command finishes.
Docker container categorized following way.
Task Based : When container start it will start processing and it complete the process then exited.
Background container : It will wait for some request.
As you not provided your docker file so I assume that you have only one statement.
FROM ubuntu:14.04
your build statement create image with name pm.
Now you run
docker run pm
It will start container and stop as you did not provide any entry point.
Now try this
This is one command prompt or terminal.
docker run -it pm /bin/bash
Open another terminal or command prompt.
docker ps ( Now you will see there is one container).
If you want to see container that is continuously running then use following image.
(This is just a example)
docker run -d -p 8099:80 nginx
Above line run one container with Nginx image and when you open your browser http://localhost:8099 you can see the response.
Docker Containers are closely related to the process they are running. This process is specified by the "CMD" part on the Dockerfile. This process has the PID "1". If you kill it, your container is killed. If you haven't one, your container will stop instantly. In your case, you have to "override" your CMD. You can do it with a simple : "docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 bash". "-it" is mandatory since it allows the stdin to be attached to your container.
Have fun with docker.
Each instruction of Dockerfile is a layer within a container which perform some task. In your docker file It's just the loading the ubuntu which is completed when you run the docker within a fraction of seconds and exit since process finished. So if want to have your container running all the time then there should be a foreground process running in your docker.
For testing if you run
docker run <imageid> echo hi it will return the output means your container is fine.

docker service create never returns

What would prevent docker service create ... command from completing? It never returns to the command prompt or reports any kind of error. Instead, it repeatedly switches between, "new", "assigned", "ready", and "starting".
Here's the command:
docker service create --name proxy -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 --network proxy -e MODE=swarm vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy
This is from "The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit - Docker Swarm", a book by Viktor Farcic, and I've come to a problem I can't get past...
I'm trying to run a reverse proxy service on a swarm of three nodes, all running locally on a LinuxMint system, and docker service create never returns to the command prompt. It sits there and loops between statuses and always says overall progress: 0 out of 1 tasks...
This is on a cluster of three nodes all running locally, created with docker-machine with one manager and two workers.
While testing, I've successfully created other overlay networks and other services using the same cluster of nodes.
As far as I can tell, the only significant differences between this and the other services I created for these nodes are:
There are three published ports. I double-checked the host and there's nothing else listening on any of those ports.
I don't have a clue what the vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy does.
I'm running this on a (real, not VirtualBox/VMWare/Hyper-V) Linux Mint 19 system (based on Ubuntu 18.04) with Docker 18.06. My host has 16Gb RAM and plenty of spare disk space. It was set up for the sole purpose of learning Docker after having too many problems on a Windows host.
If I Ctrl-C in the terminal where I tried to create the service, I get this message:
Operation continuing in background.
Use docker service ps p7jfgfz8tqemrgbg1bn0d06yp to check progress.
If I use docker service ps --no-trunc p473obsbo9tgjom1fd61or5ap I get:
dbzvr67uzg5fq9w64uh324dtn proxy.1 dockerflow/docker-flow-proxy:latest#sha256:e4e4a684d703bec18385caed3b3bd0482cefdff73739ae21bd324f5422e17d93 node-1 Running Starting 11 seconds ago
vzlttk2xdd4ynmr4lir4t38d5 \_ proxy.1 dockerflow/docker-flow-proxy:latest#sha256:e4e4a684d703bec18385caed3b3bd0482cefdff73739ae21bd324f5422e17d93 node-1 Shutdown Failed 16 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (137): dockerexec: unhealthy container"
q5dlvb7xz04cwxv9hpr9w5f7l \_ proxy.1 dockerflow/docker-flow-proxy:latest#sha256:e4e4a684d703bec18385caed3b3bd0482cefdff73739ae21bd324f5422e17d93 node-1 Shutdown Failed 49 seconds ago "task: non-zero exit (137): dockerexec: unhealthy container"
z86h0pcj21joryb3sj59mx2pq \_ proxy.1 dockerflow/docker-flow-proxy:latest#sha256:e4e4a684d703bec18385caed3b3bd0482cefdff73739ae21bd324f5422e17d93 node-1 Shutdown Failed about a minute ago "task: non-zero exit (137): dockerexec: unhealthy container"
uj2axgfm1xxpdxrkp308m28ys \_ proxy.1 dockerflow/docker-flow-proxy:latest#sha256:e4e4a684d703bec18385caed3b3bd0482cefdff73739ae21bd324f5422e17d93 node-1 Shutdown Failed about a minute ago "task: non-zero exit (137): dockerexec: unhealthy container"
So, no mention of node-2 or node-3 and I don't know what the error message means.
If I then use docker service logs -f proxy I get the following messages repeating every minute or so:
proxy.1.l86x3a6md766#node-1 | 2018/09/11 12:48:46 Starting HAProxy
proxy.1.l86x3a6md766#node-1 | 2018/09/11 12:48:46 Getting certs from
I can only guess that it fails to get whatever certs it's looking for. There doesn't seem to be anything at that address, but an IP address lookup shows that it leads to my ISP. Where's that coming from?
There may be more than one motives why docker can't create the service. The simplest to see why is to see the last status of the service by running:
docker service ps --no-trunc proxy
where you have an ERROR column that describes the last error.
Alternatively you can run
docker service logs -f proxy
to see what's going on inside the proxy service.
This was an old question, but I was experimenting with docker and had this same issue.
For me this issue was resolved by publishing the ports before stipulating the name.
I believe docker functions after stipulating the name as: --name "name" "image to use" "commands to pass to image on launch"
So it continues attempting to pass those options to the container as commands and fails instead of using them as options when running the service.
Add -t flag into command to prevent container(s) exit.
The same problem happened to me as well.
I think in my case, the image had some kind of error. I did the following experiments:
I first pulled the image, and created the service
docker service create --name apache --replicas 5 -p 5000:80 [image repo]
The same error from the question happened.
Like the first answer above, I tried a different order
docker service create --replicas 5 -p 5000:80 --name apache [image repo]
Same error occurred
I tried to create the service w/o the image downloaded locally, but the same error occurred.
I tried a different image, which worked before, then the service was created successfully.
The first image I used was swedemo/firstweb. (This is NOT my repo, it's my prof's)
I didn't examine what part of this image was the problem but hope this can give clue to others.
For me, it was some startup script issues causing the container to exit with 0 code.
As my docker service has to have at least one replica (given as constraints), docker swarm try to recreate it. The container fail right after being relaunched by docker daemon hence causing the loop.

Restarting an unhealthy docker container based on healthcheck

I am using Docker version 17.09.0-ce, and I see that containers are marked as unhealthy. Is there an option to get the container restart instead of keeping the container as unhealthy?
Restarting of unhealty container feature was in the original PR (, but was removed after a discussion and considered to be done later as enhancement of RestartPolicy.
At this moment you can use this workaround to automatically restarting unhealty containers:
Here is a sample compose file:
version: '2'
restart: always
image: willfarrell/autoheal
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Simply execute docker-compose up -d on this
You can restart automatically an unhealthy container by setting a smart HEALTHCHECK and a proper restart policy.
The Docker restart policy should be one of always or unless-stopped.
The HEALTHCHECK instead should implement a logic that kills the container when it's unhealthy.
In the following example I used curl with its internal retry mechanism and piped it (in case of failure/service unhealthy) to the kill command.
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=2m --start-period=45s \
CMD curl -f --retry 6 --max-time 5 --retry-delay 10 --retry-max-time 60 "http://localhost:8080/health" || bash -c 'kill -s 15 -1 && (sleep 10; kill -s 9 -1)'
The important step to understand here is that the retry logic is self-contained in the curl command, the Docker retry here actually is mandatory but useless. Then if the curl HTTP request fails 3 times, then kill is executed. First it sends a SIGTERM to all the processes in the container, to allow them to gracefully stop, then after 10 seconds it sends a SIGKILL to completely kill all the processes in the container. It must be noted that when the PID1 of a container dies, then the container itself dies and the restart policy is invoked.
kill docs:
curl docs:
docker restart docs:
Gotchas: kill behaves differently in bash than in sh. In bash you can use -1 to signal all the processes with PID greater than 1 to die.
For standalone containers, Docker does not have native integration to restart the container on health check failure though we can achieve the same using Docker events and a script. Health check is better integrated with Swarm. With health check integrated to Swarm, when a container in a service is unhealthy, Swarm automatically shuts down the unhealthy container and starts a new container to maintain the container count as specified in the replica count of a service.
You can try put in your Dockerfile something like this:
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=2s CMD curl --fail http://localhost || kill 1
Don't forget --restart always option.
kill 1 will kill process with pid 1 in container and force container exit. Usually the process started by CMD or ENTRYPOINT has pid 1.
Unfortunally, this method likely don't change container's state to unhealthy, so be careful with it.
Unhealthy docker containers may be restarted with simple crontab rule:
* * * * * docker ps -f health=unhealthy --format "docker restart {{.ID}}" | sh
Docker has a couple of ways to get details on container health. You can configure health checks and how often they run. Also, health checks can be run on applications running inside a container, like http (this would use curl --fail option.) You can view the health_status event to get details.
For detailed information on an unhealthy container the inspect command comes in handy, docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health}}' container-name (see for more details.)
You should resolve the error condition causing the "unhealthy" tag (anytime the health check command runs and gets an exit code of 1) first. This may or may not require that Docker restart the container, depending on the error. If you are starting/restarting your containers automatically, then either trapping the start errors or logging them and the health check status can help address errors quickly. Check the link if you are interested in auto start.
According to
Create container and add " restart: always".
In the use of healthcheck, pay attention to the following points:
For standalone containers, Docker does not have native integration to restart the container on health check failure though we can achieve the same using Docker events and a script. Health check is better integrated with Swarm. With health check integrated to Swarm, when a container in a service is unhealthy, Swarm automatically shuts down the unhealthy container and starts a new container to maintain the container count as specified in the replica count of a service.

Neither "docker stop", "docker kill" nor "docker -f rm" works

Trying to stop container from this image by using either of mentioned commands results in indefinite waiting by docker. The container still can be observed in docker ps output.
Sorry for a newbie question, but how does one stop containers properly?
This container was first run according to the instructions on, halted by Ctrl+C and then started again by docker start <containter-name>. After it was started, it never worked as expected though.
Your test worked for me:
→ docker ps
853e36b8a952 jleight/opentsdb "/usr/bin/supervisord" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>4242/tcp fervent_hypatia
→ docker stop fervent_hypatia
→ docker ps
It took a bit long, but I think that is because the Docker image is using a supervisor process so SIGTERM (which is what docker stop sends first) doesn't kill the container, but the SIGKILL, which is by default sent after 10 seconds should (my wait time was ~ 10 seconds).
Just in case your default may be messed up for some reason, try indicating the timeout explicitely:
docker stop --time=2 <container-name>
docker stop <container-name> is a proper way to stop your container. It's possible there is something going on inside, you could try usingdocker logs <container-name> to give you more information about what's running inside.
This probably isn't the best way, but eventually restarting docker would do the trick, if nothing else works.
