iPad screenshots no longer accepted by iTunes Connect - ipad

Have had no problems submitting screenshots to iTunes Connect until now. I just cropped out the status bar using Preview of a .png screenshot taken on my iPad mini to get the required dimensions and dragged/dropped. But I now get the "Incorrect Dimensions in one or more..." message.
Have tried using the simulator for different iPads to produce different dimensions. The only one that produces a screenshot acceptable to iTunes Connect is the iPad Pro simulator (2048 x 2732). But the results are inconsistent. They mostly show smaller images with added vertical white space, but in the case of one landscape view, certain views were placed incorrectly (although the other iPad non-Pro simulators did not have this problem).
iTunes Connect does say the 12.9" (pro) images may be used for other iPad sizes, but it looks like that simulator has problems. Are there any alternatives?

Can you explain this
They mostly show smaller images with added vertical white space, but in the case of one landscape view, certain views were placed incorrectly (although the other iPad non-Pro simulators did not have this problem).
When you take screenshots on the simulator make sure that Window->Scale is set to 100%.
Apple has finally changed the iTunes connect screenshots system this year. You can now upload 5 screenshots for the highest res devices (iPhone 6Plus and iPad Pro) and they will be used for all the lower res devices as well.
Before you would have to upload screenshots for all the other devices as well and it sucked. Now add support for 27 languages and I believe you would have to upload over 800 images, it was insane. Even Apple took the piss about this in one of their keynotes this year.
So you should take/use screenshots in iPhone 6 Plus resolution (2208×1242 or 1242×2208) and in iPad Pro resolution (2732×2048 or 2048×2732).
If you can take screenshots in the simulator than great, but my games run like crap there so I take them on my real iPhone 7/iPad Air 2 and scale them up. Not 100% ideal but I cannot really do anything else at the moment.
The same applies for videos, just upload them in 1920x1080 for the iPhone and you are good to go. For the iPad you would need to change the resolution of the video.
My games on the appStore do not have a video trailer for iPad because I could never convert the video correctly in iPad resolution for iTunes connect to accept the upload. However they still show you the iPhone video preview on iPads, so thats pretty awesome. I wonder if the same applies for screenshots, so if you do not upload iPad screenshots it will use the iPhone ones.
Hope this helps

The problem was mostly caused by my not realizing that I was dragging and dropping into an area that would only accept 12.9" screenshots. It looked just like the area into which I always copied screenshots, and I don't remember seeing "12.9" and "other sizes" shown below (was I possibly looking at an old iTunes Connect page from my cache?). If you click on "other sizes", you will get an area into which you can drop 9.7 screenshots.
The result was that Apple accepted my build, and when it showed up in the store, none of the 12.9" simulator-generated screenshots that I referenced in my app description showed up. Not sure why this happened, but apparently I now have to provide a new version which will now use 9.7 screenshots taken from my iPad.
I don't know why the iPad Pro (12.9) simulator messed up my landscape orientation (which I replaced with a portrait). It may be my app, which creates layout constraints programmatically, but they appear to work with the other iPad simulators.


iPhone app does not run well on iPads, which for some reason is required during app review?

I made an iPhone app, which runs perfectly on iPhone 5 to iPhone 7 Plus. My SKSpriteNodes & Labels fit perfectly on the screen, along with the banner ads/interstitials.
But when I run on an iPad? All the buttons/labels are either off the screen or look uncentered. I've just now seen that Apple requires iPhone apps to run on iPads in iPhone mode for some reason (I don't want people with iPads to be able to run my app), and I think they might reject mine because it is extremely hard to play my game due to certain buttons being off the screen. I've tried setting the scale mode of the buttons and such but it doesn't do anything. I've also mentioned in the notes to the review team that my app is not meant to be ran on iPads.
Any ideas?
My scene sizes were slightly off from the iPhone 4s' size (640x960). My issue is fixed now! Hope this helps someone in the future.

iOS app layout on iPhone 6

I have currently developed an iOS app. The deployment target is 7.1 and I am targeting iPhone5/5s and iPhone6/6s as main devices.
After I have finished development, my app got rejected stating that it does not support the device screen size of the iPhone6.
I have tested this app using the iPhone6 simulator and my real iPhone 6 and everything looks correct and scaled.
I am using AutoLayout
I have set constraints
I was using a LaunchScreen but after i read many posts i deleted the LaunchScreen and added Launch Images with all the sizes and with the correct default names.
The app review team provided me with screenshots that shows my app running on an iPhone6 however with the layout dimensions of an iPhone5s (the layout is not scaled, there is a large white border)
Could you please guys provide me with any tips?
I was using a LaunchScreen but after i read many posts i deleted the LaunchScreen and added Launch Images
That's the problem. You must use a launch screen, because otherwise your app does not run natively on iPhone 6; instead, it is treated as an iPhone 5 and scaled up, exactly as Apple's screenshots showed you. Apple will no longer accept that; you must run natively, so you must use a launch screen.
You need to add launch images of the below resolutions to support iPhone6. Pl. refer to the below url which clearly specifies the dimension of the launch images to be used.

Cordova iPhone app appearance on iPad

So I'm working on a Cordova-based app for both iOS and Android. The iOS portion of it is meant to run only on iPhones and iPod Touches.
When I last submitted my app for reviewal, I got this rejection message from them:
2.10: iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Thing is, here is what my app looks like in an iPad:
I hunted around for another app that is also running on the iPad at iPhone sizes, and I found FourSquare:
As far as I can tell, they're running at the same resolution.
I did a $(window).width() and .height() call in my app, and I get 320x480, which as far as I can tell is the resolution of the original iPhone.
I found this other SO question here that addresses a similar (I think) problem: 2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
But when I check my settings ([project target] > App Icons and Launch Images), "Launch Images Source" is set to LaunchImage, and "Launch Screen File" is blank. (my experience with native iOS settings and storyboards is limited, so I'm not sure if I'm correctly implementing the solution prescribed in the linked SO question).
I also found this other one here: Make an iPhone specific app work on iPad to meet Apple requirements
It talks about editing one's .plist file to remove all references to iPad. I found two entries in mine, 'CFBundleIcons~ipad' and 'Main nib file base name (iPad)', both of which have no values (the value column is empty). Should I remove those? I'd run them to try, but I'm slightly afraid I might explode something beyond repair (plus the time taken to try, submit for review, and wait for Apple to get back to me is infinity+5 seconds, and the project's already behind schedule as is :( ).

How to know an iOS apps COMPATIBILITY status using Xcode

As of know my app's compatibility status in AppStore is
"Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5."
I want to make it compatible with iPhone 6 & 6+. So, i provided all the requirements for making my iOS app to compatible with iPhone 6 & 6+.
My question is:
I want to know my apps compatibility status before sending to AppStore Review process. So, is it possible using Xcode ?
first, you can run it in iPhone 6 Plus simulator, if the state bar is very fine, not to become big, then your app is optimized for iPhone 6+.
if your app doesn't optimize for iPhone 6, the screen you see is very terrible, just like small screen was dragged to 2x, like mosaic.
if you have friend who have iPhone 6 Plus, you can run it on the device.
for my app, I just delete the launch screen, and add a new one, then Xcode want me to add the launch image of iPhone 6 size, I did this, and run it on simulator, I found the screen didn't mosaic, the control recover the original size, not mosaic, what's more, it become chaos, because the size become small, screen have some blank areas.
then I use auto layout, restrain the control, make them fill all screen, now finish
my english is not very good, you can ask me if you don't understand it

Does my iPhone app have to work on iPad too?

I was reading the apple guidelines are there is a point which says
iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Does this mean if my app doesn't work perfectly fine on an iPad, it gets rejected? I'm posting this here as I found many contradicting information regarding this.
It means it has to run, not that it has to be optimized for iPad.
There is a big difference in that. You don't have to create iPad storyboard in order to make app run on an iPad - Xcode lets iPad use the iPhone storyboard and open it as if it was an iPhone. The view is then shrunk into a smaller rectangle.
You are aiming for something like this:
Apple has build Xcode in way that when you build and iphone app, it will also be compatible for iPads with 1x and 2x resolution. So you need not worry about creating a separate storyboard for iPad. Hope you find this helpful. Happy coding !
