Excel datetime changed to date but Excel still thinks its datetime - excel-2010

I have an excel spreadsheet. I copy in data from another source and 2 fields are datetime format, these 2 fields are headed OPEN and CLOSED. I need to order these 2 fields by OPEN then CLOSED so that I can see all calls opened on a date and the calls closed on the same date, then the day after, then the day after that etc. I highlight OPEN and CLOSED and choose REPLACE. I select "space & asterix" in Find What field and leave Replace With field blank. This removes the time from the fields. When I check using VBA the TEXT of the field is only date. However when I sort the 2 columns it still thinks that there is a time element included. So instead of showing all OPEN on 01/10/16 it orders by 01/10/16 09:15:33 which messes up the CLOSED order column.
I hope this makes sense.
If anyone can help with this it would be much appreciated.

Don't read this. It was human error. I made a mistake. Excel is working fine.


How to automatically detect an input from a column and updates into a different range

Hi, I would like some help with a current project or to know if it's possible to have a script for this.
For example, when someone makes changes a students lesson (column J) from Lesson 5 to Lesson 6 but didn't input a date, the script would add a text "DATE PLS" to the respective student's row at the respective Lessons (L5 & L6)
It will be used for several other sheets too. About 24-26 other sheets.
Thank you for any answers.
for inserting text DATE PLS you will need a script but if you are fine only with the red cell you can use conditional formatting like:
on range W4:W

set times with miliseconds in google sheet [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to SUM duration in Google Sheets?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
some time ago I ported an old timesheet to the google-timesheet to be able to share it online and have others modify it but didn't keeped it so I don't remember how I manage to do.
The goal is to compare two timing sheet, today I wanted to edit the sheet to be able add new datas and write timing in separate page sheet which simplify the comparation as I'll just have to import the data from the page and not rewrite it all the time. My issue is that I'm not enable to replicate on my new pages the format. What I would like is to have this exemple working
Marseille (ferry)
so that I can replicate the format on the other pages as I don't understand why it worked before but not now.
mm:ss.000 is the format I would like to have, but atm my format is [h]:mm:ss.000 and it seems that the hour markdown is necesary so I don't really mind if we need to keep the hour.
This is completely possible with google sheets. Enter the data in the format hh:mm:ss.ms, and use sum() (with a range, obv.) to sum the column. Then select the whole colume and apply a custom number format (data-> custom time/date). Using the dropdown to get the parts and typing the separators you can get Minute(1): Seconds(1).Milliseconds(3) which seems to be what you want.
For sheets to recognise the cell entry as a time it needs the hh: part. But you can certainly hide that in the display.
Demo Spreadsheet
If the spreadsheet locale is set to something which uses , for the decimal point, you need to use that instead of . Google could definitely make that a lot clearer. If you have the time you might even want to open a bug report with them, as the examples in their docs don't work when the locale requires a ,.
As a bonus, you can bulk-convert using a formula like =replace(B2; find("."; B2); 1; ",") * 1 (where B2 is the cell to be converted). Drag down, copy and paste the values, and then format if need be.

Google Sheets: How do I look up multiple values in another sheet?

The scenario I am faced with is kind of an odd one. Basically, I am designing a Google Sheet for work that will allow the employees to log their tech support phone calls and then a report will automatically update on another page, keeping a collective tally of sorts of all the activity on a particular day.
What I am trying to do is write a function that searches another sheet for a particular date and, if that date is found, sum a particular column of values for that day only. There are pictures attached that should help explain the problem.
Basically, I am trying to write a general equation in the cell reading "FALSE" that will look up the date of that row (in this case 1/1/2017) in the "Spendgo Minutes" sheet. If that date were to be found somewhere on that sheet (not necessarily at the top of the sheet), the "Minutes Gained" column would be summed up, but for that date only (not the entire column). Here is my running formula right now that has errors:
=IF(COUNTIF('Spendgo Tally'!$A$3:$A,$B7),'Spendgo Tally'!$G3)
Does anyone know how this might be possible? Feel free to ask any clarifying questions.
You're looking for SUMIF
= SUMIF('Spendgo Tally'!$A$3:$A,$B7,'Spendgo Tally'!$G3:$G)

Datasnap issue (datasets displaying wrong field types)

I was basically following this example :
New -> Other ->Datasnap Server -> VCL Forms Application
(All default settings,Port 211 working, TDSServerModule).
Then created a table in SQLite :
On my ServerMethodsUnit1 I dropped a TSQLConnection.
Changed the Driver to Sqlite.
Removed LoginPrompt.
Connection connected OK.
Added TSQLDataset and connected it to my SQLITECONNECTION.
Set CommandText to my T1 (the table name).
Made it active without a problem.
Added a datasetprovider1 and lined it to my dataset (The table T1).
Saved all.
Run the server without a problem.With the server running,I constructed the client side:
To my project I added a new project (vcl forms application).
Added a SQLConnection component.
Set its driver name to Datasnap.
Removed loginprompt.
On the form I dropped DSProviderConnection1.
Connected it to my sqlconnection.
Set its ServerClassname to TServerMethods1.
Tested the connection - both work OK.
Dropped a Clientdataset. Connected its RemoteServer property to that of DSProviderConnection1.
ProviderName to DataSetProvider1.
Connection succeeded. Clientdataset is active.
Added a DataSource.Linked it to my Clientdataset.
All connections work. So I added a little GUI.
Dropped a TDBGrid and a TDBNavigator. Linked them to Datasource1.
The first strange thing I noticed is that all fields displayed Widememo.
Why is this when fields are completely different,I dont know.
Went to the fields editor,added the fields and when checking the BlobType
all displayed ftWideMemo.
I tried to insert todays date directly in the grid and somehow in my DB it ended up : 1899-12-30.
Checking the table (T! on the server side), the DATE,and TIME field also displays widememo.
What am I missing here ?
SQlite has very loose typing.
DATE and TIME are not part of SQLite.
And DBGrids don't know what to do with SQLite TEXT.
The way I got around this problem was to use VARCHAR(length) instead of TEXT when defining the fields.
Then those will display OK in a DBGrid. And I did dates also as VARCHAR().
See Also
Displaying and editing MEMO fields in Delphi's TDBGrid
There is no such native DATE nor TIME type in SQlite3:
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates
and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite
are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic
Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these
formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and
time functions.
Also ensure that you understood the "type affinity" feature of SQlite3 columns - which is pretty powerful, but may be confusing if you come from a "strongly typed" RDBMS.
What you can do is
Either uses Unix time and an INTEGER column - see UnixToDateTime function for instance in DateUtils.pas unit;
Or a TEXT column and ISO-8601 encoding (my preferred).
Then you will have to map this value in DataSnap - I know that our mORMot units allow this, and I do not know exactly for DataSnap.
Also take a look at all integrated date/time functions in SQlite3 which are pretty complete.
I had the same issue as all my SQLite fields were showing up as WideMemo fields in the DBGrid.
One simple solution is to populate the corresponding sqlite table with at least one (1) row of 'proper' data (no empty fields).
When VCL components are connecting (for the first time), they seem to be able to create fields with the right type.That is, if you right click on a TSQLDataSet component and select the Fields Editor -> Create fields, with a table that has at least one row of data, the fields will be correctly mapped.
I have not checked if that works for the DATE type, but it does work for integers, doubles and text.
For some reason, if the table is empty, all fields are created as WideMemo blobs.

Excel filter groups some dates but not others

This may be a dumb question with an obvious answer but i can not find or figure out a solution. So I have an excel sheet with 5 tabs, each tab with different data. I've added a filter on the tabs and with some of the date fields it groups by date (you can choose year and month) when you select the drop down. But on others it doesn't. How can i get it to give this grouping option on all of the dates????
my best guess is that all the dates in the other tabs might be stored as text and if so, you can convert them back to the date format by copying 1 and pasting as Multiply (Paste Special > Multiply) to all the dates.
