Can I use CKEditor in my iOS application? - ios

Well I've searched for the answer to this, and nothing seems to provide a clear solution... so here goes...
We have a web application that we are re-creating in iOS. Parts of the application utilize CKEditor to edit contents of templates (for sending emails, etc.).
Is there a way to use CKEditor within the iOS app, or is there something similar that anyone can recommend that provides the same base functionality?
Thanks, to all, in advance...
EDIT: (Thanks to the comment by #Dekel)
It should be noted that the editor needs to work whether the device is online or offline. So a true WebView item won't work (I believe - could be wrong).


CMS, Backend for iOS App

My question might be too easy. But i come from web development background and just started creating iOS app by learning from here and there. I have made 2 prototypes, but the second one need backend, cms.
From my prev experience i used php, mysql, html, css. I custom made the cms to organize my content and all user data, etc would be stored into database and can be maintained from the cms.
I use swift, but i seem to miss something important. in ios area what are the tools to develop the db (not local storage, coredata, and such) and maintain that; like what i used to use in web dev area? i dont even know how to ask the right question, but i really hope you guys would understand
can you guys give me direction? a link to basic knowledge of this will be fine
I think usually it will be database on a server and you will send requests and get answers in JSON format. You will have to parse them and use in your app.

Rails video embedding gem, service

Hi there i've had a look around for some video embedding tools i can use for my site, i'm looking at letting user embed video into a site through their profile, i've got the images down with paperclip, i was lo
oking at embedly looked good but the implementation of it looked a little complex for me, any suggestions would be great, thanks.
I've used in the past. Worked as expected, although it's not free. Couldn't use a free service without breaking agreements and such for that project.

Extend Rails app with standard content pages

I developed an App with Rails 3.2
We realized that we may end up having many 'standard' content pages, mainly text documenting the application itself. Nothing the application users will be playing with.
Is there an extension (plugin, gem) I could use to add page to my app like we would normally do on a standard CMS?
I want to be able to delegate the addition/nodfication of content to the admin rather than coding it in HTML.
We had a similar problem with our knowledge base, and chose to use nanoc for it.
This gives us something similar to in term of end-user. And the code is written in markdown ( is open source).
This way, all our documentation is written in markdown in static files.
Support people can write them without having to know about programming. With the GitHub Mac App, they can very easily push and pull from a repository.

Preparing a RoR app for mobile application communication

I'm still implementing basic functionality in my app so I'm asking this now in case I need to re-think my design. My user interface in a "real browser" is a bunch of links which load data through AJAX. It also supports "normal non-AJAX" interaction. My controllers look somewhat like this:
if request.xhr?
render article
redirect_to article
This works very well so far and I have no problems. The problem is how I should add support for mobile apps. In the example above render article renders the file show.js.erb which looks like this:
$content.content("<%= escape_javascript(render "feeds/show") %>");
Obviously this won't do in a mobile application where I won't be working with a browser. I am thinkg of using phonegap to develop my app. I should note that I have zero experience with it.
So what I'm looking for is advice as how I should prepare support for a mobile application, any help is gladly appreciated. How should I be doing communication and are there anything special I should consider from hereon when I continue developing the backend?
There is an article about this. It's been written a few years back and uses IUI and Rails 2. The conventions in this article still prove quite valid in later versions of Rails.
However, the concepts of what is needed to get you started is explained therein. It speaks of using an app called iPhoney, which helps in the debugging stages.
Second, the article explains how one would be able to configure Rails iPhone mime type and how to detect iPhone user agents, among other setups as well.
If you haven't already. I would suggest looking at jQuery Mobile. Which may suit your requirements as well.
A more up-to-date article can be found here.

Is there a Ruby on Rails site thumbnail generator available?

I'm hoping to avoid building this if it already exists. Does anyone know of a plugin for Ruby on Rails that will generate a screenshot of a web site? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me find one.
As far as I am aware you need a server with a desktop (eg. Gnome, X11, KDE) and a web browser with thumbnail capabilities installed (eg. webkit and CutyCapt). Of course this is not usual for a Linux server.
I have used the service suggested by Soufiane using code based on Peter Coopers snippet and it works very well.
Generating website thumbnails would require significant server resources and some sort of background process and job queue so using a web thumbnail generation service might be a better alternative to generating your own.
Yes there is a wonderful solution:
It has an great API and there are some Ruby Wrappers (i.e.
It allows you to process 100 thumbnails a month, if you need more the price for credits is very generous if you ask me.
This is not a plugin, but I found this snippet which is using an external site to do what you want (I think.). I didn't test it though.
This is getting a little dated now, but just for posterity's sake there is an answer over here
