How to use Non-Renewable Subscriptions in multiple devices? - ios

I'm implementing an application with Non-Renewal Subscriptions. For that i have referred many sites and most of the answers that i found as like,
We need to manage the expire date by ourself in our server side/local, once you verify a receipt with Apple.
We can implement authentication module as optional to share use the Non-Renewal Subscriptions across multiple devices.
Actually my application doesn't have authentication modules like registration/login to track user on multiple devices. So How can i able to use the Non-Renewable in multiple devices without allowing user to register/login. Do we have any common field to trace the user on multiple devices without authenticating them.
Thanks in advance, Can anyone please give any suggestions to handle this scenario.

You will need some server side support. If you are fine with receiving unauthenticated traffic, you can use the original transaction id. For each subscription purchase you make for a given Apple Id, that purchase will have a unique original transaction id (in the receipt).
If the user initially purchases the subscription on device A, let's say they get back a transaction id of 1234 (note this is not the format, I am just using this as an example). Now the user goes to device B and makes the same purchase. Note this is a subscription, so Apple will already know the purchase was made for that Apple Id. It will indicate the subscription was already purchased, but will let the person still "purchase" (they won't be charged). Upon this, they will get a receipt. This receipt will have the same transaction id.
So here is where your server would need to tie the two together. You would most likely use a UUID, such as [[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor]. Now your server will know that transaction id 1234 is used by device A and device B.
You can choose how to send this information. You can either send it by way of the receipt (in which case your server will need to unpack it to get the transaction id) or the app can do it for you.
You should do what you can to increase security measures. For example, the method above could be easily spoofed.


Get user from server to server notification of subscription ios

I am using sever to server notifications of ios
It is giving me the notifications but there are no information that to which user this transaction belongs or who paid for it, so am I missing something or there are other ways to know?
You can only rely on original_transaction_id. It's unique identifier of subscription. In case you have one subscription group it also identifies your user. However you have to implement your own logic by matching your users with original_transaction_ids.
You can also use ready-to-use solution to handle Apple notifications, like Apphud.

How to tie back iTunes connect Subscription Status URL to a unique user

Hello I am currently trying to take advantage of the Subscription Status URL that iTunes connect gives you to get updates on a auto renewable in app subscription.
I have my endpoint up and running, and I am getting all the receipt info I need and the status of the update, however I have no current way of tying this update back to a specific user of my application.
For example, every user of my app has a UUID, and in a perfect world I would somehow like to tell Apple during a purchase which user uuid purchased this subscription and then get that UUID back in the POST request from the Subscription Status URL.
Is this possible?
You have identified what I consider to be one of the biggest flaws in StoreKit, that the receipt does not contain a way to identify the user (iTunes account in this case).
The way around this is: When your users make a purchase and your app processes a transaction, you need to post the transaction identifier (and probably the receipt data) to your backend and associate it with your user's backend record. Then when you get a push from Apple, you can look up the user it relates to by transaction id.
This is not an ideal solution, since different app users can be sharing a receipt via the same iTunes account and other edge cases like that, buts it is a good as you can do with the way app receipts work.

iOS In-App Purchase, sending to another account (gifting?)

I have a client that needs to have its volunteers purchase an IAP (A data package that is downloaded), then somehow reimburse them. The problem is that there is no easy way to do this that I think Apple will approve of. Especially for over 1500 people. I've come up with several ways of doing this with their pros and cons, which one would be best to implement and does anyone have any other suggestions on how to do this?
1) Have the client send out iTunes gift cards via email. The IAP is $7, and you can't send a gift card less than $10. Also, they would have to send them one at a time, there is no way to send bulk. Not going to work
2) Create gift codes like iTunes gift cards. My client can purchase codes in bulk via IAP (so Apple still gets their money), and store them on my web server securely. I can then implement a system to send all the codes to a single email, or individually to multiple emails. Then the volunteers can use the codes to unlock that single IAP. This would be more work on my part, but easier for my client. Something tells me Apple probably would not approve of this method.
3) Create "Credits" that the client can purchase in bulk via IAP (so Apple still gets their money), then gift either the credits or send the IAP info itself to the volunteers via a p2p bluetooth connection created with game kit. This would be harder for the client, as they would have to send each "Credit" individually. But I think Apple would be more likely to approve this.
4) Have the client send me a list of UUIDs for each of the volunteers devices. I add the UUIDs to a secure list on my server. During the purchase the a check is preformed to see if the devices UUID matches one on my server. If it is, they are marked as "all ready paid" and given the IAP data. I don't know about this one, as the only way I can see the money transfer happening is myself getting paid directly, and Apple being left out (So they probably wouldn't approve of this. I have no problem giving Apple their 30% if I could find a way to get that to work with this.
I'd go with Option 5, and create my own IAP system. Much like Option 3, but bypassing Apple all together. Add a Custom URL Scheme to you application, give it to your client to distribute. When your app is launched by its Custom URL Scheme have it open to a promo code entry page.
Your client would be able to purchase/create codes as necessary via a website that you set up for them. You would then store the codes (or create an algorithm to check generated codes against), and validate the codes as the users enter them.
Then your clients users would enter their unique code and have everything unlocked/downloaded as needed.
I have done a similar set up with promo codes to unlock the full version of my applications so I could create my own promotions, without making the upgrades free for everyone by removing/altering the IAP.

switching from auto-renewable to renewable subscription

My client has an app in the App Store that uses the auto-renew subscription type. Upon resubmitting the app it was rejected because they claimed they don't have periodic content (even though they do... but this problem seems to be ubiquitous currently). I was wondering what the best approach is to deal with non-renewing subscriptions. Specifically issues dealing with:
Losing your device and restoring your subscription
Restoring your subscription to multiple devices (as mandated by Apple)
Preventing users from abusing the system.
What I came up with so far is the following:
When a user purchases a 1 month subscription this information is stored locally (say in NSUserDefaults). Also, a unique ID is generated and sent to my clients server. When the subscription ends users are asked whether they want to be directed to the purchase screen. If users wishes to save the subscription in case they need to restore they device, or in case they lose their device, they can opt to have the unique identifier sent to their email address (which they are prompted to enter, indicating that this information will not be used). The app has an place to enter this ID. It will retrieve the subscription information from the server and again store this in the NSUserDefaults. Each time a restore is done, a counter is increased. When it has reached say 5, the user can no longer restore. The same principle described above works in the case of sharing subscriptions over multiple devices. Does this seem like a reasonable solution (and one that Apple will accept)?
Thanks for your time!
Why don't you want to use Apple's restoreCompletedTransactions? It just provides you with information about ALL the previous purchases, on any device, at any time.

Differentiating between initial buy and free "re-buy" in StoreKit/In-App Purchase

From the StoreKit guide:
If the user attempts to purchase a nonconsumable product or a renewable subscription they have already purchased, your application receives a regular transaction for that item, not a restore transaction. However, the user is not charged again for that product. Your application should treat these transactions identically to those of the original transaction.
This presents a huge problem in an app I am working on. We have licensed a large body of content from a publisher for sale through in-app purchase. They require that every time we sell a piece of this content (i.e. user pays us), our server calls an API on their servers to report the transaction. This is for accounting purposes and ultimately used to determine how much we pay them at the end of the month, per our agreement with them.
I have read several suggestions on SO and elsewhere about calling restoreCompletedTransactions rather frequently and maintaining a local understanding, on the device, of what the user has already purchased so they cannot be allowed to purchase it again. This to me seems like something that should be able to be implemented on the server side. However, the receipts that we are getting back from the Apple servers are exactly the same for a buy and a re-buy, as promised by the StoreKit guide.
If payment callbacks from StoreKit cannot be trusted as a valid accounting mechanism in this kind of situation ("you got paid" vs. "you didn't get paid"), what other real-time insights into transaction traffic are available? I don't think the publisher we are working with is going to be happy if we tell them we have to wait 45 days after the end of the month to get the REAL paid dollar amount out of iTunes Connect.
I have recently looked into the same problem. In my case, I wanted to implement accurate revenue tracking using Mobile App Tracking to track revenue generated from different customer acquisition campaigns.
Fortunately enough, there is a way to do it. It should be noted that SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased vs. SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored solely depends on the initating action, e.g. whether you initiated a restore or a (re-)purchase, so that doesn't work.
What does work instead is checking for SKPaymentTransaction.originalTransaction which will be != nil for restores and re-purchases. The latter is unfortunately undefined behavior (docs). I'd consider a null check fair enough though.
Another option is to validate the transaction-receipt of transactions with SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased and check that the original_transaction_id property in the returned, validated receipt matches the transaction_id.
The bad news is: In the current iOS version (4.3.x) there's no way to distinguish between a buy and a re-buy of non-consumable products.
To ease the situation I would recommend two things:
After a successful purchase, store the product identifier of the purchased product in the NSUserDefaults on the device. You can then hide the already purchased products from the user and thus handle a re-buy situation.
The NSUserDefaults are backed up by iTunes when the user synchronizes his device. So your stored purchase information is not lost when the user gets a new device.
Store the receipt data together with the device ID on your server. Analyze the receipt's product identifier and the device ID.
If you receive another receipt with the same product identifier and device ID combination, then assume a re-buy. At least this would allow you to cover most of the re-buy cases.
Assuming that an ordinary iPhone user switches his device every 1-2 years, you will at least cover most of the re-buy cases and maybe apple will fix this in the future.
I have one solution,
Configure the product as consumable.
this will solve the problem - (They require that every time we sell a piece of this content (i.e. user pays us)).
Next you need to implement a logic in product buy option. It is in a way that once the user purchase a product the buy option need to remove otherwise the user may happendly go purchase and lost is cash once again for same product in same device.
you can use NSUserdefaults for this purpose.
