I am implementing HLS downloader using AVAssetDownloadTask. I can't find a way to resume download if I restart the application in middle of download. The download always starts from beginning on app restart. I cannot find any mention of resuming downloads in the documentation of AVAssetDownloadTask. Let me know if anyone has successfully been able to resume download using AVAssetDownloadTask.
Found this PDF titled "Offline Playback with FairPlay Streaming and HTTP Live Streaming" explaining how to resume downloads.
Found the following in a paragraph titled: "Resume Download"
AVAssetDownloadTask provides the ability to resume previously stopped
downloads under certain circumstances. To do so, simply instantiate a
new AVAssetDownloadTask with an AVURLAsset instantiated with a file
NSURL pointing to the partially downloaded bundle with the desired
download options, and the download will continue restoring any
previously downloaded data.
So you would need to cancel the download, then save the local NSURL of the partial download passed to the didFinishDownloadingTo delegate. The cancelled download can the be resumed by passing it the local NSURL of the partially downloaded file.
I created a background session and a download task which I wanted to be resumed after lunching app which was killed by user.I found one way to resume that task, but there is a problem.I created new session and download task with same Url, at first it was good my old download task resumed but the problem was that the new task was created and I have 2 download tasks to download same objet(but I need only the old one). When I'm canceling the new task I'm not getting any notifications from old one.
After creating new session and resuming download task with same url you can view the list of tasks on that session and stop the old one
My app uploads some file on his app folder with Dropbox Sync API using
file.writeContentsOfFile(tempPath, shouldSteal: true, error: &error)
I would like to monitor the upload process showing progress in a UIProgressView.
I know about the observer block for the DBFile or the KVC pattern but it works nice when the file was downloaded. Instead, when it is uploading, his status.progressremains 0.0 for all the time and, just at the end of the process, it becomes 1.0.
Are there other properties that I can observe or other developer pattern that I should follow?
I'm currently writing an iOS app that allows users to stream music from soundcloud. Currently I am able to stream just fine from Soundcloud, in booth forefront and background app states. I have an issue when I download an MP3 files and attempt to play it and have continuously playback when the app in in the background, more specifically in the locked screen or the screen is off.
When I play a downloaded file and lock the screen, the audio continues to play for a while. Usually it plays for 2 -3 mins. After that playback will stop and any other downloaded mp3 files in the playlist will not playback until the user returns to the app. Items in the playlist that are not downloaded will playback perfectly if the user has an internet connection, regardless if a downloaded item failed to play previously.
There are times when I receive the following error:
AVPlayerItemStatusFailed: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not becompleted" UserInfo=0x170270500 {NSUnderlyingError=0x170059380 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not permitted", NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (1), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed}
I will additionally get the following notification from the AVPlayerItem
Notification: NSConcreteNotification 0x1700538c0 {name = AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification; object = AVPlayerItem: 0x178009300, asset = AVURLAsset: 0x17822aaa0, URL = file:///var/mobile/Applications/51118E74-3334-4EFC-B148-B485DE675F9E/Documents/Downloads/SC_165903784.mp3}
This notification is received when the first item that is playing stop playing. It doesn't make sense that I get this notification when it doesn't finish playing to end of its duration.
My guess is that because the app is in background mode there is a limited time set for reading files, but I somehow doubt that.
I'm using the following to create a AVPlayerItem from a Local file.
NSURL* url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:song.downloadFilePath];
[AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL:url];
I have tried building my own AVQueuePlayer and also using iOS Hysteria Player, but both instances have given me the same bug for offline download playback.
Any insights or solutions are greatly appreciated.
Are you playing your files from the Documents directory? (Or anywhere besides the app bundle?)
If so, be sure to save the files to the directory using
[fileToSave writeToFile:filePath options:NSDataWritingFileProtectionNone error:nil];.
The NSDataWritingFileProtectionNone is the critical bit! What's going on, at least in my case, is this: iOS is trying to be secure, and so is by default enabling file protection on the files you add to the Documents directory (and also the other non-app-bundle directories as well, I believe). By adding NSDataWritingFileProtectionNone, you're requesting the system to no longer enable this protection on your files.
From Apple's iOS Documentation:
If you protect a file, your app must be prepared to lose access to
that file. When complete file protection is enabled, your app loses
the ability to read and write the file’s contents when the user locks
the device.
Now, as soon as I read that, I was almost positive that this was the cause for my app not being able to continue playback once the device was locked. For security's sake, iOS seems to default to automatically putting files under protection… but this keeps everything, including your app, from being able to access it while the device is locked. My bug was that it only played part of the song as soon as the device was locked, and that makes sense… since its access to the actual song file was revoked, it was only able to play the part of the song that had already been buffered into RAM!
This was the fix for a month-long problem I've been pulling my hair out to try to solve. I sincerely hope it fixes the issue for you too.
I believe this issue is caused by the limitation of AVQueuePlayer, and HysteriaPlayer using AVQueuePlayer as core player so that's why.
I've seen AVQueuePlayer document mentioned (I can't find it unfortunately) that it can't handle the queue mixed with local and remote audios.
There's some workarounds:
Use AVPlayer
Don't use AVQueuePlayer, handle the queue by yourself and feed it to AVPlayer.
Separate two AVQueuePlayer
One for local media, one for remote media. Insert and use PlayerItem and Player properly.
I would patch HysteriaPlayer to meet this requirement a month later, you can come back that time.
I'm having difficulty in the download using NewsstandKit when the app shut down.
My newsstand app download does starts in Background Mode, and exit to the background or push a download notification, the download issue everything is OK, but i shut down the app then the task is downloading,the downloading task failed.
Does it has to do some thing with the Server? or others?
You need to resume your downloads when the App Launches again.
Something to the tune of this would work
// Inside App Delegate Did Finish Launching
NKLibrary *nkLib = [NKLibrary sharedLibrary];
for(NKAssetDownload *asset in [nkLib downloadingAssets]){
[asset downloadWithDelegate:newsstandDownloadDelegate];
If you read the documentation you will find the following paragraph detailing how you should handle app termination:
While assets are being downloaded, the application could be suspended
or even terminated entirely if, for instance, there is insufficient
memory or the user force-quits the application. The application
(assuming it has the newsstand-content property) is later relaunched
into the background to handle the completion of the download or any
authentication challenges or errors related to it. The procedure in
this case is the following:
When the application is launched, it can use the
UIApplicationLaunchOptionsNewsstandDownloadsKey key to access an array
in the launchOptions dictionary passed into the
application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. If there is an array, it
contains the identifiers that caused the launch; these could be
identifiers for downloads that have finished downloading that or could
not complete downloading. It iterates through the array of
NKAssetDownload objects from the downloadingAssets property of the
NKLibrary object and calls downloadWithDelegate: on each of them. If
it wants, the application can use the asset identifiers obtained in
the previous step to check which asset downloads caused the relaunch.
The NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate object handles the asset downloads
as it does normally. The Newsstand Kit framework expects all calls of
its methods to be made on the main thread; the NSURLConnectionDelegate
Protocol methods are also invoked on the main thread.
I am trying to download 4 video files, each one is approximately 50MB, using AfNetworking. I added this block to handle background download operation:
[weakSelf.downloadOperation setShouldExecuteAsBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
// Handle iOS shutting you down (possibly make a note of where you
// stopped so you can resume later)
When it is downloading, if a call comes, or the phone goes standby mode, file seems to be downloaded, but actually it is not fully downloaded. So the app cannot open the downloaded video file. What should I do for that?