Change uploaded file name in Orbeon Forms - orbeon

When I upload a file in Orbeon I get a progress bar and then a download link with the uploaded filename (for example sample.txt).
Now the scenario is: when I upload any file, I just have to rename the filename based on the reference number (for example 12345) in the same form and should be displayed as 12345.txt.


What is the header Content type suppose to do?

So i have this ASP.Net app and i want to allow the client to have the option to download an xlsx file, im using the HttpContext.Response to set the Content Type "application/xlsx" and the Content-Disposition sets the file name with the extension .xlsx, the download works correctly.
if I change the file name to .pdf then the file is downloaded as a pdf, when I checked the developer tool network response the Content Type was "application/xlsx" and in another test I change the name fileto .png and the file was downloaded as an image (it did not work, but it was shown as an image)
So what is the content type supposed to do, does it bring some sort of security how do i make sure that the user can only downloads the file associated to the content type?
Im using response.BinaryWrite()
A content type indicates what type of content is being transmitted over http regardless of the content name. For example as you already have tested, you can transmit a pdf file naming it as a .png file.
It is the browser or the operating system that is representing a file with the name .png as an image to you. Another software would treat a pdf file with .png name as a pdf file.
The name of the file matters after the download is complete. But the software that is handling the download (in this case a web browser) actually may need to know the original media type. And you might want to write client side codes that would need to know what type of file is being transferred from the server regardless of the file name.

Can create a URL File in OneDrive Web UI but NOT correctly through Graph API

I can easily create a URL File through the O365 OneDrive web UI. Right click > New > Link. Enter the URL and save. The new item appears in the UI and when clicked, it will take you directly to the new URL, let's say it's
I'm attempting to duplicate this with the Graph API.
GET /me/drive/items/{folderId}/children
{ name:'',
It creates what appears to be a link in the OneDrive UI but when clicked, it will not take you to the URL, it attempts to download a file. I've tried creating it with and without the .url suffix. The API looks pretty limited and there aren't many options to pass. I've also tried the beta API, same issue.
Links are actually a file with a special syntax similar to an INI file. From the sample you included here, it looks like you're creating an empty (0 byte) file named "". Since the empty file doesn't match the format expected for a .URL file, OneDrive doesn't know what to do with it and just downloads the file.
To create a link programmatically, you would need to make a request like this:
Content-Type: text/plain
This will create a file named ShortcutToBing.url, and fill the contents of the file with the text below the request, which is the contents of a .URL file, pointing to

Paperclip preview files before downloading, also generate share link

I am starting up with rails and was going thru the sharebox-tutorial.
Now is it possible with paperclip to first preview the uploaded files and then choose the download link, rather than the file directly being downloaded when link is clicked, as in the tutorial and elsewhere in the internet.
Also, what will be the method to generate a share link unique to every friend email.
While researching, i also found out that files should be uploaded in some other folder but public.
how is it different from storing the files in public folder with the url hashed. the hash url is still accessible when user is logged out.
the preview i am referring to should be after uploading.

How to upload x3dom files to be displayed like a gallery

I've been working with x3dom for the past month and now I wan to be able to display my work, does anyone know of an uploader where I could upload the x3dom file so that it is saved in a sort of image gallery, or is the only way to do it to keep copy pasting x3dom code to an html file and then upload thru ftp?
any variety of available upload scenarios will work
x3d is all text so you can store them as flat files and upload via ftp or if you want to have a template and dynamically viewable system you could store the x3d in a database and display that db info in a dynamically generated html file

ace:fileEntry - changing the filename of uploaded document

in am using ace:fileEntry component to upload a pdf file. my problem i dont know how to change the filename while uploading the document. The file gets uploaded with the originalfilename.I know that if i set useOriginalFilename=false, it would have a unique name, but I want that the file uploaded in the file system should have the custom filename which i want to pass.
My xhtml code is as below
<ace:fileEntry id="file-entry" label="Attachment"
maxFileCountMessage="Limited to 1 files uploaded concurrently."
maxFileSizeMessage="Submitted file is too large.Max size allowed is 6MB"
maxTotalSizeMessage="Total size of submitted files is too large."
requiredMessage="The file is required to submit this form."
useSessionSubdir="false" />
You sound like as if you expected that the temporary storage location of uploaded files is usable as a permanent storage location of uploaded files and you thus don't need to touch it. This is wrong! The location where uploaded files will initially end up is really temporary in order to save server memory usage. It will be cleaned at intervals or startup/shutdown.
In the listener method, you should be obtaining the content of the uploaded file yourself as InputStream or byte[] which you should write to the permanent storage location. During this step you have all the freedom to specify your own filename.
See also this closely related question about PrimeFaces <p:fileUpload> (whose sourcecode ICEfaces has for the major part stolen copypasted redistributed) Where is the p:fileUpload uploaded file saved and how do I change it? for a detailed answer how to deal with it properly.
