Ignore uppercase, downcase and accent in search - ruby-on-rails

I have a search system with filter here. This system work like a charm but I have some problem with downcase / uppercase and accent.
For example if I search "marée" I have result but if I search "MAREE" or "Marée" or "maree". I don't have result.
I want to fix that. How I can fix this ? Thank you.
my controller
def resultnohome
if params[:query].blank?
redirect_to action: :index and return
#campings = Camping.searchi(params[:query], params[:handicap], params[:animaux], params[:television], params[:plage], params[:etang], params[:lac])
if params[:query] == "aube"
#pub = Camping.find_by_id(1)
My model
def self.searchi(query, handicap, animaux, television, plage, etang, lac)
return scoped unless query.present?
result = left_outer_joins(:caracteristiquetests, :situations).where('nomdep LIKE ? OR name LIKE ? OR nomregion LIKE ? OR commune LIKE?', "%#{query}%", "%#{query}%", "%#{query}%", "%#{query}%")
result = result.where('handicap LIKE ?', "%#{handicap}%") if handicap
result = result.where('animaux LIKE ?', "%#{animaux}%") if animaux
result = result.where('television LIKE ?', "%#{television}%") if television
result = result.where('plage LIKE ?', "%#{plage}%") if plage
result = result.where('etang LIKE ?', "%#{etang}%") if etang
result = result.where('lac LIKE ?', "%#{lac}%") if lac
return result

If you insist on using SQLite then you don't have many good options. The most common suggestion is to have extra columns in your database, that are normalized values so if your plage column contains "Marée" then you also have a column plage_ascii that contains "maree"
you need to create the additional columns with migrations, then you would have a before_save action in your model...
before_save :create_normalized_strings
def create_normalized_strings
self.handicap_ascii = handicap.downcase.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^x00-\x7F]/n, '').to_s
self.animaux_ascii = animaux.downcase.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^x00-\x7F]/n, '').to_s
# etc etc
Then in your search do...
if handicap
test_handicap = handicap.downcase.mb_chars.normalize(:kd).gsub(/[^x00-\x7F]/n, '').to_s
result = result.where('handicap_ascii LIKE ?', "%#{handicap}%")
It's not great, as it basically forces you to duplicate data in your database into extra columns. If you can consider more sophisticated databases other than SQLite then you'd be better off... personally I wouldn't ever use SQLite in a production environment.


ActiveRecord how to use Where only if the parameter you're querying has been passed?

I'm running a query like the below:
Item.where("created_at >=?", Time.parse(params[:created_at])).where(status_id: params[:status_id])
...where the user can decide to NOT provide a parameter, in which case it should be excluded from the query entirely. For example, if the user decides to not pass a created_at and not submit it, I want to run the following:
Item.where(status_id: params[:status_id])
I was thinking even if you had a try statement like Time.try(:parse, params[:created_at]), if params[created_at] were empty, then the query would be .where(created_at >= ?", nil) which would NOT be the intent at all. Same thing with params[:status_id], if the user just didn't pass it, you'd have a query that's .where(status_id:nil) which is again not appropriate, because that's a valid query in itself!
I suppose you can write code like this:
if params[:created_at].present?
#items = Item.where("created_at >= ?", Time.parse(params[:created_at])
if params[:status_id].present?
#items = #items.where(status_id: params[:status_id])
However, this is less efficient with multiple db calls, and I'm trying to be more efficient. Just wondering if possible.
def index
#products = Product.where(nil) # creates an anonymous scope
#products = #products.status(params[:status]) if params[:status].present?
#products = #products.location(params[:location]) if params[:location].present?
#products = #products.starts_with(params[:starts_with]) if params[:starts_with].present?
You can do something like this. Rails is smart in order to identify when it need to build query ;)
You might be interested in checking this blog It was very useful for me and can also be for you.
If you read #where documentation, you can see option to pass nil to where clause.
blank condition :
If the condition is any blank-ish object, then #where is a no-op and returns the current relation.
This gives us option to pass conditions if valid or just return nil will produce previous relation itself.
#items = Item.where(status_condition).where(created_at_condition)
def status_condition
['status = ?', params[:status]] unless params[:status].blank?
def created_at_condition
['created_at >= ?', Time.parse(params[:created_at])] unless params[:created_at].blank?
This would be another option to achieve the desired result. Hope this helps !

Ignore parameters that are null in active record Rails 4

I created a simple web form where users can enter some search criteria to look for venues e.g. a price range. When a user clicks "find" I use active record to query the database. This all works very well if all fields are filled in. Problems occur when one or more fields are left open and therefore have a value of null.
How can I work around this in my controller? Should I first check whether a value is null and create a query based on that? I can imagine I end up with many different queries and a lot of code. There must be a quicker way to achieve this?
def search
#venues = Venue.where("price >= ? AND price <= ? AND romance = ? AND firstdate = ?", params[:minPrice], params[:maxPrice], params[:romance], params[:firstdate])
You may want to filter out all of the blank parameters that were sent with the request.
Here is a quick and DRY solution for filtering out blank values, triggers only one query of the database, and builds the where clause with Rails' ActiveRecord ORM.
This approach safeguards against SQL-injection, as pointed out by #DanBrooking. Rails 4.0+ provides "strong parameters." You should use the feature.
class VenuesController < ActiveRecord::Base
def search
# Pass a hash to your query
#venues = Venue.where(search_params)
def search_params
# Optionally, whitelist your search parameters with permit
permit(:min_price, :max_price, :romance, :first_date).
# Delete any passed params that are nil or empty string
delete_if {|key, value| value.blank? }
I would recommend to make method in Venue
def self.find_by_price(min_price, max_price)
if min_price && max_price
where("price between ? and ?", min_price, max_price)
def self.find_by_romance(romance)
if romance
where("romance = ?", romance)
def self.find_by_firstdate(firstdate)
if firstdate
where("firstdate = ?", firstdate)
And use it in your controller
.find_by_price(params[:minPrice], params[:maxPrice])
Another solution to this problem, and I think a more elegant one, is using scopes with conditions.
You could do something like
class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :romance, ->(genre) { where("romance = ?", genre) if genre.present? }
You can then chain those, which would work as an AND if there is no argument present, then it is not part of the chain.
Try below code, it will ignore parameters those are not present
conditions = []
conditions << "price >= '#{params[:minPrice]}'" if params[:minPrice].present?
conditions << "price <= '#{params[:maxPrice]}'" if params[:maxPrice].present?
conditions << "romance = '#{params[:romance]}'" if params[:romance].present?
conditions << "firstdate = '#{params[:firstdate]}'" if params[:firstdate].present?
#venues = Venue.where(conditions.join(" AND "))

Rails - where with multiple like options

I am trying pull information from a contacts table based on multiple like conditions. So far I have come up with the following
conditions = ""
conditions << "email_address LIKE '%#{params[:email_address]}%'" unless params[:email_address].blank?
conditions << " AND first_name LIKE '%#{params[:first_name]}%'" unless params[:first_name].blank?
conditions << " AND last_name LIKE '%#{params[:last_name]}%'" unless params[:last_name].blank?
conditions.sub!(/^AND/, '')
if !conditions.blank?
#contacts = Contact.where(conditions).page(params[:page]).per(10)
#contacts = Contact.all.page(params[:page]).per(10)
What I was wondering is ... is this the best way to do this? I would have thought there would be a nice way to add multiple conditions in the form of a hash and somehow specify that I want to use OR/AND and like.
I am fairly new to rails and google is not really helping much.
Just append the where calls directly to a scope:
#contacts = Contact.scoped
#contacts = #contacts.where("email_address LIKE '%?%'", params[:email_address]) if params[:email_address].present?
#contacts = #contacts.where("first_name LIKE '%?%'", params[:first_Name]) if params[:first_name].present?
#contacts = #contacts.where("last_name LIKE '%?%'", params[:last_name]) if params[:last_name].present?
You can use a simple loop to make it less repetative:
%(email_address first_name last_name).each do |field|
#contacts = #contacts.where("#{field} like '%?%'", params[field]) if params[field].present?
And do not build queries by hand by directly substituting user input into your query string. Rails makes that hard to do on purpose: You're bypassing all of Rails' sanitization and opening yourself to SQL injection.
I would have thought there would be a nice way to add multiple conditions in the form of a hash and somehow specify that I want to use OR/AND and like.
There is, but it only works with AND and =:
#contacts.where(first_name: "bob", last_name: "smith")
# select ... where first_name = 'bob' and last_name = 'smith'

How can I convert that to MetaWhere or Arel?

Consider a City Model having:
def self.search(field, search)
if search
where("#{field} LIKE ?", "%#{search}%")
How can I use Arel or Metawhere in that situation knowing that field is a String can have anything like:
I want to do something like that (will not work):
def self.search(field, search)
if search
where(field =~ "%#{search}%")
So, what are your thoughts?
The real question is, how can I convert that:
"residents.name LIKE '#{value}%'"
To that:
:residents => { :name =~ "#{value}%" }
You should be able to use Arel like this.
def self.search(field, search)
if search
if field =~ /\./ # table and field
table, field = field.split('.')
arel_join = table.singularize.camelize.constantize.arel_table
There's a Railscast that does a good job of explaining the basics of using Arel in Rails 3.

Optional mix of filter parameters in a search the Rails way

I've got a simple list page with a couple of search filters status which is a simple enumeration and a test query which I want to compare against both the title and description field of my model.
In my controller, I want to do something like this:
def index
conditions = {}
conditions[:status] = params[:status] if params[:status] and !params[:status].empty?
conditions[???] = ["(descr = ? or title = ?)", params[:q], params[:q]] if params[:q] and !params[:q].empty?
#items = Item.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can mix the two types of conditions (the hash and the paramatized version). Is there a "Rails Way" of doing this or do I simply have to do something awful like this:
has_status = params[:status] and !params[:status].empty?
has_text = params[:q] and !params[:q].empty?
if has_status and !has_text
# build paramatized condition with just the status
elsif has_text and !has_status
# build paramatized condition with just the text query
elsif has_text and has_status
# build paramatized condition with both
# build paramatized condition with neither
I'm migrating from Hibernate and Criteria so forgive me if I'm not thinking of this correctly...
Environment: Rails 2.3.4
You can mix hash and array conditions using scopes:
hash_conditions = {}
# build hash_conditions
items_scope = Item.scoped(:conditions => hash_conditions)
unless params[:q].blank?
items_scope = items_scope.scoped(:conditions => ["(descr = ? or title = ?)", params[:q], params[:q]])
items = items_scope.all
So you can mix and match any types of conditions, and the query will be executed only when you do items_scope.all
unless params[:status].blank?
a << "status = ?"
b << params[:status]
unless params[:q].blank?
a << "(descr = ? or title = ?)"
b << params[:q] << params[:q]
#items = Item.all( :conditions => [a.join(" AND "), b] )
A better search on my part turned up something called "named scopes" which looks like is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm about to see if it will work with the will_paginate gem....
