CICD with jenkins and sonarqube - jenkins

from the last week i am working with jenkins, and its going good but at the end of R&D I have lost of confusion, these are questions which confusingto me.
How to do Continuous Integration with jenkins of Website?
hoe to view Testing analysis reports produced by sonarqube server to my local system?
what happens where all my developers will do commit and push at the same time on repository?
How to deploy my web application on targeted server using jenkins?
How to I use sonarqube to test my website ?

If you are building a .net website, install msbuild plugin in jenkins. Create a jenkins job, add a step checkout your website (git/svn - install required repo plugin). Schedule to run nightly or hourly depending on your needs.
Type in url for your sonarqube server and then you can view the reports.
This is not an issue if your developers are comitting simultaneously. Usually a CI tool such as Jenkins will take care of that.
This is called continuous deployment or continuous delivery. Something like Octopus Deploy can help you if you are deploying .net applications. You can use the tool octo.exe and pass the API key as parameter to deploy to a specific environment.
SonarQube is used as a quality gate for code analysis. It is not a test framework. Try to investigate on how to use selenium framework for automation testing.
I hope that I have answered your questions.


Is BitBucket cloud version of source code repo along with Bamboo for CI/CD?

I'm new to Bamboo and currently learning & using the Bamboo as a standalone server in my company. There I can see the much-advanced options like creating the Build Plans, separate deployment projects based on different environments and also can integrate with notifications and triggers.
I wanted to do a lot of research and learning by myself at home so I was looking for a cloud-based version of Bamboo which I can straight away use to perform similar task like creating build plans, etc. I do not see anything cloud version of Bamboo but I can see BitBucket (cloud-based). What I know is that it is a source code repository like GitHub and GitLab and it has integration with inbuilt CI/CD.
Q1. Is BitBucket a cloud version of source code repository plus Bamboo?
Q2. If not, then do we have cloud version of Bamboo with exact options like build plans, deployment projects, etc
Q3. Also, I'm looking if there is any Bot which I can use like SlackBot or DeployBot to invoke or trigger the Bamboo Build Plan with a chat command? Slack I'm familiar but not DeployBot. I can get the Bamboo build notifications to my Slack channel but not the other way around.
I'm learning and doing research & development hence required clarification on my doubts from experts in this DevOps field to show me the right path.
Please suggest as I'm looking for setting up Bamboo with Bot instructing my build plans.
Thank you
Doing hands-on experience in company on Bamboo and learning as much as I can and playing around with it.
Bamboo Cloud was discontinued in January 2017. Bitbucket Cloud can still notify your Bamboo instance via webhook, assuming you configure Bamboo and your firewall and the webhook properly, or you can use Bitbucket Pipelines for the all-in-one approach.
You can also use Bitbucket Server if you'd prefer to keep everything behind the firewall.

What is the best practice for CI development?

We are starting to develop CI workflow for our systems in my company.
Currently we just making few basic tasks like build, tests, and upload to Nexus.
The tech stack is a Java project which build in Gradle and Jenkins makes our build.
Currently i'm working with some basic Groovy script to make what we need, but each time i'm copy and paste my updated code to Jenkins and running the job from Jenkins UI to see the results, and to me it seems like not a very good approach for developing such automation code.
My question is, what is the best practice to build and run Jenkins jobs?
Is it possible to run it straight from Intellij ?
Do we need to create a Jenkins project which should be saved as a repository and then deploy it to Jenkins machine?
Do we need to use some Intellij plugins in order to work with Jenkins?
More best practices are welcome :)
Jenkins has an API - so you can do whatever you want!
But in general, for small to medium teams it's better to use Jenkinsfile and let Jenkins pull code changes (or pull-requests) from SCM and trigger builds. You can also configure hooks to trigger builds if your SCM supports this (Github & bitbucket supports this).
If you are eventually pushing your artifacts to a docker image, I would highly recommend docker multi-stage builds.
If you are completely new to CI/CD stuff - Atlassian has a lot of good resources

How do I integrate IBM Integration Bus v9.0.0.8 with Bamboo and BitBucket for CI

Our Enterprise Service Broker team is currently considering moving to the Atlasian Stack as this is a company wide standard and will assist with our Continuous Integration (CI) and continuous Development (CD).
We would like to automate our builds as well as deployments and use Bamboo (Bamboo Agent) to create our artifacts and execute our scrips that we have chosen to write in ANT.
We are currently using Rational Team Concert (RTC - Version control tool) and would like to port to BitBucket so that we can use Bamboo. Is there someone that can guide us in this process, what are the steps we need to take.
I have searched the IBM documentation and they only support bamboo on version 10.2.1410 of the IBM development toolkit which we are not yet making use of as we will not be able to upgrade yet.
Are there any best-practices for doing so? Tutorials maybe?
You can connect an RTC to a Git repository. The documentation currently states that it support GitLab and GitHub Enterprise, but nothing about BitBucket.Take a look at this part of the documentation. I think however, you could connect to BitBucket, but jsut treat it like a GitLab repo.

CI and CD implementation issues

I am looking for implementation of CI/CD in to my current project here is what i think will work.
Environment consists of
- Jenkins
- git
- docker
- gradle
- Linux servers
- Sonar
- Ansible.
Each tool will be used as following.
Git:- Developers will push there code to this CVS.
Jenkins:- On detecting Check-in Jenkins will trigger a build and will deploy to one of the server.
Sonar:- will be used for code coverage and will check the code before building the same through Jenkins.
ansible:- ansible will be used to quickly prepare added nodes so that code can be deployed to them.
Docker in case if we need fresh test environments every time we can use docker+ ansible combo for doing the things.
Flow of work will be
User run unit test cases on his machine and commits the code to the server.
Jenkins will pull the code from git and will run sonar on the same and will generate reports.
jenkins will create build and will deploy the same on dev server.
A jenkins job will run and will perform the integration testing on the dev server
Any other automated tests can be run.
Finally builds pushed to next server using Jenkins.
I will use shell commands inside Jenkins to push compiled code from one server to another.
In my this scenario can some one answer me following.
Where will sonar get fit and how to use the same?
I see there are CD tools, cant i push compiled code to the servers using shell scripts written inside the Jenkins jobs to automatically deploy the things? What extra benefits a CD tool provides
Is is wise to create fresh test environment or we can keep using the old one again and again?
Will this complete CI/CD?
can someone share there implementation
You say you plan to use Git. I'll outline a scenario using Git on GitHub
Developers push code changes here as pull requests
The SonarQube GitHub Plugin kicks off an initial analysis of only the code changed in the PR looking for the introduction of new issues (note that coverage and duplications are not included in this check)
Once the PR is merged, Jenkins (in one job or several, depending on your needs)
fires integration tests & any other automated tests
runs SonarQube Scan. Note that this comes last to include integration test results.
pushes build to next server
Note that the ability to break the build when the project doesn't pass the SonarQube Quality Gate you've set up may be desirable in your situation. Unfortunately, it's not available in the current server version: 5.2. It is available in 5.1, and is should return soon.

How to deploy a successful build using Travis CI and Scalr

We're currently evaluating CI servers and Travis CI caught our eye since it is a hosted solution. I haven't been able to find any information about it being able to deploy to Scalr though. Has anyone had any luck setting this up? I found information about using Jenkins to deploy to Scalr but I'd rather not go with Jenkins.
Deploying an application upon a Travis CI build success if functionally similar to deploying one upon a Jenkins success. All you need to do is to hook in to Scalr through its API when you build succeeds.
Using Travis CI, you can't really run arbitrary post-build shell scripts (unlike Jenkins). This makes integration a bit more complicated than using Jenkins (with Jenkins you just use the Scalr Command Line Tools to call the Scalr API), but it remains feasible.
All you need to do is have Travis CI send a notification to a Webhook Endpoint to a webapp you control (host that on your cloud infrastructure, or on e.g. Heroku), and have that webapp call the Scalr API.
Disclaimer: I work at Scalr.
