Is AtomicCmpExchange reliable on all platforms? - delphi

I can't find the implementation of AtomicCmpExchange (seems to be hidden), so I don't know what it does.
Is AtomicCmpExchange reliable on all platforms? How is it implemented internally? Does it use something like a critical section?
I have this scenario :
Target := 1;
x := AtomicCmpExchange(Target, 0, 0);
Target := 2;
Target := 3;
Will x always be an integer 1, 2 or 3, or could it be something else? I mean, even if the AtomicCmpExchange(Target, 0, 0) failed to exchange the value, does it return a "valid" integer (I mean, not a half-read integer, for exemple if another thread has already started to half write of the value)?
I want to avoid using a critical section, I need maximum speed.

AtomicCmpExchange is what is known as an intrinsic routine, or a standard function. It is intrinsically known to the compiler and may or may not have a visible implementation. For example, Writeln is a standard function, but you won't find a single implementation for it. The compiler breaks it up into multiple calls to lower-level functions in System.pas. Some standard functions, such as Inc() and Dec() don't have any implementation in System.pas. The compiler will generate machine instructions which amount to simple INC or DEC instructions.
Like Inc() or Dec(), AtomicCmpExchange() is implemented using whatever code is needed for a given platform. It will generate inline instructions. For x86/x64 it will generate a CMPXCHG instruction (along with whatever setup is necessary to get variables/values into the registers). For ARM it will generate a few more instructions around the LDREX and STREX instructions.
So the direct answer to your question is that even calling into assembly code, you cannot get much more efficient than using that standard function along with others such as AtomicIncrement, AtomicDecrement, and AtomicExchange.


Does the compiler optimize (close) identical FieldByName calls?

In some code I'm maintaining, I see two different methods used in TClientDataSet.OnCalcFields event handlers:
with DataSet do
// 1. Call FieldByName twice
if AMinDate > FieldByName(SPlanAllocatieFromDate).AsDateTime then
AMinDate := FieldByName(sPlanAllocatieFromDate).AsDateTime;
// 2. Put the retrieved FieldByName value in a temp var
lEmpID := FieldByName(SPlanAllocatieEmpID).AsInteger;
if lEmpID <> 0 then lTSAllocatedEmpIDs.Add(IntToStr(lEmpID));
Will the compiler (Delphi XE2, Win32 app) optimize method 2 to use a temp var? The two FieldByNames are quite close, you could even say nested.
If not, I should rewrite 1. because OnCalcFields executes often.
BTW. I know about Fields[] versus FieldByName(), or using a temp TField var when running an EOF loop, those are not the issue here.
No version of the Delphi compiler does anything like this.
Such optimizations would require the compiler to be able to prove that the two calls to FieldByName would always give the same result, and there is currently no provision for flagging a method as being deterministic.
Note that it is quite possible in theory (if unlikely in reality) for the two calls NOT to give the same result, in this case e.g. if a different thread deletes a field out of the collection between the first and second call. Generally, the compiler does not know or care at the call site what a particular method call actually does.
Does the compiler optimize (close) identical FieldByName calls?
No it does not.
The compiler does not look inside function calls to see what is within. It therefore has no way to prove that the value returned by successive calls to a function would be the same. Likewise it has no way to prove that the function has no side-effects. These are the two prerequisites for the optimisation under consideration.
You will need to perform the optimisation yourself, by explicitly adding and using a local variable to store the value returned by a single call to FieldByName.
Beyond the consideration of performance, I would argue that the use of a local variable to hold the field is semantically much better. This makes it clear to the reader that all actions are performed on the same field. That reason alone would be enough to persuade me to make the change you describe. Don't repeat yourself.
And while we are in code review mode, you might care to reconsider the use of with.

Delphi 64-bit: finding incorrect casts?

I'm working on adapting a large Delphi code base to 64-bits. In many cases there are lines where pointers are casted to/from 32-bit values similar to this:
p1,p2 : pointer;
p2 := Pointer(Integer(p1) + 42);
Where I can find these casts I have replaced them with NativeInt-casts instead to make them correct in 64-bit mode.
However I'm not sure I have found them all. Sometimes the casts are more subtle so just text-searching for the string "integer(" is not sufficient either.
Since the "integer(" casts will fail in 64-bit if the pointer value is above the range of integer type I have an idea: what if I could force the memory manager to allocate memory above 4gb (so the pointer values are using more than 32-bits)? Then I would get runtime errors and can more easily find the casts that are wrong. Is this possible? Or can anyone recommend some other technique?
There's no magic trick to finding these casts beyond the sort of text search that you are using. It would be really nice if the compiler warned of such a cast. I find it very disappointing that it doesn't.
When you do find such a problem, don't change to NativeInt. Change the pointers to be typed pointers, and use pointer arithmetic.
p1, p2: PByte;
inc(p1, 10);
p2 := p2;
inc(p2, 42);
Then your code will be safe forever.
There are still some situations where you need to cast to integers. For example when passing addresses to SendMessage. But cast these to either WPARAM or LPARAM as appropriate.
Your idea of forcing runtime errors is sound and, thankfully for you, not original! You should use the full version of FastMM and define AlwaysAllocateTopDown. This forces the calls that FastMM makes to VirtualAlloc to pass the MEM_TOP_DOWN flag. This will flush out most of your erroneous casts as runtime pointer truncation errors.
However, that will only force top down allocation for memory allocated by your memory manager. Other modules in your process will use the default policy of bottom up. You can set a machine wide setting to change that default policy. Set HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\AllocationPreference to REG_DWORD with value 0x100000 and reboot.
Note that this might cause your machine to have stability problems. Many applications cannot cope with this. In particular there are very few anti-virus products that can cope with this setting. MSE is the one that I found works with machine wide top down allocation. What's more the 64 bit debugger does not run under top down allocation! So you have to do this kind of testing without the debugger. My QC report is still open and this problem has not been addressed, even in XE3.

Switch off Delphi range checking for a small portion of code only

How can one switch off range checking for a part of a file. Switching off is easy, but how do I revert to the project setting later on? The pseudo-code below should explain it:
//here's range checking on or off as per the project setting
code here...
//range checking is off here because the code causes range check errors
code here...
//now I want to revert to the project setting. How do I do that?
code here...
See: IFOPT directive.
//range checking is off here because the code causes range check errors
//code here...
Wrap your code in $R directives:
{$R-} // disable range checking
// do non-range-checked operations here
{$R+} // turn range checking back on
Note that the directive applies at the statement level. You cannot wrap just part of an expression with that.
Why would you want to turn it off for release builds? – dan-gph
I have seen too many Delphi programmers writing quite large programs without ever activating Range, Overflow and Assertion checking. Of course, you can do that if you want, but your code will be more buggy.
I hope to convince more programmers to enable these 3 checking right now, to make the program more reliable.
However, note that there is a price to pay for that: your program will be slower. I show below some actual time comparison of code running with and without range checking.
the point is you can turn it off locally where you need to with {$R-}.But you can leave it on globally in the project settings –
Personally, next to Debug and Release, I have a 3rd option called PreRelease. This is actually a Debug version with one single setting different: the "Optimizations" is on. It is fast enough while it still does the checking (range, overflow, assertions, etc).
I release this kind of version to a limited number of customers. If all seems good after one week, I replace it with the true Release version, where the checkings are off.
Overflow checking
This will check certain integer arithmetic operations (+, -, *, Abs, Sqr, Succ, Pred, Inc, and Dec) for overflow. For example, after a + (addition) operation the compiler will insert additional binary code that verifies that the result of the operation is within the supported range.
An "integer overflow" occurs when an operation on an integer variable produces a result that is outside the range of that variable. For example, if an integer variable is declared as a 16-bit signed integer, its value can range from -32768 to 32767. If an operation on this variable produces a result greater than 32767 or less than -32768, an integer overflow has occurred.
When an integer overflow occurs, the result of the operation is undefined and can lead to undefined behavior in the program:
• Wrap-around
The result might result in a wrapped-around value. This means that the number 32768 will be actually stored as 1 since it is 1 unit higher than the highest value we can store (32767).
• Truncation
The result may be truncated or otherwise modified to fit within the range of the integer type. For example, the number 32768 will be actually stored as 32767 since that is the highest value we can store.
Undefined program behavior is one of the worst kind of errors, because it is not an error easy to reproduce. Therefore, it is difficult to track and repair.
There is a small price to pay if you activate this: the speed of the program will decrease slightly.
IO checking
Checks the result of an I/O operation. If an I/O operation fails, an exception is raised. If this switch is off, we must check for I/O errors manually.
There is a minor price to pay if you activate this: the speed of the program will decrease, but insignificantly because the few microseconds introduced by this check is nothing compared with the millisecond-range time required by the I/O operation itself (the hard drives are slow).
Range Checking
The Delphi Geek calls this “The most important Delphi setting” and I totally agree. It checks if all array and string indexing expressions are within the defined bounds. It also checks that all assignments to scalar and subrange variables are within range.
Here is an example of code that would ruin our life if Range Checking would not be available:
Pasword= array [1..10] of byte; // we define an array of 10 elements
x:= Pasword[20]; // Range Checking will prevent the program from accessing element 20 (ERangecheckError exception is raised). Security breach avoided. Error log automatically sent to the programmer. Bruce Willis saves everyone.
Enabling Runtime Error Checking
To activate the Runtime Error Checking, go to Project Options and check these three boxes:
Enabling the Runtime Error Checking in ‘Project Options’
A good programmer MUST use assertions in its code to increase the quality and stability of the program. Seriously man! You really need to use them.
Assertions are used to check for conditions that should always be true at a certain point in the program, and to raise an exception if the condition is not met. The Assert procedure, which is defined in the SysUtils unit, is typically used to perform assertions.
You can think of assertions as poor man’s unit testing. I strongly advise you to look deeper into assertions. They are very useful and do not require as much work as unit testing.
Typical example:
SysUtils.Assert(Input <> Nil, ‘The input should not be nil!’);
But for the program to check our assertions, we need to active this feature in the Project Settings -> Compiler Options, otherwise they will simply be ignored, like they are not there in our code. Make sure that you understand the implications of what I just said! For example, we screw up badly if we call routines that have side effects in the Assert. In the example below, during Debugging when the assertions are on, the Test() function will be executed and 'This was executed' will appear in the Memo. However, during Release more, that text will not appear in the memo because now Assert is simply ignored. Congratulations we just made the program to behave differently in debug/release mode ☹.
function TMainForm.Test: Boolean;
Result:= FALSE;
mmo.Lines.Add('This was executed');
procedure TMainForm.Start;
VAR x: Integer;
x:= 0;
if x= 0
then Assert(Test(), 'nope');
Here are a few examples of how it can be used:
1 To check if an input parameter is within the 0..100 range:
procedure DoSomething(value: Integer);
Assert((value >= 0) and (value <= 100), 'Value out of range');
2 To check if a pointer is not nil before using it:
Var p: Pointer;
p := GetPointer;
Assert(Assigned(p), 'Pointer is nil');
3 To check if a variable has a certain value before proceeding:
var i: Integer;
i := GetValue;
Assert(i = 42, 'Incorrect response to “What is the answer to life”!');
Assertions can also be disabled by defining the NDEBUG symbol in the project options or by using the {$D-} compiler directives.
We can also use the Assert as a more elegant way of handling errors and exceptions in some cases, as it can be more readable and it also includes a custom message, that would help the developer understand what went wrong.
Personally, I use it a lot at the top of my routines to check if the parameters are valid.
Activating this feature will (naturally) make your program slower because… well, there is one extra line of code to execute.
Nothing comes for free
Everything nice comes with a price (fortunately a small price in our case): enabling Runtime error checking and Assertions slows down our program and makes it somewhat larger.
Computers today have lots of RAM so the slight increase in size is irrelevant, so, let’s put that aside. But let’s look at the speed, because that is not something we can easily ignore:
Type Disabled Enabled
Range checking 73ms 120ms
Overflow checking 580ms 680ms
I/O checking Not tested Not tested
As we can see the program's speed is strongly impacted by these runtime checking. If we have a program where speed is critical, we better activate “Runtime error checking” during debugging only. What I do, I also leave it active in the first release and wait a few weeks. If no bugs are reported, then I release an update in which “Runtime error checking” is off.
Personally, I leave the “IO checking” always active. The performance hit because of this check is microscopic.
Big warning:
If you have an existing project that was not so nicely written, and you activate any of the Runtime Error checking below, your program may will crash more often than usual.
No, the Runtime Error checking routines did not break your program. It was always broken – you just didn’t know. The Runtime Checking routines are now finding all those places where the code is fishy and shitty and smelly. The sole purpose of Runtime Checking is to find bugs in your program.

Does avoiding functions increase the performance?

Here is a little test:
function inc(n:integer):integer;
n := n+1;
result := n;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
n := 0;
start := getTickCount;
for i := 0 to 10000000 do begin
inc(n);//calling inc function takes 73 ms
//n := n+1; writing it directly takes 16 ms
Yes, calling a function introduces an overhead. Before calling the function it's necessary to save the current state - which instruction was planned to execute next - and also to copy the function parameters. This requires extra work and extra time.
That's where inlining is helpful. If the compiler supports that it can just injsct the function code directly at the call site and avoid the overhead. With good optimization of surrounding code it can even decrease amount of generated code.
This doesn't mean you need to avoid functions. In most cases the function body executes much longer that the time needed to organize the call. Only in quite rare cases the overhead is worth optimizing. This should never be done without the help of the profiler - otherwise you waste time and most likely just get a lot of unmaintainable code.
Calling a function (whichever language you're working with) generally involves doing a bit more things, like saving some context, pushing parameters to some kind of stack, calling the function itself, reading the parameters, and then pushing the result back somewhere, returning from the function, extracting the return value, ...
So, of course, calling functions generally means having some overhead.
But the main point of functions is re-using some parts of code : maybe it will take a few micro-seconds more at execution, but if you only have to write some code once, instead of 10 (or more) times, there is a huge gain ; and that code will be much easier to maintain, which is really important in the long term.
After, you might want not using functions for some really small parts of code like the one you provided as an example (well, except if the language you're using provides some kind of inlining thing -- it's the case for C, if I remember correctly ; not sure about delphi, though) : the overhead of calling the function will be important, compared to the number of lines of code the function will save you from writing (here : none ! On the contrary ^^ ).
But for bigger parts of code, the overhead will me much smaller, compared to the time taken to execute the bunch of code the function contains...
Premature optimization is the root of all evil...
Write correct and maintainable code using the known features (here the built-in pseudo(magic) procedure inc), benchmark it and refactor where it's needed for performance reason (if any).
I bet that in 99.9% of the cases, avoiding calling a function or procedure is not the solution.
Here is an example where adding a call to a procedure actually IS the optimization.
Only optimize when there is a bottleneck.
Your current code is perfectly fine for about 99.9% of the cases.
If it gets slow, use a profiler to point you at the bottleneck.
When the bottleneck appears to be in the inc function, then you can always inline your function by marking it with the 'inline' directive.
I totally agree with Francois on this one.
One of the most expensive parts of a function call is the returning of the result.
If you did want to keep your program modular, but wanted to save a bit of time, change your function to a procedure and use a var parameter to retrieve the result.
So for your example:
procedure inc(var n:integer);
n := n+1;
should be considerably faster than using your inc function.
Also, in the loop in your example, you have the statement:
but this will not update the value of n. The loop will finish and n will have the value of 0. What you need instead is:
n := inc(n);
For your timings, do you have optimization on? If you do, then it may not be timing what you thing it is. The value of n is not used by the program and may be optimized right out of it.
To make sure that n is used for the timings, you can simply display the value of n in your showMessage line.
Finally, inc is a built in procedure. It is not good practice to use the same function name as that of a built in procedure as it can cause doubts as to which procedure is being executed - yours or the built in one.
Change your function's name to myinc, and then do a third test with the built in inc procedure itself, to see if it is faster than n := n + 1;
As others before me said. Yes it does. Every line of code you write does. Functions need to store current states of registers etc... before they can execute and restore it afterwards.
But the overhead is so minimal that optimizing that means nothing. It is more important to have a redable well structured code. Almost always. There may be rare cases when every nanosecond is important but I cannot imagine one right now.
Look here for general guidelines about performance in delphi programs:
just want to add some comments specific to Delphi:
I think i remember than getTickCount() got a minimal resolution a bit hight to do this kind of test. (+/- 10-15ms). You could use QueryPerformanceCounter() for a better result.
for small function called a lot of time (inside process loop, data convertion, ...) use INLINE (search the help)
but to know for real what a funciton take and if you should do something about it, use a profiler !! I use, it's pretty simple, very usefull and the price is very correct compare to other profiler (ie: +/-50€ instead of 500€)
In delphi, they is the inc() function. It's faster than "n := n+1". ( because inc() is not really a function, it is replaced by the compiler by asm. ie: they is no source code for the funcion inc() ).
All good comments.
Functions are supposed to be useful, that's why they're in the language. The assumption is that if they have a nominal cost, you are willing to pay that to get the utility they provide.
Here's the real problem with functions, no matter who writes them, but especially if somebody other than you wrote them.
They have an implied contract for what they're supposed to do, but they have no contract for how long they should take.
Usually the person who writes the function thinks "This function does something valuable, so the person who calls it will respect that, and use it sparingly."
Then the person who calls it thinks "This function does so much in only a single call that I can make my code really clean and powerful by calling it lots of times."
Now, with multiple layers of abstraction, this effect acts like compound interest.
So, the real performance problem with functions is not the cost of calls, it is the psychology of programmers, leading to exponential slowdown.
Fortunately, experience in performance tuning can ameliorate this problem.

Delphi constant bitwise expressions

Probably a stupid question, but it's an idle curiosity for me.
I've got a bit of Delphi code that looks like this;
KeyRepeatBit = 30;
// if bit 30 of lParam is set, mark this message as handled
if (Msg.lParam and (1 shl KeyRepeatBit) > 0) then
(the purpose of the code isn't really important)
Does the compiler see "(1 shl KeyRepeatBit)" as something that can be computed at compile time, and thus it becomes a constant? If not, would there be anything to gain by working it out as a number and replacing the expression with a number?
Yes, the compiler evaluates the expression at compile time and uses the result value as a constant. There's no gain in declaring another constant with the result value yourself.
EDIT: The_Fox is correct. Assignable typed constants (see {$J+} compiler directive) are not treated as constants and the expression is evaluated at runtime in that case.
You can make sure iike this, for readability alone:
KeyRepeatBit = 30;
KeyRepeatMask = 1 shl KeyRepeatBit ;
It converts it to a constant at compile time.
However, even if it didn't, this would have no noticeable impact on your application's performance.
You might handle a few thousand messages per second if your app is busy. Your old Pentium I can do gazillions of shifts and ands per second.
Keep your code readable, and profile it to find bottlenecks that you then optimize - usually by looking at the algorithm, and not such a low level as whether you're shifting or not.
I doubt that using a number (would be 1073741824, by the way) here would really improve performance. You seem to be in some Windows message context here and this will possible add more delay than a single and that is lightning fast even if the number is not optimized at compiled time (anyway, I think it is optimized).
The only exception I could imagine would be the case that this particular piece of code is run really often, but as I said I think this gets optimized at compile time and so even in this case it won't make a difference at all.
Maybe it's offtopic to your question but I use a case record for these kind of things, example:
TlParamRecord = record
case Integer of
0: (
RepeatCount: Word;
ScanCode: Byte;
Flags: Set of (lpfExtended, lpfReserved=4, lpfContextCode,
lpfPreviousKeyState, lpfTransitionState);
1: (lParam: LPARAM);
see article on my blog for more details
