Centering Launch Screen in xcode - ios

I set up a Launch Screen in xcode with Inferred Size, Simulated Size: Fixed. I put a View in it that covers the whole View Controller. In that View is an image and a label. Both the image and label have height and width constraints, in addition to constraints centering both items with the superview center, yet somehow whenever I run the simulation the label is centered on the screen but the image is off to the right. Anyone know what I need to fix here? Thanks!
Edit: It turns out I had a previous launch screen file listed in Info.plist. I updated it with the new launch screen file name and it worked. I also changed the launch screen to remove the splash.

Use width and height equal to, and align your view horizontally in the container..
Also, as per Apple's human guidelines they advise against having a splash screen.

Workaround of this issue is to not place image vertically centered. You can move image a bit to top or bottom. In such way issue won't be visible.


LaunchScreen.storyboard appearing differently on devices than in Xcode?

I am attempting to customize the default LaunchScreen.storyboard of my Flutter app. I simply have a red background on the default View, and I added an Image View as a child of it. This Image View is centered on the screen and renders an image that I have added to "Assets.xcassets" with all 3 sizes. Below is a preview of what my Xcode displays:
However, this storyboard renders differently on devices than it appears in Xcode. For example, it appears slightly off-centered on iPhone 12, and it is scaled up too high for iPhone 6s and is way off-centered. See below for screenshots:
As you can see, the storyboard renders differently on the two devices. How can I make the storyboard appear the same on both devices as it does in Xcode? Any help is appreciated. If I used any incorrect terminology or need to provide additional details, please let me know as I have minimal experience using Xcode.
From the storyboard screenshot attached, it looks like there are no constraints added to the UIImageView.
You should add top, leading, bottom & trailing constraints to superview with 0 spacing to achieve what you want.
Above is applicable to the case when you have a small size image like 100x100 or similar that can easily fit on all screen sizes. In the comments, we see that image is way too big and we want to keep it in center while occupying 50% of screen width.
Remove the leading and trailing constraints, select the imageView and it's superview - add equal widths constraint with a multiplier of 0.5, this will make sure that imageView will always occupy 50% of the superview's width.
Also add horizontally center constraint on the imageView. Make sure imageView Content Mode is set to Aspect Fit.

Need help regarding safe area layout

I added constraints properly with respect to super view instead of a safe area but still I am facing an issue of grey area on top and bottom of specific should appear completely on the whole screen at I Phone X. Please follow the screenshot.
Check that you have a launch storyboard and not a fixed launch image
that does not respect the iphone x screen size
Check in your top and bottom constraint properties that they are relative to superview and not to margins (by default xcode 9 adds the constraints relative to margin).

Center the content horizontally when the device is rotated in iOS

I am new to iOS development. I have created a login screen using xib file. I have placed the contents aligned horizontally. But when I rotate the device the alignment is going off. Not sure how to stick to the same alignment when the device is rotated.
Please refer to the images for both scenario. Any advise is appreciated.
When the device is rotated
When the device is in normal mode
There' s a constraint, in "Align" that says "Horizontally in Container"
That's what you need
u can add your fields into a UIView if you want their size to be fixed , then just add Horizontal Constraint to this UIView and set UIView size, then all elements will just follow their parent view

How do you scale a button on Xcode 6 to fit different screen sizes using Autolayout?

I am new to Xcode and learning about Autolayout. Having a pretty difficult time and think I've finally hit the wall and really need some guidance on the following.
So I created an image view with a .png background image that show button place holders to help me figure out the exact place I would like to place my button objects. So I pinned the image view on all four sides to 0 and it resized perfectly to different screen sizes. Now the problem came with the button. I dragged the button object out of the Object Library and placed it right on top of the image view, where the button place holder image lies. To the button, I gave constraints to its width and height, pinned the bottom and right, and Aspect Ratio to help resize accordingly to different screen sizes.
The first problem is that although the button is placed exactly where the image view shows, the button is located elsewhere, even though the image view is able to perfectly resize to different screen sizes. The second problem is that, although the button pins fine on all screens, the pinned lengths are staying static and not changing even though the screen goes bigger or smaller. The last problem is that the size of the button in itself is staying static as well even on different screen sizes.
Why is the button not able to resize (used Aspect Ratio but not working) and reposition in relative to different screen sizes? A guidance on this would be really appreciated! Been trying to figure this out for a whole day.
you should remove that width constraint to let the button resize just leading and trailing spaces are fine to increase it's width in different screen sizes

UIView Doesn't allow swipe down to see rest of the screen

I build a view that has contents which exceed the height of the iphone 6 screen vertically.
To test that out, I've set a specific height for my image (600pts) to guarantee that the whole content wouldn't fit on the screen of an iphone 6 and that you should swipe down to see the rest (the label "BYE").
However, when I run the simulator, I cannot swipe down to see the rest of the screen.
I've used Autolayout constraint and set a margin top/bottom between each components and the superview (I don't have any autolayout constraints issues/warning).
Here's the screenshot of the storyboard of my UIViewController:
Here's when I run the simulator, I cannot see the Label "BYE"(which is normal) but I cannot swipe down to see it.
I am using Xcode 6.1 and Swift.
Any suggestion and explanations?
Thanks a lot!
I have redone your screen and here are the steps. The reason for your issue is not setting proper constraints in autolayout. First you need to choose AnyWidth AnyHeight in Xcode which is in bottom of the storyboard.
Here is the screenshots of View in StoryBoard and its constraints
Final Result in Simulator
Setting the constraint properly will work for you. Let me know if you have any issues in doing so. Sorry for the image i used its low quality one and its just for test.
In Storyboard if you see the bottom of the screen you will see below image. In center of that image there is wAnyhAny.
you need add constraint to thoes components!
Otherwise, some components will be placed out of the screen!
You can learn how to use Autolayout from here
![enter image description here][1]At right bottom of storyboard in xcode you will see triangel Resolve autolayout isuue select in Reset to suggested constraint.
