Google Calendar to Google Sheet integration - google-sheets

I help with scheduling for a post-secondary first aid team. We schedule students 7 days a week from 9am-9pm and 9pm-9am on a google calendar, and we use google sheets to keep track of how many shifts they have done on which day/night.
I was wondering if it would be possible to populate this google sheet, whenever we add a student to the calendar for their shift. So say I add Student A on October 31st (Monday), can I make the process of adding 1 to the total shifts they have done on a monday day automatic? (I have some coding knowledge)

Yes, it is possible. (I haven't tried it though)
You may use getEvents() methods from Calendar Service to get all events that occur within a given time frame.
Then, as suggested by #teatimer in this SO post, your range has to match the size of the values array in both columns and rows when setting the values on a range.
To help you on the implementation, kindly check these SO posts:
Import google calendar data into existing google spreadsheet
Import Google or iCal calendar data into a google spreadsheet.
You may want to also check this forum and try the given option too.


How to extract data of previous week based on drop down from the Yahoo Fantasy Football

Hy, I am using Yahoo Fantasy Football and I have design Google Sheet to get the score data which is the working fine. The link to the sheet is as under.
Google Sheet Link
I have changed the permission to Editor. I have made a drop-down which holds the information of Week numbers. Basically, my idea is that by choosing the week number I want to populate the data from yahoo fantasy football. For importing data, i am using this command.
and this command is working well.
I tried it by using the same command but it does not works for the week numbers. The source of the page is as under.
so according to the given picture, here is the week number, I want to implement the same in the google sheet by using the dropdown. I have implemented the drop down but it does not work. Is there a way to interlink both using scripts or command so from google sheet when I chose week from the drop-down the concerning data should be populated? please take a look at the Google Sheet given above. I am also getting this error, while it was working fine before, how can it be resolved also.
IMPORTHTML cannot retrieve elements dynamically inserted by a script. In your case the content on Week matchups is inserted dynamically and therefore will not be retrieved (it will return empty). Moreover, IMPORTHTML olny gets data from tables or lists and if you inspect what it seemed to be a table in Week Matchup is just actually a series of divs. If the content would not be inserted dynamically, to get the data from these divs you would need to use IMPORTXML.
If you still want to retrieve this information I am afraid that you will need to look for other web scraping techniques.

Is there a way to reference a different cell changing each day depending on date?

So, I am trying to build a dashboard kinda thing in Google Sheets and in that, I have a cell that has to show a quote or a motto for the day (this is different for each day and has to change depending on the date). I have all 366 quotes for 2020 in a different sheet in the same Google sheets workbook.
I need to get a different quote every day and update it on the quote/motto cell from the quotes sheet.
I am noobie when it comes to sheets and it would be great if someone could guide me in getting this sorted out (I'm having sleepless nights because of this)

Persist values in spreadsheet

I am using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet add-on to fetch report data into a spreadsheet. The data from Google Analytics is pulled daily in my spreadsheet and shown in an Overview sheet. However, I would like to store the values for later reference.
Google Analytics add-on sheet
My idea is to store all daily values in one sheet and fetch these values via INDEX/MATCH.
I would like to "persist" the row of the current day after the Google Analytics report is run, to store this value for the future.
Any suggestions how to do this?
The Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on doesn't have an append feature, so you cannot keep data from previous runs and add data from new runs.
However, you don't need to: since you're going to do a lookup (index-match), it doesn't matter on which rows the data sits, since you're lookup is going to find it. So you can build your reports to get data from the last N days (eg last year with Start Date = TODAY()-366 and End Date = TODAY()-1 (not getting data from today due to GA data processing latency). Traditionally when doing reporting you're interested in a time period that's relative to now (eg "how has it been going for the last 12 months?"), hence the above method would be suitable.
If you want an append feature, you need to use other solutions, like SuperMetrics.

How to Sync data from different Google Sheets to a Google master Sheet

I have Team of 15 people updating there data of call backs and other info in the Microsoft Excel
Now i want to use Google Sheets for Real time data. So i want all of them to use a Google Sheet and a Team leader should have the updates when ever they are updating the there own sheets. Everyone should have there own passwords to open there but an Admin should have access to all of there data in those sheets. I hope you understood my needs. I know its possible with Google Sheets but i don,t know how to prepare one as am new to this platform.
Please Help.
If you use
=importrange("sheet url", "range you want to import")
on a separate sheet, it will update dynamically as they change things - I have done this specifically with remote employees previously

Linking Up Google Sheets and Google Calendar

I am trying to figure out how to get work shifts that are created in a Google Sheet to be automatically entered into each individual employees Google Calendar.
Here is a link to a test Google Sheet (accessible by anyone with the link):
I assume I can enter some code into a google script, but I am not a programmer, so I have no clue where to begin - if this is even possible.
Here is a brief description of what you are seeing in the Google Sheet:
Each person has 2 weeks of shifts that run from left to right.
Each letter represents a different shift, with the corresponding day at the top.
I would need a separate email associated with Person1, Person2, etc.
I would really appreciate any help! If you have any questions at all, just ask!
You would need permission to access all these people's calender's. They can grant permission when the code runs. If the user has more than one calender, and you don't want the program to change/use the default calender, then you'd need to know the name of the calender that they want updated. All the information in your spreadsheet would need to be "parsed".
Basically, you need to get the data out of the spreadsheet. You will use getValues() for that. That returns a two dimensional array. So, you need to be able to use a FOR loop with a two dimensional array. The code to put a new event into a calender shouldn't be that hard relatively. Just search the documentation, and there will be example code.
Google Documentation - Event
