Ruby on Rails - CSV file not storing to file path - ruby-on-rails

I have a file path but i don't know how do i store the csv file to file path and i tried code below but i didn't get file from that file-path.I want uploaded csv file store to some location
File.join(file-path, filename)

if you want to open CSV there a couple options but the code above has a syntactic error.
you can try this:
parsed_file = CSV.parse('/Users/yourname/Desktop/' + 'file.csv', 'wb'))
parsed_file.each do |row|
puts row[0] # will print first column of each row


Confusion about creating and writing to File in Ruby on rails

I am trying to create a new file and then write some content to it just to create a basic backup of a template.
When I log out the values of filename and file_content they are correct, but when I send the data all I get is a file named after the method (download_include) and a fixnum inside the file, the last one made was 15.
# POST /download_include/:id
def download_include
#include = Include.find(params[:id])
version_to_download = #include.latest_version_record
filename = "#{}"
file_content = "#{version_to_download.liquid_code.to_s}"
file =, "w") { |f| f.write (file_content) }
send_data file
I also tried send_file but that produces the error
no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String
I also tried to just write dummy values like below, and it still produced a file named after the method with a fixnum inside it.
file ="DOES THIS CHANGE THE FILENAME?", "w") { |f| f.write ("FILE CONTENT?") }
I feel I am missing something obvious but I cannot figure it out after looking at many examples here and in blogs.
If you don't end along the filename as an option for send_data, it defaults to the method name.
Secondly, the download wants to read the data from a buffer. My guess is your syntax is just sending a file handle.
Try this...
send_data(, filename: filename)
Or skip the intermediate file and try...
send_data(version_to_download.liquid_code.to_s, filename: filename)


I have the following code to connect my rails app to my FTP. This works great. However, I want to use open-uri to open the csv file so I can parse it. Any ideas how to do this? I think it's an easy thing to do but I'm missing something.
require 'net/ftp'
ftp =
ftp.passive = true
puts ftp.list("TEST.csv")
You'll need to use #gettextfile.
A) Get the file to a local temporary file and read its content
# Creating a tmp file can be done differently as well.
# It may also be omitted, in which case `gettextfile`
# will create a file in the current directory.
Dir::Tmpname.create(['TEST', ['.csv']) do |file_name|
ftp.gettextfile('TEST.csv', file_name)
content =
B) Pass a block to gettextfile and get the content one line at a time
content = ''
ftp.gettextfile('TEST.csv') do |line|
content << line

Importing a CSV to Rails database

I asked this question earlier this week, and it worked fine. I just tried it with a slightly bigger spreadsheet and it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
My code is as follows:
require 'roo'
xlsx ='../Downloads/unistats/LOCATION.csv'))
xlsx.each_row_streaming(offset: 1) do |row|
Location.find_or_create_by(ukprn: row[0].value, accomurl: row[1].value, instbeds: row[3].value, instlower: row[4].value, instupper: row[5].value, locid: row[6].value, locname: row[7].value, lat: row[9].value, long: row[10].value, locukprn: row[11].value, loccountry: row[12].value, privatelower: row[13].value, privateupper: row[14].value, suurl: row[15].value)
But unlike last time, this is coming up with this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `each_row_streaming' for #<Roo::CSV:0xb9e0b78>
Did you mean? each_row_using_tempdir
This file is a CSV rather than .xlsx but that shouldn't make a difference.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
It does actually makes a difference that you're trying to read a CSV file using the Excel methods.
Excerpts from the Roo documentation.
# Load a CSV file
s ="mycsv.csv")
# Load a tab-delimited csv
s ="mytsv.tsv", csv_options: {col_sep: "\t"})
# Load a csv with an explicit encoding
s ="mycsv.csv", csv_options: {encoding: Encoding::ISO_8859_1})
A neat way to read both Excel and CSV files is to do something like
if File.extname(filename).start_with?('xls')
workbook =
workbook =
workbook.default_sheet = workbook.sheets[0]
(workbook.first_row..workbook.last_row).each do |line|

Parse remote csv on Rails 4

I keep getting the error file name is too long.
I am running rails on Heroku so I am trying to have an uploaded file saved on cloud, and then imported so it is not lost on their dyno.
I want to create a new object for each row in the csv. Parsing the CSV has worked perfectly before in development when using a temp file. But I have to change this for Heroku.
What is wrong about my code for the remote csv being parsed correctly?
def self.import_open_order(file_url)
open(file_url) do |file|
CSV.parse(self.parse_headers(, headers: true) do |row|
This fixed it
def self.import_open_order(file)
imported_file = open(file)
CSV.parse(self.parse_headers(imported_file), headers: true) do |row|
Since open(file).class = Tempfile... I was able to just create the Tempfile and pass it through CSV.parse
I swear I had already tried this but now it works!

Using Tempfile to create a zip file in rails

I want to create a temporary .zip in rails. For creating zip file I am using rubyzip gem.
Currently I am doing this:
zfname =['somename','.zip'], Rails.root.to_s + '/tmp/'), Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile|
zipfile.add(file, basepath + file)
This generates following error:
Zip::ZipError: Zip end of central directory signature not found
Is it possible to use Tempfile for zip? If yes, what is wrong here?
In my rails app when I needed to send zip files to user, I just stored them in a buffer and used 'send data' method in controller.
I was trying to use 'Tempfile' initially but it had an added task of removing zip files after sending it to user which is a pain.
Is this something you are looking for?
Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |stream|
file_paths.each_with_index do |file_path, index|
# rename the pdf
stream.put_next_entry("#{name}-#{index + 1}.pdf")
# add pdf to zip
So it doesn't actually look like you need or want a Tempfile. You really want a random path in the Rails.root/tmp directory. Try something like this:
zfpath = Rails.root.join('tmp', "somename-#{SecureRandom.hex(8)}.zip", Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile|
zipfile.add(file, basepath + file)
While it's far more complex, you can find a discussion of how to do this with a Tempfile here - .
