Prestashop detect page php_self - prestashop-1.6

I have a custom prestashop module that has to be restricted on doing actions inside the order confirmation page.
So, inside the module I placed one IF statement to detect the current page and if page is equal with order-confirmation, then skip it
The code is the following:
if ($this->context->controller->php_self != 'order-confirmation') {
But it doesn't work at all
Could someone tell me what's wrong about this code?
Thank you!

In FrontController.php is a method setMedia().
Line 980
if (Configuration::get('PS_QUICK_VIEW')) {
So if you have quick view enabled in store, the fancybox plugin gets loaded on every front page regardless of your hook logic.


Rails how to remember the navbar status between clicks?

I have a rails app with a nice navbar that can fold and unfold. The navbar contains links that point to different controllers and actions.
Every time a user clicks on one of the links, the browser goes to the new page and the navbar gets reset to its initial state.
I need to maintain the fold/unfold status of the navbar between calls (that is better user experience).
I'm not sure how to do so.
I thought to add in the javascript that handles the folding a URL parameter so that the next view can dig it and load the menu in the previous state. This parameter would be completely handled in the view, so no changes in the controllers.
I'm not sure this is the best way to approach this.
I've been suggested to use the session object. but I think that this will still require some sort of passing params (still via URL), and would require changing the controllers (there are many, I'm not very happy to change them all and after all this is a purely user interface matter).
Would it be reasonable to use the window.local/session storage for this?
any suggestions?
You could have a boolean in your database that gets updated every time the user clicks a link in the navbar and then redirect to the appropriate view.
The view decides which status of the navbar to show (folded or unfolded) based on the value of the boolean.
In the end I went for using localStorage,
It was rather simple to implement, and it's a purely JS solution, the only side effect is that when the page load there's an extremely fast flicker when the navbar is open (the navbar is loaded closed, then JS opens it).
the code just runs down to these few lines of code:
$('.chevrons .open').click(function(event) {
localStorage.setItem('navbar', 'open')
$('.chevrons .close').click(function(event) {
localStorage.setItem('navbar', 'closed')
if (localStorage.getItem('navbar') === 'open') {
$('.chevrons .open').trigger('click')

Intercepting Grails GSP actions on either client or server side

Grails 2.4.5 here. I am trying to implement the following UX behavior for my GSPs:
If a user has permission to click a button, then they may do so; however
If the user doesn't have permission to click a button, then when they click the button, a banner message (flash?) appears across the top of the screen with an rose/pinkish/red background stating 'You don't have permission to take this action'
To determine whether the user has the required permission, I have access to functionality from both the Groovy and GSP/taglib layers.
From the Groovy/controller layer:
SecurityUtils.hasPermission(String permission)
Ex: SecurityUtils.hasPermission('UPDATE_BUZZ')
From the GSP/taglib layer:
<sec:hasPermission permission="<permission name>">???</sec:hasPermission>
Ex: <sec:hasPermission permission="UPDATE_BUZZ">???</sec:hasPermission>
So, given those two available access checking mechanisms, and given the following controller:
class FizzController {
BuzzService BuzzService
def buzz() {
SomeData dataModel = buzzService.getModel(params)
render(view: 'buzz', model: [ dataModel: dataModel ])
...where buzz.gsp is:
<!-- Lots of HTML/GSP here -->
<g:submitButton name="update" value="Update" />
<!-- Lots more HTML/GSP down here -->
Given all that, my question is: How/where should I: (1) respond to the 'update' button's click handler, (2) perform the access check, and (3) render the error/banner/flash message? Code example (even pseudo-code) would be most awesome!
Here is what I would suggest:
Make sure your controller method is role based
Remove permission check in GSP, if the button should be visible to everyone
Create an AJAX call upon submission, if the response status is 403, display the banner.
If I were you, I'd probably try to use before-action filter in this case. In this filter I'd make a checking if current user has permissions to such an action (checking permissions should always be done in server-side, because of security reasons) and than:
if security check passes - just return true (controller will continue it's flow)
if security check fails - you can use default flash.message and return false (with propriate css style flasheed message could appears across the top of the screen with an rose/pinkish/red background)
Example code:
class UserFilters {
def filters = {
// ... other filters ...
permissionAllCheck(controller: '*', action: '*') {
before = {
private boolean doPermissionCheck(filters) {
if (! YourService.checkForPermissionForCurrentlyLoggedUser()) {
filters.flash.message = "You don't have permission to take this action"
return false
If you want to use filter only to specific controller/action, check applying section. Remember also, that you can use invert rule filter.
More info about different filterTypes.
You should also remember to add flash.message section to your layout (or selected views). You can always specify type of flash message and it's css style.
I am assuming by your question that you don't want a page refresh and perhaps not even an ajax call. Because if you did that then showing a banner is not difficult. You just want this to behave like JavaScript client-side validation (UX wise). If this assumption is wrong then don't read and use Aramiti's solution. Otherwise go ahead.
First solution
You can create a tag which takes a permission as input. Something like
<myTagLib:flashOnNoPermission permission="PERM" name="name" value="value">
This tag's definition can check the permission using sec:hasPermission. Then this tag can just render a template containing something like this
<hidden flash message>
<g:submitButton name="name" value="value" onclick="<unhide flash if no permission>"/>
Basically create a wrapper over grails button so that you can have flash messages alongwith buttons.
What if user's permissions are changed when user is on screen? Ajax takes care of that but this does not. Once screen is loaded then everything is fixed.
The banner is alongwith the button
Second solution
Add a common div at the top of your layout for displaying flash messages. Then create a tag similar to the above. Just don't add the flash message in the rendered template. Something like
<g:submitButton name="name" value="value" onclick="<unhide flash at top of layout if no permission>"/>
What if user's permissions are changed when he is on the screen?
Not sure why you need things onclick handler but if there is no reason just Aramiti's solution.
Best way would be to hide the button if the user has no permission to use it. That could be easily achieve through <sec:hasPermission permission="UPDATE_BUZZ">button</sec:hasPermission>
If you want button to be displayed even for user without permission, you could use the same hasPermission to add an extra class to the button. Now capture the clock event for that class using jQuery and show your message.

Hide Ionic(AngularJS) back button from appearing

Working on an iPhone app using the ionic framework(which is great). Currently im am using the $state variable to redirect usings, say 'on a successful login'.
I am writing this like so...
I have also tried
$state.go("", {}, {reload: true});
Both of which correctly load the /search page but provide me with the back button at the top left with the menu.
Now i want the back button on the other functionality. I'm wondering if I need to call a different method to changes pages or if i can temporarily disable it on some views?
Any pointers would be great!
This might be a little late but in case someone else gets here looking for an answer, you can use the $ionicViewService as described below
function controller($scope, $state, $ionicViewService) {
$ionicViewService.nextViewOptions({disableBack: true});

how to set navigate url to hyperlink through c#

am developing an application in which i have to show the customer purchase details supplier wise. for that i have develop user control an add it on page. but the problem it that on user control i need to add a ling to promotional offer page for that supplier which show the current offers of the supplier. for that i have added the hyperlink as fallow to user control
<asp:HyperLink ID="PromoLink" runat="server">Have promo Code ?</asp:HyperLink>
and set the navigation URL as fallow
PromoLink.NavigateUrl = "Promotion.aspx?Filter=" + dt.Rows[0]["SuppId"].ToString();
but when page is load in does not render the navigation url to the link.
i donot why it does not render the url plz help to get out of this.
thanks in advance.
Make sure that the pathing is correct for the NavigateURL property. Try adding "~/" at the start of the NavigateURL or "../" if it is not in the same folder as the current file.
Make sure that the dt.Rows[0]["SuppId"] is actually getting the value that you expect.
Step through code in the debugger to verify that the Page_Load event that you are using is actually executing and modifying the value as you would expect it to.

jQuery mobile hiding initial page instead of removing it

I've been searching for a way to remove the initial page container after jQuery mobile loaded the next page content via $.mobile.changePage(...)
What I'm experiencing is that this initial DIV element, created when the page is first shown will always remain on the page - and will only be hidden after calling $.mobile.changePage(...)
I need this initial page container to be removed instead, since some old data reside there that should be reset on first page change.
Anyone has a solution? Been searching the web for it but to no avail.
I have also tried to do $('#first-page').remove() after I called $.mobile.changePage(...), but that will remove the initial page and make the new loaded page hidden!
EDIT: solved by clearing up the initial DIV using .html("")
You could just make next page load without ajax, this should remove the initial page.
Hope this helps!
I take it that you are dynamically creating these pages. There is a hidden method in the API, but you can apply it to any page and then upon that page's exit, it will be removed.
So, it might look like this
newpage.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "external-page", true ).one( 'pagecreate', $.mobile._bindPageRemove );
NOTE: Since this is a hidden method, it is part of the hidden API and could be subject to change without notice upon upgrade. Test carefully upon upgrade if you use this.
I did:
$.mobile.changePage('login.html', {changeHash:false});
changeHash (default: true) Type: Boolean Decides if the hash in the
location bar should be updated. This has the effect of creating a new
browser history entry. It also means that, if set to false, the
incoming page will replace the current page in the browser history, so
the page from which the user is navigating away will not be reachable
via the browser's "Back" button.
