Facing issue to set up Twitter Access on Watson - twitter

I am trying to setup Twitter Access on Watson.
I tried following the steps provided in the below link.
I am unable to proceed with Step1 - "Navigate to your application overview page". Where can find the application overview page?
Could you please help me out?

The Insights for Twitter service in the above link is available in IBM Bluemix: https://console.ng.bluemix.net
If you have a Bluemix account and created an application, you can add the service instance.


Squareup login Integration in iOS

I am implementing Squareup SDK in my app, but unable to get appropriate solution for integration.How can I get user information as there is no code given on developer.portal for login intergration.
On GitHub and developer portal, steps are only given for making payment ,no steps or code given for retrieve (customer/user) info.
Here is GitHub link: https://github.com/square/SquarePointOfSaleSDK-iOS
If anyone have idea to login integration in iOS ,please guide or give some reference link.

How to get Manage API client access screen when using GMail API with service account

I am following below link to setup Service account and use GMail API to send emails by running java code from an application.
But here i am unable to find out Security from the list of controls. And so unable to enter ClientID in Manage API client access screen.
Please help me to navigate properly.
In order to perform what you want, you need to own a G Suite account. If you already own a G Suite account, then all you have to do is follow the steps here. If you do not own a G Suite account then you will have to impelement a solution without a service account, therefore you will need to follow the guide here

Access Not Configured for Google OAUTH Login

I am building a wordpress woocommerce site and am trying to get the users to login using G+.
Everything was going just fine till I changed the plugin I was using and added new redirect URLs to the OAUTH 2.0 Client ID.
Now the users get the error:
Access Not Configured. Google+ API has not been used in project
1033299751186 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting
then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for
the action to propagate to our systems and retry. Please notify about
this error to the Site Admin.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to go to google developer console as it says under the project 1033299751186 and enable the Google+ api.
Your project needs to have each of the different APIs enabled that it needs to access.
Look for API manager -> Enable APIs (its a tab at the top)

Google Drive as a backend server without asking user to login

I am trying to build an iOS application that all users sharing the same google drive account. All users will access the same account to download content only. I am the only one who is uploading content to google drive on web. For this case, is it possible to skip the login and auth process for the user? It would be great if I can have the users directly download the content, and hopefully make the login and auth implicitly done by code.
Please help. Thanks in advance.

google Shortener Url Tracking to developer account

I am creating new IOS App that uses google shortener if user log in using OAuth he can track created url but in my App we don't have google log in we preferred not have many log in's ,but i want to track
user created url with using only google Api key. user is not log in it can't map to user at least it can track by developer .Any help appreciated.
First check this link https://developers.google.com/url-shortener/v1/getting_started
in this you can found complete information about shorter api
Sorry it is not possible to add url's for developer account .
