Highcharts: make y-axis extremes the same for two data series with different units - highcharts

I have a chart where two graphs/series have different units. Therefore the y-Axis is different and the extremes are calculated separately from each other.
Is there a way to tell Highcharts to use the same scale, despite the different units, across all graphs/series?
Below is the chart. Relevant y-axis are the ones on the right, as an example. The units are different: "W/m^2" and "kW/kWp", however I want the scale to be the same.
Of course, one way would be a manual approach: in my controller, to go through all the data series and check the overall minimum and maximum value of all data series and then apply the extremes manually via
chart.yAxis[i].setExtremes(min, max)
but I was wondering if Highcharts has any way, like a configuration option, to achieve this.
I didn't find anything in the docs so far.

There is an option to achieve that. You can link one axis to another via linkedTo property.
From API:
linkedTo : Number
Index of another axis that this axis is linked to. When an axis is linked to a master axis, it will take the same extremes as the master, but as assigned by min or max or by setExtremes. It can be used to show additional info, or to ease reading the chart by duplicating the scales.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/n8tokqru/
yAxis: [{
}, {
linkedTo: 0


Highcharts graph remove existing ticks in interval on a category (x-axis)

I have a live graph that updates every x time. Included below is an image using a dummy variable. What I would like is for Highcharts to only label the first, middle, and last. Or anything to where I don't spam my graph label with ticks.
Presently my xAxis looks like so:
xAxis: {
crosshair: true,
type: "categories",
categories: xaxis
Nothing out of the ordinary. I have tried adding a tickInterval, however, that does not really solve the issue over the long run. Essentially what I need is the opposite of a tickInterval, where ticks are removed after a certain interval. Not unlike the datetime API that highcharts currently has. The difference here is that this data cannot be generated by myself, but by an API that I am using, which spits out the as-shown x-axis label.
After a while, in case there is too much xAxis labels displayed on a chart, the number of them is automatically reduced (the first example). Although, if you want, you can use couple of solutions. The best way, would be to use tickPositioner to display only the first, the middle and the last labels and format them using Highcharts.dateFormat inside xAxis.labels.formatter (the second example). You could also set bigger step of xAxis.labels (the third example).
API Reference:
http://jsfiddle.net/vxjdwer7/ - default behaviour
http://jsfiddle.net/30t45zvq/ - using tickPositioner
http://jsfiddle.net/6g9uvokL/ - using step

Labels on Grid lines in HighchartsJS

I'm using highcharts and trying to add labels to the grid lines of a polar chart, however, I can only add labels to the first axis (which is the y-axis in the cartesian coordinate system).
Polar charts are not well covered (as well as labels on grids) in the highcharts docs. My current approach is placing the labels manually on the correct positions, which will get cumbersome due to dynamic number of categories and sizes of my chart. Additionally, exporting the chart will not support labels anymore.
Background: Let's assume I am selling tickets for clubbing from Monday to Friday (no weekends, bad choice) for the clubs Green, Black, and Blue. Now, I want to know which club performed best on each day, and also how many tickets are sold in total. Therefore, I'd like to apply different scalings to each axis as attached (manually manipulated). I'm currently normalizing the ticket sales for each day to 0…1 which does the job for comparing each single day, but I can't apply the different labels to the axis.
One way might be to add more panes (with startAngle correction) and yAxes with different scales, so dataLabels are showing as in your image.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/6b9m7Lvb/
Problem - each yAxis can have only a single pane, each series can have only a single yAxis, so there is one scale for a series - no matter what category.
Another way could be to do the same, but have all yAxes linked to each other, so scale is the same for all. Next it is possible to change axis labels and tooltip display, to match your image.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/6b9m7Lvb/1/

Add the average line of a serie to a chart

I have a series of points that has fast changing values, which makes it very spiky and uneasy to read when zooming out.
I would like to know if there is a way to draw above the already existing series, another one that would represent the average of, for exemple: every 10 points, or every point in a minute?
I've looked into dataGrouping but can't seem to make it work, is that what I'm looking for ?
Thanks for reading.
There is no current built-in method to do this. You would need to create a second series that is the running average and add it to the chart.
The main issue here is that HS has dataGrouping enabled by default for all series. So, when you add your second series that has dataGrouping enabled with params you want - it is also applied to the initial series. You only see one series on the chart because the 2 series are identical and overlap each other.
To fix this set dataGrouping off in the "real" series. Then have dataGrouping on in the averaged series. See this example.
series: [{
name: 'MSFT',
data: MSFT,
dataGrouping: {
enabled: false

Highcharts Spiderweb with different max values

I nead to create graph Highcharts Spiderweb. Is it possible to set different max values for each category?
At the moment all points are settled in one coordinate system. But there are uncoupled values.
In the spiderweb you can have only one yAxis.

Highcharts - Highlight / Shade date range

I need to add a new series to this chart which will allow me to highlight / shade a particular range of dates. It needs to be 100% height of the chart.
I was looking at using another area series, but I couldn't get it working as I wanted it given I have two existing area series on this chart.
I thought another series which had a 1 or 0 for the particular point to indicate if it should be highlighted or not?
{name: 'mydates',
fillOpacity: 0.3,
data: [0, 0, 0,1,1,1,1, 1, 1,1,0,0],
stacking: 'percent'
The problem with my sample:
The 'mydates' series doesn't take 100% height of the chart
If the 'mydates' series begins midchart, it starts with an angle. I'd like it to go straight up
Unless you really need the legend entry, I would recommend using plotBands instead
You can also do it like this, if you do really need the legend:
It relies in part on setting a min and max, and using those min and max values as your y data points.
