ServiceStack OAuth registration/authorization - oauth

I want to make a authorization but can't find provider.
someone knows how to connect or how to configure a different provider?
SS wiki

There's now an OAuth2 MailRuAuthProvider included in the ServiceStack.Authentication.OAuth2 NuGet package that's available from v4.5.1 that's now available on MyGet.


Application on SAP Cloud Foundry - OAuth 2.0 - Error: Something went amiss

I have been delevopping and deploying a python application for the SAP Cloud Foundry and trying to implement an authentication check using OAuth2.0.
Using this Tutorial.
Link to Code Note: I excluded the node_modules/#sap/approuter for storage reasons
When I open the login site is loaded correctly, but after the login I get to a Error-Site.
Kind regards and thanks for help
did every step of the tutorial
entered "authenticationMethod": "none" to the xs-app.json. Then i get redirect to the index.html, but of course the authentification is skipped

Generate application metadata file for ADFS configuration

I've followed the steps on to create a new MVC application using ADFS to authenticate my users. Now the team behind the ADFS configuration needs the application metadata file to allow the application to connect the ADFS.
How can I generate this metadata file?
It normally "lives" at /FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml in your STS website. If you used a standard solution like thinktecture then that is the case. Otherwise, you can generate it yourself using the .Net classes in System.IdentityModel.Metadata. You can find some inspiration at and related classes.

Custom Federation for OAuth in WSO2

To write custom federation , after generating jar using pom from wso2 docs , i put that in said folder . but how do use this custom federation , Documentation stops after this .
I cant see my new custom federation name in any drop down , i was expecting to see this in the list of federation drop down in Service Provider configuration
If we write custom federation for Oauth IDP , all the urls configuration have to be programatically managed in OSGI bundle, we wont get UI for that ?
Why is OAuth not supported if we have any other vendor apart from facebook and google, yahoo, which is not openid connect we cant use any out of the box SSO .
i got my Bundle loaded on to WSO2 these were the steps
i started wso2 with osgi console
$>wso2Server.bat -DosgiConsole
After this server starts and if we hit enter we can get osgi prompt
there we can type osgi commands
try $> package
this will list all the bundles that import/export the given package name within the runtime.
try to $install file:<filepath> this gives an error message saying something is missing in imnport or whatever issue might be
im my case i started with pom from wso2 so i had to correct the configuration
from org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.*,
to org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.*;version="4.2.2"
the number 4.2.2 i got from the dependencies in the pom
i added BundleActivator
Now when i create an IDP i can see my custom Authenticator in the list along with google , yahoo etc
But all the urls for OAUTH are in my code i have to programatically externalize this , i did not yet find a clean way to do this

ADFS 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC 4

I wanted to implement a small Proof of Concept for ADFS integration with MVC application. For this I created a virtual machine for Windows 2008 R2 and configured ADDS, ADCS and added my updated my server domain to one created one using ADDS.
After this I created certificate using ADCS.
Now, installed ADFS 2.0 using Microsoft download of ADFSSetup.exe RTW.
With help of some I configured ADFS & added relying party trust from my MVC application SSL URI.
After this I tried to run the application however started facing 403.14 error page.
Following observations as outcome from entire configuration:
I tried to access "<>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml" and I
got a proper XML which is as per expected.
I saw couple of entries from server computer - IIS website as like "http://<>/adfs/services/trust" OR "https://<>/adfs/ls/" however couldn't get any response from server. even I tried to access same from server using localhost instead of server names, then also no luck.
Then to cross-verify I checked IIS's default website where I found adfs/ls however it was a like a website. Not sure correct or not. I couldn't find anything 'services/trust' under ADFS IIS application.
After that I installed ADFS from Server manager and saw one more virtual directory 'fs',added under adfs application. when I tried to access 'fs' using https I am able to access it easily and can see SOAP service and page displayed with available web method.
I tried to find more on 'adfs/ls' and 'adfs/services/trust' however couldn't get much more information.
Please, if anyone came across this issue. Do let me know.
This is not an issue, this is how ADFS works. Next step you have to configure claims providers and relying parties from ADFS management console (from Admin tools). Relying party could be a sample claims aware MVC application. It should work
The only URL's that ADFS "answers" to are the federation metadata endpoint and the IDPInitiated one.
adfs/ls expects either WS-Federation or SAML parameters after it. On its own it will throw an error.
Then follow How To: Build Claims-Aware ASP.NET MVC Web Application Using WIF.
Why are you using Windows 2008 R2? (ADFS 2.0)? You should rather use Windows 2012 R2 (ADFS 3.0).

Accessing Google Adwords API from C#.NET windows service

I am creating a C#.NET windows service to create adwords. I understand that I need to use OAuth2 authentication. Do I have to use the services account set up for achieving this?
No. Just install the client library from Nuget.
You can then add your credentials to the app.config file (installing via NuGet creates a template for these credentials in your app.config for you)
