Stubbing Google Maps/Places iOS SDK calls for unit testing - ios

I'm trying to stub my Google Places calls using a local json file. Using Charles proxy, I find that the Google Maps SDK uses the url So, I try to stub like:
stub(isHost("")) { request in
OHHTTPStubsResponse(fileAtPath: "google_maps.json", statusCode: 200, headers: ["Content-Type":"application/json"])
But it's not intercepting the google maps SDK calls. Any ideas? Could this be the Google Maps SDK using something other than Cocoa's URL Loading System?

Answer given here: (I was using the incorrect host name, should use simply "")


Google autocomplete json for nearby places

I want to use autocomplete json for nearby places using google maps in iphone application.I have created the API key for that, and used in url:
But result I am getting is that this IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address, with empty referrer.
Your API key is not valid...
it seems you using Server-key or Browser-key
You need to use iOS-key and your app Bundle ID com.exemple.YourApp.

places not found using google places api in iOS

I am trying to show nearby places with selected types
types - Bar, Cafe, ATM etc
I have created project on developer console.
enable API (google places api, google map sdk, direction api)
I have created iOS api keys but Api key not working. I got this error message
This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API
key. Request received from IP address, with empty
When I tried browser api key I got this error
This API project is not authorized to use this API.
Please ensure that this API is activated in the APIs Console: Learn
I am using this url
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:#",%f&radius=%#&types=%#&sensor=true&key=%#",
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", currenDist],
I didn't get what is the problem.
Enable to this api Google Places API Web Service & Google Places API for iOS in the APIs Console
Refer to this document....
Google Places API Web Service
Please Check Your All API are Enable On The Google Developer Console
Step 1 Go to Developer Console
Step 2 API Manager ==> API Library ==> Google Maps APIs ==> More
Step 3 And Enable ==> Google Places API Web Service
(AutoComplete and Seaching)
Step 4 Done Enjoy (^_^) ALl Is Done !!!!
NOTE:- Make Sure Your API KEY is Proper and Created Okay ....
I think i know your problem now, it possible that you missed a step..
the steps are suppose to be:
1) Go to Developer Console
2) In the Credentials, under Public API Access , Create New key
3) Select the server key from the option.
4) Enter your IP Address on the field and if you have more ip addresses, you can just add on every single line.NOTE: Enter the IP Address only when you want to use it for your testing purpose. Else leave the IP Address section blank.
5) Once you are done, click create and your new Server Key will be generated and you can then add that server key to your URL.
use it like:[lat],[lon]&radius=[radius]&key=kGOOGLE_API_KEY&sensor=true
or from the tutorial that you are using..[lat],[lon]&radius=[radius]&types=[type]&key=kGOOGLE_API_KEY&sensor=true
as you can see &sensor=true is the last parameter..(don't trust anything on the internet).. hahaha..
everything must have been working if you have followed, carefully.. i suggest do it from the top.. hahaha.. Lols.. you'll know and learn what's missing/forgotten, and that'll help you be a better person.. Lols.. Good luck sir.. :)
Try to use this library with your key and let me know.

Calling Google Places/Nearby API from inside an iOS App

I'm trying to call the Google Places API to return a list of restaurants near me. When I call this from a browser it works fine. However, when I call this from inside an iOS App I built using Ionic Framework, it fails with a data NULL, status 0 error.
I researched quite a bit, figured out this was a CORS issue. I looked up Google documentation on how to issue GET requests for iOS App. I used my app's bundle id to create a key and client ID for my app. Using the steps here, I obtained an access_token, which I used as a query parameter just like the docs mentioned. Nothing works. What is going wrong?
URL that works on browser:,-84.35870&rankby=distance&types=restaurant
URL that fails from IOS App:,-84.35870&rankby=distance&types=restaurant&access_token=MyToken
I use the server key to call the URL from the browser. That works, as mentioned. From the App if I use this key, I get the following error:
{"data":null,"status":0,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"url":"sameUrlThatWorksOnBrowser","headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, /"}},"statusText":""}
The Google Places API uses a Public API Access key, rather than oAuth. The good news is that these are a lot simpler to get started with.
Follow the instructions under the Authentication section on this page to create a new Public API access key, then include that key in the &key parameter for your application.
After clicking the "Create new Key" button, select "Server key". That's a bit weird, since you are calling the API from iOS, but it will work.

How To Build an API URL using Postman Chrome extension

Currently interning in a mobile dev company.
Working on a task that they assigned to me.
Need to build an explore screen that receives JSON data.
They have their JSON data coming through Postman chrome extension.
I have authorization token and sample username/password.
As well as something that looks like a link that I can modify:
All iOS json tutorials shows that I need an API url.
How Can I build such URL?
here is what I've been given - the Postman chrome extension:
(sorry, had to hide some details because of non disclosure agreement)
Postman assist you in testing the functionality you have built into an API. These functionalities can be accessed by typing in the URL and then using the GET, POST, PUT etc HTTP requests.
I think maybe this video can assist you in learning more about Postman - Javabrains does a great job at explaining it:

Twitter API 1.1 Oauth w/ Meteor

I'm pretty new to Meteor and a total beginner with the Twitter API. I am creating a simple application in Meteor for demonstration purposes only. I need to be able to search Twitter for a specific hashtag. I just need to be able to get the tweets using that hashtag and display them in a list. Super simple.
I've registered my app, received keys and such. I just need to see an example of the code flow from starting before Oauth to receiving the results of the Twitter search.
I will be running this app locally and just need to be able to send a GET request and receive a RESTful response.
I have seen documentation about how jQuery isn't supported due to security risks. Since my backend is JS I need to be able to do this with JS.
Can anyone suggest documentation on how I can do this where I can see code examples?
Since the v1.1 of Twitter API (may 2013), it's not possible to search without being authorized using OAuth.
If you want to do it client side in a simple way, you may want to use
I've just made an example in jsfiddle to make a simple search using Twitter API
The code is quite simple:
//Initialize the SDK with my public key, then display the OAuth authorization form
OAuth.popup('twitter', function(err, twitter) {
var search = encodeURIComponent("")
twitter.get('/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=' + search)
.done(function(data) {
console.log(data); //your search results are in data
Good question. You are correct, the Twitter 1.1 API requires oAuth tokens even for simple GET requests like the one you need. Yeah, requesting an oAuth key and secret from the twitter dev site can seem like overkill for a locally running project, but it's required for every one of their API endpoints.
Once you have the oAuth consumer key and secret, you are all set to make your API calls. Casual googling on the twitter dev site suggests that sending oAuth creds via JQuery is not supported by Twitter for security reasons. You can read more about that here.
I am not sure what you need to do with the Twitter data, so I'm not embedding any code samples for oAuth. In the mean time, check out how oAuth works as you think about how to implement your solution. PHP? Python? Ruby? Perhaps these oAuth code samples from Twitter are a good place to start?
There is a meteorite library intended to get around this exact problem.
You can follow the documentation for use:
Below is some example code:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
twit_get: function() {
Twit = new TwitMaker({
consumer_key: 'foo',
consumer_secret: 'foo',
access_token: 'foo',
access_token_secret: 'foo'
q: 'banana since:2013-12-11',
count: 10
function(err, reply) {
