calculate worst case time to find variable x in memory - memory

I have question from exam but I don't understand the solution, can someone explain the solution for me ?
Memory access time =2.5*10^-7 sec
second memory time = 3*10^-6
TLB time = 10^-8
Given virtual address,value x and 3 level page table, how much time it takes to read x value from memory in the worst case?
the solution is : 10^-8 + 2.5*10^-7 + 3*(3*10^-6 + 2*2.5*10^-7) + 10^-8 = 1076*10^-7

It's pretty obvious that the solution is performing 2 TLB lookups, 7 memory accesses, and 3 secondary memory accesses.
Here are the steps in the process:
1) The CPU accesses the TLB to find the memory location that the virtual address maps to.
2) The CPU accesses main memory to look for the virtual address. This step fails.
3) The CPU accesses the page file (1 memory access to get the page file, 1 more to access the page file entry).
4) The CPU reads from secondary memory to get the page referred to in the page file.
5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each level in the page table.

There is no formula as far as I know to calculate best and worst times of memory accesses. However, there are various factors that influence it:
The width of the access. On 32-bit x86, 8-bit and 32-bit accesses tend to be faster than 16-bit ones.
Whether the access is aligned or not. Unaligned accesses tend to be slower than aligned accesses.
Whether accessed memory is cached. Accesses to cached memory are faster than accesses to uncached memory.
The NUMA domain of the accessed memory. Accessing memory belonging to a close NUMA domain is faster than accessing memory belonging to a far NUMA domain.
Whether paging is enabled. Accessing memory when paging is enabled involves traversing paging structures and therefore is slower.
The type of memory. For example, writing to video memory is slower than writing to "normal" memory. Respectively, reading from video memory is much much much slower than reading from "normal" memory.
Other factors I forgot to mention. It's hard to memorise them all.
Furthermore, the influence of each of these factors depends on the underlaying hardware, therefore it would be really hard to invent even an approximation formula that calculates best and worst times of memory accesses.


cache read system memory vs cpu read system memory

On an arm based SoC running Android/Linux, I observed following:
Allocate a memory area as un-cached for device DMA input. After DMA finishes, the content of this memory area is copied to another system memory area.
Alloc a memory area as cached for device DMA input. After DMA finished, invalid the memory range, then copy the content of this memory area to anther system memory area.
The size of memory area allocated is about 2MB which is larger than the cache size (the L2 cache size is 256KB).
method 2 is x10 faster than method 1
That is: the memory copy operation of method 2 is x10 faster than method 1
I speculate that method 2 using cache read by cache line size from system memory when copying and the method 1 needs cpu read by bus transaction size from system memory bypassing the cache hardware.
However, I cannot find explicit explanation. I appreciate who can help providing detailed explaination.
There are so many hardware items involved that it is difficult to give specifics. The SOC determines a lot of this. However, what you observe is typical in performance terms for modern ARM systems.
The main factor is SDRAM. All DRAM is structured with 'rows' and 'columns'.DRAM history On the DRAM chip, an entire 'row' can be read at one time. Ie, there is a matrix of transistors and there is a physical point/wiring where an entire row can be read (in fact there maybe SRAM to store the ROW on the chip). When you read another 'column', you need to 'un-charge/pre-charge' the wiring to access the new 'row'. This takes some time. The main point is that DRAM can read sequential memory very fast in large chunks. Also, there is no command overhead as the memory streams out with each clock edge.
If you mark memory as un-cached, then a CPU/SOC may issue single beat reads. Often these will 'pre-charge' consuming extra cycles during a single read/write and many extra commands must be sent to the DRAM device.
SDRAM also has 'banks'. A bank has a separate 'ROW' buffer (static RAM/multi-transistor memory) which allows you to read from one bank to another without having to recharge/re-read. The banks are often very far apart. If your OS has physically allocated the 'un-cached' memory in a different bank from the 2nd 'cached' area, then this will also add an additional efficiency. It common in an OS to manage cached/un-cached memory separately (for MMU issues). The memory pools are often distant enough to be in separate banks.

What makes a TLB faster than a Page Table if they both require two memory accesses?

Just going off wikipedia:
The page table, generally stored in main memory, keeps track of where the virtual pages are stored in the physical memory. This method uses two memory accesses (one for the page table entry, one for the byte) to access a byte. First, the page table is looked up for the frame number. Second, the frame number with the page offset gives the actual address. Thus any straightforward virtual memory scheme would have the effect of doubling the memory access time. Hence, the TLB is used to reduce the time taken to access the memory locations in the page table method.
So given that, what I'm curious about is why the TLB is actually faster because from what I know it's just a smaller, exact copy of the page table.
You still need to access the TLB to find the physical address, and then once you have that, you still need to actually access the data at the physical address, which is two lookups just like with the page table.
I can only think of two reasons why the TLB is faster:
looking up an address in the TLB or page table is not O(n) (I assumed it's O(1) like a hash table). Thus, since the TLB is much smaller, it's faster to do a lookup. Also in this case, why not just use a hash table instead of a TLB?
I incorrectly interpreted how the TLB works, and it's not actually doing two accesses.
I realize it has been three years since this question was asked, but since it is still just as relevant, and it still shows up in search engines, I'll try my best to produce a complete answer.
Accessing the main memory through the TLB rather than the page table is faster primarily for two reasons:
1. The TLB is faster than main memory (which is where the page table resides).
The typical access time is in the order of <1 ns for the TLB and 100 ns for main memory
A TLB access is part of an L1 cache hit, and modern CPUs can do 2 loads per clock if they both hit in L1d cache.
The reasons for this are twofold:
The TLB is located within the CPU, while main memory - and thus the page table - is not.
The TLB - like other caches - is made of fast and expensive SRAM, whereas main memory usually consists of slow and inexpensive DRAM (read more here).
Thus, if the supposition that both the TLB and page table require only one memory access was correct, a TLB hit would still, roughly speaking, halve memory access time. However, as we shall see next, the supposition is not correct, and the benefit of having a TLB is even greater.
2. Accessing the page table usually requires multiple memory accesses.
This really is the crux of the issue.
Modern CPUs tend to use multilevel page tables in order to save memory. Most notably, x86-64 page tables currently consist of up to four levels (and a fifth may be coming). This means that accessing a single byte in memory through the page table requires up to five memory accesses: four for the page table and one for the data. Obviously the cost would be unbearably high if not for the TLB; it is easy to see why CPU and OS engineers put in a lot of effort to minimize the frequency of TLB misses.
Finally, do note that even this explanation is somewhat of a simplification, as it ignores, among other things, data caching. The detailed mechanics of modern desktop CPUs are complex and, to a degree, undisclosed. For a more detailed discussion on the topic, refer to this thread, for instance.
Page-table accesses can and are cached by data caches on modern CPUs, but the next access in a page-walk depends on the result of the first access (a pointer to the next level of the page table), so a 4-level page walk would have about 4x 4 cycle = 16 cycle latency even if all accesses hit in L1d cache. That would be a lot more for the pipeline to hide than the ~3 to 4 cycle TLB latency that's part of an L1d cache hit load in a modern Intel CPU (which of course uses TLBs for data and instruction accesses).
You are right in your assumption that approach with TLB still requires 2 accesses. But the approach with TLB is faster because:
TLB is made of faster memory called associative memory
Usually we make 2 memory accesses to physical memory but with TLB there is 1 access to TLB and other access is to physical memory.
Associative memory is faster because it is content addressable memory but its expensive too , because of the extra logic circuits required.
You can read about the content addressable memory here.
It depends upon the specific implementation. In general, the TLB is a cache that exists within the CPU.
You still need to access the TLB to find the physical address, and then once you have that, you still need to actually access the data at the physical address, which is two lookups just like with the page table.
The CPU can access the cache much faster than it can access data through the memory bus. It is making two accesses to two different places (one faster and one slower). Also, it is possible for the memory location to be cached within the CPU as well, in which case no accesses are required to go through the memory bus.
I think #ihohen said it pretty much but as a student to future students may come here, in simple words an explanation is:
" Without a TLB in a single level paging you need 2 accesses to main memory:
1 for finding the translation of the logical adress in the page table (which is placed in main memory) and 1 another for actually accessing the memory block ".
Now with a TLB , you reduce the above only to one access (the second one) because the step of finding the translation (hopefully) will take place without needing to access main memory because you will find the translation in the TLB which placed in cpu ".
So when we say that a TLB reduces access time by 2 , we mean that approximately if we ignore the case of a TLB miss, and consider the simplest model of paging (the single level one) then is fair to say that a TLB speeds up the process by 2.
There will be many variations, because first and foremost today's computers will use advanced paging techniques (multilevel, demand paging e.t.c) but this sentence is an
intuitive explanation as to why the idea of TLB is much more helpful than a simple page table.
The book "Operating Systems " by Silberschatz states another (a little bit more detailed) math type to measure access time with a TLB:
h : TLB hit ratio
τ : time to access main memory
e : time spend searching to find TLB registration
t = h * (e + τ) + (1-h)*(e + 2τ)

Delay between start and end of the RAM

Is the delay the same when a CPU needs to go to the start of the RAM or the end, or there is no difference?
There is no difference in performance when the CPU tries to access physical memory at some arbitrary address/range.
As far as the CPU is concerned, it's interacting with a memory controller over a bus. The values in random access memory are retrieved by means of an address without having to be concerned about where the address happens to be physically located within a memory module.
If we assume the CPU is requesting contents located in RAM after cache misses, then it doesn't matter if the requested address is x or x + 100. The time delays are expected to be within the same performance range.
The 'start' and 'end' locations would matter if you were to switch to media based on sequential access (e.g. tape drives, often used for backups).
Note that I'm avoiding the topic of a process' view of memory when executed by the OS (e.g. virtual memory, etc) and also the idea of trying different kinds/amounts of memory being tested and compared against each other. In other words, I'm assuming that a given system has a fixed amount of a given memory type for a given test.
In addition, when looking at memory module specs, I've never noticed any information indicating some sort of performance penalty/gain if a certain address range within the modulewere to be avoided/used.

How to solve memory segmentation and force FastMM to release memory to OS?

Note: 32 bit application, which is not planned to be migrated to 64 bit.
I'm working with a very memory consuming application and have pretty much optimized all the relevant paths in respect to memory allocation/de-allocation. (there are no memory leaks, no handle leaks, no any other kind of leaks in the application itself AFAIK and tested. 3rd party libs which I cannot touch are of course candidates but unlikely in my scenario)
The application will frequently allocate large single and bi-dimensional dynamic arrays of single and packed records of up to 4 singles. By large I mean 5000x5000 of record(single,single,single,single) is normal. Also having even 6 or 7 such arrays in work at a given time. This is needed as there are a lot of cross-computations made on these arrays and having them read from disk would be a real performance killer.
Having this clarified, I am getting out of memory errors a lot because of these large dynamic arrays which will not go away after releasing them, no matter if I setlength them to 0 or finalize them. This is of course something FastMM is doing in order to be fast, I know that much.
I am tracking both FastMM allocated blocks and process consumed memory (RAM + PF) by using:
function CurrentProcessMemory(AWaitForConsistentRead:boolean): Cardinal;
MemCounters: TProcessMemoryCounters;
result := 0;// stupid D2010 compiler warning
maxCnt := 0;
// this is a stabilization loop;
// in tight loops, the system doesn't get
// much chance to release allocated resources, which in turn will get falsely
// reported by this function as still being used, resulting in a false-positive
// memory leak report in the application.
// so we do a tight loop here, waiting, until the application reported memory
// gets stable.
LastRead := result;
MemCounters.cb := SizeOf(MemCounters);
if GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess,
SizeOf(MemCounters)) then
Result := MemCounters.WorkingSetSize + MemCounters.PagefileUsage
if AWaitForConsistentRead and (LastRead <> 0) and (abs(LastRead - result)>1024) then
until (not AWaitForConsistentRead) or (abs(LastRead - result)<1024) or (maxCnt>1000);
// 60 seconds wait is a bit too much
// so if the system is that "unstable", let's just forget it.
function CurrentFastMMMemory:Cardinal;
var mem:TMemoryManagerUsageSummary;
result := mem.AllocatedBytes + mem.OverheadBytes;
I am running the code on a 64bit computer and my top memory consumption before crashes is about 3.3 - 3.4 GB. After that, I get memory/resources related crashes anywhere in the application. Took me some time to pin it down on the large dynamic arrays usage which were buried down in some 3rd party library.
The way I am getting over this is that I made the application resume itself from where it left off, by re-starting itself and closing with certain parameters.
This is all nice and dandy if memory consumption is fair and current operation finishes.
The big problem happens when the current memory usage is 1GB and the next operation to process requires 2.5 GB memory or more to be processed. My current code limited itself to an upper value of 1.5 GB used memory before resuming, but in this situation, I'd have to drop the limit down under 1 GB which would basically have the application resume itself after each operation and not even that guaranteeing that everything will be fine.
What if another operation will have a larger data set to process and it will require a total of 4GB or more memory?
To note that I am not talking about actual 4 GB in memory, but consumed memory by allocating huge dynamic arrays which the OS doesn't get back once de-allocated and hence it still sees it as consumed, so it adds up.
So, my next point of attack is to force fastmm to release all (or at least part of) memory to the OS. I'm specifically targeting the huge dynamic arrays here. Again, these are in a 3rd party library so re-coding that is not really in the top options. It's much easier and faster to tinker in the fastmm code and write a proc to release the memory.
I can't switch from FastMM as currently the entire application and some of the 3rd party libs are heavily coded around the use of PushAllocationGroup in order to quickly find and pinpoint any memory leaks. I know I can write a dummy FastMM unit to solve the compilation references, but I will be left without this quick and certain leak detection.
In conclusion: is there any way I can force FastMM to release at least some of it's large blocks to the OS? (well, sure there is, the actual question is: did anybody write it and if so, mind sharing?)
later edit:
I will come up with a small relevant test application soon. It doesn't appear to be that easy to mock up one
I doubt that the issue is actually down to FastMM. For huge memory blocks, FastMM will not do any sub-allocation. Your allocation request will be handled with a straight VirtualAlloc. And then deallocation is VirtualFree.
That's assuming that you are allocating those 380MB objects in one contiguous block. I suspect that what you actually have are ragged 2D dynamic arrays. And they are not single allocations. a 5000x5000 ragged 2D dynamic arrays takes 5001 allocations to initialise. One for the row pointers, and 5000 for the rows. Those will be medium FastMM blocks. There will be sub-allocation.
I think you are asking too much. In my experience, any time you need over 3GB of memory in a 32 bit process, it's game over. Fragmentation of address space will stop you before you run out of memory. You cannot hope for this to work. Switch to 64 bit, or use a cleverer, less demanding allocation pattern. Or do you really need dense 2D arrays? Can you use sparse storage?
If you cannot alleviate your memory demands that way, you could use memory mapped files. This would allow you to make use of the extra memory that your 64 bit system has. The system's disk cache can be larger than 4GB and so your app can traverse more than 4GB of memory without actually needing to hit the disk.
You could certainly try different memory managers. I honestly do not hold out any hope that it would help. You could write a trivial replacement memory manager that used HeapAlloc. And enable the low fragmentation heap (enabled by default from Vista on). But I sincerely doubt that it will help. I'm afraid that there won't be a quick fix for you. To resolve this you face a more fundamental modification to your code.
Your issue as others have said is most likely attributable to memory fragmentation. You could test this by using VirtualQuery to create a picture of how memory is allocated to your application. You will very likely find that although you may have more than enough total memory for a new array, you don't have enough contiguous memory.
FastMem already does a lot to try and avoid problems due to memory fragmentation. "Small" allocations are done at the low end of the address space, whereas "large" allocations are done at the high end. This avoids a common problem where a series of large then small allocations followed by all large allocations being released results in a large amount of fragmented memory that is almost unusable. (Certainly unusable by anything slightly larger than the original large allocations.)
To see the benfits of FastMem's approach, imagine your memory layed out as follows:
Each digit represent a 100mb block.
Small allocations represented by "s".
Large allocations repestented by capital letters.
Now if you free all your large blocks, you should have no trouble performing similar large allocations later.
The problem is that "large" and "small" are relative, and highly dependent on the nature of your application. FastMem defines a dividing line between "large" and "small". If you happen to have some small allocations that FastMem would classify as large, you may encounter the following problem.
Now if you free the large blocks you're left with:
And an attempt to allocate something larger than 400mb will fail.
You may be able to tweak the FastMem settings so that all your "small" allocations are also considered small by FastMem. However, there are a few situations where this won't work:
Any DLLs you use that allocate memory to your application but bypass FastMem may still cause fragmentation.
If you don't release all your large blocks together, those that remain may induce fragmentation which will slowly get worse over time.
You could take on the task of memory management yourself.
Allocate one very large block e.g. 3.5GB which you keep for the entire lifetime of the application.
Instead of using dynamic arrays, you determine the pointer locations to use when setting up a new array.
Of course the simplest alternative would be to go 64-bit.
You could consider alternate data structures.
Do you really need array lookup capability? If not, another structure that allocates in smaller chunks may suffice.
Even if you do need array lookup, consider a paged array. Sparse arrays are a combination of arrays and linked lists. Data is stored on pages, with linked lists chaining each page.
A simple variant (since you mentioned your arrays are 2 dimensional) would be to leverage that: One dimension forms its own array providing a lookup into one of multiple arrays for the second dimension.
Related to the alternate data structures option, consider storing some data on disk. Yes performance will be slower. But if an efficient caching mechanism can be found, then maybe not so much. It would be better to be a little slower, but not crashing.
Dynamic arrays are reference counted in Delphi, so they should be automatic released when they are not used anymore.
Like strings, they are handled with COW (copy on write) when shared/stored in several variables/objects. So it seems you have some kind of memory/reference leak (e.g. an object in memory that holds still are reference to an array).
Just to be sure: you are not doing any kind of low level pointer tricks, aren't you?
So please yes, post a test program (or send the complete program private via email) so one of us can take a look at it.

Why do we need virtual memory?

So my understanding is that every process has its own virtual memory space ranging from 0x0 to 0xFF....F. These virtual addresses correspond to addresses in physical memory (RAM). Why is this level of abstraction helpful? Why not just use the direct addresses?
I understand why paging is beneficial, but not virtual memory.
There are many reasons to do this:
If you have a compiled binary, each function has a fixed address in memory and the assembly instructions to call functions have that address hardcoded. If virtual memory didn't exist, two programs couldn't be loaded into memory and run at the same time, because they'd potentially need to have different functions at the same physical address.
If two or more programs are running at the same time (or are being context-switched between) and use direct addresses, a memory error in one program (for example, reading a bad pointer) could destroy memory being used by the other process, taking down multiple programs due to a single crash.
On a similar note, there's a security issue where a process could read sensitive data in another program by guessing what physical address it would be located at and just reading it directly.
If you try to combat the two above issues by paging out all the memory for one process when switching to a second process, you incur a massive performance hit because you might have to page out all of memory.
Depending on the hardware, some memory addresses might be reserved for physical devices (for example, video RAM, external devices, etc.) If programs are compiled without knowing that those addresses are significant, they might physically break plugged-in devices by reading and writing to their memory. Worse, if that memory is read-only or write-only, the program might write bits to an address expecting them to stay there and then read back different values.
Hope this helps!
Short answer: Program code and data required for execution of a process must reside in main memory to be executed, but main memory may not be large enough to accommodate the needs of an entire process.
Two proposals
(1) Using a very large main memory to alleviate any need for storage allocation: it's not feasible due to very high cost.
(2) Virtual memory: It allows processes that may not be entirely in the memory to execute by means of automatic storage allocation upon request. The term virtual memory refers to the abstraction of separating LOGICAL memory--memory as seen by the process--from PHYSICAL memory--memory as seen by the processor. Because of this separation, the programmer needs to be aware of only the logical memory space while the operating system maintains two or more levels of physical memory space.
Early computer programmers divided programs into sections that were transferred into main memory for a period of processing time. As higher level languages became popular, the efficiency of complex programs suffered from poor overlay systems. The problem of storage allocation became more complex.
Two theories for solving the problem of inefficient memory management emerged -- static and dynamic allocation. Static allocation assumes that the availability of memory resources and the memory reference string of a program can be predicted. Dynamic allocation relies on memory usage increasing and decreasing with actual program needs, not on predicting memory needs.
Program objectives and machine advancements in the '60s made the predictions required for static allocation difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, the dynamic allocation solution was generally accepted, but opinions about implementation were still divided.
One group believed the programmer should continue to be responsible for storage allocation, which would be accomplished by system calls to allocate or deallocate memory. The second group supported automatic storage allocation performed by the operating system, because of increasing complexity of storage allocation and emerging importance of multiprogramming.
In 1961, two groups proposed a one-level memory store. One proposal called for a very large main memory to alleviate any need for storage allocation. This solution was not possible due to very high cost. The second proposal is known as virtual memory.
To execute a process its data is needed in the main memory (RAM). This might not be possible if the process is large.
Virtual memory provides an idealized abstraction of the physical memory which creates the illusion of a larger virtual memory than the physical memory.
Virtual memory combines active RAM and inactive memory on disk to form
a large range of virtual contiguous addresses. implementations usually require hardware support, typically in the form of a memory management
unit built into the CPU.
The main purpose of virtual memory is multi-tasking and running large programmes. It would be great to use physical memory, because it would be a lot faster, but RAM memory is a lot more expensive than ROM.
Good luck!
