Swift3 error 'cannot be applied to operands of type - ios

Getting the following error:
Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'UInt16' and '() -> UInt16'
in this section of code:
let array: [UInt16] = [3,4, 7]
let x = NSNumber(value: 4)
let option = array.filter { (test) -> Bool in
return test == x.uint16Value // compiler complains here
print(option) // "[4]"
Normally this type of error means two values of separate class are being compared. Here the compiler thinks I'm comparing a uint16 value with a function that returns a uint16 value.
What I mean to do is call NSNumber's uint16 property getter.
// defined in NSNumber
open var uint16Value: UInt16 { get }
I'm told to instead make a function call by adding parenthesis (e.g .uint16Value()). But this leads to the follow up error:
Cannot call value of non-function type 'UInt16'
I have dropped this exact code into a playground and it runs fantastically.
Has anyone else run into this? Or seen this type of behavior? Have you beaten it?
When setting to a local variable, no difference is made. I have recently run the migration tool from Swift 2.2 or 2.3 up to swift 3 in Xcode 8.0. It doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with syntax or migration.
let y = x.uint16Value
return test == y // compiler complains here


Type of expression is ambiguous without more context when replacing constant literal value with constant variable

I was wondering, what is a good way to fix the following compiler error?
class A {
var x: Int32
init() {
x = -1
let a: A? = nil
// No issue.
let ok: Int = Int(a?.x ?? -1)
// Type of expression is ambiguous without more context
let CONSTANT: Int = -1
let not_ok: Int = Int(a?.x ?? CONSTANT)
Any idea why we are getting Type of expression is ambiguous without more context if we use CONSTANT instead of -1?
What is a good way to fix the compiler error (retain same class, same type and same CONSTANT), yet still retain 1 liner?
It's for the same reason that you can say this:
let d = 3.0
let d2 = d + 1
But not this:
let i = 1
let d3 = d + i
Swift will cast the literal 1 to the required numeric type (here, Double), but it won't cast a variable away from its type.
So the answer is: make the types match.
The ?? operator is declared like this:
func ?? <T>(optional: T?, defaultValue: #autoclosure () throws -> T)
rethrows -> T
In the expression Int(a?.x ?? -1), the compiler needs to infer T for the
?? operator. It successfully infers T == Int32, because
the expression a?.x has the type Int32?.
it is okay for ?? to return Int32 here, because Int has an initialiser that takes Int32.
most relevantly, the literal -1 can be converted to Int32, because Int32 conforms to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral.
If you instead do Int(a?.x ?? CONSTANT), however, that last point wouldn't work. ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral only works with literals, not any constant. The compiler sees CONSTANT as an expression of type Int, and tries very hard to find a type for the expression a?.x ?? CONSTANT, but it can't, and spits out a not-so-useful error message.
I suppose the error message is not very useful because it needs to consider quite a lot of things in this case (return type, the two parameters, overload resolution for Int.init), and it could be rather hard to pinpoint exactly where went wrong.
Anyway, to fix this, you can just convert the constant to Int32:
Int(a?.x ?? Int32(CONSTANT))
Or if you don't want to convert CONSTANT to an Int32 then back to Int again, you can rewrite this as:
a.map { Int($0.x) } ?? CONSTANT
"Map a to its x as an Int if a is not nil, otherwise CONSTANT".

Why can't Object.runtimeType be used in an as expression?

According to the Dart docs for Object.runtimeType, the field's type is Type. Which is confusing because I get an error from the compiler complaining about this field not being a type.
See this sample code:
final double first = 1.0;
final int second = 2;
final third = second as double; // works fine, unlike declaration below.
assert(first.runtimeType == double); // true
final fourth = second as first.runtimeType;
The last line throws this compile-time error:
The name 'first.runtimeType' isn't a type, so it can't be used in an 'as' expression.
The sample code shows that first.runtimeType == double, so wouldn't it follow that _ as first.runtimeType is equivalent to _ as double?
I think it is simple actually, runtimeType is only available at RunTime and cannot be statically analyzed by the compiler.

Constant 'spacesLeft' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected Swift

I am building a Tic Tac Toe game with an AI using Xcode 8 and Swift. Here are the relevant variables I am using that are contributing to the error:
var allSpaces: Set<Int> = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
var playerOneMoves = Set<Int>()
var playerTwoMoves = Set<Int>()
var nextMove: Int? = nil
Inside a function defining how the AI will play there are these variables:
var count = 0
let spacesLeft = allSpaces.subtract(PlayerOneMoves.union(playerTwoMoves))
The latter results in the compiler warning:
Constant 'spacesLeft" inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected
There is an if statement just below that says:
if allSpaces.subtract(playerOneMoves.union(playerTwoMoves)).count > 0 {
nextMove = spacesLeft[spacesLeft.startIndex.advancedBy(Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(spacesLeft.count))))]
The condition gives the following error:
Value of tuple type '()' has no member 'count'
The statement gives the following error:
Type '()' has no subscript members
I am struggling to find a solution.
subtract modifies Set in place and doesn't return a value, you want to use subtracting
For the first warning, subtract returns Void, so use subtracting:
let spacesLeft = allSpaces.subtracting(playerOneMoves.union(playerTwoMoves))
For the second error, advancedBy is deprecated, you may change like this:
if spacesLeft.count > 0 {
nextMove = spacesLeft[spacesLeft.index(spacesLeft.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(spacesLeft.count))))]
Set.subtract is a mutating function, so it modifies the Set in place and its return value is Void, which is just a type alias for an empty tuple, (), hence the warning.
You should call Set.substracting, which is the non-mutating version of subtract and returns Set<Set.Element>.
The subtract(_:) function is a mutating function so it will mutate the Set your using to call the function.
From Apple Docs:
Removes the elements of the given set from this set.
The reason you're getting the errors is because this function returns Void which in Swift is a typealias for an empty tuple(from Swift's source code). Since Void has no subscripts nor count property/variable you get those errors.
Maybe you should take a look at the subtracting(_:) function, which returns a different Set.
From Apple Docs:
Returns a new set containing the elements of this set that do not occur in the given set.

Why must a struct value be mutable to set an indexed property?

Consider the following program:
type Grid2D<'T> =
val RowLength : int
val Data : 'T[]
new(rowLength, data) = { RowLength = rowLength; Data = data }
member this.Item
with get(rowIndex, columnIndex) =
this.Data.[rowIndex * this.RowLength + columnIndex]
and set(rowIndex, columnIndex) value =
this.Data.[rowIndex * this.RowLength + columnIndex] <- value
let g = Grid2D(3, Array.zeroCreate(3 * 3))
g.[1, 1] <- 4
The last line fails to compile with:
error FS0256: A value must be mutable in order to mutate the contents
or take the address of a value type, e.g. 'let mutable x = ...'
However, if the [<Struct>] attribute is removed, and Grid2D is thus a reference type, then the program compiles.
Interestingly, inlining the property setter by hand also compiles fine:
g.Data.[1 * g.RowLength + 1] <- 4
So why is calling it a compile error?
Note: I am aware that this compiler error exists to make it impossible to mutate a non-mutable value of a struct by setting one of its fields. But I'm clearly not mutating the struct here.
I'm gonna take a guess here that its the second part of that error message that applies - "or take the address of a value type". Its not the mutability but the address of the value type that needs to be taken in order for you to refer to the same value g when mutating the Data.
It's probably impossible the compiler could consistently prove any setter doesn't actually mutate the struct, so it doesn't bother and just always emits the error when using assignment statements on non-mutable struct bindings.
In other words the question becomes: why does F# assume property setters mutate their instance? Well, probably because that's usually what property setters do.
Inlining the property setter works in this case because then the target of the assignment is an element of a property and not a property of the struct itself.

Does Swift support implicit conversion?

For example, I have the following code:
let numberOfBlocks = 3
let blockWidth = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "image.png").size.width
let padding = 20.0
let offsetX : Float = (self.frame.size.width - (blockWidth * numberOfBlocks + padding * (numberOfBlocks-1))) / 2
I got the error:
'Double' is not convertible to 'UInt8'
Is there a way to implicitly convert the data type (maybe only for primitive data type)?
I know how to do the explicit conversion by using constructor of particular type as Iducool suggested. But it's not a big help to my question because we even don't know where to add the conversions. I simplified my expression in playground:
The problem is in "padding" variable, the error message is
'Double' is not convertible to 'UInt8'.
So I did the conversion:
Then the problem is in "blockWidth" variable now.
I added the conversion again:
And error message is:
Type 'UInt8' does not conform to protocol 'FloatLiteralCovertible'
The final working expression is:
Is it simple and swift? I don't think so.
There is no implicitly cast in Swift.
Easy way of conversion in swift is using constructor of particular type.
Like if you want to get Float from double then you can use Float(doubleValue) and Same way if you want to convert float to integer then you can use Int(floatValue).
In your case:
let intValue = UInt8(doubleValue)
Beware that you will lose any value after the decimal point. So, choose a better way. Above conversion is just to help you in understanding.
Note that Swift always chooses Double (rather than Float) when inferring the type of floating-point numbers.
Swift doesn't support implicitly cast anymore in Xcode6 GM. Following answer only apply to Xcode6 beta version.
I don't want to talk about implicitly cast is good or bad, but you can have it if you really want with __conversion()
e.g. If you need UInt8 and Int be able to convert from Double
extension Double {
func __conversion() -> UInt8 { return UInt8(self) }
func __conversion() -> Int { return Int(self) }
// add more if you need to
xcrun swift
Welcome to Swift! Type :help for assistance.
1> extension Double {
2. func __conversion() -> UInt8 { return UInt8(self) }
3. }
4> var d = 1.0
d: Double = 1
5> var u8 : UInt8 = d
u8: UInt8 = 1
Note: I won't put this in my production code. I only want to point out it if possible but not recommending it.
using bridgeToObjectiveC() method you can call the methods provided in Objective - C to convert from one primitive data type to another for e.g.
will convert that variable named variable_name to integer
Implicit conversion is possible but with literals only and some conversions are available from the box e.g. Int -> Double:
let a = 3 // Int
let b = 100.5 // Double
// Doesn't work with variables
let c = a * b // Error: Binary operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'
// But this works, because Int(3) literal converts to Double(3.0) implicitly
let d = 3 * b // 301.5
If you want to make backward conversion Double -> Int you should extend Int with ExpressibleByFloatLiteral:
extension Int: ExpressibleByFloatLiteral {
public init(floatLiteral value: Double) {
// Double(100.5) converts to Int(100)
let e = a * 100.5 // 300
Even more it's possible to implicitly convert to any type from literals, for instance String -> URLRequest:
extension URLRequest: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
self.init(url: URL(string: value)!)
let request: URLRequest = "https://www.google.com"
