Integration of breeze with mob-x - breeze

Is there a way to make these two work together? Can I make breeze create #observable properties on the entities it creates?


Adding Model Attributes to REST/SOAP API in MVC

I want to build a MVC application that consumes both REST and SOAP references. I can use the added references as the model but I cannot add attributes like I would be able to if I created the class myself. I want the ability to add [DataType], [Display], [Required], etc... to the properties.
Is there a way to make a wrapper around the existing model/class from the API and add my own attributes?
In my opinion it would be easier if you create your model with those attributes and the try to map what you've received from your services to your model. You can use AutoMapper that will make your life easier too. mvc with entity framework database first domain model validations

I'm Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Application project, and I'm using Entity Framework Database First Approach, So I would like to make validations on generated model classes, I know if i make validations on them directly, then my model validations will be overwritten every time my domain models are regenerated.
So I made a research, and found two approaches to use for this scenario:
1- Using buddy classes (How to add validation to my POCO(template) classes).
2- Using ViewModels and Auto-mapping them to my Entities (Designing an MVC repository using ViewModels
I see some sort of redundant code in these two methods, so, my question is:
Which one of the two approaches is best to flow?
1) This is the correct solution for adding validation metadata for the Entity Framework objects. The validation will be triggered automatically by EF before calling SaveChanges()
2) This is an aproach for creating Data Transfer Objects from your EF objects. You normally do this when you want to return the objects to the client (like in JSON format) - and you don't want to expose all the EF specific properties (like navigation properties, primary keys etc)

What is the best practice, Entity Framework Models or MVC Models?

When using Entity Framework with Code-First, what is the best practice when calling database data?
This is my first time using Entity Framework with MVC and noticed that it automatically builds Models in my DataLayer. I also have the basic Models within my MVC UI which allow me to manipulate and display the data within my Views. I currently grab the data using my Workflow layer, and then AutoMap the Database Model to my UI Model to display the data.
Is this the best practice? Should I be using the Entity Framework Models instead of my UI Models? Or this even possible to do cleanly?
Any information on the matter would be appreciated.
It's up to you really. If you like to re-use the same EF entities for your view models as well; go ahead. Personally, I prefer not to. This is because you normally end up adding a bunch of properties to the class that have nothing to do with what's stored in the data and yes; I know you can use the NotMapped attribute like this:
public string MyExtraProperty { get; set; }
but I prefer not to. Additionally, you end up adding [Display] and other attributes to your properties and before you know it, you've got something decorated with both data specific and UI specific attributes and it can get messy if you're not careful.
So for me; I have the following:
Domain Entity
View Model
Controller calls repository to get the domain entity and converts it to a view model for displaying.
I find that to be a cleaner approach, but maybe that's just me.. the most important thing is to just choose one way and stick with it for the sake of consistency and clarity of code, but either method is acceptable.. "whatever floats your boat" as they say...
The POCOs created by EF are supposed to be used as your model. The general idea is that you have EF providing access to your database. You query EF using LINQ and/or extension methods and end up with an object or collection of objects that you display on your UI by binding them in WPF. That is of course if you're using WPF as opposed to the older WinForms. I can tell you from experience that it's a very streamlined process once you become familiar with the technologies. That's how a very basic setup would work.
A more advanced way of going about it is adding architectures like Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) and possibly the repository pattern into the mix at which point you get better separation of code and presentation at the cost of increased complexity.
I don't know what flavor of MVC you're using and how it can be made to intermingle with the above, but if you want to know more about how EF was envisioned to work you should look into the technologies I've listed above.

Where should I add [JsonIgnore] to prevent certain properties from being serialized?

This is a very simple Web API project. I have a data model, generated DbContext, and a controller.
When I add the [JsonIgnore] attribute to certain properties on my model classes and then later make a change to the data model, the model classes get regenerated and my [JsonIgnore] attribute is deleted. I understand why this happens and that I shouldn't be adding attributes to an auto-generated class. My question is, where should I be annotating classes with attributes, like [JsonIgnore] for use with ASP.NET Web API?
You should use view models. Basically define classes that will contain only the properties that you need to expose and then return those view models from your Web API actions. This way you don't have to worry about polluting your domain models with [JsonIgnore] attributes especially if you don't want those properties to be ignored only for certain actions. In order to simplify the mapping between your domain models and view models you may take a look at AutoMapper.
Because you say explicitly that you are creating a very simple Web API project, you might be able to get away with a simple global replace. While I was converting a project to use ASP.NET Web API, I ran into the same problem. Because I was changing the Database Schema regularly it was simply easier to return the original types rather than dynamic or strongly typed view models since the properties of the data being wrapped was constantly changing.
The properties that needed to be ignored for serialization happen to be all the Navigation Properties generated by EF. It also happens that all these properties are virtual. I did a replace in files (scoped to only my data library project) replacing all public virtual with [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonIgnore] public virtual.
A quick and easy fix to allow testing while the project is still in development. I agree that in the end, you should probably wrap the EF models into view models, but this simple method can allow you to keep working without them for a bit longer.

What's the best way of using xVal when using the Entity Framework?

What's the best way of implementing xVal when using the Entity Framework? I've been using this approach but I'd like to know if there's a better way of doing it.
Also I'd like to know if there's a way of doing it without having to raise an exception.
The metadata approach works well, but the approach that I've used is to have a separate set of ViewModel objects and use a tool like AutoMapper to map from the EF objects to the ViewModel objects. (In more complex implementations, there is a separate domain model in between the EF objects and ViewModel objects.)
If you implement a repository pattern to retrieve your ViewModel objects, it also makes testing your controllers a lot easier to do.
You can then attribute your ViewModel objects to your heart's content and not worry about codegen overwriting your attributes. It's also possible to use another validation method (e.g. FluentValidation), since these can be made to work smoothly with xVal.
