Bamboo plan is not starting with Bitucket commit - bitbucket

I have bamboo set up with the testing branch of my Bitbucket repository, and I have set the build plan to trigger when new commits are pushed. Also linked bamboo from Bitbucket as a sevice and link.
Service Link
The problem is that when I push code to testing branch, it won't trigger the build plan. Is there any other thing to do?


Bamboo build tying to undesired BitBucket Commit

I have a BitBucket repo and a Bamboo Plan. The Bamboo Plan is tied to the Bitbucket repo in the "Repository" settings.
The Bamboo Plan "Branch" settings are set to create a new Branch when a new branch is created in the repo.
When I create a branch, bamboo makes a new branch and starts the build. The first build is tied to the latest commit which came from the original branch. I don't want to associate the new branch build with a commit to the original branch. (It causes more than one build to be associated with the commit.)
Desired Outcome
The build should only tie to new commits in the branch.
Pull Request Trigger
I modified my bamboo plan to only trigger new bamboo branches when a Pull Request is created for the repo branch. It did give me the desired outcome. The downside is that commits to the branch will not be executed against the CICD process until a PR is created.
Is there a way to create Bamboo branches only on the first commit to a new repo branch?
I'm sorry there isn't much you can do about this.

Trigger Jenkins downstream job when upstream push to Git Master only

As testing team, I wish to only run my Test when Developer is merged their code to Master. However, in Jenkins, my job is triggered everytime Developers push in their code no matter on Branches or Master.
I am using the Build after other projects are built as Build Triggers, and I cant see any option for me to filter the branch like what in TeamCity.
Can anyone help?

Trigger Jenkins build via push to a specific branch on GitLab

If there is the way to trigger Jenkins build via push to a specific branch on GitLab. At this moment I am using GitLab webhooks integration, to run a specific job? Now it starts after the push to any branch, but I need to start a job from push to the specific branch.
It's now possible since Gitlab 11.3 (
Does not appear to be possible currently by selecting a branch in the GitLab webhook. Feel free to watch progress on this new feature in the GitLab issue Filter web hooks by branch.
I did note in the issue comments the following that might help you configure things via Jenkins:
Jenkins GitLab plugin has an option to filter WebHooks by branch. Under Build Triggers --> Build when a change is pushed to GitLab --> Advanced...

Why does Travis CI build when branch is pushed to remote?

I just set up Travis CI and I noticed that every time I push a branch to the remote repo, it kicks off a build. From my reading of the docs, this is not expected should instead only kick off builds when a pull request is opened and on subsequent pushes to that branch.
Also, when I do open a pull request, it kicks off two builds, as shown in the
What I want is the following:
push remote branch (Travis CI does nothing)
create PR (Travis CI kicks off 1 build)
push commit to the branch (Travis CI kicks off 1 build).
Does anyone know what additional configuration is required to achieve this result? Many Thanks.
The expected workflow can be achieved by disabling the "Build Pushes" feature as described here:

Openshift - trigger Jenkins build on git push

I work with Openshift now and I have a problem.
I created an application server with Jenkins and when I push to the master branch of the git repository the Jenkins build is triggered automatically.
The point is that the build isn't triggered when I push to another branch (not master).
I've read topics like this one (How to configure Git post commit hook) and I do realize what the ways to make Jenkins build on git push are.
Unfortunately I haven't found any information about how this is done in the Openshift Jenkins. This mechanism is already implemented there and I simply want to replace the trigger from the "master" branch to another one.
How can I do it?
You can refer to the "Configuring Which Branch to Deploy" section from the following page:
