Jenkins giving while installing plugins - jenkins

I have installed latest version of Jenkins (2.19.1) on my server as windows service, when I am trying to install Plugins like SVN, MSBuild etc it is giving me error Any idea what is this issue about and how can we solve this?
Thanks in advance!!


Cannot install plugins on Jenkins

I'm new to Jenkins and am trying to get a simple pipeline setup and struggling with the plugins page. I want to install the Azure credentials plugin but in the Plugin Manager page, when I select the plugin checkbox, there is no "Install" button so I don't know what to do next.
Tried on latest Chrome and Firefox with same issue. No errors in the console.
I looked at the documentation and it does not describe any reasons why the buttons won't appear. I am unsure if this is a bug or a problem with the documentation.
I am running v2.249.1 LTS version on Windows Server 2016.
Because this issue seems to be present in both 2.235.1 as ell as 2.260, the weekly release, I would recommend using the Jenkins CLI in the meantime. You can find the documentation here: - I just used it and it works well. Do not forget to download the jenkins-cli.jar file as well as generted an API token.
wget https://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar
I have the same bug here, try Jenkins 2.249.1 fresh installation using ubuntu 20.04 and cannot install plugin from web UI
So I downgrade jenkins to older version to version 2.235.1, now I can install plugin from web ui
sudo apt-get install jenkins=2.235.1

I am unable to configure Jenkins with git lab community edition (12.6.0) getting below error ,Help me to resolve

Question 1:
i am trying to install Jenkins GitLab Plugin and Jenkins Git Plugin.But in my Jenkins version(2.210) it won't available to download .Can anybody explain any alternative way to download this ?
Question 2 :
I have successfully installed ruby plugin and but still getting same error ?i am configuring Jenkins with windows 10.
Dependency errors:
Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins to restore the functionality provided by these plugins.
Gitlab Hook Plugin version 1.4.2
ruby-runtime version 0.12 is missing. To fix, install version 0.12 or later.[enter image description here][1]
I think Jenkins requires plugin last version
And you plugin require JRuby 1.7.18

Unable to upgrade git-client plugin in jenkins

It appears I am unable to fix this situation. It seems jenkins thinks I should have a newer version of a git plugin, one that is not out yet. I do not see an option to upgrade.
Any idea how to fix this?
The first thing to check is your Jenkins version itself.
Try and upgrade Jenkins (war-stable/latest/jenkins.war) to see if the core client allows for those dependencies to be resolved.

Cannot install RoboVM plugin on IntelliJ Idea

IntelliJ Idea fails when trying to install RoboVM plugin. I found these errors in the log:
Caused by:
It must be a problem of the server, because I cannot access with an Internet browser either:’s server IP address could not be found
I know it maybe a temporal issue, but just in case, do you know if the project has been discontinued or something alike?
Thanks in advance,
RoboVM is no more, Probably his server, IP address is not active/working.
Try MobiDevelop, a fork of RoboVM. This fork is based on the last open-source version of RoboVM.
Plugins for IntelliJ IDEA/Android Studio
IntelliJ IDEA plugin snapshot builds
IntelliJ IDEA plugin release builds

PRQA frame configuration not showing in Jenkins

I have installed Jenkins 2.111 version and I installed the PRQA plugin.Then i tried to configure PRQA. In that only QA verify configuration is showing,PRQA framework configuration is not showing.
Please help me,i have to install which version of PRQA plugin and Jenkins. Thank you in advance.
PRQA is only running on an old version of Jenkins. jenkins-2.107.2.
In latest version of Jenkins, the devil-Jenkins will appear when you change settings.
In some browsers, the output is really nice.
