Firefox native messaging through webextension - firefox-addon

Created a webextension for firefox (currently using Nightly 52), that uses native messaging to launch a java program on Linux (Ubuntu 14, 32x).
The webextension loads, reads the .json file and reads the path which points to a script that starts the java program. The JSON and the path are correct as when I use:
var native = browser.runtime.connectNative("passwordmanager");
console.log("" +; //outputs passwordmanager.
native.onDisconnect.addListener(function(m) { console.log("Disconnected"); });
The above code prints the name of the native port and also prints "Disconnected". So I m guessing the native app is terminating for some reason.
The application is only skeleton right now, that just does sysout and reads sysin and works correctly if Launch it directly through the shell script.
While debugging the webextension, I am not able to step into the call to connectNative, as it just steps-over that call instead of doing step-in. So kind of out of options whats' going wrong.
Please let me know if anyone is able to create a native messaging app based on FF webextension and any pointers on what I might be doing wrong.

This solution here shows you how to detect onConnect and onFail. It should help you out to figure out your real problem.
So I don't think you can do proper error handling with connectNative from the JS side alone. You can do somewhat error handling if you get the exe side involved, but you can't get a string for "error reason" when an error occurs. The error is only logged to console.
First make sure to set your deeloper prefs, so messages show in your browser console. You can use this addon - - or read that addon description it gives you the MDN page with the prefs to set.
Then this is how you can do some sort of error handling (without error reason) (pseudo-code - i might need a .bind in the callbcks):
function connectNative(aAppName, onConnect, onFail) {
var listener = function(payload) {
if (!connected) {
connected = true;
} else {
// process messages
var failedConnect = function() {
onFail('failed for unattainable reason - however see browser console as it got logged there');
var connected = false;
var port = chrome.runtime.connectNative(aAppName);
return port;
Now in your exe, as soon as it starts up, make it write to stdout something. That will trigger the onConnect.


Running a salix webApp through an IDE menu

I have a bit of code that creates a salix webapp and runs it from an IDE popup menu by making use of util::Webserver. In order to allow for the command to be used multiple times, I try to shutdown any existing webserver at that address first but it doesn't seem to be working. No matter what it always comes up with an illegal argument error stating "shutdown" not possible.
void run_game(Tree t, loc s){
t = annotate(t);
PSGAME g = ps_implode(t);
Checker c = check_game(g);
Engine engine = compile(c);
loc host = |http://localhost:9050/|;
try { util::Webserver::shutdown(host);} catch: ;
util::Webserver::serve(host, load_app(engine)().callback, asDaemon = true);
println("Serving content at <host>");
What I expect to happen is that the first time this function it run, shutdown throws an error that is silenced because no webserver exists and then serve starts the webserver. If the user tries to run the function again then shutdown successfully runs, clearing the address bind and serve binds successfully to the address.
What actually happens the second time, is that shutdown still errors, the error is silenced and then serve complains that the address is already in use.
I'm looking for any solution that would allow me to start a salix app through the IDE's popup menu (previously registered) at the same address.
PS_contributions =
action("Run Game", run_game)
registerContributions(PS_NAME, PS_contributions);
Right; we ran into similar issues and decided to special case actions that run web apps. So we added this:
data Menu = interaction(str label, Content ((&T <: Tree) tree, loc selection) server)
Content comes from the Content module which basically wraps any Response(Request) servlet.
So you can wrap your salix webApp in a Content and return it given a current selection and the current tree.
The IDE will take care to start and also shutdown the server. It does that every time an interaction with the same label is created or after 30 minutes of silence on the given HTTP port.

How can I prevent Chromium from writing to the console?

I'm making a very simple Delphi console application ({$APPTYPE CONSOLE}) with a single TChromiumWindow on the main form. The purpose of the application is to retrieve a webpage, process the HTML and output some JSON to the console. This can not be done using plain HTTP requests due to the nature of the webpage, which requires running some javascript as well.
Everything works as expected, except for one problem. The chromium components output some error messages to the console as well, which makes my JSON invalid! For example, I always get the following two error messages on startup:
[0529/] Lost UI shared context.
[0529/] Cannot use V8 Proxy resolver in single process mode.
Of course the best solution would be to not get any error messages in the first place, but for several reasons (which mostly have to do with company legacy code) I can't for example disable single process mode.
So the next best thing would be to keep these error messages from being printed to the console. I've tried setting
but that didn't help. Specifying a logfile using GlobalCEFApp.LogFile doesn't help either.
So how can I prevent the Chromium components from writing to the console at all?
The TChromium component provides an OnConsoleMessage event with signature :
TOnConsoleMessage = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
const message, source: ustring; line: Integer;
out Result: Boolean) of object;
If you handle this event and set the Result variable to true the message output to the console is suppressed.
Set LogSeverity to LogSeverity.Fatal or n other desired.
var settings = new CefSettings()
//By default CefSharp will use an in-memory cache, you need to specify a Cache Folder to persist data
CachePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "CefSharp\\Cache"),
//Set log severity to showup only fatal errors.
LogSeverity = LogSeverity.Fatal,
//Autoshutdown when closing
CefSharpSettings.ShutdownOnExit = true;
//Perform dependency check to make sure all relevant resources are in our output directory.
Cef.Initialize(settings, performDependencyCheck: true, browserProcessHandler: null);

Detect & Block Read/WriteProcessMemory calls from a Driver

Hi i'm relativly new to kernel programming (i've got a lot of c++ development experience though) and have a goal that i want to achieve:
Detecting and conditionally blocking attempts from userland programs to write or read to specific memory addresses located in my own userland process. This has to be done from a driver.
I've setup a development enviorment (virtual machine running the latest windows 10 + virtualkd + windbg) and already successfully deployed a small kmdf test driver via the visual studio integration (over lan).
So my question is now:
How do i detect/intercept Read/WriteProcessMemory calls to my ring3 application? Simply blocking handles isn't enough here.
It would be nice if some one could point me into the right direction either by linking (a non outdated) example or just by telling me how to do this.
Read a lot about filter drivers and hooking Windows Apis from kernel mode, but i really dont want to mess with Patchguard and dont really know how to filter RPM calls from userland. Its not important to protect my program from drivers, only from ring3 applications.
Thank you :)
This code from here should do the trick.
OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS PreCallback(PVOID RegistrationContext,
PEPROCESS OpenedProcess = (PEPROCESS)OperationInformation->Object,
CurrentProcess = PsGetCurrentProcess();
PsLookupProcessByProcessId(ProtectedProcess, &ProtectedProcessProcess); // Getting the PEPROCESS using the PID
PsLookupProcessByProcessId(Lsass, &LsassProcess); // Getting the PEPROCESS using the PID
PsLookupProcessByProcessId(Csrss1, &Csrss1Process); // Getting the PEPROCESS using the PID
PsLookupProcessByProcessId(Csrss2, &Csrss2Process); // Getting the PEPROCESS using the PID
if (OpenedProcess == Csrss1Process) // Making sure to not strip csrss's Handle, will cause BSOD
if (OpenedProcess == Csrss2Process) // Making sure to not strip csrss's Handle, will cause BSOD
if (OpenedProcess == CurrentProcess) // make sure the driver isnt getting stripped ( even though we have a second check )
if (OpenedProcess == ProtectedProcess) // Making sure that the game can open a process handle to itself
if (OperationInformation->KernelHandle) // allow drivers to get a handle
// PsGetProcessId((PEPROCESS)OperationInformation->Object) equals to the created handle's PID, so if the created Handle equals to the protected process's PID, strip
if (PsGetProcessId((PEPROCESS)OperationInformation->Object) == ProtectedProcess)
if (OperationInformation->Operation == OB_OPERATION_HANDLE_CREATE) // striping handle
OperationInformation->Parameters->CreateHandleInformation.DesiredAccess = (SYNCHRONIZE | PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION);
OperationInformation->Parameters->DuplicateHandleInformation.DesiredAccess = (SYNCHRONIZE | PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION);
This code, once registered with ObRegisterCallback, will detect when a new handle is created to your protected process and will kill it if it's not coming from Lsass, Csrss, or itself. This is to prevent blue screens from critical process being denied a handle to
your application.

Is it possible to combine React Native with

I was working on an app with Phonegap + React.js and However, then React-Native got released and the native feel is amazing.
I tried getting working with React Native, but unfortunately without much success. I did some research and I'm getting the exact same errors as described in this issue:
The comments on the issue said to try and use the fetch API to fetch JS modules, but I think I'm doing this wrong:
var socketScript;
.then(function(response) {
socketScript = response._bodyText;
}).done(function() {
var socket =;
This returns an undefined is not a function.
Is there any way to make work with React Native? Or am I looking at this the wrong way? Perhaps there are other, better suited solutions?
For those like me stumbling across this question looking how to integrate with react native.
Since React Native has supported websockets for a short time now, you can now set up web sockets really easily with All you have to do is the following
npm install
first import react-native
assign window.navigator.userAgent = 'react-native';
in your constructor assign this.socket = io('localhost:3001', {jsonp: false});
So in all it should look like this after npm installing
import React from 'react-native';
// ... [other imports]
import './UserAgent';
import io from '';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.socket = io('localhost:3001', {jsonp: false});
// now you can use sockets with
// or any other functionality within!
and then in 'UserAgent.js':
window.navigator.userAgent = 'react-native';
Note: because ES6 module imports are hoisted, we can't make the userAgent assignment in the same file as the react-native and imports, hence the separate module.
The above solution should work, but in the case it doesn't try create a separate socketConfig.js file. In there import anything that is needed, including const io = require(''); and having window.navigator.userAgent = 'react-native'; BEFORE requiring Then you can connect your socket there and have all listeners in one place. Then actions or functions can be imported into the config file and execute when a listener receives data.
Now, if you want to use in your RN app, you must use this code:
if (!window.location) {
// App is running in simulator
window.navigator.userAgent = 'ReactNative';
// This must be below your `window.navigator` hack above
const io = require('');
const socket = io('', {
transports: ['websocket'] // you need to explicitly tell it to use websockets
socket.on('connect', () => {
Big thanks for Eric Kryski.
import { io } from ''
const socket = io(`${SOCKET_URL}:${SOCKET_PORT}`)
Important! SOCKET_URL should be your local IP address, not localhost or
To check your local IP:
Mac / Linux: run ifconfig in terminal
Windows: run ipconfig --all in shell
Should be something like: const socket = io('', {transports: ['websocket']})
Short of a polyfill for the WebSocket API, you can create a native module that makes use of web-sockets and send events to Javascript using eventDispatcher.
On the Javascript side, you would subscribe to these events using DeviceEventEmitter.addListener.
For more information on using native modules, see the react-native doc on the topic
Edit Feb 2016: React Native now supports Web Sockets so some of this advice is invalid.
You've misinterpreted the Github issue I'm afraid. In it, aackerman says:
For this specific case you'll likely want to use the fetch API which
is provided by the environment.
He doesn't say that you should use the fetch API to grab remote JS modules. What he's suggesting is that the fetch API be used in place of the built-in Node.JS request module, which isn't available in React Native.
Let's look at your code:
socketScript = response._bodyText;
var socket =;
Think about this for a second - socketScript isn't a JavaScript object, it's a string - therefore how can you call the io method on it?
What you'd really need to do is parse _bodyText before using it (in a browser you could use eval), but then you'd still have the problem that while React Native has a polyfill for XHR and the fetch API, it doesn't yet have one for the WebSocket API. Unless I'm mistaken, this means you're stuck.
I suggest opening a Github issue to request a WebSocket API polyfill and ask for the thoughts of the community. Someone might have a workaround.
Although you can use lib, the community is complaining about compatibility issues with most versions (I did experience some). It works, but now I'm afraid to upgrade the lib because I need to verify the compatibility of the next version to my server's version and react-native's version!
It seems that a lot of people miss react's own implementation of Websockets! I really recommend you use this instead of It is very similar in usage:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
ws.onopen = () => { // connection opened ws.send('something'); // send a message};
ws.onmessage = (e) => { // a message was received console.log(;};
ws.onerror = (e) => { // an error occurred console.log(e.message);};
ws.onclose = (e) => { // connection closed console.log(e.code, e.reason);};
Finally found it.
import { io } from ""
import express from "express"
import http from "http"
import * as SocketIO from ""
const app = express()
const server = new http.Server(app)
const io = new SocketIO.Server(server)
const port = 8000
io.on("connection", socket => {
may be this will through error
import io from ""
Then just add below line....
import io from "";
then in componenDidMount or useEffect function just add below line.Never use it under constructor of class component.
var socket = io("", { jsonp: false });
// client-side
socket.on("chat_message", (msg) => {
2022 Answer
In 2022 you can easily just use the latest version of with React Native.
npm install
import io from '';
Right now there isn't a good hook based socketIO libary that I've been able to make work with RN but it's pretty straightforward to roll out your own custom hook depending on your needs. IE
function useWebsocket(url) {
const [connected, setConnected] = useState(false);
const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null);
const newSocket = io(url);
newSocket.on('connect', ()=>setConnected(true));
newSocket.on('disconnect', ()=>setConnected(false));
}, [])
return {
Something like this can get you started. This would open a socket for each component that calls the hook, which can work well if you just need one component with one connection. Sharing the connection across components gets a little more hairy but it isn't too bad.
The connected state is really useful for letting your user know the status of connections and stuff like that.
But yeah, point is you can just install it and use it in your component. Don't use it in the body of your functional components

having problem in blackberry

I am doing coding from beggining blackberry by Anthony Rizk.
I am stuck with this code as it is showing error again and again...
private void getURL() {
HttpRequestDispatcher dispatcher = new HttpRequestDispatcher(urlField.getText(),
"GET", this);
Can anyone explain me why we are passing this as parameter and why actually this code is doing...
"this" refers to the main screen you passed to the class so you can alert the requestFailed string. Check the run method on page 170. You'll see screen.requestFailed("Unexpected...").
As for your error - I suggest adding this line:
System.out.println(" ----------------- HTTPREQUESTDISPATCHER ---------- " + urlField.getText());
right before your dispatcher.start(); line and then compile in debug mode to see what your console says. Just to make sure your URL to request is a valid web URL.
Additionally, make sure your simulator has MDS enabled. You need that to make web calls.
In eclipse it is under Run->run configurations-> simulator tab -> general -> checkbox for Mobile Data System.
I don't know where it is in the RIM package. If you're not using eclipse, you might want to switch over to it. It will highlight errors and try to help you resolve them.
