OpenCV matchShapes() output value - ios

How do I use value from OpenCV matchShapes output? We implemented OpenCV matchShapes function to compare two images, particularly, shapes. But when we obtained the answer we are confused how to use these values?
The code is
- (bool) someMethod:(UIImage *)image :(UIImage *)temp {
RNG rng(12345);
cv::Mat src_base, hsv_base;
cv::Mat src_test1, hsv_test1;
src_base = [self cvMatWithImage:image];
src_test1 = [self cvMatWithImage:temp];
int thresh=150;
double ans=0, result=0;
Mat imageresult1, imageresult2;
cv::cvtColor(src_base, hsv_base, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
cv::cvtColor(src_test1, hsv_test1, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>>contours1, contours2;
std::vector<Vec4i>hierarchy1, hierarchy2;
Canny(hsv_base, imageresult1, thresh, thresh*2);
Canny(hsv_test1, imageresult2, thresh, thresh*2);
for(int i=0;i<contours1.size();i++)
Scalar color=Scalar(rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255));
for(int i=0;i<contours2.size();i++)
Scalar color=Scalar(rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0,255), rng.uniform(0,255));
for(int i=0;i<contours1.size();i++)
ans = matchShapes(contours1[i],contours2[i],CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1,0);
cout<<" "<<ans<<endl;
std::cout<<"The answer is "<<ans<<endl;
if (ans<=20) {
return true;
return false;
The output values are
The image is

See my comment on imoutidi's answer. Here is a visual explanation:
The first col are the two original images,the second the canny edges. The 3. col are an arbitrary selection of detected shapes with the same index in both images. As you see, it is not even guaranteed that they correspond to the same image parts as a human would see them. What you end up comparing are different triangles in this case, which say little about the overall shape similarity. The two shape arrays are not even of the same size, since there are more structures in the bottom drawing for example(like small shapes between a thick line). in The 4. col is the last shape in the array. This is the best bet you can make to compare the images. In this example, I get a value of 0.0920794532771 for their similarity.

If I understand correctly your question, you want to know what the return value of matchShapes() stands for.
In your case given the two contours (shapes) the function returns a similarity metric (value). A small value indicates that the two shapes are similar and a big value that they are not.
A good explanation is here: (check the third paragraph).
Also check out the documentation:


Compute fundamental matrix with 8 point algorithm

I need to write an own implementation of computing the fundamental matrix between two images based on the corresponding image coordinates without using OpenCV.
Is it possible to describe this algorithm in its simplest form in accordance with the following function? a simple and straightforward formula.
Input Arguments:
points1(x,y)−pixel coordinates in the first image ,
corresponding to points2 in the second image
points2(x,y)−pixel coordinates in the second image ,
corresponding to points1 in the first image
Output :
F − the fundamental matrix between the first image and the second image
Yes, it is possible to describe the algorithm in the mentioned form.
If you would use OpenCV, you could just use findFundamentalMat. This also provides the 8-point method for computing the fundamental matrix.
The example (in C++) taken from the OpenCV documentation, but adapted (using the RANSAC algorithm for computing the fundamental matrix):
// Example. Estimation of fundamental matrix using the 8-point algorithm
int point_count = 8; // must be >= 8
vector<Point2f> points1(point_count);
vector<Point2f> points2(point_count);
// initialize the points here ... */
for( int i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
points1[i] = ...;
points2[i] = ...;
Mat fundamental_matrix =
findFundamentalMat(points1, points2, CV_FM_8POINT);
If you want to write your own function, it would look like this (no valid code)
Matrix findFundamentalMat(Array points1, Array points2)
Matrix fundamentalMatrix;
// compute fundamental matrix based on input points1 and points2 or call OpenCV's findFundamentalMat
return fundamentalMatrix;

Efficiently tell if one image is entirely comprised of the pixel values of another in OpenCV

I am trying to find an efficient way to see if one image is a subset of another (meaning that each unique pixel in one image is also found in the other.) The repetition or ordering of the pixels do not matter.
I am working in Java, so I would like all of my operations to be completed in OpenCV for efficiency's sake.
My first idea was to export a list of unique pixel values, and compare it to the list from the second image.
As there is not a built in function to extract unique pixels, I abandoned this approach.
I also understand that I can find the locations of a particular color with the inclusive inRange, and findNonZero operations.
Core.inRange(image, color, color, tempMat); // inclusive
Core.findNonZero(tempMat, colorLocations);
Unfortunately, this does not provide an adequate answer, as it would need to be executed per color, and would still require extracting unique pixels.
Essentially, I'm asking if there is a clever way to use the built in OpenCV functions to see if an image is comprised of the pixels found in another image.
I understand that this will not work for slight color differences. I am working on a limited dataset, and care about the exact pixel values.
To put the question more mathematically:
Because the only think you are interested in is the pixel values i would suggest to do the following.
Compute the histogram of image 1 using hist1 = calcHist()
Compute the histogram of image 2 using hist2 = calcHist()
Calculate the difference vector diff = hist1 - hist2
Check if each bin of the hist of the subimage is less or equal than the corresponding bin in the hist of the bigger image
Thanks to Miki for the fix.
I will keep Amitay's as the accepted answer, as he absolutely lead me down the correct path. I wanted to also share my exact answer for anyone who finds this in the future.
As I stated in my question, I was looking for an efficient way to see if the RGB values of one image were a subset of the RGB values of another image.
I made a function to the following specification:
The Java code is as follows:
private boolean isSubset(Mat subset, Mat subMask, Mat superset) {
// Get unique set of pixels from both images
subset = getUniquePixels(subset, subMask);
superset = getUniquePixels(superset, null);
// See if the superset pixels encapsulate the subset pixels
// OR the unique pixels together
Mat subOrSuper = new Mat();
Core.bitwise_or(subset, superset, subOrSuper);
//See if the ORed matrix is equal to the superset
Mat notEqualMat = new Mat();, subOrSuper, notEqualMat, Core.CMP_NE);
return Core.countNonZero(notEqualMat) == 0;
subset and superset are assumed to be CV_8UC3 matricies, while subMask is assumed to be CV_8UC1.
private Mat getUniquePixels(Mat img, Mat mask) {
if (mask == null) {
mask = new Mat();
// int bgrValue = (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r;
img.convertTo(img, CvType.CV_32FC3);
Vector<Mat> splitImg = new Vector<>();
Core.split(img, splitImg);
Mat flatImg = Mat.zeros(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_32FC1);
Mat multiplier;
for (int i = 0; i < splitImg.size(); i++) {
multiplier = Mat.ones(img.rows(), img.cols(), CvType.CV_32FC1);
// set powTwo = to 2^i;
int powTwo = (1 << i);
// Set multiplier matrix equal to powTwo;
Core.multiply(multiplier, new Scalar(powTwo), multiplier);
// n<<i == n * 2^i;
// I'm shifting the RGB values into separate parts of the same 32bit
// integer.
Core.multiply(multiplier, splitImg.get(i), splitImg.get(i));
// Add the shifted RGB components together.
Core.add(flatImg, splitImg.get(i), flatImg);
// Create a histogram of the pixel values.
List<Mat> images = new ArrayList<>();
MatOfInt channels = new MatOfInt(0);
Mat hist = new Mat();
// 16777216 == 256*256*256
MatOfInt histSize = new MatOfInt(16777216);
MatOfFloat ranges = new MatOfFloat(0f, 16777216f);
Imgproc.calcHist(images, channels, mask, hist, histSize, ranges);
Mat uniquePixels = new Mat();
Core.inRange(hist, new Scalar(1), new Scalar(Float.MAX_VALUE), uniquePixels);
return uniquePixels;
Please feel free to ask questions, or point out problems!

Matchingproblems when using OpenCVs matchShapes function

I´m trying to find a objekt in a larger Picture with the findContour/matchShape functions (the object can vary so it´s not possible to look after the color or something similar, Featuredetectors like SIFT also doesn´t work because the object could be symetric)
I have written following code:
Mat scene = imread...
Mat Template = imread...
Mat imagegray1, imagegray2, imageresult1, imageresult2;
int thresh=80;
double ans=0, result=0;
// Preprocess pictures
cvtColor(scene, imagegray1,CV_BGR2GRAY);
GaussianBlur(imagegray1,imagegray1, Size(5,5),2);
GaussianBlur(imagegray2,imagegray2, Size(5,5),2);
Canny(imagegray1, imageresult1,thresh, thresh*2);
Canny(imagegray2, imageresult2,thresh, thresh*2);
vector<vector <Point> > contours1;
vector<vector <Point> > contours2;
vector<Vec4i>hierarchy1, hierarchy2;
// Template
// Szene
imshow("template", Template);
double helper = INT_MAX;
int idx_i = 0, idx_j = 0;
// Match all contours with eachother
for(int i = 0; i < contours1.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < contours2.size(); j++)
ans=matchShapes(contours1[i],contours2[j],CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1 ,0);
// find the best matching contour
if((ans < helper) )
idx_i = i;
helper = ans;
// draw the best contour
drawContours(scene, contours1, idx_i,
When I'm using a scene where only the Template is located in, i get a good matching result:
But when there are more objects in the pictures i have trouble detecting the object:
Hope someone can tell me whats the problem with the code i´m using. Thanks
You have a huge amount of contours in the second image (almost each letter).
As the matchShape checks for scale-invariant Hu-moments ( also a very small contours may fit the shape you are looking for.
Furthermore, the original shape is not distinguished properly like can be seen when excluding all contours with an area smaller 50.
if(contourArea(contours1[i]) > 50)
drawContours(scene, contours1, i, Scalar(255, 255, 0), 1);
To say it with other words, there is no problem with your code. The contour can simply not be detected very well. I would suggest to have a look at approxCurve and convexHull and try to close the contour this way. Or improve the use of Canny in some way.
Then you could use a priori knowledge to restrict the size (and maybe rotation?) of the contour you are looking for.

Compare multiple Image Histograms with Processing

picture histogram
I'm quite new to the processing language. I am trying to create an image comparison tool.
The idea is to get a histogram of a picture (see screenshot below, size is 600x400), which is then compared to 10 other histograms of similar pictures (all size 600x400). The histogram shows the frequency distribution of the gray levels with the number of pure black values displayed on the left and number of pure white values on the right.
In the end I should get a "winning" picture (the one that has the most similar histogram).
Below you can see the code for the image histogram, similar to the processing tutorial example.
My idea was to create a PImage [] for the 10 other pictures to create histograms and then an if statement, but I'm not sure how to code it.
Does anyone have a tip on how to proceed or where to look? I couldn't find a similar post.
Thanks in advance and sorry if the question is very basic!
size(600, 400);
// Load an image from the data directory
// Load a different image by modifying the comments
PImage img = loadImage("image4.jpg");
image(img, 0, 0);
int[] hist = new int[256];
// Calculate the histogram
for (int i = 0; i < img.width; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < img.height; j++) {
int bright = int(brightness(get(i, j)));
// Find the largest value in the histogram
int histMax = max(hist);
// Draw half of the histogram (skip every second value)
for (int i = 0; i < img.width; i += 2) {
// Map i (from 0..img.width) to a location in the histogram (0..255)
int which = int(map(i, 0, img.width, 0, 255));
// Convert the histogram value to a location between
// the bottom and the top of the picture
int y = int(map(hist[which], 0, histMax, img.height, 0));
line(i, img.height, i, y);
Not sure if your problem is the implementation in processing or if you don't know how to compare histograms. I assume it is the comparison as the rest is pretty straight forward. Calculate the similarity for every candidate and pick the winner.
Search the web for histogram comparison and among others you will find:
OpenCV implements four measures for histogram similarity.
where and N is the number of histogram bins
You can use these measures, but I'm sure you'll find something else as well.

Extracting Dominant / Most Used Colors from an Image

I would like to extract the most used colors inside an image, or at least the primary tones
Could you recommend me how can I start with this task? or point me to a similar code? I have being looking for it but no success.
You can get very good results using an Octree Color Quantization algorithm. Other quantization algorithms can be found on Wikipedia.
I agree with the comments - a programming solution would definitely need more information. But till then, assuming you'll obtain the RGB values of each pixel in your image, you should consider the HSV colorspace where the Hue can be said to represent the "tone" of each pixel. You can then use a histogram to identify the most used tones in your image.
Well, I assume you can access to each pixel RGB color. There are two ways you can so depending on how you want it.
First you may simply create some of all pixel's R, G and B. Like this.
A pseudo code.
int Red = 0;
int Green = 0;
int Blue = 0;
foreach (Pixels as aPixel) {
Red += aPixel.getRed();
Green += aPixel.getGreen();
Blue += aPixel.getBlue();
Then see which is more.
This give you only the picture is more red, green or blue.
Another way will give you static of combined color too (like orange) by simply create histogram of each RGB combination.
A pseudo code.
Map ColorCounts = new();
foreach (Pixels as aPixel) {
const aRGB = aPixel.getRGB();
var aCount = ColorCounts.get(aRGB);
ColorCounts.put(aRGB, aCount);
Then see which one has more count.
You may also reduce the color-resolution as a regular RGB coloring will give you up to 6.7 million colors.
This can be done easily by given the RGB to ranges of color. For example, let say, RGB is 8 step not 256.
A pseudo code.
function Reduce(Color) {
return (Color/32)*32; // 32 is 256/8 as for 8 ranges.
function ReduceRGB(RGB) {
return new RGB(Reduce(RGB.getRed()),Reduce(RGB.getGreen() Reduce(RGB.getBlue()));
Map ColorCounts = new();
foreach (Pixels as aPixel) {
const aRGB = ReduceRGB(aPixel.getRGB());
var aCount = ColorCounts.get(aRGB);
ColorCounts.put(aRGB, aCount);
Then you can see which range have the most count.
I hope these technique makes sense to you.
