jenkins tests with ranorex - jenkins

I'm just getting started with Jenkins and I have a few doubts that must be silly, but I'm stuck at it.
After I build my project Jenkins save the build file in some specific path?
Using Ranorex for automation test, is it better to put my files locally on the server or push them to a repository?
Note: I just start tried to use this, at this moment I can check for changes at BitBucket, build the file, build the Ranorex test and run the test.

Jenkins is quite a versatile application that allows system setup to specific needs and requirements of the test project. So i'd say go with the way that seems most logical/easiest. It's kind of a learning process as well so you will be able to understand the working flow of Jenkins itself.
But to answer your 2 questions:
1) By build files i believe you mean the test reports? - For this I actually use the Jenkins UserContent folder. This requires the "Copy to slave" plugin to be installed. With this you will get an additional Post-build Action where you can specify the files that will be copied over to the UserContent folder. But don't forget to specify a common layout for the naming of report files through the Ranorex run parameters ("/rf"). The UserContent folder actually acts as a web server and you can directly link the URLs for email reports. (eg. "")
2) This totally depends on the system setup. But i can give you an example on how our system is currently set up. So we have Jenkins which runs on a Linux machine. It is only used to manage and run the tests and the actual machine does not include the automation test project. Then we have the test machine which runs on Windows and holds the actual automation tests. This machine is connected to Jenkins through the Slave functionality. So basically when someone starts a test job Jenkins from the Linux machine sends a command to the slave to start the automated tests. When the test run has finished post-build actions take over and copy the report files from the Slave machine to the Linux machines UserContent folder.
Now when talking about the test project management. It's a good idea to use a gir repository which will add another layer of somewhat "security". But if you have a small team (or you are the only test developer) then there is no actual need for it. You just copy the project to the test machine to a specified folder whenever needed/updated and you are ready to run it.


Continuous Integration Clarification

I work in a team which maintains a Java website and back end java jobs and shell script jobs.
After all developers complete their updates, only the relevant ones are committed to source control system.
Later ant build scripts are run and war files are generated.
Along with these war files there will genrally be shell scripts etc to be copied to QA/PROD.
Then one fine day there is a team call the release management team which will transfer the code from our Dev environment to QA/PROD.
Recently I came across the Continuous Integration systems like Jenkins/Hudson.
Can these tools build all the changes committed and automatically transfer my code to QA/PROD.
BTW I work in a AIX Server environment and use Tomcat as the Container.
I am more curious whether the tool will be able to copy my code to QA/PROD.
Please Clarify.
The answer is almost certainly yes, depending on your particular setup for copying the code. There is a large number of plugins for this purposes at the appropriate Jenkins wiki page. You should be able to find something there for your needs.

Jenkins - Is it necessary to have a repository for running a multi configuration project

I am new to Jenkins. I am trying to configure Jenkins to run my Selenium tests on multiple browsers. So I thought multi-configuration project would be a best choice. I am using Sauce labs for performing cross-browser testing.
My selenium source code is on my local system directory. I have not uploaded the same to any of the repositories. I have configured a multi-configuration project with a custom workspace pointing to my local source code, and selected "none" in Source code management section.
Now, when I build the job, the job creates workspace for each browser combination. Eg: <project workspace>\SELENIUM_DRIVER\Windows 2003firefox16 and <project workspace>\SELENIUM_DRIVER\Windows 2003internet explorer8. But the files are not copied to each of these workspaces automatically. I need to copy my files manually into these directories for it to work.
Is it necessary to have Repositories like SVN, CVS or Git for this to work. Or is there a way I can run the build from my local system?
For this to work, a Repository is not required,
but you do need to have some good way to access your artifacts and selenium code.
Suggest you drop the artifacts on a shared drive as a preliminary step,
and also put your selenium source-code on a shared drive, as a practice -
this will allow you to run multiple tests from multiple machines.

Can I run TFS Build Controller and Unit Tests on one machine and TFS Build Agents on another machine?

I have sucessfully setup two machines. The first machine uses as TFS Build Controller and the other machine use as TFS Build Agent.
There are two things I want to do.
Run SQL scripts on TFS Build Controller machine. I have all SQL script files on TFS but I have no idea how can I get it run.
I want to do is upload the output (dll and exe files) from TFS Build Agent machine back to TFS Build Controller machine then run test on this machine. (I want to run test after I run all sql script files)
Please let me know if this is possible or not. You can just give me a link since I know it might take a long explanation. I would appriciate if you could write down the answer. :)
Yes, that is all possible, but I would strongly suggest not using the Build Controller for that. Build Controllers are meant to just dole the builds out to the Agents that do all the work. Also Build Controllers are typically shared between Team Projects, so if a single Team Project is abusing the Controller it can affect others; whereas Build Agents are usually dedicated to Team Projects. You should be able to run your SQL Scripts and tests on the Build Agent, that's what most people will do.
Having said that, if you're set on still doing it, you can modify the build workflow template to accomplish it. Anything inside the Run On Agent activity runs on the Build Agent, anything outside of that runs on the Build Controller. See Ewald's Blog series on customizing TFS Build if you've never done it before:

FitNesse running remote test cases locally?

The background is : I am trying to implement an automated integration test solution. I want to have a FitNesse server running which QA/Users can maintain the test cases. During our nightly build, we want to have the test run locally in the build machine. (In our build script, we are going to startup Jetty, and FitNesse test cases are invoking the RESTful APIs)
When I am looking into the fitnesse-maven-plugin (, in the description of goal fitnesse:run, it said that:
This goal uses the fitnesse.runner.TestRunner class for calling a remote FitNesse web page and executes the tests or suites locally into a forked JVM
However, when I am using this plugin with FitNesse version 2009xxxx or 2008xxxx (with a special patch of this maven plugin), I found that the test is not running locally. Instead, I saw new test results created in the remote FitNesse wiki server.
May I know if it is due to change of behavior of FitNesse? (Coz the fitnesse maven plugin is depending on a much older version of FitNesse) Also, with the original Test Runner being deprecated, is it possible to have the behavior I am looking for? (Pages defined in remote server, but run locally in build machine)
Or, is such way of work no-longer a recommended approach to use FitNesse? (If so, I will need to change the approach of the automated test)
One solution I've used is the wiki import option feature. This can import the latest changes from the remote wiki to your local build server.
You can also tell it to auto-update when running the tests rather than having to re-import manually whenever they change.
Another possibility is to use a source control plugin to automatically commit changes by QA/Users from the remote wiki and pull them down as part of your build.

Run deployment script from TFS build workflow on remote system using MSTest agent only

My Question: How can I run a deployment script from the TFS 2010 build template on a remote system that has only a MSTest agent running?
I know this can be done by activating the Deployment section in the test settings configuration file, but this is not flexible enough. At night a build runs. When the build is successful, a deployment script is placed at a drop location. The drop location is date, project and build definition specific. These parameters are available in the TFS build template we use.
I do not have Lab Management available, just a physical server. I would rather not spoil the physical server with an additional build agent to only do the deployment. The MSTest agent is apparently capable of running deployment scripts, but how do I use that functionality from the TFS build workflow. For example, can I use the RunDeploymentScript activity without having Lab Management?
PSExec is a great tool for running scripts on remote computers. I use this in Team Deploy that allows you to install MSIs on remote computers from Team Build. You can also run PowerShell on remote computers but it is a little more complicated to set up. Another option is to use MSDeploy. There is a command option that you can run any command on a remote computer. I usually use an InvokeProcess activity to call a PowerShell script on the build server. From the PowerShell script I have called MSDeploy to run a remote PowerShell script on a target server. It sounds bad but worked good.
You can't run the RunDeploymentScript on the target machine. You can use a modified template to deploy to a physical environemnt. Here is a good post on doing this.. The options I mentioned above do not need any agent on it. You can use the ExecuteRemoteTestRun lab management activity without Lab Management to run the MTM Tests with the Test Agent with a Test Controller that is registered to the project collection (Test Manager).
Let me know if you have any questions on any of these options.
