IOS UICollectionView with Paging Enabled pushed off center - ios

I have a collection View that is horizontally scrolling. I checked off paging enabled in storyboard. Everything is working fine however when i scroll through the cell on the first and last cell i can scroll just a little extra and move the cell off center. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I added a screenshot, the cell is the gray and the white is the collection view background, that acts as a page and when i drag it just a little that the whit is gone that acts as its own page as well, however the cells that arent first or last dont have this issue


Keyboard moves UICollectionView cell off screen

so I have created a UICollectionViewController, made each cell the size of the screen and enabled the function to scroll horizontally between the cells like pages.
My problem is whenever the keyboard comes up (as I plan to populate the cells with some input to get from the user) it pushes the content off the screen.
I am not sure how to stop this, and I have looked online but to no avail. The best I could find is this question also on stackoverflow but it doesn't help.

Swift: Did Tumblr add a UICollectionView in a UIScrollView?

I've been trying to replicate this effect for a couple days which was inspired by Tumblr.
I've previously asked questions on here with different approaches of the same problem but to no avail. I'm just curious as to how the engineers at Tumblr created a horizontal collection view, with two vertical collection views, and is able to scroll down without affecting the view above (without resetting the position of the view when you scroll vertically in a different tab).
Header Views
I tried this, but the header view was isolated and I had to scroll to the right to see the collectionView cells. This did not work.
Changing the topLayoutConstraint constant of my UIView (not cv header) with respect to the contentOffSet of the vertical collectionView.
This almost got the effect I wanted, except that when I scrolled horizontally, there was a huge gap between my collection view and if I scrolled in that new tab, the UIView would appear again because, again, topLayoutConstraint gets scrolled up depending on the contentOffSet of my vertical collectionView contentOffset.
Changing the position of the UICollectionView frame, and scrolling the super view up simultaneously with NSNotificationCenter.
Alas, this method did the same as method #2, except that the vertical collection view cells scrolled faster than the super view.
I ran out of options to make this work so I will show you in detail what's attempted to be replicated (also note the scroll bar on the right):
Note when I scroll down the first tab. I switch, and then scroll down further. Originally, as I've said, there would be a gap between the second main CV, and when I scrolled, the view would reposition as if were scrolling up again. On here, the view on top keeps going up. So I'm curious as to what method Tumblr engineers used to do this. UICollectionView inside UIScrollView? Other suggestions?
I believe there is no UICollectionView involved. It looks like UIPageViewController and each its page is a UITableView.
Perhaps the UIPageViewController sits in a UITableView as well - the header also moves up when you scroll. This main table has only one cell (and a header) which is occupied by the UIPageViewController.
Hope it helps.

Create Shazam Type UI ios Swift

I am trying to recreate a UIView I have seen in multiple apps, mainly Shazam. The top half of the screen has some interactive buttons, and the bottom half looks like a tableView with custom cells. When the bottom half is panned/swiped up, the tableView scrolls over the top half with velocity, much like a scroll view.
I have been researching this and experimenting for a couple days now. I have gotten close, but not quite there.
My last approach was a view that had a tableView inside it. When the view was panned, the view would move to wherever the finger moved it to, but then would not have any velocity afterwards. Also when the tableView was panned/swiped down, it wouldn't move the whole view down.
Before that I tried a scrollView that took up the whole length of the screen. That gave the desired effect, but the button wasn’t tappable, and you could scroll the view in the button area, which is undesired.
Does it utilize ScrollViews or is it using a tableView that acts much like a ScrollView somehow.
Here is the Shazam UI/UX I am looking to recreate:
The top portion has interactive buttons, and doesn’t scroll. The bottom half shows content and when scrolled, covers up the top portion.
Below is what I have tried so far: This one is the panning view, which sort of works, but doesn’t have velocity and the tableView doesn’t scroll the view back down.
Any thoughts on a direction I can take from here is greatly appreciated. I am using Swift.
This sort of thing is perhaps best done with a collection view and a custom layout — you can have some items for which you set layout attributes absolute to the view, and others relative to the scroll content offset.
There's a great (if wandering) discussion of this and other techniques in the Advanced User Interfaces with Collection Views talk from WWDC 2014.
This is actually simple than it seems at first. Here's how you can achieve this:
Create a UIViewController (not a UITableViewController).
Add some buttons to the top area of the screen.
Add a table view spanning the entire view controller's view. Make sure the table view is on top of the buttons added in the previous step.
Configure the top cell of the table view to be transparent (by setting its background color to Clear). Set the background color on the table view to Clear as well. This way it won't obscure the elements at the top of the screen, unless the table is scrolled up.
Because your table view is now transparent, you'll need to explicitly set the background color on the table cells other than the top one.

ios A tableview above a scroll view and the button on the scroll view cannot be tapped

I have a UIScrollView on my screen and there are some UIButtons on the scroll view.
I also have a UITableView which is above the scroll view, i.e. the tableview and the scrollview are overlapped.
Why I did this is because I want left and right swipe to flip pages of the scroll view and up/down swipe to show some text on the tableview.
This works fine except the button on the scroll view cannot be tapped. It seems that the tableview "absorbed" the tap event and it did not pass it to the button on the scrollview.
Is there someway to fix this? Thank you.
This could be a solution but I'm not sure of it because from your question I can't understand your problem very well, you can try it but if it doesn't work we will try a different way. Maybe the problem is the arrangement of the UI elements in your Interface Builder/Storyboard. If I correctly understood your situation you have something like this:
To make to UIButtons clickable you have to be sure they're at the highest level of arrangement inside the UIScrollView since the UITableView could cover them and "absorb" [as you said] the touch input. So my suggestion is: arrange your UI elements following the blue arrow in the picture below, placing the UIButtons on top, in this way they'll be 100% clickable.
If I didn't understand your question could you please shoot a picture like the one I've posted so I can understand it better?

UITableView Section Headers not visible when table in visible rect

I have a UIScrollView with 3 UITableViews stacked horizontally. I switch between these tableviews using a tab-controller on top. However, when I switch to the 2nd or 3rd tab and switch back quickly to 1st the section headers don't show. They display when I scroll the tableView. These are custom headers (jfyi). I tried calling setNeedsDisplay when the tableView is visible, but that does not help because as per Apple Docs :
If you simply change the geometry of the view, the view is typically not redrawn. Instead, its existing content is adjusted based on the value in the view’s contentMode property. Redisplaying the existing content improves performance by avoiding the need to redraw content that has not changed.
Since, only the geometry of the view is changing here, it does not help. Also this happens on all versions iOS 5~6.1 and on simulator and device. Thankfully, this does not crash the app, but its a problem nevertheless. Could someone help? I am attaching pictures for reference. First shows the problem, second: after scrolling the "head(er)less" tableview
I am using simple scrollRectToVisible:animated: to switch between tableviews. This does the trick but I just observed that when I set ...animated:NO all is okay. The problem happens when ...animated:YES
It seems the issue of displaying and scrolling taking place simultaneously for the respective tableview. So what you can do here is:
Remove the scroll animation
Just scroll the tableview to top on the tab press event
simply reload the tableView which is made visible
