Ansible docker_container command failing with no output - docker

I'm having an issue here with the ansible docker_container command.
- name: Start Docker
name: postgres
image: "centos/postgresql-94-centos7"
state: started
recreate: yes
pull: yes
- 5432
- 5432:5432
become: yes
become_method: sudo
When this command runs, it boots the container, but the container immediately exits with some output that I can't see because ansible doesn't print sys out for that for some reason.
Here's an example of some output that is printed when the container refuses to boot (due to incorrect config):
$ sudo docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRESQL_USER="test" -p 5432:5432 centos/postgresql-94-centos7
You must either specify the following environment variables:
POSTGRESQL_USER (regex: '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD (regex: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_~!##$%^&*()-=<>,.?;:|]+$')
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE (regex: '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
Or the following environment variable:
POSTGRESQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD (regex: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_~!##$%^&*()-=<>,.?;:|]+$')
Or both.
Optional settings:
For more information see /usr/share/container-scripts/postgresql/
within the container or visit
This is the output that I do not see when I run it from ansible, it just says its up (success) and then I check docker ps and its not up because presumably it immediately exited. What's more weird is that I can get this to work just fine with the same configuration passed to the ansible command module, but with the docker_container maybe its not passing the env correctly? I'm really not sure because I can't even get the error output.

docker ps -a
to see if ansible managed to at least create the container. If it did, check
docker logs postgres
Hopefully that should give you a clue where it's failing. If you're confused with that maybe you can post some of the (redacted) logs to show where it's failing?

You can do this with registered.ansible_facts.docker_container.Output, where registered is the fact you used to register your docker_container play with.
More information here:


Why does docker compose exit right after starting?

I'm trying to configure docker-compose to use GreenPlum db in Ubuntu 16.04. Here is my docker-compose.yml:
version: '2'
image: "pivotaldata/gpdb-base"
- "5432:5432"
- gp_data:/tmp/gp
The issue is when I run it with sudo docker-compose up the GrrenPlum db is shutdowm immedately after starting. It looks as this:
greenplum_1 | 20170602:09:01:01:000050 gpstart:e1ae49da386c:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Starting Master instance 72ba20be3774 directory /gpdata/master/gpseg-1
greenplum_1 | 20170602:09:01:02:000050 gpstart:e1ae49da386c:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Command pg_ctl reports Master 72ba20be3774 instance active
greenplum_1 | 20170602:09:01:02:000050 gpstart:e1ae49da386c:gpadmin-[INFO]:-No standby master configured. skipping...
greenplum_1 | 20170602:09:01:02:000050 gpstart:e1ae49da386c:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Database successfully started
greenplum_1 | ALTER ROLE
dockergreenplumn_greenplum_1 exited with code 0 <<----- Here
Actually, when I start it with just sudo docker run pivotaldata/gpdb-base it's ok.
What's wrong with the docker compose?
First of all, be cautious running this image: the image looks to be badly maintained, and the information on Docker Hub indicates it's neither "official", nor "supported" in any way;
2017-01-09: Toolsmiths reviewed this image; it is not one we create. We make no promises about whether this is up to date or if it works. Feel free to email if you are the owner and are interested in collaborating with us on this image.
When using images from Docker Hub, it's recommended to either use official images, or when not available, prefer automated builds (in which case the source code of the image can be verified to see what's used to build theimage).
I think the image is built from this GitHub repository, which means it has not been updated for over a year, and uses an outdated (CentOS 6.7) base image that has a huge amount of critical vulnerabilities
Back to your question;
I tried starting the image, both with docker-compose and docker run, and both resulted in the same for me.
Looking at that image, it is designed to be run interactively, or to be used as a base image (and overriding the command).
I inspected the image to find out what the container's command is;
docker inspect --format='{{json .Config.Cmd}}' pivotaldata/gpdb-base
["/bin/sh","-c","echo \" $(cat ~/orig_hostname)\" >> /etc/hosts && service sshd start && su gpadmin -l -c \"/usr/local/bin/\" && /bin/bash"]
So, this is what's executed when the container is started;
echo " $(cat ~/orig_hostname)" >> /etc/hosts \
&& service sshd start \
&& su gpadmin -l -c "/usr/local/bin/" \
&& /bin/bash"
Based on the above, there is no "foreground" process in the container, so the moment /usr/local/bin/ finishes, a bash shell is started. A bash shell wothout a tty attached, exits immediately, at which point the container exits.
To run this image
(Again; be cautious running this image)
Either run the image interactively, by passing it stdin and a tty (-i -t, or -it as a shorthand);
docker run -it pivotaldata/gpdb-base
Or can run it "detached", as long as a tty is passed as well (add the -d and -t flags, or -dt as a shorthand); doing so, keeps the container running in the background;
docker run -dit pivotaldata/gpdb-base
To do the same in docker-compose, add a tty to your service;
tty: true
Your compose file will then look like this;
version: '2'
image: "pivotaldata/gpdb-base"
- "5432:5432"
tty: true
- gp_data:/tmp/gp

Is it possible to let ansible print each statement?

For example, I have this ansible task, which is to run DockerUI container.
- name: DockerUI is running
image: uifd/ui-for-docker
name: dockerui
ports: 9000:9000
privileged: yes
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
tags: [docker]
Is it possible to see what exactly docker command did this ansible task invoke? Like docker run ...
The Ansible Docker modules don't execute docker command lines. They use the Docker HTTP API to accomplish their work, via the docker-py python module.
The best way to figure out what the module is doing is probably by watching the docker daemon logs, or by inspecting the module source.

Weave + Ansible Docker Module

I'm using weave to launch some containers which form a database cluster. I have gotten this working manually on two hosts in EC2 by doing the following:
$HOST1> weave launch
$HOST2> weave launch $HOST1
$HOST1> eval $(weave env)
$HOST2> eval $(weave env)
$HOST1> docker run --name neo-1 -d -P ... my/neo4j-cluster
$HOST2> docker run --name neo-2 -d -P ... my/neo4j-cluster
$HOST3> docker run --name neo-1 -d -P -e ARBITER=true ... my/neo4j-cluster
I can check the logs and everthing starts up ok.
When using ansible I can get the above to work using the command: ... module and an environment variable:
- name: Start Neo Arbiter
command: 'docker run --name neo-2 -d -P ... my/neo4j-cluster'
DOCKER_HOST: 'unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock'
As that's basically all eval $(weave env) does.
But when I use the docker module for ansible, even with the docker_url parameter set to the same thing you see above with DOCKER_HOST, DNS does not resolve between hosts. Here's what that looks like:
- name: Start Neo Arbiter
image: "my/neo4j-cluster:{{neo4j_version}}"
docker_url: unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock
name: neo-3
pull: missing
state: reloaded
detach: True
publish_all_ports: True
- name: Start Neo Arbiter
image: "my/neo4j-cluster:{{neo4j_version}}"
docker_url: unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock
name: neo-3
pull: missing
state: reloaded
detach: True
publish_all_ports: True
DOCKER_HOST: 'unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock'
Neither of those work. The DNS does not resolve so the servers never start. I do have other server options (like SERVER_ID for neo4j, etc set just not shown here for simplicity).
Anyone run into this? I know the docker module for ansible uses docker-py and stuff. I wonder if there's some type of incompatibility with weave?
I should mention that when the containers launch they actually show up in WeaveDNS and appear to have been added to the system. I can ping the local hostname of each container as long as its on the host. When I go to the other host though, it cannot ping the ones on the other host. This despite them registering in WeaveDNS (weave status dns) and weave status showing correct # of peers and established connections.
This could be caused by the client sending a HostConfig struct in the Docker start request, which is not really how you're supposed to do it but is supported by Docker "for backwards compatibility".
Weave has been fixed to cope, but the fix is not in a released version yet. You could try the latest snapshot version if you're brave.
You can probably kludge it by explicitly setting the DNS resolver to the docker bridge IP in your containers' config - weave has an undocumented helper weave docker-bridge-ip to find this address, and it generally won't change.

Docker Compose and execute command on starting container

I am trying to get my head around the COMMAND option in docker compose. In my current docker-compose.yml i start the prosody docker image ( and i want to create a list of users when the container is actually started.
The documentation of the container states that a user can be made using environment options LOCAL, DOMAIN, and PASSWORD, but this is a single user. I need a list of users.
When reading some stuff around the internet it seemed that using the command option i should be able to execute commands in a starting or running container.
image: prosody/prosody
command: prosodyctl register testuser localhost testpassword
- "5222:5222"
- ""
But this seems not to work, i checked to running container using docker exec -it <imageid> bash but the user is not created.
Is it possible to execute a command on a started container using docker-compose or are there other options?
The COMMAND instruction is exactly the same as what is passed at the end of a docker run command, for example echo "hello world" in:
docker run debian echo "hello world"
The command is interpreted as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT of the image, which in debian's case is /bin/bash. In the case of your image, it gets passed to this script. Looking at that script, your command will just get passed to the shell. I would have expected any command you pass to run successfully, but the container will exit once your command completes. Note that the default command is set in the Dockerfile to CMD ["prosodyctl", "start"] which is presumably a long-running process which starts the server.
I'm not sure how Prosody works (or even what it is), but I think you probably want to either map in a config file which holds your users, or set up a data container to persist your configuration. The first solution would mean adding something like:
- my_prosodoy_config:/etc/prosody
To the docker-compose file, where my_prosody_config is a directory holding the config files.
The second solution could involve first creating a data container like:
docker run -v /etc/prosody -v /var/log/prosody --name prosody-data prosody-docker echo "Prosody Data Container"
(The echo should complete, leaving you with a stopped container which has volumes set up for the config and logs. Just make sure you don't docker rm this container by accident!)
Then in the docker-compose file add:
- prosody-data
Hopefully you can then add users by running docker exec as you did before, then running prosodyctl register at the command line. But this is dependent on how prosody and the image behave.
CMD is directly related to ENTRYPOINT in Docker (see this question for an explanation). So when changing one of them, you also have to check how this affects the other. If you look at the Dockerfile, you will see that the default command is to start prosody through CMD ["prosodyctl", "start"]. just passes this command through as Adrian mentioned. However, your command overrides the default command, so your prosody demon is never started. Maybe you want to try something like
image: prosody/prosody
command: sh -c prosodyctl register testuser localhost testpassword && prosodyctl start
- "5222:5222"
- ""
instead. More elegant and somehow what the creator seems to have intended (judging from the script) would be something like
image: prosody/prosody
- LOCAL=testuser
- DOMAIN=localhost
- PASSWORD=testpassword
- "5222:5222"
- ""
To answer your final question: no, it is not possible (as of now) to execute commands on a running container via docker-compose. However, you can easily do this with docker:
docker exec -i prosody_container_name prosodyctl register testuser localhost testpassword
where prosody_container_name is the name of your running container (use docker ps to list running containers).

Difference between docker-compose and manual commands

What I'm trying to do
I want to run a yesod web application in one docker container, linked to a postgres database in another docker container.
What I've tried
I have the following file hierarchy:
The docker-compose.yml looks like this:
build: database
build: api
command: .cabal/bin/yesod devel # dev setting
- PGHOST=database
- PGPORT=5432
- PGUSER=postgres
- PGDATABASE=postgres
- database
- api:/home/haskell/
- "3000:3000"
Running sudo docker-compose up fails either to start the api container at all or, just as often, with the following error:
api_1 | Yesod devel server. Press ENTER to quit
api_1 | yesod: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
personal_api_1 exited with code 1
If, however, I run sudo docker-compose database up & then start up the api container without using compose but instead using
sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -itv /home/me/projects/personal/api/:/home/haskell --link personal_database_1:database personal_api /bin/bash
I can export the environment variables being set up in the docker-compose.yml file then manually run yesod devel and visit my site successfully on localhost.
Finally, I obtain a third different behaviour if I run sudo docker-compose run api on its own. This seems to start successfully but I can't access the page in my browser. By running sudo docker-compose run api /bin/bash I've been able to explore this container and I can confirm the environment variables being set in docker-compose.yml are all set correctly.
Desired behaviour
I would like to get the result I achieve from running the database in the background then manually setting the environment in the api container's shell simply by running sudo docker-compose up.
Clearly the three different approaches I'm trying do slightly different things. But from my understanding of docker and docker-compose I would expect them to be essentially equivalent. Please could someone explain how and why they differ and, if possible, how I might achieve my desired result?
The error-message suggests the API container is expecting input from the command-line, which expects a TTY to be present in your container.
In your "manual" start, you tell docker to create a TTY in the container via the -t flag (-itv is shorthand for -i -t -v), so the API container runs successfully.
To achieve the same in docker-compose, you'll have to add a tty key to the API service in your docker-compose.yml and set it to true;
build: database
build: api
tty: true # <--- enable TTY for this service
command: .cabal/bin/yesod devel # dev setting
