Special Pop Up View Controller - ios

I am currently building a shopping list program, and need some advice. When I currently add a new object, it covers the entire screen, even on the iPad. But I saw this design that I really like, but don't know how to complete.
View Controller on top of another in the center of the screen
I would like to do what this person did, but need some help completing it. I currently am programming only in Swift 2.3, because of a stale computer, and would rather an example in that version.

Simply set the modalPresentationStyle of the view controller you are presenting to formSheet (whatever the Swift 2.3 name of that is). Then present it as your normally would with presentViewController....


Did split view controller changed something?

I just add split view from Object library.
After add run that project on iPad Pro simulation.
Why I can't find detail view?
Something changed?
And so I make it simple after remove some view controller like this.
controll drag and set master, detail.
Am I missing something?
The problem is that you cannot fully configure a split view controller based on the storyboard alone. Thus, in dragging just the Split View Controller object from the library into the storyboard, you're being handed what amounts to a half-finished piece of work. You have to finish the job yourself — and you clearly don't know how to do that.
The best way to make a split view controller setup, in my opinion, is to construct the whole thing in code.
But if you really want Apple to make you a working split view controller setup, then just start by making a new Universal or iPad project based on the Master-Detail template. There, the whole thing is laid out for you, including the necessary code.

Start a new activity in iOS programmatically

I am creating my application without using StoryBoard, basically creating Widgets (UIViews) and adding them to my rootController.view
My question is fairly basic, but I would like to have some guidance in it. How do I bring up a new activity (as in Android) programmatically and have its rootViewController set to an object of a different UIViewController.
Is the concept of a window the same as an activity (in Android)?
How can I make the new window/activity slide in from the right, say when a button is clicked?
p.s I am building this application in Swift.
So, I haven't done much Android development, only some small projects. I have done quite a bit of iOS development though. While the concepts are similar, they are not exactly the same.
The piece of code you posted where you add a subview to your existing superview (current view controller) will not get you the effect you're looking for. What you want to do is push your next view controller on to the screen.
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(yourNewVC, animated: true)
This will give the effect of sliding the view controller being pushed in from the right as you described.
Window is not activity.
ViewControllers are activity.
You can push or present new view controller to go to new activity (viewcontroller)
You can see here how can you push or present view controller.

Convert a Single View to Tabbed App in iOS/Xcode

I have a few simple apps that are single view. I want to add a 'Info' tab for some instructions, support details, etc.
What is the easiest way to do this? Create new Tabbed Apps and copy the existing code in, or edit the current single view apps? I would prefer if the latter was possible.
I achieved the same in <5 seconds with the below xCode menu option: Tab Bar Controller.
I kept my ViewController classes so my main.storyboard looked like this:
Without understanding more about your current setup your question can't really be answered with any kind of accuracy.
Having said that it's easy enough to add a UITabBarController to an existing app, really all you need to do is change the initial view controller.
I presume you haven't tried searching for an example...
Implementing UITabBarController in code: http://simplecode.me/2011/12/05/tab-based-ios-apps-uitabbarcontroller/
Storyboards: http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/ios-quick-tip-creating-a-uitabbar-application-with-storyboards/

Programmatically load the initial view controller from storyboard IOS5

I am creating a login type functionality for my iphone app. I've laid the whole thing out in storyboard. I have set a condition that keeps the user logged in for a day. Then after that, the application should direct them to the initial view controller (a page where they have to enter login credentials).
I was planning on putting this logic in the AppDelegate (app did load). If there is a better place to put this logic, I'd be open to that. But how do i access and load the initial view controller in my storyboard?
The reason I can't just load a segue to this initial view, is because I won't necessarily know where the user last left the application. And i don't want to create individual segues from each view back to the initial view.
EDIT! In response to Luis's answer
Okay, great! I added a navigation controller at the beginning of my starboard, like the first character suggested. Now, I'd like to go back to the navigation controller every time I open, or re-open the app, so that the navigation controller's logic executes. Thanks
Read both of the answers provided for this question, the first approach is easier but you have to do what you just wrote you didn't, the second one is what you are looking for but its way more complicated.
iOS 5 storyboard, programmatically determine path

iTunes style modal view controller chain (form sheet)

Is there a way to achieve the iTunes style modal view controller chain (see screenshot)?
I've looked around quite a bit but couldn't find any real questions about this. I'm not looking for a replacement or workaround, just want to know if it is possible to do with the current SDK (or iOS 5.0, although we are not supposed to talk about it a simple Yes/No would suffice).
For those who can not make it out from the image; iTunes on the iPad has this great feature where you can view a movie in a formsheet style modalviewcontroller, and if you click on another movie in that same modalviewcontroller it will create a new modalviewcontroller with the movie info you clicked on and will slide the 'old' one out (to the left). It will slide back in when the center modalviewcontroller is dismissed.
I'm sure it has been done before, but I wrote my own implementation. It turned out not to be very difficult, although it misses some context-animations (like the flip from position), it is pretty usable. Since I wrote it for iOS 5, I will make the code public this fall when the NDA is lifted.
I suspect that it's a single modal view controller with a scrollview. The scroll view has a semitransparent background and displays several "pages". If you take that approach, I can't imagine it being too difficult to implement.
