I have an umbrella application which has logger configuration in the root config.exs file:
config :logger,
compile_time_purge_level: :debug,
backends: [
{LoggerFileBackend, :backends_log}
config :logger, :backends_log,
path: "path/to/awesome.log",
level: :debug,
metadata: :all
After updating OTP from 22 to 24 version (elixir 1.12.3, erlang 24.1), backends_log is not starting and all logs are going to STDOUT with default :console backend. But configuration is still same:
=> [
logger: [
{:handler, :default, :logger_std_h,
config: %{type: :standard_io},
formatter: {:logger_formatter,
%{legacy_header: true, single_line: false}}
logger_sasl_compatible: false,
logger_level: :notice,
shell_docs_ansi: :auto
=> [
handle_sasl_reports: true,
discard_threshold: 5000,
compile_time_purge_matching: [],
sync_threshold: 10000,
utc_log: false,
console: [],
backends_log: [path: "path/to/awesome.log", level: :debug, metadata: :all],
start_options: [],
pdu_format_reviewer_error_count: [level: :error],
compile_time_application: nil,
backends: [
{LoggerFileBackend, :backends_log}
discard_threshold_periodic_check: 30000,
translators: [
{Plug.Cowboy.Translator, :translate},
{Logger.Translator, :translate}
compile_time_purge_level: :debug,
truncate: 8096,
log_counter: [level: :debug],
handle_otp_reports: true,
discard_threshold_for_error_logger: 500,
translator_inspect_opts: []
=> %{
filter_default: :log,
filters: [process_disabled: {&Logger.Filter.process_disabled/2, []}],
level: :debug,
metadata: %{}
I can fix this problem with Runtime Configuration
Logger.add_backend({LoggerFileBackend, :backends_log})
{LoggerFileBackend, :backends_log},
path: "path/to/awesome.log",
level: :debug,
metadata: :all
but I think Application Configuration is more proper way.
How should I fix this problem?
Your config works for me. My configuration is: Ubuntu2004, Elixir 1.12.2, Erlang 24.1 (ESL Erlang). I tried to recreate your problem. Take a look at it, it might help.
I'm trying to install docker on Ubuntu 18.04-VM (via vagrant) using the setup below. Is there any way I can make docker installation succeed on vagrant ubuntu 18.04 VM using the Vagrantfile? Note: I need to know how to apply the suggested solution into the Vagrantfile.
:hostname => "manager",
:ip => "",
:box => "ubuntu/bionic64",
:ram => 2048,
:cpu => 4
:hostname => "worker-1",
:ip => "",
:box => "ubuntu/bionic64",
:ram => 2048,
:cpu => 4
:hostname => "worker-2",
:ip => "",
:box => "ubuntu/bionic64",
:ram => 2048,
:cpu => 4
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
servers.each do |machine|
config.vm.define machine[:hostname] do |node|
node.vm.box = machine[:box]
node.vm.hostname = machine[:hostname]
node.vm.network "private_network", ip: machine[:ip]
if machine[:hostname] == "manager"
node.vm.provision "docker",
images: ["ubuntu/bionic64"]
node.vm.provision "docker"
node.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", machine[:ram]]
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get install -y python python-pip --no-install-recommends
RUN apt-get install vim -y
RUN apt update -y
ADD app /home/app/
WORKDIR /home/app
Exception/Error Output Message:
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
Stdout from the command:
Executing docker install script, commit: 02d7c3c
Stderr from the command:
Either your platform is not easily detectable or is not supported by this
installer script.
Please visit the following URL for more detailed installation instructions:
I finally figured it out spawning virtual servers with Ubuntu 18, using Vagrant. The link has all the simple instructions: Spawn virtual servers on the fly
When trying to run rspec spec/controllers/api_controller_spec.rb:406 --color command on linux machine. We already have redis server running at port 6379 but as below error Unable to load rspec spec_helper configuration & getting error:
REDIS_PID = "/var/run/redis.pid"
REDIS_CACHE_PATH = "tmp/cache/"
Dir.mkdir "#{Rails.root}/tmp" unless Dir.exists? "#{Rails.root}/tmp"
Dir.mkdir "#{Rails.root}/tmp/pids" unless Dir.exists? "#{Rails.root}/tmp/pids"
Dir.mkdir "#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache" unless Dir.exists? "#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache"
config.before(:suite) do
redis_options = {
"daemonize" => 'yes',
"pidfile" => 7528,
"port" => 6379,
"timeout" => 300,
"save 900" => 1,
"save 300" => 1,
"save 60" => 10000,
"dbfilename" => "dump.rdb",
"loglevel" => "debug",
"logfile" => "stdout",
"databases" => 16
}.map { |k, v| "#{k} #{v}" }.join("\n")
`echo '#{redis_options}' | redis-server -`
config.after(:suite) do
cat #{REDIS_PID} | xargs kill -QUIT
rm -f #{REDIS_CACHE_PATH}dump.rdb
Finished searching in 0.09762763977050781 seconds.
^[[?1;2c^[[?1;2c^[[?1;2c^[[?1;2c^[[?1;2c^[[?1;2cFcat: /var/run/redis.pid: No such file or directory
usage: kill [ -s signal | -p ] [ -a ] pid ...
kill -l [ signal ]
Restart the redis server redis-server stop/start. The redis.pid file generated and rspec is able to access the redis configuration during background processing.
I'm fairly new to Elixir and this is the first app that I'm attempting to release using exrm. My app interacts with a Redis database for consuming jobs from a queue (using exq), and also stores results of processed jobs in Redis using eredis.
My app works perfectly when I run it via iex -S mix, and it also runs great when compiled into an escript. However when I use exrm, the application compiles without any issue, but it crashes when I run it.
This is the crash output:
$ ./rel/my_app/bin/my_app console
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,my_app,{bad_return,{{'Elixir.MyApp',start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,{{'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,{undef,[{eredis,start_link,[],[]},{'Elixir.MyApp.Cache',init,1,[{file,\"lib/my_app/cache.ex\"},{line,8}]},{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,306}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,237}]}]}}},[{'Elixir.MyApp.Cache',start_link,1,[{file,\"lib/my_app/cache.ex\"},{line,21}]},{supervisor,do_start_child,2,[{file,\"supervisor.erl\"},{line,314}]},{supervisor,handle_start_child,2,[{file,\"supervisor.erl\"},{line,685}]},{supervisor,handle_call,3,[{file,\"supervisor.erl\"},{line,394}]},{gen_server,try_handle_call,4,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,607}]},{gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,\"gen_server.erl\"},{line,639}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,\"proc_lib.erl\"},{line,237}]}]}},{child,undefined,'Elixir.MyApp.Cache',{'Elixir.MyApp.Cache',start_link,[[{host,\"\"},{port,6379},{database,0},{password,[]},{reconnect_timeout,100},{namespace,<<>>},{queues,[<<\"elixir\">>]}]]},permanent,5000,worker,['Elixir.MyApp.Cache']}}}},[{'Elixir.MyApp.Supervisor',start_cache,1,[{file,\"lib/my_app/supervisor.ex\"},{line,17}]},{'Elixir.MyApp.Supervisor',start_link,0,[{file,\"lib/my_app/supervisor.ex\"},{line,9}]},{'Elixir.MyApp',start,2,[{file,\"lib/my_app.ex\"},{line,10}]},{application_master,start_it_old,4,[{file,\"application_master.erl\"},{line,272}]}]}}}}}"}
Here is the mix.exs for my application:
defmodule MyApp.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
app: :my_app,
version: "0.0.1",
name: "MyApp",
elixir: "~> 1.0",
escript: escript_config,
deps: deps
def application do
applications: app_list(Mix.env),
mod: { MyApp, [] },
env: [ queue: 'elixir']
def included_applications do
[ :logger, :httpoison, :eredis, :exq, :dotenv, :exjsx, :ex_doc, :oauth2, :sweet_xml ]
defp app_list(:dev), do: [:dotenv | app_list]
defp app_list(_), do: app_list
defp app_list, do: [:logger, :httpoison]
def escript_config do
[ main_module: MyApp ]
defp deps do
{ :dotenv, github: "avdi/dotenv_elixir" },
{ :eredis, github: "wooga/eredis", tag: "v1.0.5" },
{ :exjsx, "~> 3.1.0" },
{ :exq, "~> 0.1.0", app: false },
{ :exrm, "~> 0.16.0" },
{ :ex_doc, github: "elixir-lang/ex_doc" },
{ :httpoison, "~> 0.4" },
{ :oauth2, "~> 0.1.1" },
{ :sweet_xml, "~> 0.2.1" }
The crash appears to be happening in the following init function, where I call :eredis.start_link:
defmodule MyApp.Cache do
use GenServer
require Logger
def init(client_opts) do
{ :ok, client } = :eredis.start_link(
Could it be because eredis is an Erlang library as opposed to Elixir?
You need to add :eredis to your app_list function, so that it is packaged with the release, that goes for the rest of your dependencies as well.
I'm trying to configure a Hadoop cluster, but to do so I needed the ip address of the namenode.
The cluster itself is being created by Vagrant, but I don't have the ip address until vagrant creates the instance in AWS.
So, I have the following Vagrantfile:
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
$master_script = <<SCRIPT
// will write a script to configure
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.omnibus.chef_version = :latest
config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
config.vm.box = "dummy"
aws.access_key_id = "MY_KEY"
aws.secret_access_key = "SECRET_KEY"
aws.keypair_name = "my_key"
aws.ami = "ami-7747d01e"
override.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
override.ssh.private_key_path = "#{current_dir}/my_key.pem"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
config.vm.box = "precise64"
config.vm.box_url = "https://vagrantcloud.com/chef/ubuntu-13.04/version/1/provider/virtualbox.box"
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]
config.vm.define :namenode do |namenode|
namenode.vm.box = "dummy"
namenode.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks"
chef.roles_path = "roles"
chef.add_role "cluster"
namenode.vm.provision :hostmanager
namenode.vm.provision "shell", :inline => $master_script
config.vm.define :slave do |slave|
slave.vm.box = "dummy"
slave.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks"
chef.roles_path = "roles"
chef.add_role "cluster"
slave.vm.provision :hostmanager
slave.vm.provision "shell", :inline => $master_script
I need to update the mapred-site.xml and core-site.xml files with the ip address of the namenode. How could I get the ip address of the namenode box so I can update the hadoop config files? Is there a better option in the cookbook that I can use to accomplish it?
Suppose I have 1 namenode and 5 slaves, the mapred-site.xml.erb template will look like:
<value>hdfs://<%= node[:ipaddress] %>:8021</value>
However, I needed that all the namenode and the slaves to have the ip address only of the namenode. How can I accomplish that in chef?
Either way will work for me, even though I prefer the chef solution.
You could:
1- Use the instance metadata service on the namenode instance to find out its own ip:
see: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AESDG-chapter-instancedata.html
2- Tag the namenode (ex: HADOOP_ROLE=NAMENODE) and use AWS CLI on any instance to find the local ip of the namenode:
aws ec2 describe-instances \
--region=us-east-1 \
--filter "Name=tag:HADOOP_ROLE,Values=NAMENODE" \
--query='Reservations[*].Instances[*].PrivateIpAddress' \
see: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-instances.html