App installation failed during run App in xcode 8 - ios

I upgrade my xcode after update in xcode_8 I have faced many issues like app not running in simulator as well as some time not run in device .It gives me an error App installation failed.An unknown error has occoured. Out of five three time run on device and 2 time not run and provisioning profile is correct because app run in device.
In simulator it gives an exception of slidemenu franework.
Code totally update with xcode_8 and swift 2.3.

Tried everything, described above, the only thing that fixed this was to restart my Mac, it then started working again.

Clean the derived data, then run again.


iOS Observatory not discovered after 30 seconds. Error launching application on iPhone

I'm unable to debug a freshly created app on physical iOS devices when pubspec dependencies reach a certain size, because it causes the "waiting for observatory port" step to timeout after 30 seconds.
Devices tested:
iPhone 12,
iPhone 12 Pro
iOS versions tested:
The app runs properly on emulator but not on ios real device.
How do I fix this issue?
This Error message occur when your iPhone is busy processing something. For example as below.
If you run Flutter doctor you will see message as below.
Error: iPhone X is busy: Fetching debug symbols for iPhone X. Xcode will continue when iPhone X is finished. (code -10)
To confirm I opened xCode -> windows -> Devices and Simulator and it was showing the progress. Let the progress complete and then confirm by running Flutter doctor to make sure there is no error message.
Had the same problem after updating Xcode and running for the first time. As mentioned on the this github issue ( I simply:
Opened ios/Runner.xcworkspace with the iPhone connected
Waited until "Fetching debug symbols" process finished
Closed Xcode
Run again from IDE and it worked!
I have encountered the same issue and following this process has fixed the problem for me on 14.7.1 and 14.8:
Uninstall the app
Restart the phone
Open the app using Xcode
Run 'flutter clean' for the project
Now it should work if you run it again.
If it still doesn't work you could try increasing the observatory timeout (the default appears to be 30 seconds):
localUri = await observatoryDiscovery.uri.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 30));
I'm not 100% sure why this problem appears inconsistently, but there is a lot of related discussion at the following link:
For coders who are as lazy as me, you could take these steps:
Open xcode for the project:
Run the project from xcode:
while(prompt_below_finished == false) wait for some time || make a coffee;
Runs successfully. As for me, next time I ran with android studio , it run smoothly
run your project through Xcode, not from Xcode or Android Studio. it will show different error message.
when I run the Flutter project using Xcode, the error message was
"The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock..."
to solve this, I run pod install on the ios folder. run these 2 commands below on your terminal
cd ios
pod install
I have tried all the solutions here and for me the simplest works:
move you Android Studio in the trash, download it and reinstall. for me the problem was with Android Studio 2021.1.1 Patch but I got there with several updates. a clean install solved the problem.
In My iPad case, It showed a white screen after compiling in the installing step for 5-10 minutes & it worked at the end without doing anything
Try updating your Xcode and MacOS to the latest versions.

Pseudo Terminal Setup Error when running iOS Simulator

I tried to execute my app in the iOS Simulator. The build succeeded, but I got an alert with an error message before running and the app did not execute:
Pseudo Terminal Setup Error
ErrorCode: 1 Errno: 6
What is this and how can I fix this?
Just restart Xcode and run your app again.
A pseudo terminal is an emulated terminal which is controlled by a master application, in this case, Xcode. For some reason, it encountered an error while trying to run that emulated terminal.
A common problem that can cause this is that you tried to run an instance of an iOS application too quickly after stopping another instance.
How to resolve the error:
Quit the simulator
Restart Xcode - (Make sure that you have saved /committed any changes you have made to your code)
I can't post comment, that is why I wrote here. To those for who this issue repeats even after restarting Xcode, remember to kill process at all, don't just close the project.

Upgraded to XCode 9.1, Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1 error

I have an existing app, and upgraded the OS on my mac High Sierra and also Xcode from 8 to 9.1. Since then, when I try to build, I am getting an error with some shell script failing. The strangest thing is that this happens only when I try to build using my iPad device. No problems iPhone device or simulator, and no problem with iPad simulators. I tried updating all the pod files, clearing Derived Data and similar things. Below is the screenshot with all the error info. I am a newbie to iOS programming, and any help is very much appreciated. Thank you all in advance.
This is a typical signing issue. Try delete Keychain certificates pertaining your project and rebuild using fresh ones off

Xcode 8 won't run my application

I'm trying to run a sample app; its source can be found here:
In commit c669271, before the app was migrated to Xcode 8 and Swift 3, I was able to run it in devices from Xcode 7 - the Simulator wasn't working since one of its dependencies wasn't built for x86_64.
But since it was updated, when I try to run the application on a Simulator from Xcode 8, I get the following error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died)
There's a similar error when running on a device, but since I don't have one with me right now, I'll edit this question with further details tomorrow.
I saw it working thrice. The only thing that comes to mind is that I had a clean install of Xcode each time it worked. After something like a reboot, or just a restart of Xcode, I wasn't able to run it anymore.
I don't have a firewall enabled, so the accepted answer to this question (Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator) doesn't solve my problem.
Any ideas?
OBS: You have to edit the Config.swift file to be able to build the project: any value in the place of "<replace me>" will suffice.
It seems the problem was related to a framework that was being embedded in the application via symlink.
I changed one of the build scripts to copy the framework and now everything is working as expected.
Not sure why it worked before, but that seems to be the answer!

App installation failed. This operation is unsupported

I've been updating an app that works perfectly in iOS7 to be compatible with the new iOS8. I can't deploy the app to an iPhone with the last GM iOS8 version. The compilation process give me no errors, but Xcode give me the following alert:
App installation failed. This operation is unsupported.
Can someone help me?
I had the same problem too. The environment I used is Xcode6 and try to run my app on iOS8 devices.
My solution is
first change Deployment Location as NO in your Build Settings.
Close Xcode
Remove all intermediate build files located in the corresponding subfolders (has your app prefix) under Xcode Derived Data folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/).
Restart your Xcode, build, and then run app on your devices.
Had the same problem.
This is a compatibility problem between Xcode 6 and your app configuration.
1) Download Xcode 5 and try to run your app on your ios8 device, it should work
2) Try to recreate your app configuration from scratch to ensure compatibility with Xcode 6
