How to trigger build in jenkins through command in HipChat - jenkins

I need to trigger build in jenkins which is in cloud (AZURE) by a command passed in HipChat Integration.

The thing that you are looking for is often referred to as ChatOps. There are couple of tools that allow you to do such thing, which is effectively a program joining the chat room (the "bot") and waiting for commands.
The list of tools includes Hubot and StackStorm, which then call Jenkins API to trigger the job. An adapter for StackStorm exists here.


How to trigger a Jenkins build from XRay jira?

I am trying to trigger a build in Jenkins directly from Xray. I have been successfully able to create a trigger in jira and has provided the webhook url and other information needed to run the build. But on triggering the build from any Test Plan, I am getting the following error:
Error publishing web request. Response HTTP status:503
ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved.
When i'm hitting the same webhook url in any browser, then the build is getting triggered in jenkins, hence it seems there's no issue with the provided webhook url.
One thing to note is that our Xray is in Jira cloud whereas the Jenkins is running behind a VPN. Can anyone help me in resolving the above issue?
If your Xray on Jira Cloud is trying to acess Jenkins, the Jenkins server needs to have a public URL. If you have it behind the firewall then it's not possible for Xray or any other tool to trigger it directly.
You can call the Jenkins URL from your browser because you are probably with your vpn connected.
The possible workaround would be to use a tool such as ngrok, as mentioned in the docs, to make a tunnel, but beware with the security implications of exposing your Jenkins url to the world.
For reference, Xray cloud provides documentation/examples showcasing how to take advantage of Jira Cloud automation capabilities to trigger jobs, for example in Jenkins.

Can Jenkins used with python project?

I'm developing a web application using python django. I want a CI service which can automatically pull the latest code from my github and run some test then deploy. I'm not familiar with CI, after searching for a while I found Jenkins seems to be a good solution. Can Jenkins be used for this?
Jenkins can be used with any project.
Regarding pulling the latest code, add the Jenkins GitHub plugin in order to be able to check "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub" under "Build Triggers".
That will launch your job on any new pushed commit on the GitHub repo.
From there, a Jenkins job can execute any command that you would do in command-line, provided the agent on which said job will be scheduled and executed has the necessary tools in its PATH (here python)
An alternative (which does not involved Jenkins) is to setup a webhook and a listener on your server which will detect a "push event" sent by said webhook.

run a Jenkins job on another Jenkins instance from the Jenkins job

I want to create a Jenkins job that starts other Jenkins jobs. That would be quite easy, because Jenkins Template Project Plugin allows us to create a build step of a type "use builders from another project". However, what makes my situation harder is that I have to start Jenkins jobs on other machines. Is there any standard way to do that?
In case you want only to trigger new build of Job You Have plenty of ways to accomplish it
you can use remote access API and Trigger a request to build target job from source Job.
Or you can use
which is handy in handling server details and other stuff. you shoukld ensure ssh keys shared by both servers.

Stop Jenkins build for specific job via REST

How can I stop Jenkins build for specific job?
I am looking for REST API
I did not find such in documentation
The tricky part is that I need to fetch the running build ID somehow so I can send

Can Jenkins detect when a new build is available on a Bamboo server?

Can Jenkins detect when a new build is available on a Bamboo server?
What I want is to create a Jenkins job that checks a Bamboo server for a new build. I want this job to run once per hour.
Then, other tests that I have on that Jenkins server will rely on that check passing in order for them to kick off.
If this is possible, what is the usual way of doing this? The Bamboo server is internal and does not need authentication to see status of builds or get build resources.
If there is no plugin for this, I do see a RSS feed at this URI: /rss/createAllBuildsRssFeed.action?feedType=rssAll&buildKey=RELEASE . What method would other Jenkins administrators use to read this feed?
I figured out the answer myself. I wrote a Gradle unit test to run in Jenkins that can read the RSS feed in Bamboo.
The real way to do it though, which didn't answer my question, is to add a post-build hook to either Subverison or Bamboo to send a HTTP get request to Jenkins, which notifies a job to run.
