So let's say i have a Customer model with array column phones.
It's pretty easy to find all customers with given phone
Customer.where('? = ANY(phones)', '+79851234567')
But i can't figure out how to use LIKE with wildcard when i want to find customers with phones similar to given one, something like:
Customer.where('ANY(phones) LIKE ?', '+7985%')
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.5 and Rais 4.2
Any ideas?
I think, first of all, its better to use second table phones with fields customer_id, phone_number. I think it's more rails way ). In this way you can use this query
Phone.where("phone_number LIKE ?", '%PART%').first.customer
If you serialize your array in some text field, by example JSON, you should use % on both sides of your pattern:
Customer.where('phones LIKE ?', '%+7985%')
If you have an array in your database, you should use unnest() function to expand an array to a set of rows.
Can you try this
Customer.where("array_to_string(phones, ', ') like ?", '+7985%')
I believe this will work.
Hi im fetching the user input and displaying the records that matches the condition, my query will look like
customers = customers.where('customers.contact_num ilike :search', {search: "%#{options[:search_contact]}%"})
here in db the contact number is stored in string with the format (091)-234-5678 like that
on while searching the user on basis of contact number if i search like this
091 it filters the number correctly, but while searching like 0912, it doesn't display record due to the braces, so how to modify the query to neglect the ) and - while searching..
As im new to the domain please help me out
thanks in advance
What about using REGEXP_REPLACE to remove all non-digit chars from the search - something like below?
customers = customers.where("REGEXP_REPLACE(customers.contact_num,'[^[:digit:]]','','g') ilike :search", {search: "%#{options[:search_contact]}%"})
Changing the query is hard. Let's not do that.
Instead right a quick script to transforms your numbers into
1112223333 form. No formatting at all. Something like:
require 'set';
phone = "(234)-333-2323"
numbers =["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"])
output = phone.chars().select{|n| numbers.include?(n)}.join("")
puts output
=> "2343332323"
Then write a little function to transform them into display form for use in the views.
This will make your query work as is.
I need to achieve something exactly similar to How to get list of values in GROUP_BY clause? but I need to use active record query interface in rails 4.2.1.
I have only gotten so far.
Roles.where(id: 2)
.select(", user_roles.role, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT roles.group_id SEPARATOR ',') ")
But this just returns an ActiveRecord::Relationobject with a single entry that has id and role.
How do I achieve that same with active record without having to pull in all the relationships and manually building such an object?
Roles.where(id: 2) already returns the single record. You might instead start with users and join roles table doing something like this.
joins(user_roles: :roles).
where(' = 2').
select("user_roles.role, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT roles.group_id SEPARATOR ',') ").
Or, if you have the model for user_roles, start with it since you nevertheless do not query anything from users.
I'm experimenting with a few concepts (actually playing and learning by building a RoR version of the 1978 database WHATSIT?).
It basically is a has_many :through structure with Subject -> Tags <- Value. I've tried to replicate a little of the command line structure by using a query text field to enter the commands. Basically things like: What's steve's phone.
Anyhow, with that interface most of the searches use ILIKE. I though about enhancing it by allowing OR conditions using some form of an array. Something like What's steve's [son,daugher]. I got it working by creating the ILIKE clause directly, but not with string replacement.
def bracket_to_ilike(arrel,name,bracket)
bracket_array = bracket.match(/\[([^\]]+)\]/)[1].split(',')
like_clause = {|i| "#{name} ILiKE '#{i}' "}.join(" OR ")
bracket_to_ilike(tags,'','[son,daughter]') produces the like clause ILiKE 'son' OR ILiKE 'daughter'
And it get the relations, but with all the talk about using the form (" ILiKE ? OR ? ",v1,v2,vN..)., I though I'd ask if anyone has any ideas on how to do that.
Creating variables on the fly is doable from what I've searched, but not in favor. I just wondered if anyone has tried creating a method that can add a where clause that has a variable number parameters.I tried sending the where clause to the relation, but it didn't like that.
Couple of things to watch out for in your code...
What will happen when one of the elements of bracket_array contains a single quote?
What will happen if I take it step farther and set an element to say "'; drop tables..."?
My first stab at refactoring your code would be to see if Arel can do it. Or Sequeel, or whatever they call the "metawhere" gem these days. My second stab would be something like this:
arrel.where( [{"#{name} ILIKE ?"}.join(' OR '), *bracket_array ])
I didn't test it, but the idea is to use the size of bracket_array to generate a string of OR'd conditions, then use the splat operator to pass in all the values.
Thanks to Phillip for pointing me in the right direction.
I didn't know you could pass an array to a where clause - that opened up some options
I had used the splat operator a few times, but it didn't hit me that it actually creates an object(variable)
The [son,daughter] stuff was just a console exercise to see what I could do, but not sure what I was going to do with it. I ended up taking the model association and creating the array out of the picture and implemented OR searches.
def array_to_ilike(col_name,keys)
ilike = [ {|i| "#{col_name} ILiKE ? "}.join(" OR "), *keys ]
#ilike = [{"#{col_name} ILIKE ?"}.join(' OR '), *keys ]
#both work, guess its just what you are use to.
I then allowed a pipe(|) character in my subject,tag,values searches, so a WHATSIT style question
What's Steve's Phone Home|Work => displays home and work phone
steve phone home|work The 's stuff is just for show
steve son|daughter => displays children
phone james%|lori% => displays phone number for anyone who's name starts with james or lori
james%|lori% => dumps all information on anyone who's name starts with james or lori
The query then parses the command and if it encounters a | in any of the words, it will do things like:
t_ilike = array_to_ilike('',name.split("|"))
# or I actually stored it off on the inital parse
t_ilike = #tuple[:tag][:ilike] ||= [' ilike ?',tag]
Again this is just a learning exercise in creating a non-CRUD class to deal with the parsing and searching.
I already have a working solution, but I would really like to know why this doesn't work:
ratings =
ratings.each { |r| puts r.rating }
It selects, but don't print unique values, it prints all values, including the duplicates. And it's in the documentation:
The result of this is a collection of Model objects. Not plain ratings. And from uniq's point of view, they are completely different. You can use this:
or this (most efficient):
Rails 5+
Apparently, as of rails, it works only on "top level" queries, like above. Doesn't work on collection proxies ("has_many" relations, for example).
Address.distinct.pluck(:city) # => ['Moscow']
user.addresses.distinct.pluck(:city) # => ['Moscow', 'Moscow', 'Moscow']
In this case, deduplicate after the query
user.addresses.pluck(:city).uniq # => ['Moscow']
If you're going to use, then you might as well just use DISTINCT, as it will return only the unique values. This is better because it means it returns less rows and should be slightly faster than returning a number of rows and then telling Rails to pick the unique values.'DISTINCT rating')
Of course, this is provided your database understands the DISTINCT keyword, and most should.
This works too.
Model.pluck("DISTINCT rating")
If you want to also select extra fields:'DISTINCT ON (models.ratings) models.ratings,').map { |m| [, m.ratings] }
# SELECT DISTINCT "models"."rating" FROM "models"
This has the advantages of not using sql strings and not instantiating models
This code works as 'DISTINCT' (not as Array#uniq) since rails 3.2
Another way to collect uniq columns with sql:
If I am going right to way then :
Current query
is returning array of object and you have written query
uniq is applied on array of object and each object have unique id. uniq is performing its job correctly because each object in array is uniq.
There are many way to select distinct rating :'distinct rating').map(&:rating)
or'distinct rating').collect(&:rating)
One more thing, first and second query : find distinct data by SQL query.
These queries will considered "london" and "london " same means it will neglect to space, that's why it will select 'london' one time in your query result.
Third and forth query:
find data by SQL query and for distinct data applied ruby uniq mehtod.
these queries will considered "london" and "london " different, that's why it will select 'london' and 'london ' both in your query result.
please prefer to attached image for more understanding and have a look on "Toured / Awaiting RFP".
If anyone is looking for the same with Mongoid, that is
Some answers don't take into account the OP wants a array of values
Other answers don't work well if your Model has thousands of records
That said, I think a good answer is:
=> "SELECT DISTINCT ratings FROM `models` "
Because, first you generate a array of Model (with diminished size because of the select), then you extract the only attribute those selected models have (ratings)
You can use the following Gem: active_record_distinct_on
Yields the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( "models"."rating" ) "models".* FROM "models"
In my scenario, I wanted a list of distinct names after ordering them by their creation date, applying offset and limit. Basically a combination of ORDER BY, DISTINCT ON
All you need to do is put DISTINCT ON inside the pluck method, like follow
Model.order("name, created_at DESC").offset(0).limit(10).pluck("DISTINCT ON (name) name")
This would return back an array of distinct names.
Model.pluck("DISTINCT column_name")
active_courses_past_week ="courses.*").
where("date(course_enrollments.created_at) BETWEEN ? and ?", Date.parse(start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), Date.parse(end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))).
The above query seems odd because I am querying from course enrollments, but only care about the course data where they are enrolled between two dates. It just seems weird because I am not using any of the fields in the CourseErnollment model. Any suggestions?
This is how I would write it using a range instead of "raw" SQL.
active_courses_past_week = CourseEnrollment.where(:created_at => start_date..end_date))