How many ways we can access user's location iOS? - ios

I know we can access user's location using geolocation in iOS. I want to know what other ways we can access user's location off course with his permission. I also heard we can access user's location using network/Internet etc.

All geolocation of the device is done via the CoreLocation framework. The specifics of what method(s) used to determine the location is not provided through the framework. The position can be determined via WiFi proximity to a known AP, cellular proximity to a tower mapped by the carrier, or most accurately via the GPS system. Not all methods are available on all devices, obviously. Rather than knowing how location was determined, you merely request location within a desired level of accuracy, and the framework will call back and notify you of an update in position. The actual position is not guaranteed to be pinpoint accurate.


Getting User's Location Without Permission

This website finds my location with a reasonable presicion. If i use mobilephone the website finds my exact location. If it is possible without asking permission why most of them asks me before getting my location? Isn't it makes personal security vulnerabilities?
From the same page you gave us:
Webkay uses the Google Geolocation API to locate you. This is an
educated guess and never as accurate as a GPS Location. The accuracy
depends on your location and also on your connection type. If you are
on a mobile network expect an error of up to 50km. This example just
tries to demonstrate how accurate a website can guess your location
without asking you for permission to access your GPS.
A site only needs permission, if it wants to enable your device's GPS. Also, without the permission, the guessed location is heavily dependent on your mobile carrier signal and IP address. If you are in a location with a lot of mobile towers, the location (obviously) will get more precise.
A site can use the information from all near mobile towers around you to triangulate the position and guess where you are. Think of it like a mesh.
For example: I am using a computer to write this now and the location is easy ~100km off, because it has only my IP adress to estimate the location.

How to determine location source in iOS

I'm getting current location,
In my app I want to know my location is from GPS or WIFI or cellular data. How do I check that ?
Is there any way to determine location source ?
Apple iOS uses
Assisted Global Positioning System (A-GPS)
Crowdsourced Wi-Fi
Cellular network search
to determine your location:
These three stages are used in descending order of priority. In other words, iOS first attempts to fix your location by using a GPS satellite link. If it is unable to acquire a satellite, iOS fails over to Wi-Fi. If you are not connected to a Wi-Fi local area network (WLAN), then iOS uses cell tower data
Apple uses all the non-GPS systems simultaneously with GPS, as part of A-GPS. To say it's falling back is not really an accurate description. Rather, while trying to get a GPS lock, it will use the other systems to get a rough idea of your location. Only if no GPS lock can be obtained, will the phone simply report what it knows from the other sources.
CoreLocation does not provide its source (or sources), but you can use some heuristics to guess.
Check the accuracy reported with location updates. A large range (e.g. 500+ meters) would indicate it's not a GPS fix.
Check which radios are available. If there's no cellular radio in the device, fixes must come from Wifi.
Check if the cellular radio is active. The device does not need service with available providers to use towers for a fix. Don't filter on that.
Those are my best guesses. If you really want this feature, you'll have to experiment.

How can I detect nearby users that are indoors in my iOS application?

Im trying to create an app which is assigned to all staff in my company. Platform is ios. The function of this app is to detect the nearby staff indoor and data will be populated from internal DB.
Your app get the user's location using GPS and send each user's location to a central server, which would then send back map data so each user could see all the others. GPS doesn't work super well indoors though, so the other option would be low power Bluetooth, but that isn't very directional. Check out iBeacon.
Do not use GPS,it is not Accurate in door.
You may use some indoor location
Use Ibeacon- Based On BLE
There is a company called Estimote,their offer their Indoor location
Use WIFI based Indoor location
You may google more details, there are a lot details about Indoor Location

Determine CLLocation source from GPS only

So the general idea is to get location information ONLY if it is from a GPS source (not WiFi or Cell-Tower). The reason for this isn't really important, for research purposes (and not my research).
If I specify the desiredAccuracy to kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation, it should be using GPS to gather this information. Is it guaranteed, however, that it will use GPS?
I know you can also check the verticalAccuracy property for validity of altitude, which can only be valid if it is from 3D GPS, but does this guarantee that the rest of the information other than altitude is from GPS also?
I posted here on the apple developer program and got a response from an apple employee:
Even if it's guaranteed to /use/ GPS, it's not guaranteed to /only/ use GPS.
iOS's location subsystem does not provide a way for you to
pick and choose the specific location technology used to satisfy your
request. You will not be able to achieve this goal on the system as
its current architected.
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iOS - Assisted GPS

How would I go about figuring the position of someone inside (or outside) of a given area (such as a building) using assisted GPS with IOS app?
Is it possible to have it accurate enough withing a few feet?
Is this the right way to go about it?
Is it possible to utilize more than one wifi connection in the calculation?
Your app can use the Core Location framework to determine the device location. Core Location will use whatever hardware is at its disposal to determine the device location to the degree that you request. For example, some devices have WiFi but no GPS; others have WiFi, GPS, and cellular radios. Future devices may have other location technologies built in.
The point is that as an application programmer, you don't worry about that. Instead, you say: "give me a location that's accurate to 100 meters" or "let me know when the device has moved from the current spot by more than 10 meters" or "give me the location with the best accuracy you can manage."
Again, take a look at Apple's Core Location documentation to get a better idea of how it all works.
If you're looking to track a device with, say, 1-meter resolution inside a building, you're not likely to get that from Core Location. There's been research on triangulating position using known locations of WiFi transceivers, but nothing that's implemented in any commercial smart phone that I know of. I don't believe that iOS gives you easy access to the data you'd need to do this, so it's probably not a possibility. You could, however, go the other way: program several WiFi receivers around the building to listen for any nearby devices, use that information to triangulate the devices' positions, and then make that information available via some web service.
