Facing issue while sending SMS with Twilio Copilot - twilio

I am trying to work on Twilio Copilot. I have created the SID.I have also assigned a UK number .I need to send messages to UK, US and South africa for now.
I am currently facing problem is sending messages to US. Do i need to assign a seperate US number for it to work (Same for Other Countries)?
I am using C# Twilio 4.7.2 library.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
My guess is that you have a UK landline number. That is a number that currently supports voice and messaging and starts +441, +442 or +443.
UK landline numbers cannot currently send international SMS.
If you still want to use a UK number to send international messages, you can get a UK mobile number, which will start +447, though currently these numbers do not support incoming voice calls.
Best practice for sending international messages is to try to use a local number to send them. When you are using Copilot it will automatically geomatch the best number to the location you are sending to.


Use own number to send SMS in Twilio

I have had a couple of customers wondering if they can use their own phone numbers to send out SMS using Twilio.
I am wondering if this is possible?
What are the carrier charges in this case and do I need to verify this number before enabling this functionality for an individual user?
The number you want to send messages from (or to) needs to be controlled by Twilio. However, it is possible to port your number from your current provider over to Twilio and thus give Twilio control over that number. This is possible, at least in some countries.
This support article here describes how this can be done for US numbers.

Check if number is SMS/MMS capable before porting

I would like to check if a set of US numbers are SMS capable - the customer would like to have both SMS and voice on the numbers and I'd like to know if this is possible before porting the numbers to Twilio.
I tried the LookupAPI but that does not seem to give me this information.
I then sent a SMS to the number to see if the SMS is delivered and I get a delivered status in the Twilio API, which in theory would mean that the number is SMS capable, but I'm not sure if this test is conclusive.
Is there any other way I could determine the number capabilities without owning the number?
All US numbers ported over to Twilio support both Voice and SMS.

Service to receive SMS messages from short codes?

So I need to programmatically receive text messages from a shortcode. Twilio does not support this. Anybody know a service like Twilio but that is able to receive SMS messages from a short code sender?
Just to be clear. I need to receive a text message from a shortcode to a 10 digit number, not send from a shortcode.
Most services (Twilio, call fire) that let you send from a shortcode can not receive a text message from a shortcode
This can’t be done, shortcodes are unique to each carrier network, when a short code is available across multiple carriers it is implemented on each carrier separatly.
Also shortcodes are not international so 54321 could be used in both the UK and US by totally separate services.
SMS providers like Twilio and Vonage connect to the carriers in the same way as the shortcodes do, they are both an application connection. The carriers do not permit app to app messaging through their network so a shortcode app will only ever be able to send to a real subscriber with a SIM card.
You might find some providers that offer an SMS API by using banks of hosted SIM cards but this can be very flakey and you are usually sharing the number. The other option might be to look at hosting your own SIM card in a usb single or such and recieve the SMS that way.
Actually, Twillio does support this now, although with a big disclaimer that it "cannot guarantee that every short code globally will be able to reach Twilio numbers"
I think this article might be just what you're looking for https://help.nexmo.com/hc/en-us/articles/216487658-Inbound-SMS-on-dedicated-US-short-code
You should be able to receive SMS messages on a dedicated US Shortcode.

Using Twilio how test Sms Sending from php on US number?

I want to implement an SMS messaging system (using Twilio account) on my PHP web application using a US Number. So how can I test using a US number?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You have a few options:
Firstly, Twilio numbers, particularly US numbers, are available internationally. So you can test this with your local number, wherever you are.
Alternatively, you could buy a US phone and test with that.
Or, with a bit more work, you could buy a second US Twilio number and build a small app for sending and receiving SMS messages with it and use that number to interact with your first Twilio number.
Let me know if this helps at all!

Enable twilio phone number to send sms

My Twilio number is not enabled to send sms. How can I enable my twilio number to send sms?
It is showing "Messaging is unavailable for this phone number."
Not every twilio number is capable of sending / receiving SMSs. Take a look into https://www.twilio.com/help/faq/sms/can-i-send-or-receive-text-messages-with-a-twilio-toll-free-phone-number
Also, if you follow the link they provide there, you can read the following
Mobile numbers
In most countries, mobile numbers are assigned to a particular range within the country’s telephone numbering plan so they can be easily distinguished from local numbers. They are often the only type of number in the given country that can be used for sending and receiving messages.
Note that currently all mobile numbers Twilio provides are only SMS-enabled. You can not make or receive voice calls using these numbers.
I faced the same issue with the "first one's on us" number.
Turns out, messaging capability depends on the type and country of the number.
I was automatically assigned a local number for my country, which did not allow messaging. If, however, you choose a custom number and go for one in the US, you are given SMS capability (at least I was just now).
If you already have your one free number assigned, you can release it and choose a new number for free.
