Push notification did not received when the application is killed - iOS - ios

Did anyone facing same issue, application did not received notification in development environment when the application had been kill and terminated?

ensure once this you are enabled the Pushnotification and background modes in target -> capablilities
and this

I think is apple Sandbox problem. Everything is working fine today without any changes.
Thanks all the reply.


Notifications not working on Whitelabel iOS Rocket.chat app

So I am whitelabeling the Rocket.chat app for iOS. I have already done this for Android and it is working very well. The issue I'm having is that the app works on the simulator, but it does not receive any notifications. I have followed these instructions to no avail. It seems as if the app is not able to communicate with Firebase. Additionally, when I first launch the app after installing, it asks if I want to enable notifications, so the app itself is working. I'm really not sure what to try next. Thank you for your help. If you need any additional information, just let me know.
So the simulator cannot receive push notifications. Seems strange, but that was the problem.

Notification not received in foreground in release ipa

I have integrated firebase for push notifications in flutter. If the app is in foreground I have displayed a dialog with notification details. I am receiving notifications properly in android. Also when I run the ios application from XCode notifications are working fine. However in release ipa notifications are not received in foreground but working well in app background state. I have enabled push notifications and background fetch as well. Any solution for this? Has anybody faced such issue?
Push notifications not showing notifications strip in foreground mode.
Please check in the delegate method that you are receiving or not.
Please follow this link
May be it will help you

iOS Push Notification Programming - Is there a way to disable push notification on iPhone by programming

A few days ago, I got the issue below.
I've been getting notifications for the past several days. The notification had been enabled, and the app was working (I received push notification) until it suddenly didn't yesterday. And when I open the app, it suddenly asks me to enable notification (please see the picture "iOS Push Notification Permission Alert.png")
iOS Push Notification Permission Alert.png
I guessed that my client removed the app and re-installed, so all permissions were lost. But they said that they didn't.
So, How can it happen?
My concerns are:
If notification was enabled, how can it show the alert above again? Is there a possible way?
If notification was not enabled, why have I received the notification for the past several days?
Under which scenario(s), would an app suddenly disable already enabled notification? Is there a way to disable notification permission for the app on the iOS phone by programming?
I will appreciate your answers so much!
P/s: I read the post disable push notification in app, but it doesn't help for my questions.
This is only possible if the app is reinstalled or the notifications are turned off from the settings.
There is one setting in iPhone which will allow iPhone to offload the unused apps and if this happened, there will be a cloud icon on the left of app title.The app will be reinstalled when you click it again.
And it seems that it will also happened when the storage of iPhone is not enough.
So I guess this happened in your client's phone.
This setting is in both Setting-iTunes & App Stores-Offload Unused Apps and Setting-General-iPhone Storage-Offload Unused Apps.

App not receiving VOIP after x time on iOS 10.3 >

I've got a project I'm working on which uses VOIP notifications to "wake up" apps that have been put into background/terminated. These notifications are sent periodically, and everything seemed to work fine until recent iOS updates.
It appears that after a certain amount of time in which the app has been in the background (happens to some users after 5 minutes, others after 20), the devices no longer process any code after receiving the voip notifications.
I've read a bit in apple dev forums and some other devs are running into similar issues, all speculate if its related to the new iOS updates (10.3.1/10.3.2).
Has anyone else run into this issue, and if so, have you been able to solve it?
This is the new normal on latest iOS versions.
You should begin to use push notifications.
Here is a guide from Apple.
What ended up seeming to be the fix was updating to a newer version of socketio library.
You can try debugging your app in background or in kill state ( terminated state ), so you can get to know that payload from pushkit comes or not or possibly some crash at iOS code end.
Debug pushkit notification in terminated state
Put debug pointer on delegate methods
Go to edit scheme
Select run option then Launch -> Wait for executable to be launched
Send push kit payload from back end
Once you get payload on device
it will automatically invoke and debug pointer will invoke at delegate methods.

Silent push is not working when app is killed from app switcher in ios7

I am trying to send my updated location to a server whenever I receive a push notification.
I am able to receive a push notification when I killed my app from switcher but my
delegate method is not called.
I have spent five days resolving this issue without success. Please, if anybody has any idea about this that would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
Since ios7 apps which are killed from switcher do not receive push notifications.
Documentation isn't clear about this, but apple support confirmed this.
You can see the answer from apple support here:
another reference:
