ImageJ image stack shifted - imagej

I have taken images of cells using confocal microscope. When the file size is large, the image stack starts to shift downwards at a later stage. The shifted image just repeats the earlier images. The image stack is fine when i open it with a compatible software (Zen) but i need imageJ to do some editing. The original file is in .lsm format and is around 6GB. Here's a link to my video showing the shifted stack when i open the file in imageJ. Any help would be great.!AnUarFrjoIltl1jZya_GstBiCghC

It looks like you need to use a registration function. Maybe this plugin ( would be the best option, since it would allow you to choose a cell or two that you feel confidently able to identify, and register (line up) the images using those cells as landmarks.


Large (UI)Image Memory Management

I'm working on an iPad-only iOS app that essentially downloads large, high quality images (JPEG) from Dropbox and shows the selected image in a UIScrollView and UIImageView, allowing the user to zoom and pan the image.
The app is mainly used for showing the images to potential clients who are interested in buying them as framed prints. The way it works is that the image is first shown, zoomed and panned to show the potential client if they like the image. If they do like it, they can decide if they want to crop a specific area (while keeping to specific aspect ratios/sizes) and the final image (cropped or not) is then sent as an email attachment to production.
The problem I've been facing for a while now, is that even though the app will only be running on new iPads (ie. more memory etc.), I'm unable to find a method of handling the images so that the app doesn't get a memory warning and then crash.
Most of the images are sized 4256x2832, which brings the memory usage to at least 40MB per image. While I'm only displaying one image at a time, image cropping (which is the main memory/crash problem at the moment) is creating a new cropped image, which in turn momentarily bumps the apps total RAM usage to about 120MB, causing a crash.
So in short: I'm looking for a way to manage very large images, have the ability to crop them and after cropping still have enough memory to send them as email attachments.
I've been thinking about implementing a singleton image manager, which all the views would use and it would only contain one big image at a time, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to go, or even if it'd help in any way.
One way to deal with this is to tile the image. You can save the large decompressed image to "disk" as a series of tiles, and as the user pans around pull out only the tiles you need to actually display. You only ever need 1 tile in memory at a time because you draw it to the screen, then throw it out and load the next tile. (You'll probably want to cache the visible tiles in memory, but that's an implementation detail. Even having the whole image as tiles may relieve memory pressure as you don't need one large contiguous block.) This is how applications like Photoshop deal with this situation.
I ended up sort of solving the problem. Since I couldn't resize the original files in Dropbox (the client has their reasons), I went ahead and used BOSImageResizeOperation, which is essentially just a fast, thread-safe library for quickly resizing images.
Using this library, I noticed that images that previously took 40-60MB of memory per image, now only seemed to take roughly half that. Additionally, the resizing is so quick that the original image gets released from memory so fast, that iOS doesn't execute a memory warning.
With this, I've gotten further with the app and I appreciate all the idea, suggestions and comments. I'm hoping this will get the app done and I can get as far away from large image handling as possible, heh.

Handle large images in iOS

I want to allow the user to select a photo, without limiting the size, and then edit it.
My idea is to create a thumbnail of the large photo with the same size as the screen for editing, and then, when the editing is finished, use the large photo to make the same edit that was performed on the thumbnail.
When I use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext to create a thumbnail image, it will cause a memory issue.
I know it's hard to edit the whole large image directly due to hardware limits, so I want to know if there is a way I can downsample the large image to less then 2048*2048 wihout memory issues?
I found that there is a BitmapFactory Class which has an inSampleSize option which can downsample a photo in Android platform. How can this be done on iOS?
You need to handle the image loading using UIImage which doesn't actually load the image into memory and then create a bitmap context at the size of the resulting image that you want (so this will be the amount of memory used). Then you need to iterate a number of times drawing tiles from the original image (this is where parts of the image data are loaded into memory) using CGImageCreateWithImageInRect into the destination context using CGContextDrawImage.
See this sample code from Apple.
Large images don't fit in memory. So loading them into memory to then resize them doesn't work.
To work with very large images you have to tile them. Lots of solutions out there already for example see if this can solve your problem:
I implemented my own custom solution but that was specific to our environment where we had an image tiler running server side already & I could just request specific tiles of large images (madea server, it's really cool)
The reason tiling works is that basically you only ever keep the visible pixels in memory, and there isn't that many of those. All tiles not currently visible are factored out to the disk cache, or flash memory cache as it were.
Take a look at this work by Trevor Harmon. It improved my app's performance.I believe it will work for you too.

Besides standard/progressive, the 3rd kind of JPEG compression: load by channel?

this question might be an "Open Question" and many of you might be eager to close it, but please don't. Let me explain.
As we all know, JPEG has two kinds of compression (at least in Photoshop save dialog)
optimized, where image was loaded kinda like line-by-line
progressive, where image was loaded first mosaic-like, the progressively better till the original resolution
I have read a lot of PNG/JPEG optimization articles before, but now I encountered this awesome third kind compression, from a wild random Google Image search. The JPEG in question is this
Try load the link in Chrome/Firefox (in IE/Safari only until the image was fully loaded then displayed)
you can observe:
image were loaded first in black & white
then looks like the Red channel loaded
next the Green channel loaded
last the Blue channel loaded
I tried loading it again with a emulated very slow connection, and observed that the JPEG is not only loads by channel order, but in progressive way as well. So first loaded image is blank-and-white mosaic then green-ish mosaic then gradually full color mosaic and finally full resolution and full color image.
This is amazing technology, suppose you are building an e-magazine, where each page has a lot of pictures, you want the user to fast flip browsing through pages, and this kind of image is exactly what works best. For fast preview, load blank-n-white thumbnail, if the user stays, fully load the original image.
So my question is: How could I generate such image using Python Pillow or ImageMagick, or any kind of open source software?
If you think this question is inappropriate please comment, don't just close it.
Update 1:
It turns out Google used this technology in all of its JPEG pictures 1, 2 e.g. this
Update 2: I found another clue
The image data in a JPEG file can be sliced up in many different ways, and the slices (or "scans" as they're usually called) can be stored in the file in many different orders.
In most JPEG files, the first scan in the file contains all of the image's color components, interleaved together if it is a color image. In a non-progressive JPEG, the file will contain just that one scan. In a progressive JPEG, other scans will follow, each of which may contain one component or multiple components.
But there's nothing that requires it to be done that way. If the first scan in the file does not contain all the color components, we might call such a file "non-interleaved".
Your examples files are non-interleaved, and they are also progressive. Progressive non-interleaved JPEGs seem to be more widely supported than non-progressive non-interleaved JPEGs.
The standard IJG libjpeg software is capable of creating non-interleaved files. Though it's not exactly easy, you can use its cjpeg utility, with the -scans option documented in the wizard.txt file.

Create tiled images for CATiledLayer

I am creating a kind of 'map' in my app. This is basically only viewing an image with an imageView/scrollView. However, the image is huge. Like 20,000x15,000 px or something. How can I tile this image so that it fits? When the app tiles by itself, it uses way too much memory, and I want this to be done before the app I launched, and just include the tiled, not the original image. Can photoshop do this?
I have not done a complete search for this yet, as I am away, and typing on an iPhone with limited network connection..
Apple has a project called PhotoScroller. It supports panning and zooming of large images. However, it does this by pre-tiling the images - if you look in the project you will see hundreds of tiles for various zoom sizes. The project however does NOT come with any kind of tiling utility.
So what some people have done is create algorithms or code that anyone can use to create these tiles. I support an open source project PhotoScrollerNetwork that allows people to download huge jpegs from the network, tile them, then display them as PhotoScroller does, and while doing research for this I found several people who had posted tiling software.
I googled "PhotoScroller tiling utility" and got lots of hits, including one here on SO
CATiledLayer is one way to do it and of course the best if you can pre-tile the images downloading them from the internet (pay attention on how many connection you are going to open) or embedding them(increasing overall app size), the other is memory map the image on the file system (but an image with that res could take about 1GB), take a look at this question it could be an intersteing topic SO question about low memory scenario

Image over a Image

i want to put a Big image over a small Image , condition is the image which is on top has some specific rectangular area where the second image will be displayed. I want the the small Image to be displayed inside the big image not over the big image. i don't no will it possible or not , if it is possible can any one provide me guidance or provide me a sample code or link
thanks alot
Here is solution. Why don't you put the small image on top of the big image? Will that work? That way the illusion is the same that the small image is inside. Otherwise you have to play around with alpha transparency.
PS. Rupesh, you should also go back to the 13 questions that you asked prior to this one and accepted at least some answers. Otherwise chances are you will not get many answers later on to any of your new questions, because you are not rewarding the people that take time to answer your questions, with positive karma.
