Garry's Mod - Props won't spawn after launching Lua script - lua

I have a test server for gmod. I've coded a script that works excellent when I launch it, but there is a lot of downsides with it.
I've tried to code a script that will simply change the users speed if they type a command like "!speed fast", or "!speed normal". It looks like this:
table = {}
table[1]="!speed normal"
table[2]="!speed fast"
table[3]="!speed sanic"
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "Chat", function(ply, message, teamchat)
if message == "!speed normal" then
GAMEMODE:SetPlayerSpeed(ply, 250, 500 )
elseif message == "!speed fast" then
GAMEMODE:SetPlayerSpeed(ply, 1000, 2000 )
elseif message == "!speed sanic" then
GAMEMODE:SetPlayerSpeed(ply, 10000, 20000)
elseif message == "!help" then
for key, value in pairs(table) do
PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, value)
As you can see the script change the users speed if they either type "!speed normal", "!speed fast" or "!speed sanic" in chat. The script also contains a table of every command, and it will be shown if the user type "!help" in chat.
When I launch the script it works excellent, but if I try to spawn a prop after I've launched it, the prop won't spawn. Even when I spawn a prop first, then launch the script and try to "undo" the prop, the "undo" function won't work! The script makes Sandbox gamemode completely useless, because you can't even spawn props!
I've tried to search a little bit around on the internet first, but I haven't stumbled across something like this yet, so I hope someone got the solution! Please help

My guess is that this is happening because you are overwriting the global table. The table library contains helper functions for tables. Try renaming your table table to something else, like commands. I would also suggest you declare it as local commands so it does not replace any other global, so it does not interfere with anything else, like other scripts or library.
Also, as extra tips, lua tables are indexed with 1, So you could declare your renamed table as:
local commands = {
"!speed normal",
"!speed fast",
"!speed sanic",
You could then iterate over it with a normal for:
for index = 1, #commands do
PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, commands[index])
I think this makes it a bit cleaner, in my opinion.


Changing contents of global variables in a Lua script for Awesome Window Manager?

So I've been trying to configure my Awesome WM config (rc.lua) to detect if my IBM model M13 is connected to my laptop upon login/reset. This is to change what the modkey should be since the M13 doesn't have a super key.
The following code makes sense to me and changes modkey within the function being made for the awful.spawn.easy_async function, but after finishing the modkey changes back to Mod4.
modkey = "Mod4"
"xinput list",
function(stdout, stderr, reason, code)
local msg = "Regular keyboard Modkey = Super"
-- Debug notification that shows that the modkey is
-- at its default for the superkey Mod4
text = modkey,
timeout =7
if code ~= 0 then
msg = "Missing xinput to see devices\nModkey = Super"
elseif stdout:match("CHESEN") == "CHESEN" then
-- CHESEN is my PS/2 to USB adapter
msg = "IBM M13 detected\nModkey = Alt"
modkey = "Mod1" -- Sets new modkey to Alt
-- Notification message
text = msg,
timeout =7
-- Debug notification to verify key but key goes back to Mod4
text = modkey,
timeout =7
The output can be seen here. It doesn't print the notifications in order but the prints of Mod 4 are both of the debug prints.
Notification Output
I don't use Lua much aside from changing my configs from time to time so I'm having difficulty understanding how my global variable modkey can be changed with out it resetting. Other methods I tried was to have the function defined as a function I called setModKey to be passed as a parameter to easy_async and I tried setting modkey using _G to set it as _G.modkey, but I end up getting the same result.
Am I missing something fundamental to Lua or is this affected by how Awesome WM utilizes Lua? Any help will be very appreciated.
Use io.popen instead of awful.spawn.easy_async. Yes, normally using io.popen is really not recommended, but here the following happens:
Awesome starts
You call easy_async to capture the output of xinput list
Since it is async, your config continues to be loaded, so e.g. all your keybindings are set
easy_async does its job and you set modkey to something else.
This means that any keybinding which will be defined from now on use the new modkey, but all already-existing keybindings are not modified by this. So, basically nothing happens.
And for your debugging calls to naughty.notify: The one after the function is triggered first and only then, later, the inner one triggers. So it does not go back, but instead you first show the old value and only later the new one.

GMOD Lua Use type doesn't matter?

recently I have been creating an imitation HarborRP gamemode for Garry's Mod, and I'm trying to recreate the Smuggler NPC (You'll know what I mean if you've ever played HarborRP) So basically I want the NPC to open ONE Derma-Frame window when the player presses their use key on it. I have the NPC created and all of that, but when the player simply presses their use key on the NPC, a million windows pop up, I have the NPC/Entity's use type set to SIMPLE_USE, but it seems like that doesn't matter because so many windows pop up. the VGUI/Derma Frame's settings is set to MakePopup() but that doesn't matter either. See if you can find whats wrong with it, I have very little knowledge of LUA.
init.lua file:
hook.Add("PlayerUse", "menuu", function(ply, ent)
function ENT:Initialize()
cl_init.lua file:
function ENT:Draw()
net.Receive("smug", function()
if( !frame ) then
local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
elseif (frame) then print("HI")
shared.lua file:
ENT.Base = "base_ai"
ENT.Type = "ai"
ENT.PrintName = "[DEV] Smuggler NPC"
ENT.Category = "InVaLiD's HBRP Entities"
ENT.Author = "InVaLiD"
ENT.Spawnable = true
ENT.AdminSpawnable = true
ENT.AutomaticFrameAdvance = true
Something To Note
All of these files are in the addons/smug_npc/lua/entities/ folder.
Yes, I know I have weird names for things, that's just me.
I have a basic to no knowledge of lua, so explain things please :)
I really do appreciate your help, and your will to help people, please know that I thank you all for being here just to sort other people's problems even though you could be spending your time doing something productive, Thank you!
You need to put your code that does net.Send into the entities ENT:Use function rather than on the PlayerUse hook.
function ENT:Use(ply)
The below line which you already have in your code in the initialize function makes the entity call the ENT:Use function once when a player presses E on it, which it seems that you want to do so that is good:
Also, I recommend checking out the gmod forums if you need developer help in future.
GMod forums:

How to get the value from SPOP safely and test for value or null

I am currently doing 2 steps in my code and I just realized I can combine both steps in a LUA script.
I am doing:
SPOP on my set
calling a lua script to do other things.
The value from step#1 is being passed and stored in the local variable ele.
My lua script looks like:
local ele = KEYS[1]
local p = KEYS[2]
local u = KEYS[3]
if"SISMEMBER", u, ele) == 0 then
return "OK"
return "EXISTS"
How can I call SPOP from inside my lua script and store it in a variable.
I need to do:
local popped ="SPOP", "my-set-here")
I'm not sure if that will work, but then I have to check if it is null or has a value I guess. Just want to make sure I am following best practise.
BTW, as a side note, what is the fastest way to create and test lua scripts?
You can check the value of popped for non-nillness with something like:
if popped then
-- do something
As for developing Redis Lua scripts, have a look at Zerobrane's integration:
Disclosure: I was involved in the integration effort ;)

World of Warcraft Lua - If statement flow

I'm trying to create an addon for World of Warcraft. I have created a function that checks whether a buff has been added to the current player.
local function auraGained(self, event, ...)
if (UnitAura("player", "Heating Up")) then
if (heatingUpIsActive ~= 1) then
heatingUpIsActive = heatingUpIsActive + 1
print (heatingUpIsActive)
Button:SetScript("OnEvent", auraGained);
This works great, but how do I check if UnitAura is not "Heating Up"?
Also, I would prefer if heatingUpIsActive were a boolean, but it seems to not like when I do that. What is the correct way to create a boolean in Lua?
Your function isn't checking the aura that caused the event. It's looking for "Heating Up" any time any UNIT_AURA event comes by. In fact, it looks like the UNIT_AURA event doesn't actually tell you which aura triggered it. So you can't "check if UnitAura is not "Heating Up"", because you simply don't know what aura caused the event. Perhaps it was even several auras at once.
However, the event does tell you what unit got the aura. It's the first vararg. You should probably check to make sure it's player before doing something
local unitid = ...
if unitid ~= "player" then return end
Also, you didn't explain what problems you had with booleans. You should just be able to say something like
if not heatingUpIsActive then
heatingUpIsActive = true
-- do whatever you want
although I never saw any declaration of the variable in your code. It's a bad idea to use globals for things like this, so you should declare
local heatingUpIsActive
before the function declaration, e.g.
local heatingUpIsActive
local function auraGained(self, event, ...)
-- ...

World-of-Warcraft Chat Frame Filter Conflict

I have a WoW/LUA script that I am attempting to start, but it seems to conflict with the Stubby addon, which is a part of the Auctioneer addon, I believe. Here is the message I receive:
Error occured in: Stubby Count: 1 Message: Error: Original call failed
after running hooks for: ChatFrame_OnEvent Usage:
SendChatMessage(text [,type] [,language] [,targetPlayer]) Debug:
(tail call): ? [string ":OnEvent"]:1:
[string ":OnEvent"]:1
Now, the only thing that's happening in the conflicting addon is:
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_PARTY", partyMsg)
The code within partyMsg is very simple as well:
local function partyMsg(msg,author,language,lineID,senderGUID)
if (store ~= msg) then
store = msg;
Is this error due to two addons both trying to filter the chat frame? If so, how can this be done? It seems odd to me that Blizzard would have such a simple and yet important concept limited to one addon.
I think I see what happened here.
The reference you were using, Events/Communication, shows only the specific parameters for a particular event, regardless of context.
The context is usually an OnEvent handler.
The ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter function lets you use the chat frame's OnEvent handler instead of your own for chat frame events, and has well defined parameters for filters you add.
An OnEvent handler might look like:
function Foo_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
A 'ChatFrame' filter must look like this, for the first two parameters:
function Foo_ChatFrameFilter(self, event, msg, ...)
The ChatFrame filter is specific. For OnEvent however, you can make a Lua 'handler' that doesnt care about what frame it came from:
MyEventHandler(event, ...)
For the sake of completion, I will include the entire source of this addon:
local function partyMsg(someTable,msgType,msg,user,language,...)
if (store ~= msg) then
SendChatMessage(user .. " just said: ".. msg .. " using that sneaky " .. language .. " language.");
store = msg;
return false;
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_PARTY", partyMsg)
There were a couple issues with the original code:
1) I was using WoWWiki to get my information, and first, I read it incorrectly. lineID and senderGUID are not the 4th and 5th arguments. Then, beyond this, WoWWiki is incorrect on this page in general. The correct arguments are listed above in the source. The first argument, a table, I am unsure of its purpose. In any case, this code now works fully.
