I have created a big circle with a UIBezierPath and turned it into a Sprite using this,
let path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), radius: CGFloat(226), startAngle: 0.0, endAngle: CGFloat(M_PI * 2), clockwise: false)
// create a shape from the path and customize it
let shape = SKShapeNode(path: path.cgPath)
shape.lineWidth = 20
shape.position = center
shape.strokeColor = UIColor(red:0.98, green:0.99, blue:0.99, alpha:1.00)
let trackViewTexture = self.view!.texture(from: shape, crop: outerPath.bounds)
let trackViewSprite = SKSpriteNode(texture: trackViewTexture)
trackViewSprite.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeChainFrom: innerPath.cgPath)
It works fine. It creates the circle perfectly. But I need to resize it using
SKAction.resize(byWidth: -43, height: -43, duration: 0.3)
Which will make it a bit smaller. But, when it resizes the 20 line width I set now is very small because of the aspect fill. So when I shink it looks something like this:
But I need it to shrink like this-- keeping the 20 line width:
How would I do this?
Don't know if this would affect anything, but the sprites are rotating with an SKAction forever
-- EDIT --
Now, how do I use this method to scale to a specific size? Like turn 226x226 to 183x183?
Since by scaling down the circle, not only its radius gets scaled but its line's width too, you need to set a new lineWidth proportional with the scale. For example, when scaling the circle down by 2, you will need to double the lineWidth.
This can be done in two ways:
Setting the lineWidth in the completion block of the run(SKAction, completion: #escaping () -> Void) method. However this will result in seeing the line shrinking while the animation is running, then jumping to its new width once the animation finishes. If your animation is short, this may not be easy to observe tough.
Running a parallel animation together with the scaling one, which constantly adjusts the lineWidth. For this, you can use SKAction's customAction method.
Here is an example for your case:
let scale = CGFloat(0.5)
let finalLineWidth = initialLineWidth / scale
let animationDuration = 1.0
let scaleAction = SKAction.scale(by: scale, duration: animationDuration)
let lineWidthAction = SKAction.customAction(withDuration: animationDuration) { (shapeNode, time) in
if let shape = shapeNode as? SKShapeNode {
let progress = time / CGFloat(animationDuration)
shape.lineWidth = initialLineWidth + progress * (finalLineWidth - initialLineWidth)
let group = SKAction.group([scaleAction, lineWidthAction])
In this example, your shape will be scaled by 0.5, therefore in case of an initial line width of 10, the final width will be 20. First we create a scaleAction with a specified duration, then a custom action which will update the line's width every time its actionBlock is called, by using the progress of the animation to make the line's width look like it's not changing. At the end we group the two actions so they will run in parallel once you call run.
As a hint, you don't need to use Bezier paths to create circles, there is a init(circleOfRadius: CGFloat) initializer for SKShapeNode which creates a circle for you.
I have some camera with perspective projection and object in the (0,0,0).
I computed "bounding frame"(size in pixels on screen) of this object according to this camera and scaled it to fit the screen size. And now it in the middle of screen.
Frame of the scnView is equal to the screen size and I have some UI components above this view(e.g. navigation bar and some big transparent view in the bottom of view). The scnView has some fullscreen background and this object can be scaled/moved/... therefore I need scnview to be fullscreen.
Then I move this object in the middle of "clear area" (the area with absence of UIComponents) and see the bottom of this object (as if it's above me), because my projection is perspective.
I want to move this object in the center of clear area and see like it's in front of me without any distortion. How can I achieve that?
I see 2 solutions.
1) Draw my object offscreen in texture and after that draw this texture on screen in required position.
2) create scnView a bit taller. For example set frame size to = (0, (bottomHeight - topHeight) / 2, width, height + (bottomHeight - topHeight) / 2) to move the center of scnView in required position.
But I don't like first solution due to addition draw call and second solution even sounds crappy.
P.S. sorry for that pictures
Update: Basically I want to use perspective projection and move 3D object like a 2D image in SceneKit.
Sorry if I'm not be understanding correctly, but can you strafe camera up and center it, or will that not be clear enough?
func strafeY(vAmount: XFloat)
nPosition = cgVecAdd(v1: nPosition, v2: cgVecScalarMult(v: nTarget, s: vAmount))
Try this... generate a new scenekit game project, then replace the default rotation with the code below.
Rotate X slightly as you move the object up to to "somewhat" maintain the relationship to the eye.
You could create a similar but separate routine to do smaller increments to smooth it out.
ship.runAction(SCNAction.rotateBy(x: CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(-90)), y: 0, z: 0, duration: 0))
let vRotateAmount: Float = 3
let vAction1 = SCNAction.move(to: SCNVector3Make(0, 1, 0), duration: 1)
let vAction1a = SCNAction.rotateBy(x: CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(vRotateAmount)), y:0, z:0, duration: 1)
let vAction2 = SCNAction.move(to: SCNVector3Make(0, 2, 0), duration: 1)
let vAction2a = SCNAction.rotateBy(x: CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(vRotateAmount)), y:0, z:0, duration: 1)
let vAction3 = SCNAction.move(to: SCNVector3Make(0, 1, 0), duration: 1)
let vAction3a = SCNAction.rotateBy(x: CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(-vRotateAmount)), y:0, z:0, duration: 1)
let vAction4 = SCNAction.move(to: SCNVector3Make(0, 0, 0), duration: 1)
let vAction4a = SCNAction.rotateBy(x: CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(-vRotateAmount)), y:0, z:0, duration: 1)
let seq = SCNAction.sequence([vAction1, vAction1a, vAction2, vAction2a, vAction3, vAction3a, vAction4, vAction4a])
let allSeq = SCNAction.repeatForever(seq)
Solved it by changing camera projectionTransform. Smth like:
let newMatrix = SCNMatrix4Mult(initialProjectionCameraMatrix, translationMatrix)
Im currently developing an iOS Application where you can process an image. (rotating, zooming, translating). Im using an uiimageview where i added gestures. This works fine but i also have some masking rectangle of a fixed size. Initial State
After i processed my image i want the content which is inside my masking rectangle.
I also want the four edge points of the masking rectangle of the processed image.
I know i have to apply the imageview transform to the points somehow, but its not working.
let points = maskView.edgePoints()
let translateTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: translationPoint.x, y: translationPoint.y)
let rotateTransform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat(rotationAngle))
let scaleTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: xScale, y: yScale)
let finalTransform = rotateTransform.concatenating(scaleTransform).concatenating(translateTransform)
let topleftPoint = points[0].applying(finalTransform)
let toprightPoint = points[1].applying(finalTransform)
let bottomleftPoint = points[2].applying(finalTransform)
let bottomrightPoint = points[3].applying(finalTransform)
Edge point results: Sample
Topleft: (50.75, -8.75)
Topright: (63.6072332330383, -365.252863911729)
Bottomleft: (-172.064289944831, -16.7857707706489)
Bottomright: (-159.207056711792, -373.288634682378)
But the Topleft should be something like (0,0)
and the Bottomleft something like (40,200)?
Maybe you can give me some hints or useful links!
Thx in advance!
The problem lies in your transformation order. Right now your transformation order is Rotate Scale Translate, it should be Scale Rotate Translate instead.
let finalTransform = scaleTransform.concatenating(rotateTransform).concatenating(translateTransform)
This issue is tied with this: Set SKShapeNode frame to calculateAccumutedFrame
Is there a way to resize an SKShapeNode's frame. I do not want to scale it, (suggested here: Resizing a SKShapeNode). Using whatever scale function makes its contents shrink and resize aswell (the line width of 200x200 is way different than 50x50)
I need to take a frame and set it to a specific size. For example this:
shape.frame = CGRect(...)
Can't do that since frame is get-only. I attempted to override calculateAccumulatedFrame but that does nothing (see top link).
Can someone please suggest an alternative to the same functionality of SKShapeNode that is not halfway built... Or a way to actually change the frame. The basic functionality I need is to create an arc (seen in pictures of link on top) and have that in some sort of SKNode so I can resize, shrink it, etc. the same as you can do with SKSpriteNode
SKShapeNode is a node based on the Core Graphics path (CGPath).
So there is no direct method of resizings different from scaling as you want.
If you use a SKSpriteNode for example you have actions like resizeByWidth or resizeToWidth.
But about node like shapes you should think to him as you must resize a CGPath or UIBezierPath using method like :
apply(_ transform: CGAffineTransform)
or directly by rebuild your path as for example:
let π:CGFloat = CGFloat(M_PI)
let startAngle: CGFloat = 3 * π / 4
let endAngle: CGFloat = π / 4
myShape.path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPoint.zero, radius: 33.5, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, clockwise: true).cgPath
I would recommend making an SKSpriteNode out of your SKShapeNode because SKShapeNode is buggy.
let node = SKNode()
node.addChild(shapeNode) //we do this because of the bugs with SKShapeNode
let texture = view.textureFromNode(node, crop:node.calculateAccumulatedFrame)
let spriteNode = SKSpriteNode(texture:texture)
Optionally, I would look up ways to save this texture to disk, so that you do not have to render the shape every time.
I'm trying to draw on top of an image in a CALayer and am having trouble with where the drawing shows up on different size displays.
func drawLayer(){
let circleLayer = CAShapeLayer()
let radius: CGFloat = 30
let x = Thermo.frame.origin.x
let y = Thermo.frame.origin.y
let XX = Thermo.frame.width
let YY = Thermo.frame.height
print("X: \(x) Y: \(y) Width: \(XX) Height: \(YY)")
circleLayer.path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 2.0 * radius, height: 2.0 * radius) , cornerRadius: radius).CGPath
circleLayer.fillColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
circleLayer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0, 3)
circleLayer.shadowRadius = 5.0
circleLayer.shadowColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
circleLayer.shadowOpacity = 0.8
circleLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 410, 0, 192);
That draws a circle, in the correct place ... for an iPhone 6s. But when the enclosing UIImageView component is scaled for a smaller device, well, to clearly doesn't. I added the print() to see what the image size, and position was and ... well, it's exactly the same on every device I run it on X: 192.0 Y: 8.0 Width: 216.0 Height: 584.0 but clearly it's being scaled by the constraints in the AuoLayout manager.
So, my question is how can I figure out the proper radio and position for different screen sizes if I can't use the enclosing View's size and position since that seems to never change?
Here is the image I am starting with, in a UIImageView, and trying to draw over.
Im of course trying to color it in based on data from an external device. Any suggestions/sample code most appreciated!
CALayer and its subclasses incl. CAShapeLayer have a property
var contentsScale: CGFloat
From class reference :
For layers you create and manage yourself, you must set the value of this property yourself based on the resolution of the screen and the content you are providing. Core Animation uses the value you specify as a cue to determine how to render your content.
So what you need to do is set the scale on the layer and you get the scale of the device from UIDevice class
circleLayer.scale = UIScreen.mainScreen().scale
I'm trying to make Jigsaw puzzle game in SpriteKit. To make things easier I using 9x9 squared tiles board. On each tile is one childNode with piece of image from it area.
But here's starts my problem. Piece of jigsaw puzzle isn't perfect square, and when I apply SKTexture to node it just place from anchorPoint = {0,0}. And result isn't pretty, actually its terrible.
I managed to fix those tiles with right and top "hooks", but left and bottom side doesn't care about anything.
var sprite = SKSpriteNode()
let originSize = frame.size
let textureSize = texture.size()
sprite.size = originSize
sprite.texture = texture
sprite.size = texture.size()
let x = (textureSize.width - originSize.width)
let widthRate = x / textureSize.width
let y = (textureSize.height - originSize.height)
let heightRate = y / textureSize.height
sprite.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5 - (widthRate * 0.5), y: 0.5 - (heightRate * 0.5))
sprite.position = CGPoint(x: frame.width * 0.5, y: frame.height * 0.5)
Can you give me some advice?
I don't see a way you can get placement right without knowing more about the piece texture you are using because they will all be different. Like if the piece has a nob on any of the sides and the width width/height the nob will add to the texture. Hard to tell in the pic but even if it doesn't have a nob and instead has an inset it might add varying sizes.
Without knowing anything about how the texture is created I am not able to offer help on that. But I do believe the issue starts with that. If it were me I would create a square texture with additional alpha to center the piece correctly. So the center of that texture would always be placed in the center of a square on the grid.
With all that being said I do know that adding that texture to a node and then adding that node to a SKNode will make your placement go smoother with the way you currently have it. The trick will then only be placing that textured piece correctly within the empty SKNode.
For example...
let piece = SKSpriteNode()
let texturedPiece = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture)
//offset x needs to be calculated with additional info about the texture
//for example it has just a nob on the right
let offsetX : CGFloat = -nobWidth/2
//offset y needs to be calculated with additional info about the texture
//for example it has a nob on the top and bottom
let offsetY : CGFloat = 0.0
texturedPiece.position = CGPointMake(offsetX, offsetY)
let squareWidth = size.width/2
//Now that the textured piece is placed correctly within a parent
//placing the parent is super easy and consistent without messing
//with anchor points. This will also make rotations nice.
piece.position = CGPoint(x: squareWidth/2, y: squareWidth/2)
Hopefully that makes sense and didn't confuse things further.