What is required to display custom messages in jenkins report? - jenkins

I have Jenkins ver. 2.7.4 and I want to see custom messages in report
besides stack trace. What do I need to do for this?

If you are writing a jenkins plugin and you've subclassed Notifier, then you can log to the build output using an instance of BuildListener, like so:
Helper method:
private void logger(BuildListener listener, String message){
Example Usage:
logger(listener, "Verbose Logging Enabled");
You can see a real world example of this in the source code for the packagecloud plugin for jenkins
See: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Packagecloud+Plugin


Expand variable inside Jenkins pipeline tool directive

I would like to be able to programmatically decide which tool will be installed in an Agent for a Jenkins pipeline.
This is something I have that's working today:
withEnv(["JAVA_HOME=${tool 'OPENJDK11'}",
"PATH+JAVA=${tool 'OPENJDK11'}"]) {
... do stuff ...
So I have a global tool OPENJDK11 installed, along with OPENJDK14, and now I would like to change the Groovy script to be able to decide which JDK to install.
So before the part above I have saved the name of the tool in a variable jdkToInstall, how am I able to reference this variable inside the tool directive?
I have tried:
${tool '${jdkToInstall}'} and ${tool '$jdkToInstall'}.
That doesn't expand my variable, so I get an error message saying it can't find the tool "$jdkToInstall".
I also tried with string concatenation, but that ended up with a similar error message with my plus and everything.
It is sufficient to expand (${}) the variable only once. Following works as expected:
withEnv(["JAVA_HOME=${tool jdkToInstall}", "PATH+JAVA=${tool jdkToInstall}"]) {
... do stuff ...

How to override logging in dataflow with my logback.xml file?

We are trying to use our logback.xml that we use in GCP Cloud run which has amazing filtering features. Our logback.xml contains this for cloud run
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
<layout class="com.orderlyhealth.api.logging.logback.GCPCloudLoggingJSONLayout">
And our GCPCloudLoggingJSONLayout does a great job at setting all the things we need like clientId, customerRequestId, etc. etc. and we can filter across many many microservices on one customer or one customer request. We lose this in dataflow currently though. We tried adding logback.xml to src/main/resources and deploying the project seems to use it in the shell like so
{"message":"[main][-][:] o.a.b.r.d.DataflowRunner Template successfully created.\n",
"messageInfo":{"message":"Message short enough. Displayed top level"}
thanks for any ideas on modifying dataflow logging.
Currently we see this instead which is not nearly as useful for tracing the customer request through systems
I don't think you can change how Dataflow logs to Cloud logging.
Instead, you can change how/what you log and let Dataflow pass them through to cloud logging. See Logging pipeline messages.
Or you can use cloud logging client libraries in your pipeline directly: https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/libraries.
Please take a look at How to override Google DataFlow logging with logback? for the latest version of this answer
I copied the current answer there to make it easier for folks who want to look:
Dataflow relies on using java.util.logging (aka JUL) as the logging backend for SLF4J and adds various bridges ensuring that logs from other libraries are output as well. With this kind of setup, we are limited to adding any additional details to the log message itself only.
This also applies to any runner executing a portable job since the container with the SDK harness has a similar logging configuration. For example Dataflow Runner V2.
To do this we want to create a custom formatter to apply to the root JUL logger. For example:
public class CustomFormatter extends SimpleFormatter {
public String formatMessage(LogRecord record) {
// implement whatever logic the is needed to add details to the message portion of the log statement
return super.formatMessage(record);
And then during start-up of the worker we need to update the root logger to use this formatter. We can achieve this using a JvmInitializer and implement the beforeProcessing method like so:
public class LoggerInitializer implements JvmInitializer {
public void beforeProcessing(PipelineOptions options) {
LogManager logManager = LogManager.getLogManager();
Logger rootLogger = logManager.getLogger("");
for (Handler handler : rootLogger.getHandlers()) {
handler.setFormatter(new CustomFormatter());

is there a way to see all the available methods of a plugin in Jenkins?

I am learning Jenkins on my own and I am trying to learn about plugins. I have a stage to send an email with the cppcheck results with a template I found here the template instantiate the CppcheckBuildAction and access its methods, what I would like to know if is possible to check what methods are avaialable for that instance and if possible how / where I can see them.
Also how could I for example echo / println one of them. For instance in the template provided in the link above it acces the total number of errors with ${cppcheckResult.report.getNumberTotal()} but if I echo it I get an error groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: cppcheckResult for class: groovy.lang.Binding, this is what I tried
stage('Email') {
steps {
publishCppcheck pattern:'cppcheck.xml'
emailext( subject: 'foo', to: 'mail#mail.net', body: '${JELLY_SCRIPT, template="custom"}')
echo "${cppcheckResult.report.getNumberTotal()}"
my final goal actually is to send the email just when the report find a new error so I was thinking to save the total number of errors in an external file and compare it with each build and if the number is bigger send the email, is there any native / easier way to do this?
Most plugins should have a javadoc link. At bottom of plugin,should see javadoc
And then there's the Extension Index for core and plugins.

How add Reporter.log() to log on Jenkins?

How can I add Reporter.log() on Jenkins log?
I write my test in java and used TestNG.
I try import:
import org.testng.Reporter;
next write method:
Reporter.log("Click on button next");
return this;
and write test:
public void shouldPageChangeAfterClick(){
Next I run test on Jenkins from pom.xml, test is failed, but I don't see Reporter.log() in log on Jenkins.
What should I do to display Reporte.log() on Jenkins?
Reporter.log() method is to log the passed string to the HTML report. It will not print in any console or log file. You have to use different logger api to get the same in Jenkins console. Log4j will be helpful in this case.

Get console Logger (or TaskListener) from Pipeline script method

If I have a Pipeline script method in Pipeline script (Jenkinsfile), my Global Pipeline Library's vars/ or in a src/ class, how can obtain the OutputStream for the console log? I want to write directly to the console log.
I know I can echo or println, but for this purpose I need to write without the extra output that yields. I also need to be able to pass the OutputStream to something else.
I know I can call TaskListener.getLogger() if I can get the TaskListener (really hudson.util.StreamTaskListener) instance, but how?
I tried:
I've looked into manager.listener.logger (from the groovy postbuild plugin) and in the early-build context I'm calling from it doesn't yield an OutputStream that writes to the job's Console Log.
echo "listener is a ${manager.listener} - ${manager.listener.getClass().getName()} from ${manager} and has a ${manager.listener.logger} of class ${manager.listener.logger.getClass().getName()}"
listener is a hudson.util.LogTaskListener#420c55c4 - hudson.util.LogTaskListener from org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.GroovyPostbuildRecorder$BadgeManager#58ac0c55 and has a java.io.PrintStream#715b9f99 of class java.io.PrintStream
I know you can get it from a StepContext via context.get(TaskListener.class) but I'm not in a Step, I'm in a CpsScript (i.e. WorkflowScript i.e. Jenkinsfile).
Finding it from a CpsFlowExecution obtained from the DSL instance registered as the steps script-property, but I couldn't work out how to discover the TaskListener that's passed to it when it's created
How is it this hard? What am I missing? There's so much indirect magic I find it incredibly hard to navigate the system.
BTW, I'm aware direct access is blocked by Script Security, but I can create #Whitelisted methods, and anything in a global library's vars/ is always whitelisted anyway.
You can access the build object from the Jenkins root object:
def listener = Jenkins.get()
def logger = listener.getLogger() as PrintStream
logger.println("Listener: ${listener} Logger: ${logger}")
Listener: CloseableTaskListener[org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.log.BufferedBuildListener#6e9e6a16 / org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.log.BufferedBuildListener#6e9e6a16] Logger: java.io.PrintStream#423efc01
After banging my head against this problem for a couple days I think I have a solution:
It's ugly, and I don't know if it's correct or if there's a better way, but seems to work.
