Can Keras deal with input images with different size? - machine-learning

Can the Keras deal with input images with different size? For example, in the fully convolutional neural network, the input images can have any size. However, we need to specify the input shape when we create a network by Keras. Therefore, how can we use Keras to deal with different input size without resizing the input images to the same size? Thanks for any help.

Just change your input shape to shape=(n_channels, None, None).
Where n_channels is the number of channels in your input image.
I'm using Theano backend though, so if you are using tensorflow you might have to change it to (None,None,n_channels)
You should use:
input_shape=(1, None, None)
None in a shape denotes a variable dimension. Note that not all layers
will work with such variable dimensions, since some layers require
shape information (such as Flatten).
For example, using keras's functional API your input layer would be:
For a RGB dataset
inp = Input(shape=(3,None,None))
For a Gray dataset
inp = Input(shape=(1,None,None))

Implementing arbitrarily sized input arrays with the same computational kernels can pose many challenges - e.g. on a GPU, you need to know how big buffers to reserve, and more weakly how much to unroll your loops, etc. This is the main reason that Keras requires constant input shapes, variable-sized inputs are too painful to deal with.
This more commonly occurs when processing variable-length sequences like sentences in NLP. The common approach is to establish an upper bound on the size (and crop longer sequences), and then pad the sequences with zeros up to this size.
(You could also include masking on zero values to skip computations on the padded areas, except that the convolutional layers in Keras might still not support masked inputs...)
I'm not sure if for 3D data structures, the overhead of padding is not prohibitive - if you start getting memory errors, the easiest workaround is to reduce the batch size. Let us know about your experience with applying this trick on images!

Just use None while specifying input shape. But I still do not know how to pass different-shaped images into fit function.


How to choose the window size of CNN in deep learning?

In Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a filter is select for weights sharing. For example, in the following pictures, a 3x3 window with the stride (distance between adjacent neurons) 1 is chosen.
So my question is: How to choose the window size? If I use 4x4 with the stride being 2, how much difference will it cause? Thanks a lot in advance!
There's no definite answer to this: filter size is one of hyperparameters you generally need to tune. However, there're some useful observations, that may help you. It's often preferred to choose smaller filters, but have greater number of those.
Example: four 5x5 filters have 100 parameters (ignoring bias), while 10 3x3 filters have 90 parameters. Through the larger of filters you still can capture the variety of features in the image, but with fewer parameters. More on this here.
Modern CNNs go even further with this idea and choose consecutive 3x1 and 1x3 convolutional layers. This reduces the number of parameters even more, but doesn't affect the performance. See the evolution of inception network.
The choice of stride is also important, but it affects the tensor shape after the convolution, hence the whole network. The general rule is to use stride=1 in usual convolutions and preserve the spatial size with padding, and use stride=2 when you want to downsample the image.

Backward pass on convolutional layer with 3-channel images

I know that deconvolution is basically convolution of output with flipped filters and I have implemented it for 2D data. But I am not able to generalize it for 3D data. For example consider the input of dimension 3x5x5 and the filter is of dimension 3x3x3 and stride is set to 1. SO, the output will be of the dimension 1x3x3. What I don't understand is how to calculate the deconvolution for this output. The flipped filter again will be of dimension 3x3x3 and output of convolution is of dimension 1x3x3 which are incompatible for convolution. So how can we calculate deconvolution ?
Perhaps this post will help you out a bit. You are correct in saying that a filter of the same size cannot fit the deconvolution dimensions. So in order to remedy that, the 1x3x3 gets padded throughout with zeros, mean-values, nn, etc. until it is the appropriate size that you require. Depth can be handled the same way. In your example, you want a 3x3x3 filter to 'deconvolve' the 1x3x3 to a 3x5x5. So we pad out the 1x3x3 to a 5x7x7 (with whichever method you prefer), and apply the filter. There are definite drawbacks with this process, stemming from the fact that you're trying to extrapolate more information from less.

How does background removal help reduce computation in CNN?

I read in many papers that a preprocessing of background removal help reduce the amount of computation. But why is this the case? My understanding is that he CNN works on a rectangular window no matter how is it filled up, 0 or positive.
See this for an example.
In the paper you provide, it seems that they do not pass the entire image to the network. Instead, they seem to be selecting smaller patches from the non-white background. This makes sense because it reduces the noise in their data, but it also reduces computational complexity, because of the effect it has on fully connected layers.
Suppose the input image is of size h*w. In your CNN, the image passes through a series of convolutions and max-poolings, and as a result, right before the first fully connected layer, you end up with a feature map of size
where m is the number of feature planes, and where k and d depend on the number of layers, the parameters of each convolution and max pooling modules (e.g. the size of the convolution kernel, etc). Usually, we'll have d==k. Now, assume that you feed this to a fully connected layer, to produce a vector of q parameters. What this layer does is basicaly a matrix multiplication
where A is a matrix of size q*sz, and x is just your feature map written as a vector.
Now, assume you pass a patch of size (h/t)*(w/t) to the network. You end up with a feature map of size
Given the size of the images in their datasets, this is a considerable reduction in the number of parameters. Also, small patches also means larger batches, and that too can accelerate training (better gradient approximation.).
I hope this helps.
Edit, following #wlnirvana's comment : Yes, patch size is a hyper parameter. In the example I gave, it is set via selecting t. Given the size of the images in the dataset, I'd say something like t>=6 would be realistic. As for how this relate to background removal, to quote the paper (section 3.1):
"To reduce computation time and to focus our analysis on regions of the slide most likely to contain cancer metastasis..."
This means that they select patches only around areas that are not background. This makes sense, since passing a completely white patch to the network would just be a waste of time (in figure 1, you can have so many white/gray/useless patches if you select them randomly, without removing the background). I didn't find any explanation on how patch selection is done in their paper, but I assume something like selecting a number of pixels p_1,...,p_n in the non-background regions, and considering n patches of size (h/t)*(w/t) around each of them would make sense.

How to enable a Convolutional NN to take variable size input?

So, I've seen that many of the first CNN examples in Machine Learning use the MNIST dataset. Each image there is 28x28, and so we know the shape of the input before hand. How would this be done for variable size input, let's say you have some images that are 56x56 and some 28x28.
I'm looking for a language and framework agnostic answer if possible or in tensorflow terms preferable
In some cases, resizing the images appropriately (for example to keep the aspectratio) will be sufficient. But, this can introduce distortion, and in case this is harmful, another solution is to use Spatial Pyramidal Pooling (SPP). The problem with different image sizes is that it produces layers of different sizes, for example, taking the features of the n-th layer of some network, you can end up with a featuremap of size 128*fw*fh where fw and fh vary depending on the size of the input example. What SPP does in order to alleviate this problem, is to turn this variable size feature map into a fix-length vector of features. It operates on different scales, by dividing the image into equal patches and performing maxpooling on them. I think this paper does a great job at explaining it. An example application can be seen here.
As a quick explanation, imagine you have a feature map of size k*fw*fh. You can consider it as k maps of the form
where each of the blocks are of size fw/2*fh/2. Now, performing maxpooling on each of those blocks separately gives you a vector of size 4, and therefore, you can grossly describe the k*fw*fh map as a k*4 fixed-size vector of features.
Now, call this fixed-size vector w and set it aside, and this time, consider the k*fw*fh featuremap as k featureplanes written as
and again, perform maxpooling separately on each block. So, using this, you obtain a more fine-grained representation, as a vector of length v=k*16.
Now, concatenating the two vectors u=[v;w] gives you a fixed-size representation. This is exaclty what a 2-scale SPP does (well, of course you can change the number/sizes of divisions).
Hope this helps.
When you use CNN for classification task, your network has two part:
Feature generator. Part generates feature map with size WF x HF and CF channels by image with size WI x HI and CI channels . The relation between image sizes and feature map size depends of structure your NN (for example, on amount of pooling layers and stride of them).
Classifier. Part solves the task of classification vectors with WF*HF*CF components into classes.
You can put image with different size into feature generator, and get feature map with different sizes. But classifier can only be training on some fixed lengths vectors. Therefore you obviously train your network for some fixed sizes of images. If you have images with different size you resize it to input size of network, or crop some part of image.
Another way described in the article
K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, J. Sun, "Spatial pyramid pooling in deep convolutional networks for visual recognition," arXiv:1406.4729 2014
Authors offered Spatial pyramid pooling, which solve the problem with different image on the input of CNN. But I don't sure is spatial pyramid pooling layer exists in tensorflow.

What does global pooling do?

I recently found the "global_pooling" flag in the Pooling layer in caffe, however was unable to find sth about it in the documentation here (Layer Catalogue)
nor here (Pooling doxygen doc) .
Is there an easy forward examply explanation to this in comparison to the normal Pool-Layer behaviour?
With Global pooling reduces the dimensionality from 3D to 1D. Therefore Global pooling outputs 1 response for every feature map. This can be the maximum or the average or whatever other pooling operation you use.
It is often used at the end of the backend of a convolutional neural network to get a shape that works with dense layers. Therefore no flatten has to be applied.
Convolutions can work on any image input size (which is big enough). However, if you have a fully connected layer at the end, this layer needs a fixed input size. Hence the complete network needs a fixed image input size.
However, you can remove the fully connected layer and just work with convolutional layers. You can make a convolutional layer at the end which has the same number of filters as you have classes. But you want one value for each class which indicates the probability of that class. Hence you apply a pooling filter over the complete remaining feature map. This pooling is hence "global" as it always is as big as necessary. In contrast, usual pooling layers have a fixed size (e.g. of 2x2 or 3x3).
This is a general concept. You can also find global pooling in other libraries, e.g. Lasagne. If you want a good reference in literature, I recommend reading Network In Network.
We get only one value from entire feature map when we apply GP layer, in which kernel size is the h×w of the feature map. GP layers are used to reduce the spatial dimensions of a three-dimensional feature map. However, GP layers perform a more extreme type of dimensionality reduction, where a feature map with dimensions h×w×d is reduced in size to have dimensions 1×1×d. GP layers reduce each h×w feature map to a single number by simply taking the average of all hw values.
If you are looking for information regarding flags/parameters of caffe, it is best look them up in the comments of '$CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto'.
For 'global_pooling' parameter the comment says:
// If global_pooling then it will pool over the size of the bottom by doing
// kernel_h = bottom->height and kernel_w = bottom->width
For more information about caffe layers, see this help pages.
