No overwrite on Ant UNZIP - ant

I want to unzip a file, but if some file exists, this mustn´t be replaced.
I tried this:
<unzip src="" dest="dirTo" overwrite="false">
<include name="dirFrom/**"/>
"dirFrom", is the name from the directory IN the compress file, what I want to extract. I use "overwrite" to false, but it doesn´t work, and it ovewrites.
I have a directory, and this has different subdirectories. I want one of those subdirectories, with it´s files and sub-subdirectories.

I found how to do it.
1st, I extract everything to auxiliar directory.
2nd, I make a loop, to compare file by file, if that file exists.
3rd, If the file doesn´t exists, I copy it.
<unzip src="" dest="dirAux">
<include name="mySubDir/**"/>
<fileset id="fileset1" dir="dirAux/mySubDir" />
<property name="newContentMySubDir" refid="fileset1"/>
<for param="nameFile" list="${newContentMySubDir}" delimiter=";">
<not><available file="${finalDir}/mySubDir/#{nameFile}" type="file"/></not>
<copy tofile="${finalDir}/mySubDir/#{nameFile}" file="dirAux/mySubDir/#{nameFile}"/>

Setting overwrite to false will only prevent to overwrite destination file if it is newer than source file. For more complex filtering, you have to use copy task with a zipfilset as it is explain in ant documentation (see unzip task -- in section Related tasks). For exemple, following code should not extract files from a zip file if they already exist in the destination directory (respecting source directories layout):
<copy todir="${target.dir}">
<zipfileset src="${zip.file}">
<include name="**/*.*"/>
<present targetdir="${target.dir}" present="srconly"/>


Ant unzip task and only extracting files based on another directory

I have a zip file and, separately, a directory that contains some files. From the zip file I'd like to extract only those files that exist in the directory (performing a filename transformation on the files as they are being extracted..basically, I'm making backups of those files).
There is no problem doing something similar with a <copy> that has a fileset with a <present> element, but it doesn't seem to be working for me with unzip:
<unzip src="${}" dest="${cur.srcdir.archive-files.dir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir=".">
<present present="both" targetdir="${cur.srcdir}" />
<type type="file" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*.${backup.suffix}" />
Has anyone done something like this before? This is Ant 1.8.0. Thanks!
I was able to solve my problem by "faking" the <present> selector that can be used in <copy>. Here's how:
First I used pathconvert to create a list of the files in my folder:
<pathconvert property="extract.list" pathsep="
<fileset dir="${extract.src.dir}" includes="${extract.src.dir.relpath}">
<type type="file" />
<map from="${extract.src.dir}\" to="" />
Notice the user of a map to have the list be relative paths instead of absolute paths. Plus, the delimiter is a newline.
Then this list gets written to a file:
<echo file="${props.tmp.file}" message="~~~~noop~~~~
${extract.list}" append="false" />
I put that "nooop" entry in there so that the file always has at least one line. This is important because of our next step where we use this as an includesfile. If the includesfile is empty, Ant interprets that as "allow anything"...but we want to make sure that an empty list results in nothing getting extracted from the zip.
Last step is to extract from the zip using our temp file from above as an includes file. The globmapper renames the files upon extraction, to the appropriate backup names:
<unzip src="${extract.archive}" dest="${extract.dest.dir}" overwrite="true">
<includesfile name="${props.tmp.file}" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*.${backup.suffix}" />
Adding this here in case someone needs to change the directory structure on extraction. I've spent so much trying to make this working. Ant Unzip task accepts cutdirsmapper.
<unzip dest="${build.dir}/packages">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}/packages" includes="*.pkg" />
<!-- Exctract build folder contents also moving one level up. -->
<cutdirsmapper dirs="1" />
<include name="build/" />
You can try calling unzip command via exec task.
The sample that I checked on Windows that refresh only changed files in dest.folder:
<property name="zip.file_name" value=""/>
<property name="src.folder" value="d:\"/>
<property name="dest.folder" value="d:\55"/>
<target name="unzip">
<echo>unzip -fo ${src.folder}${zip.file_name}</echo>
<exec dir="${dest.folder}" executable="cmd.exe" output="${src.folder}operation_result.txt">
<arg line="/c unzip -fo ${src.folder}${zip.file_name}"/>
If you want to stay your original files you can use this command:
<arg line="/c unzip -foB ${src.folder}${zip.file_name}"/>
In case using -B parameter your original files (stored in folder) will be renamed - the tilde symbol will be appended. You get two sets of files - extracted from archive and old original files.
After that you can rename files with the help of move task.

Relocate contents of dynamic folder

I have a zip file which has one base folder inside it with other content inside that. I don't always know what that base folder is going to be called until I unzip it.
I'd like to move that base folder, and rename it at the same time, in ant - but can't seem to find out how. I've written code to extract the contents of the zip file to ${local.sdk.dir}/temp/ but from here i can't work out how to rename/move the extracted folder
<move todir="${local.sdk.dir}/${}">
<fileset dir="${local.sdk.dir}/temp/<WHAT_DO_I_PUT_HERE?>"></fileset>
also tried
<move todir="${local.sdk.dir}/${}" includeEmptyDirs="yes" verbose="true">
<fileset dir="${local.sdk.dir}/temp/" >
<include name="**/*" />
and played about with this, but closest I can get without ant throwing an error is to copy the contents of the temp dir, not the base folder within temp.
You can do all this in one step - copy from the zip file and rename the files changing the dir name as you copy. The copy task accepts a nested resource collection, so you can use a zipfileset to specify the files to copy directly from the zip file.
In order to rename the files as they are copied, you can use a mapper, which the copy task also takes as a nested element. In this case, a cutsdirmapper looks like the tool for the job.
So, if I've understood what you want to do correctly, something like this should work:
<copy todir="${local.sdk.dir}/${}">
<zipfileset src="${}" />
<cutdirsmapper dirs="1" />
cutdirsmapper is only available in Ant 1.8.2 onward, so if you're using an earlier version, you could try a regexpmapper:
<regexpmapper from="[^/]*(.*)" to="\1" />
Similar to this question
<target name="relocate_sdk_folder">
<path id="sdk_folder_name">
<dirset dir="${local.sdk.dir}/temp/">
<include name="*"/>
<property name="sdk_folder_name" refid="sdk_folder_name" />
<echo message="renaming ${sdk_folder_name} to ${}" />
<move file="${sdk_folder_name}" tofile="${local.sdk.dir}/${}" />

Ant unzip task - how can I exclude the archive name from extracted hierarchy?

How can I exclude the archive name from the file hierarchy after an ant unzip task?
For example, once ant's run the unzip task in the folder C:\temp, I want all the files from the archive archive, but instead I get C:\temp\t\file.tmp.
Can I effectively exclude the base directory inside the archive?
Use a mapper specify how the files should look in the destination directory:
<unzip src="" dest="temp">
<globmapper from="t/*" to="*"/>
A better solution now is the cutdirsmapper:
<unzip src="" dest="temp">
<cutdirsmapper dirs="1"/>
I use:
<mapper type="flatten" />
See also
The flatten mapper removes all path information from filenames.
For example in build.xml:
<target name="extract-xsd">
<unzip src="./cache/nl.packagename.example/xx/jars/somepackage.jar" dest="repository">
<mapper type="flatten" />
<include name="**/Example.xsd"/>
<include name="**/Example.wsdl"/>
As a result, the Example.xsd and Example.wsdl are put in the repository folder directly.

Ant - copy only file not directory

I need to copy all files in a folder except directory in that folder using Ant script.
Im using below script to do that.
<copy todir="targetsir">
<fileset dir="srcdir">
<include name="**/*.*"/>
But it copies all files and directory in that folder.
how to restrict/filter directory in that folder?
I think there is an easier way.
flatten="true" - Ignore directory structure of source directory, copy all files into a single directory, specified by the todir attribute. The default is false.
Do you mean that srcdir conatins sub-directories, and you you don't want to copy them, you just want to copy the files one level beneath srcdir?
<copy todir="targetsir">
<fileset dir="srcdir">
<include name="*"/>
<type type="file"/>
That should work. The "**/*.*" in your question means "every file under every sub directory". Just using "*" will just match the files under srcdir, not subdirectories.
Edited to exclude creation of empty subdirectories.
I do not have enough reputation to comment, so I'm writing new post here. Both solutions to include name="*" or name="*.*" work fine in general, but none of them is exactly what you might expect.
The first creates empty directories that are present in the source directory, since * matches the directory name as well. *.* works mostly because a convention that files have extension and directories not, but if you name your directory my.dir, this wildcard will create an empty directory with this name as well.
To do it properly, you can leverage the <type /> selector that <fileset /> accepts:
<copy todir="targetsir">
<fileset dir="srcdir">
<include name="*"/>
<type type="file"/>
Can you try
<copy todir="targetsir">
<fileset dir="srcdir">
<include name="*.*"/>
** is used to match a directory structure.
<copy todir="targetsir" includeEmptyDirs="false">
<fileset dir="srcdir">
<include name="*"/>
If your folder has many subdirectories and you don't want them to be copied (if you want only files) try this..
<target name="copy">
<copy todir="out" flatten="true">
<fileset dir="tn">
<filename name="**/cit.txt" />
The secret is to use not fileset but dirset instead.

How can I process only files that have changed?

At the moment I'm doing this:
<delete dir="${RSA.dir}/file1" />
<copy todir="${RSA.dir}/file1" >
<fileset dir="${CLEARCASE.dir}/file1" />
and repeating the same thing for other files - but it takes a long time.
I only want to delete and copy files that have been updated, with their modified date in clearcase later than that in RSA.
How can I do that?
Look into the sync task.
If you want to do it based on file contents, and ignore the timestamp, I think this macro will do that:
<macrodef name="mirror" description="Copy files only if different; remove files that do not exist in dir. This works similiar to robocopy /MIR." >
<attribute name="dir"/>
<attribute name="todir"/>
<copy overwrite="true" todir="#{todir}">
<fileset dir="#{dir}">
<different targetdir="${todir}"/>
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="#todir}">
<present targetdir="${dir}" present="srconly"/>
You need to use a selector on a FileSet. Something like this:
<fileset dir="${your.working.dir}/src/main" includes="**/*.java">
<different targetdir="${clean.clearcase.checkout}/src/main"
ignoreContents="true" />
That compares your working dir to a clean checkout you have elsewhere, and returns the files whose last modified times have changed. You can use the fileset as the argument for a <delete> or a <copy>.
