Automate Solving of customer technical issue Production L3 tickets - machine-learning

I want to develop a app/software which understand text from various input and make Decision according to it. Further if any point the system got confused then user can manual supply the output for it and from next time onwards system must learn to give such output in these scenarios. Basically system must learn from its past experience. The job that i want handle with this system is mundane job of resolving customer technical problems.( Production L3 tickets). The input in this case would be customer problem like with the order( like the state in which order is stuck and the state in which he wants it to be pushed) and second input be the current state order( data retrieved for that order from multiple tables of db) . For these two inputs the output would be the desired action to be taken like to update certain columns and fire XML for that order. The tools which I think would required is a Natural Language processor( NLP) library for understanding text and machine learning so as learn from past confusing scenarios.

If you want to use Java libraries for your NLP Pipeline, have a look at Opennlp.
you've a lot of basic support here.
And then you've deeplearning4j where you've a lot of Neural Network implementations in java.
As you want a Dynamic model which can learn from past experiences rather than a static one, you've a number of neural netwrok implementations which you can play with in deeplearning4j.
Hope this helps!


Where to begin for basic machine algorithms for, say, document recognition and organization?

Pardon if this question is not appropriate. It is kind of specific and I am not asking for actual code but moreso guidance on whether or not this task is worth undertaking. If this is not the place, please close the question and kindly point me in the correct direction.
Short background: I have always been interested in tinkering. I used to play with partitions and OS X scripts when I was younger, eventually reaching basic-level "general programming" aptitude before my father prohibited my computer usage. I am now going to law school and working at a law firm but I love development and I want to implement more tech innovation in the field.
Main point: At our firm, we have a busy season every year from mid march to the first week of april (immigration + H1B deadline). We receive a lot of documents and scanned files that need to be verified, organized, and checked.
I added (very) simple lines of code to our online platform to help in organization; basically, I attached tags to all incoming documents, and once they were verified, the code would organize them by tag (like "identification doc", "work experience doc" etc.). This would my life much easier every year, as I end up working 100+ hour weeks this season.
I want to take this many steps further with an algorithm that can check for signatures and data mismatches between documents and ultimately organize the documents so they are ready to print. Eventually, I would like to maybe even implement machine learning and a very basic neural network to automate the whole mind-numbing and painful process...
Actual Question(s): I just wanted to know the best way for me to proceed or get started. I know a decent amount of python and java, and we have an online platform already with the documents. What other resources would you recommend in terms of books, videos, or even classes? Is there a name for this kind of basic categorization? Can I build something like this through my own effort without an advanced degree?
Stupid and over-dramatic epilogue: Truth be told, a part of me feels like I wasted my life thus far by not pursuing what I knew I loved at the age of 12. This is my way of making amends I guess, and if I can do this then maybe I can keep doing it in law and beyond...
You don't give many specifics about the task but if you have a finite number of forms in digital form as images, then this seems very possible.
I have personally used OpenCV with Python a lot and more complex machine learning tasks have become increasingly simple in the past 10 years.
Take for example object detection (e.g. 1, 2) to check whether there is anything in a signature field or try extracting the date from an image (e.g 1, 2).
I would suggest you start with the simplest thing that would improve your work. A small and easy task will let you build up your knowledge on how to do things.

Time Sensitive Collaborative Filtering

I am trying to use collaborative filtering to recommend items to the user based on their past purchase. I have created a user vector representing his usage and item vector(A) with values populated as probabilty of B given A. The objective to somewhat capture the items sold together in items vector representation. Now I need to find the time when these recommendations should be presented. As the items I am recommending are of periodic use timing is very important.
So I am trying to explore constraint-based Recommendations to make my recommendation time sensitive. The approach I am thinking is to create time-sensitive constraint based on the last date of purchase and average consumption rate. But the problem is creating constraint as user level will become computationally difficult.
I need your suggestion regarding the approach or suggestion of any better way to implement the same. All I want to develop a recommendation engine using customer's usage data of items that are consumed and required to purchase again. I need to output list of recommendation as well as timing of presenting the recommendation to the user
The way I see it, there are two basic options here that you can pursue. On the one hand, the temporal features can be incorporated as additional information and converted into a kind of hybrid recommendation. The Python package "lightfm" is a good example.
On the other hand, the problem can also be modeled as a time series problem. A well-known paper dealing with Next Basket Recommendations is "A Dynamic Recurrent Model for Next Basket Recommendation". Here too, there are already implementations on Github.

Using machine learning to de-duplicate data

I have the following problem and was thinking I could use machine learning but I'm not completely certain it will work for my use case.
I have a data set of around a hundred million records containing customer data including names, addresses, emails, phones, etc and would like to find a way to clean this customer data and identify possible duplicates in the data set.
Most of the data has been manually entered using an external system with no validation so a lot of our customers have ended up with more than one profile in our DB, sometimes with different data in each record.
For Instance We might have 5 different entries for a customer John Doe, each with different contact details.
We also have the case where multiple records that represent different customers match on key fields like email. For instance when a customer doesn't have an email address but the data entry system requires it our consultants will use a random email address, resulting in many different customer profiles using the same email address, same applies for phones, addresses etc.
All of our data is indexed in Elasticsearch and stored in a SQL Server Database. My first thought was to use Mahout as a machine learning platform (since this is a Java shop) and maybe use H-base to store our data (just because it fits with the Hadoop Ecosystem, not sure if it will be of any real value), but the more I read about it the more confused I am as to how it would work in my case, for starters I'm not sure what kind of algorithm I could use since I'm not sure where this problem falls into, can I use a Clustering algorithm or a Classification algorithm? and of course certain rules will have to be used as to what constitutes a profile's uniqueness, i.e what fields.
The idea is to have this deployed initially as a Customer Profile de-duplicator service of sorts that our data entry systems can use to validate and detect possible duplicates when entering a new customer profile and in the future perhaps develop this into an analytics platform to gather insight about our customers.
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated :)
There has actually been a lot of research on this, and people have used many different kinds of machine learning algorithms for this. I've personally tried genetic programming, which worked reasonably well, but personally I still prefer to tune matching manually.
I have a few references for research papers on this subject. StackOverflow doesn't want too many links, but here is bibliograpic info that should be sufficient using Google:
Unsupervised Learning of Link Discovery Configuration, Andriy Nikolov, Mathieu d’Aquin, Enrico Motta
A Machine Learning Approach for Instance Matching Based on Similarity Metrics, Shu Rong1, Xing Niu1, Evan Wei Xiang2, Haofen Wang1, Qiang Yang2, and Yong Yu1
Learning Blocking Schemes for Record Linkage, Matthew Michelson and Craig A. Knoblock
Learning Linkage Rules using Genetic Programming, Robert Isele and Christian Bizer
That's all research, though. If you're looking for a practical solution to your problem I've built an open-source engine for this type of deduplication, called Duke. It indexes the data with Lucene, and then searches for matches before doing more detailed comparison. It requires manual setup, although there is a script that can use genetic programming (see link above) to create a setup for you. There's also a guy who wants to make an ElasticSearch plugin for Duke (see thread), but nothing's done so far.
Anyway, that's the approach I'd take in your case.
Just came across similar problem so did a bit Google. Find a library called "Dedupe Python Library"
The document for this library have detail of common problems and solutions when de-dupe entries as well as papers in de-dupe field. So even if you are not using it, still good to read the document.

Best db engine for building a web app with ranking algorithms

I've got an idea for a new web app which will involve the following:
1.) lots of raw inputs (text values) that will be stored in a db - some of which contribute as signals to a ranking algorithm
2.) data crunching & analysis - a series of scripts will be written which together form an algorithm that will take said raw inputs from 1.) and then store a series of ranking values for these inputs.
Events 1.) and 2.) are independent of each other. Event 2 will probably happen once or twice a day. Event 1 will happen on an ongoing basis.
I initially dabbled with the idea of writing the whole thing in node.js sitting on top of mongodb as I will curious to try out something new and while I think node.js would be perfect for event 1.) I don't think it will work well for the event 2.) outlined above.
I'd also rather keep everything in one domain rather than mixing node.js with something else for step 2.
Does anyone have any recommendations for what stacks work well for computational type web apps?
Should I stick with PHP or Rails/Mysql (which I already have good experience with)?
Is MongoDB/nosql constrained when it comes to computational analysis?
Thanks for your advice,
There is no reason why node.js wouldn't work.
You would just write two node applications.
One that takes input stores it in the database and renders output
and the other one crunches numbers in it's own process and is run once or twice per day.
Of course if your doing real number crunching and you need performance you wouldn't do nr 2 in node/ruby/php. You would do it in fortran (or maybe C).

Design of Inventory Application(C#)

I would like to design a Inventory system. Some key features listed below.
Multi User
Multi Branch
Support Online and offline Invoicing
Multi Currency
Language requirements : -
C# 2.0
SQL2005 Server
I appreciate your valuable suggestions and ideas to design perfect Inventory system.
If you have any Database sample model to design such a system please don't hesitate to inform me.
You have some of your requirements listed here, but you do not have enough information to complete a design of an invoicing system, plus you have an unrealistic goal of a perfect inventory system - what is perfect for one person is imperfect for another; I'd settle for aiming for best of breed if I were you.
Do you have access to your customers? If you do, you need to sit down with them and find out what they want. A good way to do this is to model their working processes. Write down what steps they do from start to finish, and what influences their work (known as external actors or interfaces). This is a long process, but will end up with you being able to state exactly what is done, when, and in what order, plus the functional and non-functional constraints on the system.
Once you have this information, actually designing the physical system is relatively straightforward. Good luck.
[Big hint] The process I have described here makes heavy use of UML.[/Big hint]
