Concurrent execution and NSOperationQueue management - ios

I have two questions about multi-threads in iOS
if I want to simulate 100 concurrent API call, which means these 100 API calls start at the same time, how should I do it?
Like if something like this
for i in 0..<100 {
//Start API call
or add 100 operations in one operationQueue and set max concurrent over 100, start the operations in the queue
all these should means start the API call one by one, so how to start them at the same time? just like add 100 operations and start together
How to add and monitor NSURLSessionDataTask objects in operationQueue? Like use waitUntilAllOperationsDone() method for multiple NSURLSessioNDataTask Objects.
I'm using something like
I'm wondering if this could be implemented in NSOperationQeue, it seems every thread created by NSURLSessionDataTask is randomly created by system so how to monitor it in NSOperationQueue?

Whether you start these 100 tasks by just calling some asynchronous method or using an operation queue, the effect is similar, that they won't technically all start at exactly the same time, but they should (with a few caveats) start closely enough to each other such that, assuming the asynchronous API call doesn't return instantaneously, you'll certainly have them running at the same time.
Note, if the API is using NSURLSession, you may have to adjust the httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost of your NSURLSessionConfiguration. Usually it's constrained to some reasonable value, and if you want 100 concurrent tasks (more than you'd ever want to use in a production environment), you may have to adjust this setting.
You ask a few questions about operation queues. There's little benefit, IMHO, in introducing operation queues into this discussion. In fact, one of the main use cases for operation queues is to achieve the precise opposite, when you don't want them all running concurrently, but rather want to constrain the concurrency to something reasonable (e.g. 4 at a time). So operation queues might be part of your eventual production solution, but don't introduce it solely for the sake of trying to run a lot of requests at the same time.
Also note, when trying to run a bunch of asynchronous tasks on operation queue, you can't just addOperationWithBlock or add an NSBlockOperation. You have to make an asynchronous custom subclass of NSOperation that sets the isAsynchronous flag and does the necessary KVO of isFinished and isExecuting. It's not hard, but it's enough work that it's not something I'd introduce without a compelling need.
Regarding dispatch group "notify" vs operation queue, yes, you can achieve something similar using operation queues. You can just create some "completion" operation which is dependent upon all of the other operations finishing and add that to some queue after all of the other operations have been queued.


What is the difference between dispatch_queue and NSOperationQueue? [duplicate]

I'm learning about concurrent programming for iOS. So far I've read about NSOperation/NSOperationQueue and GCD. What are the reasons for using NSOperationQueue over GCD and vice versa?
Sounds like both GCD and NSOperationQueue abstract away the explicit creation of NSThreads from the user. However the relationship between the two approaches isn't clear to me so any feedback to appreciated!
GCD is a low-level C-based API that enables very simple use of a task-based concurrency model. NSOperation and NSOperationQueue are Objective-C classes that do a similar thing. NSOperation was introduced first, but as of 10.5 and iOS 2, NSOperationQueue and friends are internally implemented using GCD.
In general, you should use the highest level of abstraction that suits your needs. This means that you should usually use NSOperationQueue instead of GCD, unless you need to do something that NSOperationQueue doesn't support.
Note that NSOperationQueue isn't a "dumbed-down" version of GCD; in fact, there are many things that you can do very simply with NSOperationQueue that take a lot of work with pure GCD. (Examples: bandwidth-constrained queues that only run N operations at a time; establishing dependencies between operations. Both very simple with NSOperation, very difficult with GCD.) Apple's done the hard work of leveraging GCD to create a very nice object-friendly API with NSOperation. Take advantage of their work unless you have a reason not to.
On the other hand, if you really just need to send off a block, and don't need any of the additional functionality that NSOperationQueue provides, there's nothing wrong with using GCD. Just be sure it's the right tool for the job.
In line with my answer to a related question, I'm going to disagree with BJ and suggest you first look at GCD over NSOperation / NSOperationQueue, unless the latter provides something you need that GCD doesn't.
Before GCD, I used a lot of NSOperations / NSOperationQueues within my applications for managing concurrency. However, since I started using GCD on a regular basis, I've almost entirely replaced NSOperations and NSOperationQueues with blocks and dispatch queues. This has come from how I've used both technologies in practice, and from the profiling I've performed on them.
First, there is a nontrivial amount of overhead when using NSOperations and NSOperationQueues. These are Cocoa objects, and they need to be allocated and deallocated. In an iOS application that I wrote which renders a 3-D scene at 60 FPS, I was using NSOperations to encapsulate each rendered frame. When I profiled this, the creation and teardown of these NSOperations was accounting for a significant portion of the CPU cycles in the running application, and was slowing things down. I replaced these with simple blocks and a GCD serial queue, and that overhead disappeared, leading to noticeably better rendering performance. This wasn't the only place where I noticed overhead from using NSOperations, and I've seen this on both Mac and iOS.
Second, there's an elegance to block-based dispatch code that is hard to match when using NSOperations. It's so incredibly convenient to wrap a few lines of code in a block and dispatch it to be performed on a serial or concurrent queue, where creating a custom NSOperation or NSInvocationOperation to do this requires a lot more supporting code. I know that you can use an NSBlockOperation, but you might as well be dispatching something to GCD then. Wrapping this code in blocks inline with related processing in your application leads in my opinion to better code organization than having separate methods or custom NSOperations which encapsulate these tasks.
NSOperations and NSOperationQueues still have very good uses. GCD has no real concept of dependencies, where NSOperationQueues can set up pretty complex dependency graphs. I use NSOperationQueues for this in a handful of cases.
Overall, while I usually advocate for using the highest level of abstraction that accomplishes the task, this is one case where I argue for the lower-level API of GCD. Among the iOS and Mac developers I've talked with about this, the vast majority choose to use GCD over NSOperations unless they are targeting OS versions without support for it (those before iOS 4.0 and Snow Leopard).
GCD is a low-level C-based API.
NSOperation and NSOperationQueue are Objective-C classes.
NSOperationQueue is objective C wrapper over GCD.
If you are using NSOperation, then you are implicitly using Grand Central Dispatch.
GCD advantage over NSOperation:
i. implementation
For GCD implementation is very light-weight
NSOperationQueue is complex and heavy-weight
NSOperation advantages over GCD:
i. Control On Operation
you can Pause, Cancel, Resume an NSOperation
ii. Dependencies
you can set up a dependency between two NSOperations
operation will not started until all of its dependencies return true for finished.
iii. State of Operation
can monitor the state of an operation or operation queue.
ready ,executing or finished
iv. Max Number of Operation
you can specify the maximum number of queued operations that can run simultaneously
When to Go for GCD or NSOperation
when you want more control over queue (all above mentioned) use NSOperation
and for simple cases where you want less overhead
(you just want to do some work "into the background" with very little additional work) use GCD
Another reason to prefer NSOperation over GCD is the cancelation mechanism of NSOperation. For example, an App like 500px that shows dozens of photos, use NSOperation we can cancel requests of invisible image cells when we scroll table view or collection view, this can greatly improve App performance and reduce memory footprint. GCD can't easily support this.
Also with NSOperation, KVO can be possible.
Here is an article from Eschaton which is worth reading.
GCD is indeed lower-level than NSOperationQueue, its major advantage is that its implementation is very light-weight and focused on lock-free algorithms and performance.
NSOperationQueue does provide facilities that are not available in GCD, but they come at non-trivial cost, the implementation of NSOperationQueue is complex and heavy-weight, involves a lot of locking, and uses GCD internally only in a very minimal fashion.
If you need the facilities provided by NSOperationQueue by all means use it, but if GCD is sufficient for your needs, I would recommend using it directly for better performance, significantly lower CPU and power cost and more flexibility.
Both NSQueueOperations and GCD allow executing heavy computation task in the background on separate threads by freeing the UI Application Main Tread.
Well, based previous post we see NSOperations has addDependency so that you can queue your operation one after another sequentially.
But I also read about GCD serial Queues you can create run your operations in the queue using dispatch_queue_create. This will allow running a set of operations one after another in a sequential manner.
NSQueueOperation Advantages over GCD:
It allows to add dependency and allows you to remove dependency so for one transaction you can run sequential using dependency and for other transaction run concurrently while GCD
doesn't allow to run this way.
It is easy to cancel an operation if it is in the queue it can be stopped if it is running.
You can define the maximum number of concurrent operations.
You can suspend operation which they are in Queue
You can find how many pending operations are there in queue.
GCD is very easy to use - if you want to do something in the background, all you need to do is write the code and dispatch it on a background queue. Doing the same thing with NSOperation is a lot of additional work.
The advantage of NSOperation is that (a) you have a real object that you can send messages to, and (b) that you can cancel an NSOperation. That's not trivial. You need to subclass NSOperation, you have to write your code correctly so that cancellation and correctly finishing a task both work correctly. So for simple things you use GCD, and for more complicated things you create a subclass of NSOperation. (There are subclasses NSInvocationOperation and NSBlockOperation, but everything they do is easier done with GCD, so there is no good reason to use them).
Well, NSOperations are simply an API built on top of Grand Central Dispatch. So when you’re using NSOperations, you’re really still using Grand Central Dispatch.
It’s just that NSOperations give you some fancy features that you might like. You can make some operations dependent on other operations, reorder queues after you sumbit items, and other things like that.
In fact, ImageGrabber is already using NSOperations and operation queues! ASIHTTPRequest uses them under the hood, and you can configure the operation queue it uses for different behavior if you’d like.
So which should you use? Whichever makes sense for your app. For this app it’s pretty simple so we just used Grand Central Dispatch directly, no need for the fancy features of NSOperation. But if you need them for your app, feel free to use it!
I agree with #Sangram and other answers but want to add few points. Correct me if I am wrong.
I think now a days first two points of #Sangram's answer are not valid (i. Control On Operation ii. Dependencies). We can achieve these two by using GCD also. Trying to explain by code(do not focus on quality of code, this is for reference purpose only)
func methodsOfGCD() {
let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "MyQueue", qos: .background, attributes: .concurrent)
//We can suspend and resume Like this
//We can cancel using DispatchWorkItem
let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
print("Do something")
concurrentQueue.async(execute: workItem)
//Cam add dependency like this.
//Operation 1
concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
//Operation 2
concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
//Operation 3.
//Operation 3 have dependency on Operation1 and Operation2. Once 1 and 2 will finish will execute Operation 3. Here operation queue work as a serial queue.
concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {

Swift, number of threads in app

I am making an app for website. I use JSON to get data. I want to load all posts in threads (1 post - 1 thread). How many threads I can make? Should I control the number of threads?
With Cocoa you usually don't work with Threads directly. Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is an API that handles this for your. You just have to partition your task into small managable chunks, dispatch them onto a background queue and the rest is handled for you. You don't need to worry about creating threads, how many are currently running etc. When you dispatch enough work on one (or possibly more) queues, the CPU is going to run at maximum load.
You can also use NSOperationQueue, which has the ability to throttle the execution to some extend or cancel currently running tasks (not possible with GCD).
Unless you are doing anything unusual there is no need to use NSThread directly. Use GCD when you just need to perform a simple small task asynchronously. Use NSOperationQueue when you need more control, like cancelling submitted tasks or setting priorities. It's API is also a bit higher level and in Objective-C. GCD is a C level API, so for example it can't catch ObjC-Exceptions. NSOperationQueue uses GCD internally, so both should work equally well.

With NSOperationQueue, how do you add to a background queue instead of main, and how does controlling amount of operations work?

I'm loving NSOperationQueue but I'm having some issues understanding some portions of it.
In the second issue of they go over NSOperationQueue and mention that it has two kinds of queues, the main queue which runs on the main thread, and the background queues. They mention you can access the main queue with [NSOperation mainQueue] and then add manipulate it.
You normally would not want to do this, correct? If it's running on the main thread, will it not block the main thread for other tasks? Wouldn't it not run concurrently with other tasks?
It also mentions you can add to the background queues (which I understand would be better?) by creating instances of NSOperation (subclasses potentially).
Do I save a reference to the NSOperationQueue that I create for operations in order to have for creating more operations? I assume there's no singleton for background queues like there is for mainQueue, so how do I manage adding tasks to background queues?
It also mentions you can control the amount of operations running concurrently with the maxConcurrentOperationCount property.
I know normally you set it to NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount, but if I set it to a specific number manually, does it correspond to the maximum number of threads that can be run at once? For example if the processor on the iPhone can run 4 threads at once and I set that property to 8, what happens?
You ask:
You normally would not want [to add operations to the mainQueue], correct? If it's running on the main thread, will it not block the main thread for other tasks? Wouldn't it not run concurrently with other tasks?
Yes, you would never want to add anything slow to the main queue. But that doesn't mean that you don't use the main queue. For some operations (e.g. UI updates) it's critical.
The typical pattern is to create a operation queue for tasks that you want to run in the background, but if you subsequently need to do something that needs to run on the main queue (e.g. UI updates, updating the model, etc.), you would go ahead and do that, for example:
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[queue addOperationWithBlock:^{
// do some time consuming stuff in the background
// when done, you might update the UI in the main queue
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
// update the UI here
You ask:
Do I save a reference to the NSOperationQueue that I create for operations in order to have for creating more operations? I assume there's no singleton for background queues like there is for mainQueue, so how do I manage adding tasks to background queues?
Yes, if you want to add more operations to that same queue later, yes, you want to maintain a reference to that queue. You can do this by adding it to the app delegate, some central view controller, or a singleton.
But yes, there's no built-in singleton for background queues (because you can, conceivably have different queues for different operations, e.g. one for network operations, one for image processing, etc.). But you can write your own singleton for each queue of each type, if you want.
You also ask:
I know normally you set it to NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount, but if I set it to a specific number manually, does it correspond to the maximum number of threads that can be run at once? For example if the processor on the iPhone can run 4 threads at once and I set that property to 8, what happens?
One should set maxConcurrentOperationCount to be whatever you think is appropriate for the type of queue. For network operation queue, you generally wouldn't exceed 4, but for other types of queues, you might easily have more. I believe that there is a maximum of 64 worker threads (which concurrent queues avail themselves as they need threads).
If you attempt to use more than that, the app won't start your operation until a worker thread becomes available. Apple advises, though, that one refrain from using up all of the worker threads. So use a reasonable number appropriate for your queue's function. Frankly, one of the advantages of operation queues over dispatch queues is that you can constrain the maximum number of worker threads that will be used at any given time to better manage the device's limited resources.
WWDC 2012 video Asynchronous Design Patterns with Blocks, GCD, and XPC is an excellent primer on some GCD patterns and touches upon the "too many threads" question.
The Building Concurrent User Interfaces on iOS video walks through some practical implications of building concurrent iOS apps.
The About Threaded Programming section of the Threading Programming Guide touches upon the relationship between cores and threads.
The Concurrency and Application Design section of the Concurrency Programming Guide is an articulate discussion of the relationships between threads and operation/dispatch queues.
Generally you don't want to use the main queue. Any operation there will run on the main thread.
When you create an operation queue, create it for a purpose. Like it will be used for all server requests. So you can control how many concurrent requests are in progress. So don't add algorithmic processing operations to this queue because they have a different purpose. Keep a reference to the queue so you can add operations in future (and pause / cancel operations).
There is no 'normal' setting for maxConcurrentOperationCount - it should be set based on the purpose.
If you set it to 8 then the queue will run up to 8 at the same time. This may not be the most efficient option. Always keep the purpose of the queue in mind.
First of all, you will have to keep in mind that you always separate the main thread with the background thread. Only the operations which involve updating the UI must be performed in the main thread and rest of the operations must be performed in the Background thread. e.g if you are dealing with the multiple downloads, then you have to take care of all the network based operations in the background queue, and you will have to perform the UI update in the main queue.
//e.g for updating UI in main thread.
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateUI) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
Also when you use set maxConcurrentOperationCount property as NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount, it means the operationQueue takes the number of concurrent operations depending on the system environment.
Useful Links:

If I want a task to run in the background, how does the "dispatch_get_global_queue" queue work?

When selecting which queue to run dispatch_async on, dispatch_get_global_queue is mentioned a lot. Is this one special background queue that delegates tasks to a certain thread? Is it almost a singleton?
So if I use that queue always for my dispatch_async calls, will that queue get full and have to wait for things to finish before another one can start, or can it assign other tasks to different threads?
I guess I'm a little confused because when I'm choosing the queue for an NSOperation, I can choose the queue for the main thread with [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], which seems synonymous to dispatch_get_main_queue but I was under the impression background queues for NSOperation had to be individually made instances of NSOperationQueue, yet GCD has a singleton for a background queue? (dispatch_get_global_queue)
Furthermore - silly question but wanted to make sure - if I put a task in a queue, the queue is assigned to one thread, right? If the task is big enough it won't split it up over multiple threads, will it?
When selecting which queue to run dispatch_async on,
dispatch_get_global_queue is mentioned a lot. Is this one special
background queue that delegates tasks to a certain thread?
A certain thread? No. dispatch_get_global_queue retrieves for you a global queue of the requested relative priority. All queues returned by dispatch_get_global_queue are concurrent, and may, at the system's discretion, dispatch work to many different threads. The mechanics of this are an implementation detail that is opaque to you as a consumer of the API.
In practice, and at the risk of oversimplifying it, there is one global queue for each priority level, and at the time of this writing, based on my experience, each of those will at any given time be dispatching work to between 0 and 64 threads.
Is it almost a singleton?
Strictly no, but you can think of them as singletons where there is one singleton per priority level.
So if I use that queue always for my dispatch_async calls, will that
queue get full and have to wait for things to finish before another
one can start, or can it assign other tasks to different threads?
It can get full. Practically speaking, if you are saturating one of the global concurrent queues (i.e. more than 64 background tasks of the same priority in flight at the same time), you probably have a bad design. (See this answer for more details on queue width limits)
I guess I'm a little confused because when I'm choosing the queue for
an NSOperation, I can choose the queue for the main thread with
[NSOperationQueue mainQueue], which seems synonymous to
They are not strictly synonymous. Although NSOperationQueue uses GCD under the hood, there are some important differences. For instance, in a single pass of the main run loop, only one operation enqueued to +[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] will be executed, whereas more than one block submitted to dispatch_get_main_queue might be executed on a single run loop pass. This probably doesn't matter to you, but they are not, strictly speaking, the same thing.
but I was under the impression background
queues for NSOperation had to be individually made instances of
NSOperationQueue, yet GCD has a singleton for a background queue?
In short, yes. It sounds like you're conflating GCD and NSOperationQueue. NSOperationQueue is not just a "trivial wrapper" around GCD, it's its own thing. The fact that it's implemented on top of GCD should not really matter to you. NSOperationQueue is a task queue, with an explicitly settable width, that you can create instances of "at will." You can make as many of them as you like. At some point, all instances of NSOperationQueue are, when executing NSOperations, pulling resources from the same pool of system resources as the rest of your process, including GCD, so yes, there are some interactions there, but they are opaque to you.
Furthermore - silly question but wanted to make sure - if I put a task
in a queue, the queue is assigned to one thread, right? If the task is
big enough it won't split it up over multiple threads, will it?
A single task can only ever be executed on a single thread. There's not some magical way that the system would have to "split" a monolithic task into subtasks. That's your job. With regard to your specific wording, the queue isn't "assigned to one thread", the task is. The next task from the queue to be executed might be executed on a completely different thread.

NSOperation vs Grand Central Dispatch

I'm learning about concurrent programming for iOS. So far I've read about NSOperation/NSOperationQueue and GCD. What are the reasons for using NSOperationQueue over GCD and vice versa?
Sounds like both GCD and NSOperationQueue abstract away the explicit creation of NSThreads from the user. However the relationship between the two approaches isn't clear to me so any feedback to appreciated!
GCD is a low-level C-based API that enables very simple use of a task-based concurrency model. NSOperation and NSOperationQueue are Objective-C classes that do a similar thing. NSOperation was introduced first, but as of 10.5 and iOS 2, NSOperationQueue and friends are internally implemented using GCD.
In general, you should use the highest level of abstraction that suits your needs. This means that you should usually use NSOperationQueue instead of GCD, unless you need to do something that NSOperationQueue doesn't support.
Note that NSOperationQueue isn't a "dumbed-down" version of GCD; in fact, there are many things that you can do very simply with NSOperationQueue that take a lot of work with pure GCD. (Examples: bandwidth-constrained queues that only run N operations at a time; establishing dependencies between operations. Both very simple with NSOperation, very difficult with GCD.) Apple's done the hard work of leveraging GCD to create a very nice object-friendly API with NSOperation. Take advantage of their work unless you have a reason not to.
On the other hand, if you really just need to send off a block, and don't need any of the additional functionality that NSOperationQueue provides, there's nothing wrong with using GCD. Just be sure it's the right tool for the job.
In line with my answer to a related question, I'm going to disagree with BJ and suggest you first look at GCD over NSOperation / NSOperationQueue, unless the latter provides something you need that GCD doesn't.
Before GCD, I used a lot of NSOperations / NSOperationQueues within my applications for managing concurrency. However, since I started using GCD on a regular basis, I've almost entirely replaced NSOperations and NSOperationQueues with blocks and dispatch queues. This has come from how I've used both technologies in practice, and from the profiling I've performed on them.
First, there is a nontrivial amount of overhead when using NSOperations and NSOperationQueues. These are Cocoa objects, and they need to be allocated and deallocated. In an iOS application that I wrote which renders a 3-D scene at 60 FPS, I was using NSOperations to encapsulate each rendered frame. When I profiled this, the creation and teardown of these NSOperations was accounting for a significant portion of the CPU cycles in the running application, and was slowing things down. I replaced these with simple blocks and a GCD serial queue, and that overhead disappeared, leading to noticeably better rendering performance. This wasn't the only place where I noticed overhead from using NSOperations, and I've seen this on both Mac and iOS.
Second, there's an elegance to block-based dispatch code that is hard to match when using NSOperations. It's so incredibly convenient to wrap a few lines of code in a block and dispatch it to be performed on a serial or concurrent queue, where creating a custom NSOperation or NSInvocationOperation to do this requires a lot more supporting code. I know that you can use an NSBlockOperation, but you might as well be dispatching something to GCD then. Wrapping this code in blocks inline with related processing in your application leads in my opinion to better code organization than having separate methods or custom NSOperations which encapsulate these tasks.
NSOperations and NSOperationQueues still have very good uses. GCD has no real concept of dependencies, where NSOperationQueues can set up pretty complex dependency graphs. I use NSOperationQueues for this in a handful of cases.
Overall, while I usually advocate for using the highest level of abstraction that accomplishes the task, this is one case where I argue for the lower-level API of GCD. Among the iOS and Mac developers I've talked with about this, the vast majority choose to use GCD over NSOperations unless they are targeting OS versions without support for it (those before iOS 4.0 and Snow Leopard).
GCD is a low-level C-based API.
NSOperation and NSOperationQueue are Objective-C classes.
NSOperationQueue is objective C wrapper over GCD.
If you are using NSOperation, then you are implicitly using Grand Central Dispatch.
GCD advantage over NSOperation:
i. implementation
For GCD implementation is very light-weight
NSOperationQueue is complex and heavy-weight
NSOperation advantages over GCD:
i. Control On Operation
you can Pause, Cancel, Resume an NSOperation
ii. Dependencies
you can set up a dependency between two NSOperations
operation will not started until all of its dependencies return true for finished.
iii. State of Operation
can monitor the state of an operation or operation queue.
ready ,executing or finished
iv. Max Number of Operation
you can specify the maximum number of queued operations that can run simultaneously
When to Go for GCD or NSOperation
when you want more control over queue (all above mentioned) use NSOperation
and for simple cases where you want less overhead
(you just want to do some work "into the background" with very little additional work) use GCD
Another reason to prefer NSOperation over GCD is the cancelation mechanism of NSOperation. For example, an App like 500px that shows dozens of photos, use NSOperation we can cancel requests of invisible image cells when we scroll table view or collection view, this can greatly improve App performance and reduce memory footprint. GCD can't easily support this.
Also with NSOperation, KVO can be possible.
Here is an article from Eschaton which is worth reading.
GCD is indeed lower-level than NSOperationQueue, its major advantage is that its implementation is very light-weight and focused on lock-free algorithms and performance.
NSOperationQueue does provide facilities that are not available in GCD, but they come at non-trivial cost, the implementation of NSOperationQueue is complex and heavy-weight, involves a lot of locking, and uses GCD internally only in a very minimal fashion.
If you need the facilities provided by NSOperationQueue by all means use it, but if GCD is sufficient for your needs, I would recommend using it directly for better performance, significantly lower CPU and power cost and more flexibility.
Both NSQueueOperations and GCD allow executing heavy computation task in the background on separate threads by freeing the UI Application Main Tread.
Well, based previous post we see NSOperations has addDependency so that you can queue your operation one after another sequentially.
But I also read about GCD serial Queues you can create run your operations in the queue using dispatch_queue_create. This will allow running a set of operations one after another in a sequential manner.
NSQueueOperation Advantages over GCD:
It allows to add dependency and allows you to remove dependency so for one transaction you can run sequential using dependency and for other transaction run concurrently while GCD
doesn't allow to run this way.
It is easy to cancel an operation if it is in the queue it can be stopped if it is running.
You can define the maximum number of concurrent operations.
You can suspend operation which they are in Queue
You can find how many pending operations are there in queue.
GCD is very easy to use - if you want to do something in the background, all you need to do is write the code and dispatch it on a background queue. Doing the same thing with NSOperation is a lot of additional work.
The advantage of NSOperation is that (a) you have a real object that you can send messages to, and (b) that you can cancel an NSOperation. That's not trivial. You need to subclass NSOperation, you have to write your code correctly so that cancellation and correctly finishing a task both work correctly. So for simple things you use GCD, and for more complicated things you create a subclass of NSOperation. (There are subclasses NSInvocationOperation and NSBlockOperation, but everything they do is easier done with GCD, so there is no good reason to use them).
Well, NSOperations are simply an API built on top of Grand Central Dispatch. So when you’re using NSOperations, you’re really still using Grand Central Dispatch.
It’s just that NSOperations give you some fancy features that you might like. You can make some operations dependent on other operations, reorder queues after you sumbit items, and other things like that.
In fact, ImageGrabber is already using NSOperations and operation queues! ASIHTTPRequest uses them under the hood, and you can configure the operation queue it uses for different behavior if you’d like.
So which should you use? Whichever makes sense for your app. For this app it’s pretty simple so we just used Grand Central Dispatch directly, no need for the fancy features of NSOperation. But if you need them for your app, feel free to use it!
I agree with #Sangram and other answers but want to add few points. Correct me if I am wrong.
I think now a days first two points of #Sangram's answer are not valid (i. Control On Operation ii. Dependencies). We can achieve these two by using GCD also. Trying to explain by code(do not focus on quality of code, this is for reference purpose only)
func methodsOfGCD() {
let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue.init(label: "MyQueue", qos: .background, attributes: .concurrent)
//We can suspend and resume Like this
//We can cancel using DispatchWorkItem
let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
print("Do something")
concurrentQueue.async(execute: workItem)
//Cam add dependency like this.
//Operation 1
concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
//Operation 2
concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
//Operation 3.
//Operation 3 have dependency on Operation1 and Operation2. Once 1 and 2 will finish will execute Operation 3. Here operation queue work as a serial queue.
concurrentQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
