Like Skype application, how to show top bar status bar at ongoing call in foreground state - ios

Here is requirement to show green top bar to indicate audio/video call is on in app foreground state. On action of top bar tap action, should back to calling window. Is there any api available in iOS sdk to do same. Please suggest your response would be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance.
Here adding reference image of skype app, that use red bar to return to calling window.
I searched in stackoverflow, but their solution didn't work for me.

Twilio evangelist here. The "tap status bar to return to call" feature is built-in to any app that uses CallKit which was released with iOS 10. If you implement CallKit for your application you should get the status bar tap to return to call feature. Watch this WWDC video for more details.
Our new Programmable Voice SDK is in beta for iOS and will have new features soon to make CallKit even easier to implement. This quickstart will get you up and running with that SDK if you're interested.


Switching from in-app UI to CallKit UI during two ongoing calls with one on hold

I'm working on a Voip app and integrated CallKit. I know the CallKit UI will not show when there's incoming Voip calls, however the problem is when there's an ongoing Voip call and phone call at the same time (one on hold). You can test the below using Whatsapp.
Start Voip call
During the call, someone calls the phone using non internet sim/phone line
CallKit UI shows up, with options to decline, end, or hold the voip call to answer the incoming phone call
Select 'hold and answer', callkit UI shows two calls, with the voip call being hold
Go back to the Voip app either by pressing the swap button and then the app icon (on the callkit UI itself), or by pressing going to home screen and click on app icon
Voip app shows, there's a green bar on top that says 'Touch to return to call', I want to be able to go back to CallKit UI screen when user taps it (same as whatsapp).
If you test this on whatsapp you will know what I mean, I want to achieve the same behaviour.
I have implemented the top green bar following this post:
How to show double height green statusbar (In-Call) in foreground app on device?
However I couldn't find a way to programmatically bring the CallKit UI back to the front, the answer in that post doesn't show how.
This post is similar but there's no answer because for that case there's no other calls on hold hence there's no requirement to bring CallKit to the front: CallKit - How to bring the CXCallController to the front
I found that the info that I got on stackoverflow on this topic were outdated. For the case where there's multiple calls on CallKit, the green bar will show even when your app is in the foreground given that your app is showing the status bar!
Previously it didn't appear on my app because I have set the status bar to be hidden on that particular page where the call is being made... so the solution is to detect when there is call being set to on hold (via callkit delegate) and show the status bar, and hide it when one of the calls ended and there's no more calls on hold.
When user clicks on the green bar while inside your app, it brings user back to the CallKit UI as expected.
First declare variables
var callKitProvider: CXProvider!
var udid = UUID()
then call this function where call will be ended
callKitProvider.reportCall(with: udid, endedAt: Date(), reason: .remoteEnded)
please make sure that same udid used in "report call" and "incoming call"

how to force to show iOS Green CallKit Bar

Firstly, I must explain this, I know this green bar appears if your app has support for CallKit and user went to background state from app, And these all works perfectly from my VOIP app.
But I want to implement something like Whatsapp iOS App which user can go to back instant message screen from a voice call and even client is in the active state, a green bar appears.
I do not know how WhatsApp has implemented this feature. But I guess it can be custom view (green bar when the app is in an active state but not in call screen).
Do you guys have any idea how can I implement this feature? Or Do the CallKit has any methods or something else to force to show green bar if the call screen is not appearing but also app is not in background state??
Can't you just put your colored bar at the top? I am not sure if your app is using navigation controllers, but if not you should be able to align a UIView between and, and set it's backgroundColor to anything you want.

Sinch in-call Status Bae text Modifying

We are currently developing a live app using Sinch Voice services to intiate call between two peers . When the app is in the background, the in-call status bar displays the following message:
App Name (Recording)
Since we are not recording any of the sessions, we would like to omit the use of the word "Recording" from the in-call status bar. Any idea how to achieve that
you are actually recording according to Apple, the microphone is active and is recording your voice and sending it to the other side. Unfortunately there is nothing to be done about this, its built in to the iOS to display that status bar when the microphone is active.

IOS5 Is it possible to change the text of Double-high status bar?

In IOS SDK, is it possible to change the heading of the Top red status bar(Double high status bar) as referred in the following link.
We are implementing a Voip app and we would like to make that more meaningful than just say "Recording"...
Unfortunately, it's not possible to do this. The double-height status bar is only used for VoIP and audio recording, as well as Personal Hotspot connections.
However, it you're interested in putting custom text in the status bar, then there are many great solutions (the one that I use is And the best part is, it's not in violation if Apple's policies! Many apps, including the Gmail app, use this and have been on the App Store for a long time.

iOS SDK. Show In-Call status bar

Any one know how to show In-Call Status Bar with message from application when it is going to be in background? I know many applications from AppStore which can perform it. For instance: As I understood, they use SBStatusBar class to show it. I've tried to call setDoubleHeightStatusString method and got no result.
Any ideas or links to examples?
So, now I can see red double-height status bar without any SpringBoard tricks and using the only legal APIs. You just need to add background mode support for sound and perform recording simulation. That's all. You will see your application name on red statusbar, see the answer here:
SBStatusBarController instance
