Getting rid of the "pyramid of doom" in F# - f#

I have several verbal expressions that I've packaged into one function:
open FsVerbalExpressions
open FsVerbalExpressions.VerbalExpression
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System
let createOrVerbExFromList (verbExList: VerbEx list) =
let orVerbEx =
|> List.reduce (fun acc thing -> verbExOrVerbEx RegexOptions.IgnoreCase acc thing) //simpleVerbEx
let k12VerbEx =
let kTo12 = ["SCHOOL"; "DIST"; "SD"; "HS"; "BD OF ED"]
|> (fun word -> VerbEx(word))
|> createOrVerbExFromList
let twoYearCollegeVerbEx =
VerbEx("2 Year College")
let universityVerbEx =
let privateSchoolVerbEx =
//Here there be dragons:
let newInst (x: string) =
match (isMatch x k12VerbEx) with
| true -> "K - 12"
| _ -> match (isMatch x twoYearCollegeVerbEx) with
| true -> "2 Year College"
| _ -> match (isMatch x universityVerbEx) with
| true -> "University"
| _ -> match (isMatch x privateSchoolVerbEx) with
| true -> "Private / Charter School"
| _ -> "Other"
I'd like to rewrite the newInst function so that it's no longer the "pyramid of doom. My question is how can I get rid of the pyramid of doom? Can I get rid of it? I have the suspicion that it will be some sort of async workflow or other computational expression, but those are all very new to me.

If you are only matching against booleans, then if ... elif is sufficient:
let newInst (x: string) =
if isMatch x k12VerbEx then
"K - 12"
elif isMatch x twoYearCollegeVerbEx then
"2 Year College"
elif isMatch x universityVerbEx then
elif isMatch x privateSchoolVerbEx then
"Private / Charter School"
A more flexible possibility would be to create an active pattern:
let (|IsMatch|_|) f x =
if isMatch x f then Some () else None
let newInst (x: string) =
match x with
| IsMatch k12VerbEx -> "K - 12"
| IsMatch twoYearCollegeVerbEx -> "2 Year College"
| IsMatch universityVerbEx -> "University"
| IsMatch privateSchoolVerbEx -> "Private / Charter School"
| _ -> "Other"

When there is sequential repetition of exactly the same form of code, I prefer to use a data-driven approach instead:
let verbExStrings =
(k12VerbEx, "K - 12")
(twoYearCollegeVerbEx, "2 Year College")
(universityVerbEx, "University")
(privateSchoolVerbEx, "Private / Charter School")
let newInst x =
|> List.tryPick (fun (verbEx, string) -> if isMatch x verbEx then Some string else None)
|> function Some x -> x | _ -> "Other"
An advantage of this approach is that the raw data (verbExStrings) can come in handy in other places and is not tied to your code implementation.


string representation of F# function signature

When I'm working in the F# REPL fsharpi whenever I enter a new function the signature is printed after I've entered them:
> let foo x = x;;
val foo : x:'a -> 'a
Is there a way to retrieve this as a string? The reason I'm asking is that I'm using IfSharp for Jupyter notebooks which doesn't display the signatures, but I'd like to be able to show the types of functions for demonstration purposes.
I've messed around a bit but can't get anything useful, I've tried:
let foo x = (x, x)
printfn "%A" (foo.GetType())
printfn "%A" foo
But this isn't quite what I need:
Is it possible to access this at all?
AFAIK, there's no function in FSharp.Core for getting a type's string representation as it would appear to the compiler (though maybe there's something in FSharp.Compiler.Services -- I haven't checked). Here's a small function that works for most simple uses:
open System
let (|TFunc|_|) (typ: Type) =
if typ.IsGenericType && typ.GetGenericTypeDefinition () = typeof<int->int>.GetGenericTypeDefinition () then
match typ.GetGenericArguments() with
| [|targ1; targ2|] -> Some (targ1, targ2)
| _ -> None
let rec typeStr (typ: Type) =
match typ with
| TFunc (TFunc(_, _) as tfunc, t) -> sprintf "(%s) -> %s" (typeStr tfunc) (typeStr t)
| TFunc (t1, t2) -> sprintf "%s -> %s" (typeStr t1) (typeStr t2)
| typ when typ = typeof<int> -> "int"
| typ when typ = typeof<string> -> "string"
| typ when typ.IsGenericParameter -> sprintf "'%s" (string typ)
| typ -> string typ
typeStr typeof<(string -> (string -> int) -> int) -> int>
// val it: string = "string -> (string -> int) -> int"
typeStr (typeof<int->int>.GetGenericTypeDefinition())
// val it: string = "'T -> 'TResult"
You can easily write a function on top of this to use typeStr on a value's type:
let valTypeString x = typStr (x.GetType ())
You can analyze types representing F# functions, with the help of the Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection namespace. There is the caveat that generic function arguments default to System.Object, and that other F# types which may form incomplete patterns (e.g. union cases, records) are not included.
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let funString o =
let rec loop nested t =
if FSharpType.IsTuple t then
FSharpType.GetTupleElements t
|> (loop true)
|> String.concat " * "
elif FSharpType.IsFunction t then
let fs = if nested then sprintf "(%s -> %s)" else sprintf "%s -> %s"
let domain, range = FSharpType.GetFunctionElements t
fs (loop true domain) (loop false range)
loop false (o.GetType())
let foo x = x
funString foo
// val it : string = "System.Object -> System.Object"

Why isn't pattern matching on an assigned value recognized [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why doesn't pattern matching on a property of a record compile?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Why isn't pattern matching on an assigned value recognized
I receive a warning when I attempt to pattern match on the value called target:
let ``set center cell to alive``() =
// Setup
let target = (2,2)
let grid = createGrid 9 |> (fun k v ->
match k with
| target -> { v with Status=Alive }
| _ -> v)
// Test
let center = grid |> getStatus (2,2)
// Verify
center |> should equal Alive
The warning points to:
| target -> { v with Status=Alive }
| _ -> v)
Specifically on:
| _ -> v)
The warning is:
This rule will never be reached.
Which forces me to not use target and instead hard-code the value in order to resolve the warning:
let ``set center cell to alive``() =
// Setup
let grid = createGrid 9 |> (fun k v ->
match k with
| (2,2) -> { v with Status=Alive }
| _ -> v)
// Test
let center = grid |> getStatus (2,2)
// Verify
center |> should equal Alive
Can someone explain why I can't do this?
Full code:
type Status = Alive | Dead
type Cell = { X:int; Y:int; Status:Status }
let isNeighbor cell1 cell2 =
let isAbsNeighbor v1 v2 =
match abs (v1 - v2) with
| 0 | 1 -> true
| _ -> false
let isValueNeighbor v1 v2 =
match v1 >= 0
&& v2 >= 0 with
| true -> isAbsNeighbor v1 v2
| _ -> isAbsNeighbor v2 v1
match cell1.X <> cell2.X
|| cell1.Y <> cell2.Y with
| true -> isValueNeighbor cell1.X cell2.X
&& isValueNeighbor cell1.Y cell2.Y
| _ -> false
let createGrid rowCount =
[for x in 1..rowCount do
for y in 1..rowCount do
yield { X=x; Y=y; Status=Dead } ]
|> (fun c -> (c.X, c.Y), { X=c.X; Y=c.Y; Status=Dead })
|> Map.ofList
let getStatus coordinate (grid:Map<(int * int), Cell>) =
match grid.TryFind coordinate with
| Some cell -> cell.Status
| None -> Dead
In a match expression, the rule
match k with
| target -> { v with Status=Alive }
unconditionally matches and binds k to a name target which shadows the existing definition. This means the following clause will never be reached. You can use a conditional match:
match k with
| t when t = target -> { v with Status = Alive }
| _ -> v
According to Pattern Matching your target is a variable pattern, so it shadows the original target value.
Pattern matching is useful for destructuring the matched object, for a simple test plain if-else is preferrable (in my opinion).
A use-case for pattern matching would be if you want to test several cases. Instead of a when guard you could then also use active patterns:
let (|Eq|_|) expected actual =
if expected = actual then Some()
else None
let target = (2,2)
let attempt = (3,2)
match attempt with
| Eq target -> Some "Bulls eye"
| (2, _) -> Some "Almost"
| t when fst t > 20 -> Some "Quite the contrary"
| _ -> None

Pattern matching numeric strings

I have a function that pattern matches its argument, which is a string:
let processLexime lexime
match lexime with
| "abc" -> ...
| "bar" -> ...
| "cat" -> ...
| _ -> ...
This works as expected. However, I'm now trying to extend this by expressing "match a string containing only the following characters". In my specific example, I want anything containing only digits to be matched.
My question is, how can I express this in F#? I'd prefer to do this without any libraries such as FParsec, since I'm mainly doing this for learning purposes.
You can use active patterns:
let (|Integer|_|) (str: string) =
let mutable intvalue = 0
if System.Int32.TryParse(str, &intvalue) then Some(intvalue)
else None
let parseNumeric str =
match str with
| Integer i -> printfn "%d : Integer" i
| _ -> printfn "%s : Not matched." str
One way would be an active pattern
let (|Digits|_|) (s:string) =
s.ToCharArray() |> Array.forall (fun c -> System.Char.IsDigit(c)) |> function |true -> Some(s) |false -> None
then you can do
match "1" with
|Digits(t) -> printf "matched"
I would use regular expressions combined with active patterns. With regular expressions you can easily match digits with \d and active patterns makes the syntax nice inside your match.
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|ParseRegex|_|) regex str =
let m = Regex("^"+regex+"$").Match(str)
if (m.Success) then Some true else None
let Printmatch s =
match s with
| ParseRegex "w+" d -> printfn "only w"
| ParseRegex "(w+|s+)+" d -> printfn "only w and s"
| ParseRegex "\d+" d -> printfn "only digis"
|_ -> printfn "wrong"
let main argv =
Printmatch "www"
Printmatch "ssswwswwws"
Printmatch "134554"
Printmatch "1dwd3ddwwd"
which prints
only w
only w and s
only digis

How to write a startsWith list function using an Active Pattern instead of when guard?

I need to check if a list starts with another, shorter list. The function, when using when guards is trivial:
let rec startsWith l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ | _, [] -> true
| x::xs, y::ys when x = y -> startsWith xs ys
| _ -> false
let lst1 = [ 1; 2; 1 ]
let lst2 = [ 1; 2; 1; 2; 3; ]
let lst3 = [ 1; 3; 1; 2; 3; ]
let c1 = startsWith lst1 lst2 // true
let c2 = startsWith lst1 lst3 // false
But whatever I tried along the lines of an Active Pattern:
let (|HeadsMatch|) (l1 : ('a) list) (l2 : ('a) list) =
if l1.Head = l2.Head then Some(l1.Tail, l2.Tail) else None
let rec startsWith l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ | _, [] -> true
| HeadsMatch /* need to capture the result */ -> startsWith t1 t2
| _ -> false
I could not make to compile. How to make a version of this function using Active pattern? And if this is not possible, can you explain why?
P.S. Any other nice ways to write the above function?
EDIT: I took the snippet from Daniel's answer to not distract from the real question.
EDIT: My problems started in the beginning. I have defined the active pattern function as
let (|HeadsMatch|_|) lst1 lst2 =
but it should have been
let (|HeadsMatch|_|) (lst1, lst2) =
In which case it would match as in the accepted answer.
I suppose the nicest way might be
let startsWith = Seq.forall2 (=)
If you want to write it from scratch, you need to match on both lists:
let rec startsWith l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ | _, [] -> true
| x::xs, y::ys when x = y -> startsWith xs ys
| _ -> false
If you want to write it with an active pattern for learning purposes, using Tarmil's definition it would be
let rec startsWith l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ | _, [] -> true
| HeadsMatch(xs, ys) -> startsWith xs ys
| _ -> false
There are two errors in the definition of your active pattern:
It's a partial active pattern (since it is possible that it doesn't match) so the syntax is (|HeadsMatch|_|).
You need to take the two lists as a pair, since you want to match lst1, lst2.
With these, the code will compile. But it will throw an exception at runtime, because you use .Head and .Tail on lists when you don't know if they have any element; you're not defining the behavior if one of the lists is empty.
Here is an idiomatic implementation of HeadsMatch:
let (|HeadsMatch|_|) (lst1, lst2) =
match (lst1, lst2) with
| (x :: xs, y :: ys) when x = y -> Some (xs, ys)
| _ -> None
Without guard:
let (|HeadsMatch|_|) (lst1, lst2) =
match (lst1, lst2) with
| (x :: xs, y :: ys) ->
if x = y then Some (xs, ys) else None
| _ -> None
As a side-note, your first implementation has the same problem. The following will throw a runtime exception:
startsWith [1;2] [1]
because you don't check that lst2 is not empty before using .Head and .Tail on it. In general, you should avoid these two methods almost all the time.

F# Map Trouble

I am having trouble groking F#'s Map class. I created a simple, naive lambda calculus evaluation function,
type Name = string
type Term =
| Var of Name
| Lit of int
| App of Term * Term
| Lam of Name * Term
let rec lookup(v, e) =
match e with
| (v1, t)::tl -> if v1 = v then t else lookup(v, tl)
| [] -> failwith "unknown variable %s" v
let rec eval(x, e) =
match x with
| Var x -> lookup(x, e)
| Lit x -> Lit x
| App (Lam(v, f), t2) -> eval(f, ((v, t2)::e))
| _ -> failwith "Invalid"
The obvious optimization to this is to change the list to a Map so I came up with,
let rec eval2(x, e: Map<Name,Term>) =
match x with
| Var v -> e.[v]
| Lit l -> x
| App (Lam (v, f), t) -> eval2(f, e.Add(v, t))
| _ -> failwith "Invalid term"
Given the values,
let ident = Lam ("x", Var "x")
let prog = App (ident, Lit 3)
why does,
let x = eval(prog, [])
succeed but,
let x2 = eval2(prog, Map [])
throw a key not found exception?
I don't repro this behavior (using F#, it works for me):
type Name = string
type Term =
| Var of Name
| Lit of int
| App of Term * Term
| Lam of Name * Term
let rec eval2(x, e: Map<Name,Term>) =
match x with
| Var v -> e.[v]
| Lit l -> x
| App (Lam (v, f), t) -> eval2(f, e.Add(v, t))
| _ -> failwith "Invalid term"
let ident = Lam ("x", Var "x")
let prog = App (ident, Lit 3)
let x2 = eval2(prog, Map [])
printfn "%A" x2 // Lit 3
